Click Ch. 07


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"Well, when I was younger and more attractive, I was quite popular among the young men. One of those young men was Warren Van Dekker. It was Warren that invited me to one of his family's infamous get-togethers. I had no idea what I had gotten myself into until the next morning and afterwards I was hooked. Have you found any interesting parts of the house yet?"

"You mean whether or not a basement isn't just a basement," I said and she nodded.

"Exactly, I was a bit of a fixture for many years at the Van Dekker place. It took time but I earned Warren's trust and he shared with me much of the house's and the family's history. Did you know that the house you own is the third incarnation to sit on that property?"

"I had no idea," I said. "What happened?"

"The original house was built back in the late seventeenth century, around the same time that the oldest of the University was. There is a rumor of a hidden tunnel that connects the two together, but I never saw anything like that. Well anyway, the first house was torn down to the foundation but some of it still survives to this day. The second house was larger and more extravagant, it was said to function as a chapter house for the Silver Twilight. It is a matter of public record that the Order as it is called had members from the Van Dekker family for centuries. But you're not interested in that, you want to know about the parties. I am afraid you will think less of me if I tell you."

"I think you enjoyed what happened and that is no bearing on whether you are a good or bad person. Sensuality is something we all feel attracted to, some of us simply indulge those feelings more than others." I said and she smiled again.

"I couldn't have explained it better myself. The parties always began in the parlor or living room I guess you would call it. There would be music, plenty of alcohol and a lot of teasing. Then things would move down to the basement and the room. You could feel goose bumps when you entered it. It was like the air was charged or something. Once we were down there it didn't take long for things to reach full swing. I have to tell you that the men always outnumbered the women as many as six to one. What girl didn't like being the center of that kind of attention? Most of the time it was just sex, but occasionally there were sacred rites that were performed to feed the caretakers."

"Wait, the caretakers were the ones who were fed by the room. That explains part of it but why didn't the caretakers sell the house to the Van Dekkers?"

"Perhaps there was a falling out," she offered. "Warren told me that the house never actually belonged to his family. The caretakers were the owners of the property and had been since the beginning. They were the ones who built and designed the place. They were the ones who built the room. They had allies on the board of directors with the University. These allies provided girls for the parties when there weren't willing participants or they wanted fresh meat. The most attractive girls on campus were frequent victims of the caretakers. How they kept this practice quiet is a mystery to me."

"Hmm, have you ever heard the term Tar Nashada?"

"Yes, this is another name for the caretakers," she said her eyes widening in shock. "So you've been reading the books in the study. I have seen the books but I was never allowed to read any of them."

"Yeah, I have only scratched the surface. But it is interesting reading," I told her.

"I can only imagine," she said. "I hate to ask, but was that little Heather you walked out to her car?"

"Yeah, we had a little falling out," I said and she nodded as if she understood.

"She was born in that house; I bet it hurts to no end that someone else is in her home. Poor thing, after her father was murdered she just hasn't been the same."

"Wait a second; did you say he was murdered? I thought he died in a car accident."

"That is the official report, but I learned from the sheriff that the tire of the car had been shot out. That was the cause of the accident but that report was buried and the public was led to believe it was an accident. You can't have a member of the Order being tried for murder, so it was all swept under the table. There are few outsiders who even suspect how powerful the Silver Twilight is." She stopped suddenly and thought about whether or not she should continue. She looked me in the eye and smiled. "I am too damn old to be afraid of reprisal. Besides, the caretakers wouldn't have sold just anyone that house. I suspect they feel indebted to you for some reason. Have you done them any favors that might fit the bill?" She asked and I thought it over. It didn't take long for the answer to come to mind. I had made it possible for the Sidhe and Isani to rebuild their ancient ruins. The Tar Nashada were Isani after all and this must be their idea of repaying a debt. "I can see it in your eyes; you have done something pretty big for them to feel obligated to you. I need to go, but before I do, I need to warn you that the Van Dekker clan won't give up easily. Watch your back young man; I'd hate anything bad to happen to so handsome a young man."

"Thanks, I will keep an eye out. If you ever want to see the old place again just holler and I'll give you the full tour."

"I might just take you up on your offer," she said.

I left her there sitting on her porch. I had learned quite a bit and it made my decision to send Heather away justified. I knew I hadn't seen the last of her; she'd be back.

I returned to the house and found Cassie waiting for me in the living room holding a cup of coffee. I plopped down next to her and took the cup from her.

"The coffee is fresh and before you ask she is upstairs in her room with her face buried in that damn book you gave her. I don't think she'll be out any time soon."

