Becoming the Man He was Meant to Be Pt. 01


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When Tyler finally added his goo to Linda's cunt she decided to get in on the action on the floor and give the guys more of a show. She moved over and crouched over Kelly's face and began to feed her partner her dripping cunt. Kelly continued to moan and squirm as she enthusiastically ate her friend's pussy. Linda seldom came with the guys but Kelly's tongue always sent her into orbit. Soon both women were moaning and thrashing around as waves of orgasm overtook them. Bob was soon hard again and stood over Kelly to feed his cock to Linda. After several minutes JJ pushed on Bob's ass to get him out of the way and then mounted Kelly. After Bob had his last orgasm in Linda's mouth, Tony grabbed her and mounted her from the rear while Tyler fucked her face. In was nearly dawn when the foursome dragged themselves out of the house and back to campus. The girls were left exhausted but much wealthier. The guys tipped big that night.

Tony was too keyed up to sleep when he and Tyler returned to their room and fell in bed without bothering to undress.

"Jesus fucking Christ Ty! Does shit like that go on all the time?"

"Well not exactly like that, Dude. Sometimes we have parties like that and Bob always likes the two cocks in the cunt thing. But most of the time I go over there it is just for a quick hundred buck fuck. We did want something special tonight since it was your first visit. Got lucky when those two were the ones available."

"Well it was fucking amazing. Damn, Bob and Johnny are into some wild shit!"

"Dude you don't know the half of the wild shit those dudes will do."

"Fuck if they get wilder than Johnny diving into that sloshing pussy I guess I have a lot more to see. Fuck I couldn't believe the way that whore came. Soaked my fucking balls and then he slurped up that cum mix!"

"Oh fuck yeah, JJ loves his cream pie and Kelly has the creamiest cunt in town. She cums for real too. Not like a lot of them that fake an orgasm to try to make a dude feel all studly."

Tony started to talk more but Tyler cut him off, "Dude, I am beat to shit and got to get a couple hours sleep before the sophomore class meeting."

"Oh cool, sorry. I am going to hit the shower. No since in sleeping now. I have orientation breakfast in less than two hours."

Tony left his roommate snoring and went down the hall toward the showers. He soon realized he wasn't the only one still up. From behind a couple of closed doors he heard the clear sounds of sexual activity. A guy he had met the previous day, Jerry Fitzroy was clearly being ass fucked from the moans and groans escaping into the hallway. Tony knew that Jerry's roommate hadn't arrived yet and wondered who the visitor was. Had he pushed open the unlocked door he would have seen that the visitor was a long, fat, red, jelly dong dildo. Jerry had never had the nerve to let a real cock fuck him. Everyone thought that Jerry was completely straight. Back home he had a gay friend that occasionally sucked him. But he never returned the favor or asked for what he really wanted, an ass fucking. All he ever did was watch the guy jerk off after he had fed him his cum. None of the guys at school would even have believed he had gone that far with a guy.

When Tony got to the shower he found it was already occupied. Bob and another guy were in there with their bodies fully lathered up and the room was full of steam. Tony had not met the other guy. He was a tall white kid, with flaming short cropped red hair and beard. The guy's skin was so white one would call him sickly pale if not for the red fur that seemed to cover him from top to bottom. Tony was able to look him over since his eyes were closed to keep the soap from stinging. His cock was rather nondescript peaking from the red bush and his balls were all but obscured by hair. The only really interesting thing about his sex organs to Tony was that he was uncut. It was Bob that noticed Tony first.

"Come to wash the cunt off too?" He asked with a laugh.

"Yeah, something like that," Tony replied with a smile as he pulled off his clothes.

The redhead rinsed his face and opened his eyes upon hearing the voices.

"Hey, you two met?" Bob asked causally as Tony finished undressing and selected a shower head.

"Not so far," Tony replied as the warm spray began to engulf his flesh.

"Well Tony meet, Tim Biedon. Tim is a junior and our hall captain, which is sorta like an RA at other colleges. Tim this is Tony, the new freshman that Doc Stevens thought should hang with the big boys," Bob said cheerfully.

"Nice to know you Tony. I got the word from admin you would be coming this year. I was going to drop by and introduce myself this afternoon but I got tied up. I can certainly see why they thought you belong with the big boys," Tim said extending his hand while obviously staring at Tony's cock.

