Chaste Challenge


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Somewhere in another room, a cell phone sounded, but nobody was stopping to answer it. Moments later, the cell phone in Diane's shorts sounded, but Muriel held her in place until it stopped.

Roddy was picking up speed, his wife was pushing hard against him, and Muriel was holding Diane's head tightly, kissing it but also using it to keep her up as the climax approached. Then Muriel cried out, followed moments later by Roddy crying out and grunting as he pumped his jizz into his wife, giving a few last hard jabs before holding for a long moment.

Muriel kissed Diane gently and ran her hand around the woman's face until she ran her fingers through the soft hair and closed her hand in a fist. "Now, you reluctant bitch, you owe me a cleaning. Get your mouth back there and give me a climax like you did last week." She pulled Diane around her until Roddy, who had pulled out, took over. He guided Diane to behind Muriel where she looked in amazement at the white cream beginning to seep out of the vaginal lips. The lips were familiar, but the cream wasn't. It was wrong.

Diane was dragged by the hair to Muriel's pussy and when she didn't start licking, he rubbed her face on it and spanked her. Reluctantly, Diane started licking and quickly realized that Muriel was still aroused. If she licked hard and fast, this would end sooner. She put aside the taste that filled her mouth and focused on getting the other woman to an orgasm as quickly as possible.

As she licked, the same phone went off in another room, then her phone went off in her shorts. Muriel was puffing and gasping now, the intensity of Diane's tonguing driving her quickly toward a climax as Roddy pulled on his once again hardened cock. Muriel cried out as she went over, bucking her hips and smearing her husband's cum on their guest's face as Roddy held Diane's head in place.

Muriel turned around and kissed Diane while Roddy watched, then she once again gripped Diane by the hair and turned her to face Roddy and his erect cock. "Come on, girl, it's time to get it straight from the hose." She pulled Diane's head back and Roddy moved his cock closer. Diane tried shaking her head and saying 'no', but the angle buried the movement and the word.

Diane felt the cock rubbing across her lips, the taste starting to fill her mouth. She tried pulling her head away, but Muriel was stronger than she looked and, with Roddy's help, the cock was slowly being pushed between the parted lips. Diane fought harder, grunting out her 'no' one after the other, but it simply sounded like moaning and grunting. She felt the panic rising in her as the cock slid across her tongue and began backing out again, then starting pushing in again.

Just then the doorbell sounded, followed by loud banging on the front door of the house. Muriel and Roddy looked at each other and Diane started screaming as much as she could with her head pulled back. She also twisted and pulled and turned, trying to get free.

More loud banging, now with a voice "Open up and let me in!" It was Jonathan's voice.

Roddy looked at Muriel. "Throw on a dress and open the door before somebody calls the police." He put a second hand in Diane's hair and stepped around, trapping her between his legs. With her head no longer pulled back, she was screaming loudly.

As soon as the door opened, Jonathan pushed his way in, moving Muriel out of the way. "Don't you people ever answer your phones? I've called you four times, and I called Diane twice." He walked into the rec room and saw Roddy holding Diane. Roddy had a frightened look and backed away as Jonathan ran up. "Oh shit, what the hell did you do to her?"

Jonathan held her and pulled her tightly against his chest, whispering into her ear as she kept screaming. Gradually, she quieted down, but he didn't relax his hold on her. He kept talking, telling her he was here, that it was all right.

Muriel and Roddy looked at each other, confused and a little afraid. Jonathan had not been violent, but he seemed pretty upset. And Diane's reaction was completely unexpected.

As Diane finally began to relax and stay quiet, Jonathan looked at their friends. "I asked a question when I got here, and I'm waiting to hear why you didn't answer your phone, or hers."

Muriel looked at Roddy, who had completely lost his erection. "We were getting ready, and then she was here and we were, you know, busy, and ..."

"And nobody noticed it was my ringtone? I'm sure Diane noticed."

Muriel spoke up. "We don't have you on a special ringtone. And Diane was, well, she wasn't able to talk very clearly. We sort of had her mouth open, you know, head back and stuff?"

"I realized just after she left that I had to call and tell you to tone it down. She was scared, really scared of being forced to do something she didn't want to do. And after thinking of Muriel last week, I realized you were going to push for all the boundaries and beyond." He held her head in his hands and looked into her eyes, still showing the panic that had gripped her. He loosened his grip a little and kissed her before once again cradling her.

