Chaste Challenge


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The guys tried to be polite, but after a while Greta broke the barrier. "Diane, you look amazing. How do you do it?

As if given permission, the guys all looked hungrily at the woman with the most skin showing. She smiled at her guests and said, "It wasn't easy, but I decided a year ago that I was going to reclaim the body I had in college. Well, it's close, with a little stretching here and there. I just kept with it and actually looked forward to having my personal trainer show up and get my heart rate going."

She looked at the smiles on the women, the open mouths of the two male guests, and her husband's hurt look. "Of course, she wasn't very interactive, stuck in my computer like she was, but she could really give a virtual kick in the ass if I wasn't keeping up." Everybody laughed, especially seeing how she had led them on, but the men were all hooked on their own image of a woman's foot kicking what they felt had to be a really hot ass pressed down on her pool chair.

Just to put a period on that discussion, Diane finished her beer and set down the bottle. "I'm going in. You're welcome to jump in or stay here. No pressure." She stood, sort of ran toward the pool, and spun around as she dropped over the edge so she hit the water on her back, creating a large splash. Muriel ran over to join her, while Greta stayed, trying her luck flirting with the guys.

After a bit of swimming, they grabbed pool noodles and floated in the deeper water. Muriel looked to see if they were out of range of easy hearing, then floated over to her friend. "How did he handle it when you told him? I was afraid he might freak out and I don't want to be the bad guy who comes between you two."

Diane leaned back, letting her breasts break the surface and moved a little closer. "Muriel, we're handling it, ok? I've got things under control for now and we'll see what happens from here. He was quite embarrassed by the whole thing." She saw him looking, probably wondering what she was telling Muriel, so she motioned for him to join them.

His hesitancy was noticed by the other guys and soon, Roddy on one side and Art on the other, they were carrying Jonathan to the pool. Worried about banging his head, they set him down and pushed him in rather than trying to throw him. He swam right over to his wife and grabbed her noodle, facing her so when their bodies were down in the water they brushed together.

She leaned forward so she could whisper into his ear. "Honey, I didn't tell her. You need to relax. Come on, trust me."

Somebody started throwing foam balls around and soon it was a three-way battle. Diane and Jon took the deep end, since they were the most athletic. It was all for fun anyway. It was fun until Roddy dove into the pool and, moving like a torpedo, went directly to Diane, giving her bottoms a downward tug. As soon as the top of her bush came into view, he knew he had gone too far and came up apologizing almost before his mouth was clear of the surface.

Muriel swam over to berate her husband and also to protect him from a suddenly upset Diane. As she moved in next to her husband, her knee bumped something hard in front of Jonathan. Muriel and Jonathan froze, Diane noticed it, and looked at her husband. He had a shocked look on his face. Muriel had a matching look.

"Guys, I'm fine, it isn't going to happen again, is it?" She had Muriel by the shoulder, pulling her toward a ladder. "Excuse us, but I have a lady problem and I need Muriel to help me."

Roddy watched confused as they climbed out of the pool. Jonathan was grateful that his wife was once again protecting him, but he knew Muriel would tell at some point. He wondered how long Diane could keep this under control.

Muriel followed as well as she could, mostly pulled along until they reached the kitchen. Diane turned her to they looked eye to eye. "I could see by your look that something happened. Talk to me, girlfriend."

Muriel looked for the right words. "I was swimming up to Roddy and my knee bumped, it was an accident, I didn't mean to, but I bumped Jon and there was something hard where I expected, you know, it should have been soft. What's going on?"

Diane stepped back and looked to make sure they were alone. "Muriel, I told you, we're dealing with it. I made a challenge and won, and that hardness is most of his penalty for trying to go around behind my back. You can't tell anybody. I promised him I'd keep it between us."

There was an awkward silence. "So what is it?"

Diane took a deep breath. "It's a cock cage. You know, a cage. Oh my god, you don't know. Ok, it's a metal cage that goes on his little friend so he can't do the manly thing. Don't make me draw a picture, girl. Come on."

Suddenly Muriel's eyes opened wide. "You have him in chastity?"

"Yeah, ok, yes I do. But that's between him and me. Promise me you won't tell anybody. This was an accident and I promised him, just us."