Tony shook the man's hand and replied, "Nice to meet you, too."

"Now Bob, what is this about washing the cunt off?" Tim asked as he let go of Tony's hand.

"JJ, Tyler and I took Tony over to Prospect for a little initiation."

"Shit, mutha-fucker, you take the new guy and leave out your captain who hasn't had any cunt or otherwise for a couple of weeks!" Tim complained.

"Everyone knows you prefer your right hand. Besides the flaming fucking bush would likely scare all the whores away!" Bob blurted out with a hearty laugh.

"Never seemed to scare you away, brown boy!" Tim taunted. "Why don't you come over here and show me what that whore did for you tonight?"

Tony was astonished that a guy he just met was so openly suggesting guy-on-guy sex. What he didn't know was that JJ had already been talking to Tim about the jack-off session and offering his opinion that Tony would be up for a lot more.

"Fuck, the whores wore my dick completely out. You could suck on it for an hour and not get it hard enough to fuck you the way we did them, bud. How about you Tony, you up for some red haired ass?" Bob shot back.

Tony half mumbled half whispered something about his cock being spent. He wasn't at all sure he was ready for those two to know he was interested in fucking male ass under any circumstances. He quickly tried to recover by adding a strong no thank you. All the sexual innuendo had a very obvious effect on Tim. His cock was now standing proudly pointing to the ceiling with the red bush covering only the base. Tony didn't bother to conceal his obvious interest in the hall captain's changing appearance.

"Shit, if neither of you can offer anything else I guess I will settle for a blow job. Come on you big brown sex god, help a buddy out!" Tim said as he reached down and began stroking his erection as if doing a show for the two guys.

Bob who wasn't sure that Tony was really into the idea of guys helping each other out decided to go for it anyway. He moved next to Tim and went down to his knees. He began fondling the redhead's hairy ball sack as Tim moved his own hand away. The hot water continued to spray onto the tall thin redhead's back and cascade down his body as Bob moved his lips to Tim's cock. Soon Bob was sliding his lips up and down Tim's cock and burying his nose in wet pubic hairs with each pass. Tony watched in fascination as Bob gave the hall captain an expert blow job. Just as he was ready to cum, Tim pulled away and grabbed his cock. He aimed it like a hose causing it to spew the thick contents of his balls all over Bob's face. Tony was nearly mesmerized by the ribbons of thick white cum that shot out of Tim's bouncing dick. Each glob found Bob's face and what he didn't mange to lick up dripped off and fell to the tile floor. The big man didn't flinch or try to move, remaining on his knees until Tim was finished spraying him.

"Fuck, thanks! That was great, I really needed a good cock suck and face blow, man!" Tim exclaimed as Bob stood up.

"No problem, buddy," Bob said as he turned his face into the flowing water and washed away the last remnants of Tim's cum.

Tim turned toward Tony with a wicked grin and asked, "Enjoy the show there, newbie?"

Even if he hadn't wanted to admit that he had enjoyed watching his semi-erect condition and fixed gaze would have given him away.

"Yeah sure it was hot," He answered rather more nonchalantly then he felt.

"Damn, guy, I thank maybe Bobby-boy ought to do a little job for you too," Tim added snidely as he reached over and patted Bob's ass.

"Nah, I think my dick has had enough attention for a little while. Besides I can't be late for orientation breakfast," Tony answered quickly, not really wanting to be part of a show and more than a little worried some of the other guys might be up soon.

"Ok, can't have any of my boys standing post," Tim said as he moved next to Tony.

Without another word he reached out and cupped Tony's balls with one hand and took hold of Tony's cock with the other.

"Nice, set!" He practically cooed as he fondled Tony for a moment.

Not wishing to concede the upper hand in any relationship Tony returned the gesture and the compliment before exiting the shower. Bob almost pissed himself he was laughing so hard as he watched Tony's ass retreat into the towel room. That was the first time he had ever seen anyone take the upper the hand with Tim. The redhead wasn't really a Dom but he liked to call the shots. When it came to anal he was more bottom than anything, but he wanted to tell the other guy to fuck him. Orally, he was happy to suck cock when it was his idea, but mostly he loved to get a guy or girl on their knees and spray them in the face as the ending. One thing about Tim he always came by the cupful. Since Bob loved bending El Capitan over and plowing his fur covered lily white ass he was happy to take a face full in exchange when Tim was in the mood.