"Do you think I made a mistake letting her read it," I asked and she gave me a noncommittal sort of look. "You knew this house belonged to the Tar Nashada didn't you?"

"I suspected, I guess they were pleased with what you did for us. That's the only reason for them letting go something like this. I give them a month before they approach you about tapping the energy in the room."

"What am I supposed to do until then," I asked. Cassie just smiled and set her hand on my thigh. "Ah, I have a question before we get busy."

"All you have to do is ask and I will be bluntly honest with you," she said as she straddled me. She looked down and licked her lips in anticipation. "I am here for you." I set my cup of coffee off to the side and settled my hands onto her firm round ass. I swallowed hard before I asked my question.

"Was I too harsh with Heather? Should I have given her the benefit of the doubt?"

"No, you did the right thing," Cassie said as she ground herself against me. "Her family has had the benefit of the doubt for over two centuries. Look where it got them, no keeping her at arm's length is the best course of action."

I nodded and knew she was right. I shifted my grip to Cassie's hips, took a firm hold and stood up from the couch. I placed her over my right shoulder and headed for the basement. Cassie moaned and let fly the profanities as I carried her to the playroom. She was asking me all sorts of lewd questions about what I was going to do to her. I just slapped her on the ass as I hit the hidden latch and opened the door. A wave of sexual energy poured from the room. If my cock wasn't rock hard it was now. I closed the door behind us, set Cassie down and began undressing. I wanted nothing between her body and mine. She followed suit and we were naked in no time at all. Our bodies collided as we came together. I pulled her close as I brought her lips to mine. Even as we kissed our hands roamed over each other's bodies. I cupped her bare ass cheeks and played with them as Cassie's hands found my dick and began stroking me. The room fed off of us and yet at the same time poured sensual energy into us. There was a kind of sexual synergy between the room and us. I broke our kiss and lowered my lips to her nipples as her hands blurred over the shaft and head of my cock. I wasn't sure how long I was going to be able to last but I wasn't worried the room would feed me all the vitality I wanted and then some. As Cassie double stroked me I suckled and bit her sensitive bits of flesh. I wanted to impale her right then and there but we had all the time in the world. Cassie wasn't so patient; she shoved me back, dropped to her knees and took my cock between her tits. She made love to me with a hunger that bordered on the frightening. Her tongue flickers over the head when it poked out even as her firm breasts massaged me. I clenched and unclenched my fists as she pleasured me. I grabbed her by the hair and pushed her lips down onto my dick as my orgasm crept up on me.

"So goddamn close already," I snarled.

"It's okay, let me drink you all up," she begged. "Give it to me."

She changed tactics; she wrapped her lips around the head while she returned to double stroking me. I made a fist of my hand in her hair and cried out as I thrust my cock down her throat. Once she had drank me dry she let my semi-hard cock from between her lips. Then she pulled me down to her as she lay down on her back. Once I was in position she took me in hand and guided me between her pussy lips. We both groaned as my dick slipped inside of her. Her legs wrapped around me as I began to move slowly. I sunk into her so easily; she was that damn wet. Our love play was slow and agonizing as she thrust upwards to meet me.

"You feel so good," she said as she arched her back. "Your cock is stretching my pussy so damn much! I can feel it growing harder inside of me." I stared into her eyes as I began to pummel her insides. She felt so good wrapped around me. I moved slowly but with great force; each thrust buried my cock into her completely with body shaking force. Her mouth opened wide as her first orgasm crashed down over her. I let her collect herself as I rolled onto my back.

"Your turn," I said as I positioned her on top of me.

"Just let me catch my breath," she said panting. "That took a lot out of me." But even as she 'recovered' she was rocking her hips slowly. It was nice to let someone else be in charge for a while. It didn't take her long to recuperate or it was the room feeding her enough energy to get her going again. After a few minutes of the slow treatment Cassie began to thrust harder now. She lowered her head, growled deep in her chest and drove my cock as deep as it could go inside of her. I could hear her muttering under her breath but it was too low for me to make it out. Soon she was ramming her hips forward and down with body jarring force. Her head came up and I took her hands as she rode me for all she was worth. I took in the scene before me and couldn't help but smile. Cassie's eyes were closed tight as she impaled her pussy over and over again. Her breasts were rocking in time with her movements and I could see my cock pierce her to the core as she moved.