"I have some of my own fantasies," Muriel said, and now it was Diane's eyes that opened wider. "But before I try to force you into them, we'll talk. How about shopping on Friday afternoon?"

They agreed to talk later, and Muriel did a good job of keeping the secret to herself. When Jonathan had to get out of the pool to start the grill, Muriel looked and could see that there was something rigid there. Most people wouldn't look or notice, if they did they would likely just think it was his cock. She looked at Diane and smiled, then raised a beer bottle to her lips, pausing to put a finger across her lips first.

The meal was good, the swim shorts dried, and they went out on a second floor balcony to watch for any fireworks fired into the air. It was after 10 when the guests left and Diane and Jon were left alone to clean up. They agreed to move things into the house and do the actual washing and cleaning up tomorrow.

Jonathan looked at his wife and when their hands were free, he pulled her against him for a kiss. "Thank you for trying to protect me. How did the discussion go?"

She felt, for the first time, the hard metal against her belly. It felt strange, and she didn't feel the sense of power and control she thought it would bring her. "She's keeping quiet for now. I love the girl, and she's wonderful, but she has a habit of talking. I'm sorry you were discovered. I'll take it off if you want."

He laughed. "I would love to have this off, but I agreed and you won, even though you had an advantage in practicing. I'll wear it and hope it works out. Did she give any hints?"

Diane reached behind her back and unhooked her top, letting it fall to the floor. "We're going to go shopping and talk on Friday. Something about she has fantasies." She held her husband, pressing her breasts against him. "Jon, I'm serious. If you want to get out, this wasn't supposed to happen, it was supposed to be our secret. If you want out, you let me know."

"At least it's Muriel," he said. "She's so innocent my biggest fear is that she might slip and tell Roddy. Maybe she has a plan to share on how to avoid that."

His wife looked at him. "Don't underestimate that girl. She's got a sneaky part to her and I'm guessing she's going to try to find some way to leverage this." Diane paused to try to decide how to answer her husband's questioning look. "She didn't tell me about your end around as a warning to me. That was her invitation."

Now Jon was really confused. "So, she asked you to go three? And now I'm in a cage?"

Diane sighed. "Honey, in all the years we've been married, the only man I ever wanted was you. And I had hoped the only woman you wanted was me. I got this body so the guys would stare and make you jealous, but I guess that didn't work. I don't know why you want another woman, why I'm not good enough for you any more, but I do know that if you have a three, then she's going to say it's only fair that Roddy gets a turn. I didn't say no because I'm afraid of playing with Muriel. I've never done anything like that, but it might be fun. I said no because I don't want what I know would follow."

He turned her head to kiss her. "I love you, you silly woman. Let's see what happens, and worst case we just tell Roddy it was a game that got carried too far." He kissed her again. "Now, let's get to bed before I beg you to take this off so I can fuck my beautiful wife silly."

She laughed, picked up her top, and took his hand. Together they turned off lights and went upstairs.


By Friday he was almost getting used to the cage. He'd learned to aim when he peed, used his hand to hide the shiny metal from guys at urinals next to him, and had learned multiple times that touching himself did not actually touch himself. It was a strange sensation not having skin to skin contact, but it was already July 9 and he was thinking there were just three weeks to go.

His happy mood was upended when he walked in and found his wife sitting in a recliner staring into space. Nothing was heating in the kitchen and there were two shopping bags on the floor, still full of whatever she had bought.

He walked up and gave her a kiss, noting a half-hearted response. "Honey, not to pressure you, but where's dinner?" He took off his jacket, an evening ritual, and draped it over a chair.

"I guess it's at the Chinese takeout, once we order it. I'm not very hungry."

He remembered now that today was the day Muriel was going to share her idea. Jon decided to work backwards. "When did you get home?"

For the first time she turned her head. "Hmm? Oh, I guess it was around two."

"And you've been in this chair ever since?"

"Uh, no. I'm sorry. I finished the merlot first."

Now he was worried and got down on his knees in front of her. "Honey, we had only gotten one glass out of that bottle."

She let her head drop back against the chair. "Yeah, sorry. Once I started, well, ok, you won't find a dirty glass. I'm a fucking lush who drinks in the afternoon. Now you know."