As he had promised, Tony found Brian and sat with him for breakfast. They ended up spending the entire day together. They met many of their fellow freshmen, which Tony thought was a good thing. Even though he was going to be living with and likely fucking the upperclassmen he was going to be spending a lot of time in class and such with freshman. In addition, he knew his older friends on campus would all be finished school a year or more before him. If he only hung with them by the time he was a senior he would be friendless again. There was also some sort of an attraction to Brian that Tony couldn't quite put his finger on. He thought Brian was cute in a different kind of way. There was something about his softness and especially enticing was his rounded ass cheeks. More than once when walking with Brian that day, Tony had a fleeting thought of what it would be like to slip his cock between the guys ample round buttocks.

Serena didn't have much in the trunk. Not that she was unnaturally thin, but she had what Tony thought of as a pear shaped ass with little padding. Brian's was more of an apple. So far except for Tim the guys Tony had seen in an intimate setting were rather lacking in fullness of the ass. Even Tim wasn't exactly a bubble butt. But Brian had plenty, at least as far as Tony could tell seeing him with clothes on.

As it turned out the two shared three of their five classes in common. Brian who was having some unexplained feelings of his own was happy to have a reason to see Tony often. He was sure his new friend was just being polite and as soon as he could would be off with his older, good looking friends. The pair ended up together through dinner. When that was over, Brian desperately tried to think of a way to keep the day going. "Um, Tony, I guess you probably got better stuff to do... but I was um wondering if maybe you wanted to come hang out in the freshmen dorm for awhile. I didn't get a room mate yet. He had a death in the family or something and won't be here for a few days. Anyway, there is plenty room to hang there or we could um maybe hang in the lounge and meet some more of the guys in our class. I know you got some friends already..but you know might be good to hang with some guys in your class. Unless we are too young or something," Brian said almost as if the whole statement was one word.

"Damn, relax, take a breath buddy. Sure it would be great to hang out at your dorm. Meet some guys or hang in your room and talk some more and you know you would be welcome to visit in my dorm too sometime."

"Cool, but if it is ok I think I need to maybe get to know those older guys better before I come there."

"Don't be silly. But we will do your dorm tonight."

As the deans had predicted for the most part Tony did find the freshmen boys on the immature side. After meeting a lot of them and dealing with the general horsing around in the public areas of the dorm he quietly suggested that Brian show him his room. Brian was more than happy to be alone with Tony. He was also very nervous. He didn't think Tony was gay or even into fooling around. But if his new friend made any suggestion of sex, Brian was ready to go for it. Tony however, wasn't sure he was ready to expand his group of sex partners yet and was equally unsure of Brian's feelings on gay sex. The two ended up talking for almost two hours. The second hour was mostly spent discussing details of Tony's sex life with Serena at Brian's insistent urging. Of course such stories had the expected effect on the younger man. In such close quarters Brian's aroused condition was impossible to hide. The shorts he wore were very obviously being held up by an impressive tent pole. After a bit Tony could no longer contain his comments.

"Fuck pal, you must be uncomfortable as shit. Your trouser snake is aching to be free. Fuck that must hurt!" He blurted out not thinking how it would embarrass his friend.

"Oh god, shit. I am sorry. It well god your fucking stories are so damn sexy and you know I haven't gotten any pussy in forever," Brian said as his face turned crimson.

"Hey no sweat. Guys our age pop wood all the time. We were made that way; just a bunch of horny bastards. I shouldn't have said anything. Didn't mean to embarrass you or nothing. Fuck your cock is just so big and looks uncomfortable."

"Oh ok. It is kinda smashed. Not the first time though."

"Well go ahead and adjust it or let it out or something."

"In front of you?"

"Yeah why not? We are guys. You do use the shared shower. You must have shown it off to a bunch of guys already?"

"Um, not really. I have been trying to shower when no one else is around or might come in. I tend to get you know hard in the shower. So far I managed to only be in there once when another guy came in. I kept my front to the wall so he didn't see my dick."

Tony tried unsuccessfully to stifle his laugh, "Shit man. You worry too much. I have already seen a few guys pop boners in the shower at my dorm and they are older. I bet all these younger guys are sporting wood at least some of time."

"Geez, wouldn't getting hard with other naked guys around mean you were gay?"

