Carpool Problems


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"You're cheerful this morning," I replied with a smile. "That's good to see."

"It is, isn't it?" she asked. I backed out and started towards work, quickly transitioning from the city streets to the highway. "So I talked to my friend Tabitha last night."


"Uh huh. She wanted to meet you before, but now she REALLY wants to meet you," she said with a soft girlish giggle.

"You didn't tell her what we did, did you?"

"Well. Not ALL the details. Okay. ALL the details. But before you say anything, I couldn't NOT tell her. I mean the whole vibrator thing was her idea. She said the first time she teased her husband like that she couldn't keep him from screwing her."

"So it was her idea. To tease me? To what end?"

"To the end we had of course," she said softly. "It was something I needed. Something I had to do, for me. Don't worry. Your wife can't possibly find out unless you spill the beans."

"I hope that's the case," I answered her honestly.

"Anyway, she REALLY wants to meet you."

"This, uh, Tabitha. That the same one that you told me about a month or so ago?"

"The one with the big tits? Uh huh," she laughed. "Will you agree to meet her if she'll get naked?"

"Oh lord. I don't need that."

"You sure? I mean she is pretty hot looking. Even hotter than me," she said as she started looking something up on her phone. "She sent me this picture for you."

"That's fine. I don't need to..." I started to say before she held her cell phone out for me to see a picture of a woman in almost nothing, not quite nothing, but almost, filling the screen. "Oh boy," I said quickly, the dark areola and rock hard nipples showing through the saturated cut off t-shirt she was wearing. The only other thing she was wearing was an equally wet and translucent white bikini panty and white high heels.

"See. She is good looking," she said. "And she LOVES to fuck. Especially older guys."

"You're not really going to pimp me out to your friends, are you?"

"No," she said with a laugh. "Just wanted to see your reaction. Too bad though, she really would like to meet you."

"I'm sure she would," I answered, shaking my head.

She reached over and grabbed the bulge in my slacks. "I'd say you do too. At least your body does," she said with that girlish giggle of hers. She continued to tease me most of the way to work, trying to convince me to meet her friend, with me refusing each time.

I was glad when we got to work, and I didn't have to think about that picture any longer. She chuckled as I adjusted my cock in my pants before climbing out of the car, but there was no way I could walk into work with my cock bent and bulging my pants out that way. We separated at the main door, me heading to the elevator and her heading towards her office.

When I got up to my office floor I walked in through the reception area and then past the other desks toward my office. Darlene was the only one in as I walked past, the other desks still empty. Not an unusual situation, since I tended to come in a bit early to get some quiet time to get work done.

"Good morning David," Darlene said as she walked into my office. She had on a short red dress, shorter than the day before for sure. The dress fit her curves very nicely, flowing over her hips and up her slim stomach before flowing out and around her rather ample chest. Much of her chocolate cleavage was on display as the red dress dipped deeply from the narrow shoulder straps down her front. As she walked intentionally slow towards my desk, I could see her breasts bounce slightly with each step. As my eyes were drawn towards her bouncing breasts, I couldn't help but notice that nearly half of her dark areola on each breast showed above the dress top. She set the folder on the corner of my desk and then leaned forward, resting her hands on the edge of my desk. She pressed her arms together slightly, the motion squeezing her breasts and forcing more of them out of the deep V of red material. Both nipples and her entire areola were quickly exposed as she watched my face. "Oops," she said, clearly squeezing her arms even more tightly, forcing both her breasts to slip free of the material and hang down in front of her like two huge teardrops.

I sat and stared for long seconds before she straightened up. She glanced quickly towards the door and then looked back at me, walking the few steps around the desk with her tits hanging out. She stepped sideways past my desk, standing next to me with her back to the door, her big soft tits swaying slightly. "I'm sorry," she said softly. "This dress sometimes does that."

"Uh huh," I answered as I looked down at her hands, which were slowly pulling the front of her skirt up. She lifted the hem until I could see the tiny red lace panties she had on. Lace wasn't quite the right term. The panties were practically see-through , allowing me to see her dark pussy lips and the significant amount of inner labia protruding. I stared for long seconds before I finally was able to speak.