"Damn, if you had just answered the stupid phone, I could have warned you, you would have eased up ... I HOPE you would have eased up," they both nodded their heads, "and I would be home while everybody here had a good or at least ok time."

Muriel dropped to the floor near Diane. "Diane, hey, I'm so sorry. This was supposed to just push you a little, to show you what the options are and maybe you would enjoy them in the future. Shit, I wasn't planning to have you screaming or fighting us. I didn't realize how upset you were."

Jonathan had a good hold on her and Diane still almost got away from him. "YOU BITCH! YOU AND YOUR FUCKING ASSHOLE HUSBAND!! I HATE YOU BOTH! I WANT TO DIG YOUR EYES OUT AND TEAR OFF HIS COCK!!"

Muriel and Roddy both backed away as Jonathan held her tightly and talked to her, waiting for her to calm down. "Guys, I don't know if we can fix this," he said, "but you're done. I need to find a way to get her dressed and home. Like now."

"Shit, it's my fault," Muriel said. "I was the one who thought she would get into the spirit of things. Roddy, you do whatever Jonathan tells you to get her out the door and into his car. We'll bring her car home in a half hour or so, if you leave the keys, or I'll get you and bring you back, but I don't think you want to leave her alone right now."

Jonathan stopped talking to his wife long enough to say, "No way should she be alone."

"Ok, yeah, hey Jon, can you give me 10 minutes to write a note to give you?" Muriel asked.

"Sure, write. Roddy, I need you to get the tank top first. I'm going to lift her arms, you slide the thing down her arms until it's close to my hands. I'll get it into place from there while you get her shorts." Jonathan was taking charge of getting his wife dressed, and when she was finished he stood her up and they walked to the door.

Muriel handed him an envelope. "I don't know if it will help, but I really didn't mean for this to happen. I don't want to lose you guys as friends, but if she won't accept our apology, then I guess we're done. I read her all wrong. Jon, you're a great husband. I thought I knew her pretty well, but you saw it right away. I feel like shit right now."

Jonathan looked at her and simply said, "You should." Then with Roddy holding the door open, Jonathan guided his wife to his car and got her strapped in. He'd noticed the dried cum around her mouth while he held her and knew he would need to wash her face and cover the taste when they got home. Ideally, he would clean her up and get her to sleep on the couch where he could keep an eye on her.


Jonathan met them at the door early Sunday afternoon and they walked silently to the living room. Sitting on the couch, legs pulled up against her chest and wearing sweatpants and a flannel shirt despite the humid heat of the day, Diane met them with a scowl and eyes burning with anger. Muriel and Roddy sat across from her in separate chairs, Jonathan sat down next to her and put his arm around her.

Several minutes of awkward silence followed before Jonathan finally spoke up. "I appreciate that you called last night and this morning to see how Diane is doing. It's one reason I suggested we get together. The other reason is, we've known each other for over 20 years, our kids grew up playing together, and now we need to decide if our friendship is dead or if it has a chance."

Diane continued glaring at the guests, opened her mouth to speak, then closed it again and put her head against her knees with her eyes closed.

Muriel spoke up after another short silence. "Look, we didn't know it was like that. I'm sorry she got so shaken by it, but, Jon, you were willing to do it, and it was only fair ..."

"Stop there." Jonathan was showing anger now. "That's what I realized as she was walking out the door yesterday. I remembered how excited you were to get things balanced, but then I remembered you trying to hump the cage and Diane told you to stop. You told her you might not be so gracious. I tried to call and warn you not to go there. That was the line in her head, and I understood, finally, that it was a very hard line. She did NOT want Roddy inside her, at all, and you were determined to get him there. If you had just answered the damn phone when I called. Shit, what were you thinking? She sent all kinds of signals that she was freaking out and you kept going?"

"Yeah, that really shook me up," Roddy chimed in. "I mean, it wasn't just that she was screaming and shaking and bucking like a trapped animal, but I was quickly realizing I had partly caused that. I saw you come in and hold her and she was still screaming and, man, my heart was broken."