Jon took her hands in his. "I haven't noticed bottles missing before. What did she say? And, I'm curious, did you at least tongue the bottle?"

Anger flashed in her eyes and he thought he had pushed too far, but it passed and she smiled weakly. "Leave it to a man to ask a question like that. Ok, what did she say. She sees opportunity, except it's with a catch."

"The lock?" He was almost hopeful, but Diane's defeated looked told him it was too early for that.

"Actually, you're close, but not that one. No, the little minx has a very naughty idea, which would be quite interesting if she had all the answers lined up. She was waiting for my reaction before doing anything else. I'm painted into a corner, and there's no window that I can find."

He gave her a gentle pull on her arms. "Come on, let's lay on the floor and talk about it."

"Jon, those pants cost $200. We aren't getting on the floor. And the shirt was another $50. What are you thinking?"

He kept up the tension. "I'm thinking my wife is having a very difficult time and I need to do what I can to help her. The clothes can be cleaned. Here, I'll take off my $40 tie. Now, floor, just be careful where you lay because this cage pushes in and hurts if .. oh shit."

He hurried over to grab a box of tissues as she started crying. He gave her one and let her wipe eyes and nose, then he pulled her to her feet and held her tightly. It was a few minutes before she calmed enough to continue.

"Ok, before I lose it again, she wants two threes. This month. The first would be with you, caged, and Roddy would know about it, AND the cage. We can kiss you, but obviously most of the action would be girl to girl. Then she wants to be fair to her husband, and will ask if he will put on a cage to keep things even. The thing is, if he refuses the cage, she still wants to have the threesome." He lifted her chin and kissed her. "Honey, I don't want Roddy. But one way or the other, she plans to talk to him."

"We'll survive this."

"Damnit, Jon, it's my fault. Don't you get it? This was just to teach you to be quiet with your fantasies about Muriel and now she knows and I don't see how I can protect you."

He kissed her again. "If it comes down to it, we tell the truth. It was a game, she found out, you offered to remove it and I agreed to pay my penalty for losing at HORSE to a girl. That covers one side of things. And if you get back to the origin, it's my fault for even having the fantasy."

He took a deep breath. "You know, I don't really want Muriel. It was maybe too much porn and I got to thinking you two would make out a bit, maybe lick me together, but then I'd fuck you while you kissed her. I don't need more than you. It was my imagination running away, and if you tell Muriel hell no, I'll stand by you and if I'm outed as caged, well, I don't think I'll lose my job over it, so we move on. You need to decide, are they our best friends, or have they become something else?"

She sniffed and looked into his eyes. "Honest, Jon, I'm not trying to manipulate you."

He laughed. "If you are, you've never been this subtle about it before. I'm going to pay you back for this cage, though, and tell you it's entirely your decision now. If you want to just say yes or no, that's fine, but if you want to take me into account, well honey, I'm not going to help you."

She was going to talk, but he put a finger on her lips. "Now we need to talk about important things, like where's the menu for the Chinese takeout and is there a store nearby where I can replace that bottle of merlot and enjoy some myself."

Diane laughed and accidentally snotted on Jon's shirt. "Oh my god, I'm sorry." She dabbed at it with her tissue and he started laughing.

"The perfect opportunity to rescue you from sadness, and you have me in a cage. You really are a masochist, aren't you?"

She laughed, but inside she began to wonder if maybe she was.


Saturday passed as usual. By this point, Jonathan was in shorts and barely showing anything different from the cage. It did restrict some movements, but as long as he was only in contact with his wife, there wasn't a real need to hold back. She certainly knew the cage was there, and she even commented, with a naughty smile, that she was beginning to enjoy the feel of the cage against her belly.

Sunday they swam for a bit, then Diane positioned an umbrella to block the view from the only neighbors who could have seen her, dropped her top and sat in the lounge chair to tan. Jonathan smiled as he felt the uncomfortable response trapped below. Yes, he thought, she was one hot woman. He pulled up a chair nearby where he could keep an eye on those wonderful mounds of female sexiness.

Some minutes later she was laying back, eyes closed, and said, "I called and talked to Muriel this morning. I said yes."

Jonathan thought he would need to pick his chin off the cement. "You said yes? Did I hear that right?"