"You know. The company has very strong sexual harassment rules."

"I know. Good thing, isn't it?"

"Huh?" I asked in surprise.

"Well. With as stringent as the rules are, no one would even consider harassing someone sexually, would they?"

"Uh...No," I agreed, not at all following her train of thought.

"You know. Something was poking me while I was sitting in my seat out there and I just can't get any work done that way. I can't see anything, but would you mind taking a feel and see if you can find what it is?"

"You want me to do what?" I practically squeaked.

She leaned toward me, gently taking my hand and pulling it toward her as she straightened back up. She pulled my hand to her crotch and moved my hand to stroke my fingers across her panty covered crotch. "Something is poking me. Can you feel it?"

"Uhhhhh," I said stupidly as I let her use my fingers to stroke her pussy.

"See. Right there," said, rubbing the tips of my fingers in one particular place. "Can you feel that?"

"Actually I can," I agreed, realizing that I did in fact feel something pokey right there.

"Can you see what it is?" she asked, moving her right leg to lift it and step it across me so it was resting on my left leg, her pussy now practically in front of me. "Don't be bashful. It's okay," she said quietly. "You can just pull it away if you need to."

I looked up at her face, stopping at her rock hard nipples for a moment before looking back down at her crotch. I used both hands to pull the nearly see-through red material down from her crotch, the tiny little strings pulling down her hips and thighs as I did. "There's a little plastic thing," I said as I saw what looked like the end of a plastic price tag holder stuck in the material. I worked the little plastic T out of the panty crotch without ripping the delicate material, and held it out for her.

She reached for it and took it from my fingers. She set it down on the edge of my desk and then reached for my hand again, pulling it back to her still bare crotch. "Better make sure that's all of it," she said a little huskily as she coaxed my hand to stroke her wet pussy lips. My fingers easily slid over and then between her flowery exposed inner labia, my cock growing rock hard in my pants as I softly teased her pussy. "I guess I better put these back in place," she said quietly, moving her hands to the tiny strings of her panties. "Unless you want to do it."

"Do what?" I asked quickly, my brain jumping to another form of 'do it'.

""Fix my panties?" she practically whispered. "Unless you'd rather just take them all the way off."

"I..uh...I probably shouldn't do that," I answered as I moved my hand from her pussy to the strings of the almost thong panty. I pulled the strings up her thighs and hips, settling them against her skin when the see-through material was snugly against her pussy. I let go and pulled my hands back away from her.

She let the hem of the skirt fall back into place, covering her pussy before reaching for my hands again. "I could use a hand up here too," she whispered, pulling both my hands toward her tits. She pressed my hands to her soft breasts, her hard nipples poking into my palms. "If you wouldn't mind."

"Uh. No. Sure I mean," I answered awkwardly as she leaned towards me. She pulled the two sides of the stretchy top of the dress out and towards each other, covering her breasts and my hands at the same time. I gently slipped my hands out from between her bare skin and the dress top, my fingers stroking across her hard nipples as I did so.

"Ooooooooo," she said softly with a little shudder. "They're a little sensitive after you fixing my panties. In a good way though."

"Glad I could help," I answered as she leaned over and grasped my hardon through my slacks.

"Let me know if there's anything I can do to return the favor," she said with a grin, before letting go of me and turning to walk away. I watched her butt swing side to side with each step, the hem of the skirt not all that far below the curve of her full round cheeks. My mind quickly wondered how she managed to get that short skirt to cover her when she sat down. I watched her walk all the way to her desk, having to lean to my left quite a ways to watch her pull her chair out and sit down. The answer Her bare bottom was sitting on the chair. Lucky chair!

At least half a dozen times during the day Darlene came into my office to drop off papers or just flaunt her sexy body. Each time she made sure at least one nipple was showing, and if she thought she could get away with it, her whole breast. Finally, about mid afternoon I decided I had to do something. "Darlene. Close the door please," I said softly as she stood in front of my desk with both breasts exposed.