He looked at Diane, who was glaring over the tops of her knees. "Diane, I am truly, truly sorry for what happened yesterday, and for my part in it, and I hope, somehow, you can forgive me for getting caught up in the moment and, shit, and fucking up our friendship."

Diane looked at Muriel and started to stand up, but Jonathan held her more tightly and told her to sit and let them talk. She returned to her protective position and leaned against her husband.

The men turned to look at Muriel, noticing her wide eyes. Roddy especially noted her rapid breathing and how tightly she was holding the arms of the chair.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. It was ... I thought ... shit, I need to get out of here." She got up and walked to the nearest door, which was the one leading to the back patio. She stared at the pool where just a few weeks earlier they had enjoyed such a wonderful time together. Slowly, she walked to the gate, leaning on the fence.

Roddy walked out a minute later, and Jonathan followed after giving his wife a firm hug.

Jonathan looked at Roddy, who shrugged, then at Muriel. "What were you thinking, anyway? I guess I finally understood what Diane kept telling me, how she only wanted one man and didn't understand why I would want two women. I finally got it AFTER I had the two women, and I'll tell you, I am so grateful now that I was caged and couldn't do more than I did. But you guys, you had a week to talk about it. And Muriel was just shoving her husband at my wife."

Muriel spun around and took a step toward Jonathan. "Yes, I was. She's got this pool, an amazingly successful husband, and that damn body. Did you see Art two weeks ago? He was rock hard almost the whole time they were here. Greta called me the next day to tell me how embarrassed she was. And how angry. Your wife," she pointed her finger at Jonathan, "YOUR wife came out here like a cheap tease and got all the guys hot and horny while I had to watch. We go out together and I always end up feeling like her puppy because she's got it all together and I can't keep up."

By now both men were watching in astonishment. Muriel wasn't done. "I've got a good man, and he's got it packin' down there, and he was willing and I wanted, I wanted so bad, just once, to show that I had something she didn't have. I wanted her to know I had something really good that she couldn't get and I wanted to, to, to really shove it in her face and down her throat. Because I wanted to show I'm as good as she is!"

For a few seconds, the three of them stood on the patio, staring at each other, unsure what to do. The standoff ended when Diane walked through the door and directly to Muriel. Her attitude was aggressive and Roddy took a step forward before Jonathan put out a hand to stop him. Diane strode to a point a few feet away from Muriel, who now had a mix of anger and fear in her eyes, then pointed a finger and jabbed at the air as she spoke, giving emphasis to everything she said.

"I should push you into the pool and hold you under until you are thrashing, unsure if you'll ever breathe again, thinking you can't hold on any longer, the final thought in your mind that I was smiling as you lost your last breath. That was how I felt yesterday when you held my head back and forced me to take a cock I didn't want, and couldn't get even an intelligible no or stop out of my mouth."

She took another stop forward and Muriel backed up against the fence. "And when I reached my limit and was struggling and screaming you STILL HELD ME?! Over some stupid inferiority complex because you didn't feel you could buy a dress or lose a few pounds? I thought I knew you. I thought we were best friends. I thought when Gabriel fell off his bike going down the hill and got the compound fracture and I held you in the emergency room, I thought that meant something." She took one more step forward. "And I went over to your house yesterday trusting you, believing that whatever you wanted you would know my limits and protect me. Oh god, was I stupid."

Roddy broke in as gently as he could. "Baby? You were just making, trying to boost your ego?"

Jonathan and Diane looked at him. He didn't know?

Muriel was now looking desperate. "You wanted the threesome, baby. You talked about it for years, how hot it would be. We all talked about it. Why am I the bad guy now?"

There was a collective sigh while Diane looked from one to the other, turning in a slow circle. "You're right," said Jonathan. "We all talked about it. All except the one person who wanted nothing to do with it until, I guess, we put enough pressure on that she would give it a try. We all messed up, and we all hurt her. And Diane, I'm sorry I didn't see it before yesterday afternoon. I was late, but I hope it counts for something that I did see it."

Diane relaxed a little. "Something, yes. Damn, right now I hate you, even though you saved what little is left of my sanity. I hate all of you and I want to go into a room and never come out again." She started choking up. "I want to hurt each one of you like you hurt me and I want to make you pay for being a cabal of bastards who don't give a fuck about me." Now she was having trouble getting words out as the emotions flowed freely and she sat on a chair crying.