She opened her eyes and looked at him with a scowl, softening as she noticed he wasn't smiling. "Look, it's a way to keep her quiet, maybe get you past your curiosity of watching two women, and, well, I wouldn't call it an itch, but I've kind of wondered. But you stay in the cage. No fucking Muriel and grinning at me while you do it."

"Oh shit, no, honey, come on. It was never about that. You're right, I don't know why I want to do it, but it's one of those things, I don't know, maybe every guy has it go through his head?"

She leaned back again. "Or maybe Roddy told you first that he was thinking of it and Muriel seemed excited about it. Maybe. You need to be more careful what you share with him. Those two talk a lot with each other and it seems we have very few secrets between what you and I have told them."

He waited a minute to let that fade a little. "Look, I can tell you're upset about it. I'll call and tell them it's off, that I pushed you, and it's a terrible idea."

Her sunglasses were pushed up and she looked at him again. "You're serious, aren't you? I mean, you're really concerned I'm mad at you over this."

Jonathan sat on the side of his chair. "Diane, I'm concerned that you're mad, that you feel forced into something you don't really want, that maybe you feel trapped and you're just desperate for a way out. I didn't get to my position in the company by not putting myself on a limb now and then, and we haven't been married 33 years with me wanting to fuck every pretty woman I met. I'm very serious. If you want to back out, I'll make it happen."

Again she laid her head back, sliding her sunglasses back over her eyes. "Next Saturday, July 17, at 2 in the afternoon, Muriel will come over here. That gives me six days to give in to my panic, or to deal with it. Is that enough time for you to back me out if panic wins?"

"Honey, when you open the door to let her in is enough time, if that's what you need. I won't say there won't be some disappointment. I'm just being honest. But if you don't want to, tell me and I'll tell her we changed our minds and she needs to leave before I slink off to a hide under a rock somewhere."

"As you should for thinking about things like sharing your wife. You remember the second part, right? The following week, I drive to their house and Roddy will, I guess, put his Roddy into me. There's the catch. You're caged, so you may want to fuck her, but that won't happen. I don't want ... well, we talked about that before."

There was an awkward silence before Jonathan said, "I'm going to go inside and get some wine. Do you want a bottle of your own?"

"Damn right," was her answer, "and when I'm finished with it, I may just shove it up your ass."

He flinched. She added, "Or I might suck on the neck until you wish I would shove it up your ass and get it over with."

That night he lay in bed, hand on his metal cage, wondering where she was keeping the key. She had done it to him. She finished the bottle and then started treating that glass like the most delicious cock she had ever imagined. She licked it, tongued it, sucked it, even took off her bottoms and fucked it. While he watched. Caged. He could feel his skin pushing out between the metal, unable to become fully erect, trapped from his fingers wanting to rub and get relief. What a bitch. And she was all his. Why the hell did he want anybody else?


The week was tense, and Diane was snapping quickly. Every day, Jonathan asked if she wanted to cancel, and every day she said no. He could see the stress building, but had put things into her hands. He couldn't give her the sexual release she probably needed. Well, he could have asked. He didn't. What he did was on Tuesday and Thursday he got her to bed a little early and got his head between her legs to give what release he could, even though her aroma, flavor, and squeals of delight had him aching in his cage.

Saturday, Jonathan decided to wear no clothes until after lunch and it worked. As Diane made lunch, she watched his naked ass while he got out dishes and set out glasses of water, and she laughed. Then her clothes were off and they ate lunch naked, trying to remember if they had EVER done that before.

Just before 2, with him in just shorts and her in a sundress, they answered the door together. Muriel stood there, a broad smile on her face, wearing a dark brown tank top and denim shorts that barely covered her ass cheeks. As soon as she was in and the door closed, she grabbed Diane and wrapped her arms around tightly, pulling the women together and making sure Diane was very aware there was no bra under the tank top.

"Anything goes? Or are there rules I need to know?"

Diane shrugged. "This is breaking every rule I've lived with, so I can't think of any rules, other that we agreed he stays locked. Now let's get to the rec room."

She had been in the room before, but now Muriel looked around with a different eye, seeing what furniture there was and what options they presented. Jonathan was close and she seized the initiative, holding him tightly and rubbing her belly against his balls and cage as her lips and tongue sought out his mouth.