With a grin she walked to the door, not bothering to even tuck her breasts away. She closed the glass office door and turned to face me. My office was semi private, meaning that the front wall was frosted glass with a frosted glass door. You could see that people were in my office, but not any detail. It gave me the privacy needed for some of the conferences I had to have. With the door closed she was even less inhibited, pulling the straps of the red dress off her shoulders, letting the dress fall down to her waist, completely exposing her chest. With a grin she walked to one of the chairs against the wall and pulled it over to the side of my desk and sat down. She lifted one leg and rested it on the edge of my desk so that her spread legs let me look up under the short little dress, as if it was really hiding all that much to start with.

"Darlene. We need to talk," I said, pushing back from my desk to swivel and face her.

"Actually, we need to fuck," she said softly. "I don't know about you, but I'm so fucking horny that I'd let you take me right here any way you want."

"Damn. Darlene. You work for me. I can't be caught having an affair with one of my employees."

"Technically, I work for the company. You're just my supervisor," she said with a grin, as if that somehow made it all better.

"No. You work for me. I'm responsible for your evaluations. But that's not the point. The point is we can't be doing this."

"Why not? You fucked that cute little thing downstairs, didn't you?"

"I didn't say I did," I protested.

She grinned. "Now I know you did. Was she good? I know she was teasing the shit out of you. If I were a guy, I wouldn't have said no."

"Darlene," I said, rubbing my face. "We're both married. This is just wrong on so many levels."

"It's okay. My husband won't find out. And if he did, I don't think he'd really care."

"My wife sure as hell would care," I responded with a frown.

"Given how big you feel, I'm sure she'd prefer to keep it for herself. But then she doesn't use it, does she?"

"Huh? What do you...why would you say that?"

She got up from the chair and pushed the dress down, stretching the fabric so it pushed over her hips and then slid easily down her legs. She pushed the tiny panty off so all she had on were her high heels. She pushed my chair back and stepped across me, sitting naked on my lap, one leg on either side of me. "I've watched you for the last three years checking out my body every time you walked by. You thought you were being sly, and I didn't notice, but I knew what was making you hard. I've seen that look before. The hungry wolf look. A wolf that isn't getting what he needs at home. A wolf that would really like to peel the dress off me and taste me in all the right places. Tell me that isn't what you've been thinking about, fantasizing about? Tell me you don't go home at night and think about my dark pussy being wrapped around your hard fat shaft."

"Oh fuck," I groaned.

"Uh huh. You do, don't you. Well, here's your chance," she said softly, reaching down between her legs to start undoing my belt. "You wanna feel me around you. Then now's the time. I'm more than ready and yes, I did lock the door."

"Darlene... We shouldn't be doing this."

"I know," she said with a soft chuckle, her fingers undoing the fly of my pants. She reached into my briefs and worked my rock hard cock up and out so it was pointing straight up at her. She lifted herself up and stepped a little closer to me, aiming my cock at her wet pussy. "Ohhhhh yeah," she moaned softly as I slipped into her wet vagina and she sank down on me. I felt her bare ass press against my legs and then she started to lift and lower herself, slowly stroking herself up and down my cock. My hands seemed to have a mind of their own as they reached up to cup both of her soft orbs, squeezing one into a cone and aiming it for my mouth. "That's it honey. Suck my nipples," she moaned as I swirled my tongue around her hard dark nub.

Up and down she slid on my cock, pushing me quickly towards the inevitable. She'd been teasing the shit out of me all day and now she was going to get the reward. She grinned at me as she bounced up and down a little harder, my slacks muting the slap of her ass against my legs. "Ohhh fuck yes," she groaned softly, continuing to bounce on me, each drop down seeming to be slightly harder. I could feel her tits bounce in my hands as she slammed herself down on me stroke after stroke. "I'm going to come," she whispered. "Your fat sexy cock is going to make me come without me even having to touch my clit."

"Mmmm Hmmmm!" I grunted around her tit as my own climax rushed at me full throttle. I tried to hold back, but my body finally had its limit. I pulled her tit from my mouth and leaned back as my body jerked, trying to stuff my cock up into her. I groaned from deep within me as a massive surge of cum rushed up my cock and pushed deep into her.