A hand touched her knee and she looked up to see Muriel kneeling in front of her. "You want to kick me, here I am. Pay me back. You're the better person and, shit, I'm just a jealous bitch. Or if you want, I'll hold you while you cry it out."

Diane balled her fists and raised them, hands and arms shaking while Muriel waited for them to hit her, then Diane slowly slid off her chair and let Muriel hold her. And she held Muriel. And together they cried. And they cried. Jonathan signaled to Roddy to go inside and they left the women on the patio.

Once inside, Roddy turned to his friend and said, "Are you sure they're safe alone with each other?"

Jonathan walked to the kitchen and got out two beers, handing one to Roddy. "Those are some really heavy tears, my friend. There is a lot in each drop, and this isn't like ok, we're all good now." He opened his bottle and took a few gulps. "You guys really fucked her up, and I'm angry about it as well. But we've known each other over 20 years, and there's been a lot happening in those years. I think in time, we can recover from it."

He put his bottle down and looked toward the open door. "Besides, I think Muriel will have time to scream before Diane does anything too bad to her, and we can get out and rescue her." Roddy smiled, but stopped when he saw that Jonathan wasn't laughing.

Both men had two empty bottles next to them and they were talking softly when Muriel came in. "I think it's time for us to go. Jonathan, when we stopped crying she looked at me, but her eyes are empty. You need to keep an eye on her. I mean, really, keep an eye on her. I'm scared for her."

"I'll do that, and thanks for being scared. It sounds weird, but it means a lot to me."

She picked up her purse and started walking to the front door. She looked back at Jonathan and told him, "Tell her, somehow, that if she wants somebody to do anything with her, the crazy woman would be thrilled to be with her. It's like the song, you know? You don't know what you had, until it's gone. Close to that, anyway."

The door closed behind the Rosarios, leaving Jonathan in a quiet house. He went outside and sat in a chair to keep an eye on his wife. She was laying on the cement now, a large wet spot on the cement drying in the summer heat. He got up, lifted her from the ground and guided her to a lounge chair, laying her down and holding her hand as she fell asleep.


He insisted they finish the month, and on the morning of August 1, he stood naked in front of her as she knelt and put the key into the little lock holding his cage in place. In under a minute he was free again, thinking how strange it was to feel his hand on his cock again. He helped her stand and kissed her, pressing his naked body against her sweatpants and shirt.

His hope had been that she would have gotten back to normal clothes in the past two weeks, but it seemed the trauma was too deep. The unlocking should have been a ceremony of freedom and not just a click and removal of metal. He went to the bathroom to shower.

She had taken herself shopping the previous Thursday, not buying anything except a coffee. While she drank it she looked around and thought of the times she and Muriel had been in each of the stores. Sometimes they had shopped, each with their three children in tow. They should have been good memories, and maybe they were, but she was sad and broken now.

A woman who looked a lot like Muriel had walked past and even more memories flooded her mind. People called security about a woman crying hysterically, sitting on the floor next to a bench holding a crushed coffee cup, her arm wet from the coffee that had spilled. A female officer was called and sat with her for 30 minutes until they felt she was safe to leave the shopping center. When she got into the car, she started crying again.

While she sat alone at home, she had time to think. Too much time, Jonathan feared. Each night he would come home from work and hold her tightly, telling her how happy he was to have her and apologizing again and again for being so selfish. This could not go on, and she knew it. Solving it was the problem, because she really didn't trust herself to be left alone with Muriel. That made talking a lot harder.

She had gone to the living room with a cup of coffee. In her other hand was the cage part of the device she had removed from her husband. Two inches long, a slightly curved cylinder with metal bars forming square openings that for 31 days had held her husband's cock out of reach of anybody. On a whim she put the curved end into her mouth. More memories flooder her mind, better memories, and for the first time in two weeks, she really smiled.

Her husband was just walking out of the bathroom when she walked in, pulling her sweatshirt over her head. She didn't talk, just put his hand on his chest to stop him, pulled off the towel he was wearing, and dropped to her knees in front of him. As his cock was sucked into her warm, moist mouth, he sighed and moaned. It felt REALLY good.