"God I love the feel of you inside of me," she growled. I lie back and looked up as she worked her sensual magic on us. I was about to take charge when a naked Fiona appeared above me. I hadn't heard her enter the room but by the look in her eyes the power of the room was already coursing through her. She watched as Cassie rode me and licked her lips in anticipation. There was some sort of silent signal sent because Cassie got up and let Fiona took her place. The strange thing was they never saw each other before they exchanged places. Fiona straddled me, grabbed my cock and teased us before she slid it inside of her. Then she was moving slowly, riding me with those leisurely deliberate movements. Cassie was sitting off to the side watching her eyes so bright and intent. Then the sensation came, those ice cold tendrils brushed against my spine and my vision narrowed to laser purpose. I rolled Fiona onto her back and took charge. Instead of fighting the loss of control I simply rode it out, like some sexual surfer riding a massive wave. I broke over her and hammered her pussy like, well like a man possessed. I could feel my orgasm building with each and every thrust of my hips. Fiona was writhing below me even as she urged me on. I drove my cock into her with more and more force; if I had been in control I wouldn't have been so brutal. But the forces inside of me wanted to not only feel the pleasure flooding into my body but its darker nature needed a little something more. I could see why they thought there was a demonic power at work in this place. To my utter amazement Fiona was not only enduring the pounding her pussy was getting but thrusting upwards to meet me now.

Then I completely blacked out and the 'other' took over. The next time I was conscious I was being dragged out of the room by Cassie and Fiona. Once my feet were clear of the doorway Cassie staggered back and closed the door. Then the pair was lifting me up and being carried up the stairs to the first floor. They managed to get me to the living room and I could see they were ready for me. They gave me a cat bath and washed the stench of lust from my body. Then they dried me off and slipped me into a terry cloth robe. Fiona dropped onto the couch while Cassie helped me lay down with my head in my sister's lap. Then Cassie disappeared for a bit and returned with a gallon of orange juice with a straw sticking out of the top. Fiona helped me sit up and sip from the straw. I was as weak as a kitten. I didn't know how long I had been down there but it must have been hours at least. I ended up drinking half the gallon before I felt like the perpetual thirst had been quenched. Then I lie back and closed my eyes.

"You are a god," Fiona purred in my ear. "That was the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me."

"How are you doing after reading that damn book," I asked.

"It was all about me, all about my life except for one key element," she said as she ran her fingers through my hair.

"What was left out," I asked.

"You, you were the only thing that was omitted. It talked all about mom, me and even Carlotta. It talked about our mutual father and the blue stones and what they were meant to do. It even went into my future and the best course of action I should take. I now understand what it means to be non-human. I would be lying if I said I was okay with this little revelation but if you can handle it so can I. But the part about me was only about a third of the book. It didn't take that long to read through it. The other half is something I want you to read; I think you'll be very interested in it. It talks about those Ghost Lines and the author's travels to what he calls nexus points. There is even a map in the back of the Ghost Web."

"You're right about my interest in the Ghost Web. I want to understand it and its purpose," I said and then thought about her not so little revelation. We shared the same father and she wasn't hysterical knowing she was as far from human as was possible. "Are you alright, I mean with discovering who your father is?"

"Yeah, I have cried it all out," she said. "It wasn't easy to deal with but we are family after all. We have each other and that is enough for me."

"If you ever need anything," I said.

"Shh, it's okay, now get some sleep," she said even as I fell into the black abyss of sleep.

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Another excellent chapter; this, and the last chapter have exceeded any expectation I have of being entertained by the author!! I am sorry for Heather; she, of all people, should have known NOT to cross Steven. Her loyalty to her family SHOULD NOT HAVE overridden her attraction to Steven, and her knowledge of the power he had come into. Plus, the GREED that came through when she saw the empty chasms of the treasure rooms...HER DOWNFALL in Steven's eyes, and heart.

That Steven moved the treasures was an excellent move on his part, with the knowledge of Fiona and Cassie. This cements his security- not really holding the items "hostage", but safeguarding their existence, while giving him a platform to negotiate, if that is a real reason for him to guard them!! Still, lots of backing for his position there.

Cassie is more than his "best friend"...she is awesomely supportive of him, and such a resource for him, as he is so new to all this. She will help him navigate the way through the potential threats to him, while also strengthening his hold on his future.

Fiona and Mom...also more than supportive, AND now know they are MORE than HUMAN!!

Five**5**Stars...deserving of so many more!!


TSreaderTSreaderalmost 5 years ago
Very well done!

Well written and full of a great imagination and of course lots of yummy things too! Thank you!

JagnagJagnagalmost 5 years ago
Mind blowing

I just get to grips with the story n then a monkey wrench get chucked in ... crazt but brilliant at the same time 👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾

RanDog025RanDog025about 6 years ago


wyldnloose69wyldnloose69over 6 years ago

I'm enjoying the story very much. I've also enjoyed the connection between your stories I hope to see more.

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