"I don't think so. Just means you are a normal guy."

"Wow, you are so cool. I never really had anyone I could talk to about stuff like this. Like I said my dad is only part-time in my life and he is way too busy mostly anyway. My older brother is a prick and would definitely think I was gay for talking about hard dicks. My mom is completely out of the question. She made it clear awhile ago that she thinks anything about sex is dirty and nasty."

"What about friends back home?"

"Too scary. I don't have many friends and I was always too afraid I would lose them if I ever talked about this kind of stuff."

"Well you can talk to me anytime about any stuff you want."

"Wow, cool. So you really wouldn't mind if I unzipped?"

"You can strip naked if you want."

Brian deep inside wanted to jump up and take all his clothes off, hoping that was exactly what Tony wanted. But instead he just unsnapped his shorts and lowered his zipper. That was a move he hadn't completely thought through. His cock was so hard that it popped right through the fly of his underwear and stood up as if on display. Tony did not make any attempt to avert his eyes or shy away from the display. He hoped he had concealed his surprise upon discovering that the immature looking 18 year-old had a very mature looking cock.

"Oh shit," Brian said as he covered his exposed tool with his hands.

"Brian it is ok. Tell you what I have an idea. Why don't you take your clothes off and lie on your bed. I will tell you another story about Serena. You can jerk off and get relaxed while I tell the story."

"Huh, are you serious or are you just making a joke? Is it ok to do stuff like that?"

"I am not joking, just thought I could help out a friend. As for ok, well anything is ok as long as it is something all involved want to do. You never jerked off with a friend?"

Tony didn't bother to analyze how quick he had gone from the naive one learning about jerking off with a pal to teacher.

"No something else I was too scared to try. But the honest truth is I did secretly watch my brother do it a couple of times."

"That's cool and you know those guys you were scared to suggest it to, probably were feeling the same way and never said anything. So what ya say?"

Brian didn't say anything. He just stood up and stripped off his clothes while Tony watched. Tony almost gasped when he saw his friend fully naked for the first time. His upper and lower body where in complete contrast; his large cock and big balls were covered in thick hair while his face and chest were as smooth as a little boy. Brian liked the feeling of being looked at by Tony and just stood there for a minute before he moved to his bed. There was something about the softness and even the extra padding of Brian's body that turned Tony on. As the naked young man moved to lie down on his bed Tony got a brief glimpse of his bare ass. It was just as round and even more enticing then it was when Tony watched him walk earlier. He briefly considered telling Brian that he wanted to fuck him, but dismissed the thought. Two things stopped him from demanding what he wanted from the young naked guy. First, he thought he might totally freak out the practically virgin kid. Second, he was still recovering from the previous night's debauchery.

As he lay down Brian innocently asked, "Are you going to take your clothes off too Tony?"

Tony considered the question for a couple of seconds. It almost certainly meant that Brian was at least curious about sex with guys. Also, he knew that if he did get naked with Brian, the kid would have to give him sex. He was not one to be denied and in the event Brian became reluctant, Tony was not ready to commit his first rape.

"Not this time, kid. I think I will just tell the story and watch," Tony replied in a way that made in clear there would be no argument.

Brian felt a tingling along his spine. He was exhilarated over knowing that not only did his new handsome friend want to see him naked but also wanted to watch him play with his cock. As Tony sat on the absent roommate's bed looking on and telling his tale, Brian slowly stroked his twitching cock and fondled his balls.

Tony had chosen to tell about his first threesome. For a special nineteenth birthday celebration, he had asked Serena to find another woman to join them in bed. Serena got another whore she was friends with to take the job. Jillian was a high class prostitute with rather exclusive and wealthy clients whom she saw regularly. Serena offered her double her usual night's fee to make an exception to her no new customers policy. Tony of course would have happily paid the five-thousand dollar fee but Serena wanted to make it a present. She was already in love with her master and boss though she never dared speak such thoughts. She was a whore and knew that whores shouldn't fall in love with clients. The night started with the two ladies putting on a show for Tony. They did a sexy dual strip and then pleasured each other lustfully for his entertainment. He of course fucked them both in various ways. Though it pleased her to please her master, Serena was sad inside when she was made to watch as her lover fucked another woman. At one point he even made her lick his balls while he fucked Jillian doggie-style.