"Fuuuuuuck!" she groaned softly as her whole body stiffened on my lap. She sat on me while my body jerked and pumped shot after shot of cum into her, little shudders and trembles racing up and down her body. We both started to relax at the same time, her firm body sagging against me, pushing her big soft tits into my face while I panted for breath, my cock still periodically twitching inside her. "Now that was worth teasing you all day for," she whispered, leaning her face down to kiss my ear. "I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did."

"I have to agree. It felt fantastic. But we still shouldn't be doing this."

She pushed herself straight up and rolled her eyes. "Even after that you still wanna say we shouldn't?"

"We shouldn't. But it was damn good. And before you ask, yes I did enjoy the teases all day."

She smiled back at me. "I'm glad." With a sigh she pushed herself up off my lap, slipping a hand down between her legs to capture the cum that was bound to leak from her. She stepped back off of me and looked around for where her panties had fallen. "I doubt these will hold all this in," she said as she picked up the panties. She held then out to me. "Give me a hand?"

"Sure," I answered, taking the panties from her and holding them out for her to step into. I pulled them up her legs and she moved her cum covered hand to pull them up snug to her pussy. She looked around and for something to wipe her hand on and then, with a devious little look, licked our cum off her palm and fingers. She knelt down next to me and reached for my softening cock.

"Don't want the missus to find pussy juice on your cock, now do we?" she asked as she lowered her face to my lap. She sucked my softening cock into her mouth and teased it with her tongue, cleaning off our cum from it, and all around my balls. Finally clean, she helped me pull my briefs and pants into place before standing up. She stepped into the dress and wiggled it up her body before finally settling her breasts back into the snug material. "You know. My husband bought this for me to wear on our anniversary a couple years ago. I wonder what he'd think if he knew how I was using it now?"

"Isn't he going to know when you get home?"

"Not today. He's on the road traveling. No," she sighed, "he won't even know it came out of the closet, let alone that I wore it for another appreciative man."

"So this will be a one time thing...Please?"

"Sure. One time. Until it's not." she said with a grin before turning to walk to the office door.

Darlene got up and walked next to me as I headed out for the day. "Nice day, wasn't it?" she asked as we waited for the elevator.

"Uh huh," I agreed.

"You aren't upset about today, are you?"

I sighed. "No."

"Good," she answered softly as the car doors started to open. We stepped in, stepping to the rear of the car behind several other people that were already in the car. I felt her reach for my hand without looking down, pulling it over behind her and under her skirt, pressing my palm against her bare ass cheek. We rode down to the main floor with my hand pressed against her ass, a little smile on her lips. When the doors opened, everyone in front of us walked out and Darlene stepped away and followed them out as if nothing had happened. I darted out of the car as the doors were just starting to close, after having stood there in shock for several seconds.

I watched her walk past Julie, who was waiting by the doors. I saw her look at Darlene and then back at me with raised eyebrows. I had a feeling that my whole life just got a whole lot more complicated!

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DesertRat8080DesertRat8080over 1 year ago

In all my years working I never had secretaries like these.

BufoAmericanusBufoAmericanusabout 3 years ago

Thanks for the creative and well written story!

oldsage_1oldsage_1almost 4 years ago

Hot story! Made me think about what might have been over the years if only. Oh well that’s what fantasy is all about. Ignore the naysayers this is your fantasy If they want to submit something and let others take potshots great. I’ll probably read it just to see how another twisted mind thinks.

Five stars and I agree this has sequel plastered all over it like a pair of soaked panties!



AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

I like the story. But I don’t agree with the fact that Julie still loves a low life piece of trash after basically whoring her out to his friend. The fuck tells her she’ll walk home naked if she doesn’t give the other guy a blowjob. That isn’t love. Get rid of the husband. Let her continue her affair with David. Then an inter-office fling one day after he has sex with Julie? I’m not buying it. And David just voicing the fact that EVERYTHING is inappropriate while he’s actively participating? You can do better.

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