DHS 77


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I knew I shouldn't be doing what I was planning to do but at least I knew if anything went wrong Allen would know what happened and would be able to destroy the formula.

I went to my closet and retrieved the DHS 77 and the antidote and brought them back to the living room. I loaded a blank videotape into the camera and hit record. I sat on the sofa and addressed the camera again. "I am going to start by taking the antidote for DHS 77. I will then wait for at least an hour to see if there are any side affects," I said.

I put one of the capsules into my mouth and washed it down with a glass of water. Then I sat back on the sofa with a book and began reading. When I felt no side affects after an hour, I continued to read my book for another hour. After two hours I felt no ill affects from the antidote. At that point I looked into the camera and said, "There appear to be no side affects from the antidote. Now I will see if the antidote protects me from the DHS 77."

I opened the jar of DHS 77 and using a Q-Tip I dipped out a teardrop size dosage of the formula. I put the lid back on the jar and then rubbed the formula from the Q-tip onto my neck. I felt the wet spot on my neck but nothing else. That is, nothing out of the ordinary. I was even able to pick up my book and continue reading. I waited a half hour before I got up and washed the residue of the DHS 77 off my neck. I rewound the tape and watched to see if there was any indication that the DHS 77 had any effect on me. It didn't.

The only thing I knew at that point was that the antidote either worked or the DHS 77 didn't work. The next test would be the scary one. I was going to test the formula on myself without the protection on the antidote. The first thing I needed to do was to make a control video. I was going to use my own voice to give the commands if and when I was in the deep hypnotic sleep caused by the DHS 77.

I put a new videotape in the camera and hit record. I sat down on the sofa and started to record the control video.

"Pamela, can you hear me?" I said and then paused for a few seconds.

"Pamela, I want you to listen to me now. Whenever you hear me say 'Dr. Moore's law,' you will become as you are right now, do you understand?" I paused after this statement too and then I hit stop on the remote. I had to think through this next step carefully before I proceeded.

I had given myself a command word that would put me back into DHS, if it worked, so that I could easily reprogram myself. Now I had to find out if I could program myself to respond to other command words. I needed to give myself a post-hypnotic suggestion to see if it would have any effect on me. The problem was how could I give myself a post-hypnotic suggestion in such a way that I would remember the command word but not the actual command? I gave that some thought and came up with an idea that I thought would work.

I pressed record on the remote and began. "Pamela, after you wake up, anytime you hear me say 'Thunder Struck' you will feel sexually aroused and you will remain aroused until you get relief. Do you understand?" I paused.

"Pamela, when you wake up, you will not remember anything I have told you. You will not remember Thunder Struck or what it is supposed to make you do. Do you understand?" Again I paused.

"Now I will count to three and you will wake up. . . One. . . Two. . . Three."

I pressed stop on the remote and I wrote myself a quick note so that I would not forget that Dr. Moore's law was my command to go back into the deep hypnotic state and that Thunder Struck was a command word but I didn't write down what it was supposed to make me do. I wanted to be sure that when I came out of DHS that I would know that the statement, "Dr. Moore's law," would put me into a trance and I needed to know that Thunder Struck was a command but I didn't want to know what that would make me do.

Satisfied that I was ready for the next step but not being sure how long the antidote might work on me I decide to wait until the next morning to test the DHS 77 on myself.

I slept restlessly that night. I kept seeing images from the videotapes of me giving oral sex to Major Mitchell and then had nightmares about what would happen when I tested the DHS 77.

When I woke up Thursday morning, I didn't feel rested but I was ready to move on with my test of the formula. I still didn't know what I would do if I found out the formula still worked. That worried me but I had to know if it still worked.

I had to eat breakfast to settle my nervous stomach and then after two cups of coffee I was ready. I put a blank tape in the camera and put the control video into the VCR. I cued the control tape so that my instructions would start about fifteen seconds after the video started to allow time for the DHS 77 to take affect.

I hit the record button on the camera and sat down on the sofa. Then I prepared a Q-tip with the formula. When I was ready I hit the play button on the remote for the VCR and applied the DHS 77 to the inside of my left wrist.

Chapter 9

The next thing I was aware of was sitting on the sofa staring at the television. The screen on the television was black. For a minute I thought that the formula didn't work and that I hadn't pushed the play button.

When I tried to remember the command words I had recorded on the video the previous evening, I could not remember them. I wasn't sure if that meant anything. I was a bit confused. It occurred to me then that I should have recorded the time before I started. I hit the rewind button on the VCR and knew that the tape had played by how long it took to rewind the tape.

I was wondering what to do next when I saw the note I had written to myself regarding the command words I had given myself. "Dr. Moore's law," was something I knew that I had better not say out loud or I would likely go back into the deep hypnotic sleep and I didn't know how I would get back out of it without a command in my voice telling me to wake up. But what did "Thunder Struck" mean? I sat for a few minutes trying to remember what Thunderstruck was supposed to mean. I figured out that it must be a command I had made but I could not remember what that command might be. I knew that I had intentionally deleted that memory but it still scared me a little that it worked so well. Now all I had to do was see if the command worked.

"Thunder Struck" I said out loud.

Nothing happened immediately but I started thinking about how much I missed Allen and how badly I wanted to make love to him. I felt myself becoming aroused and decided to give myself some relief and worry about what "Thunder Struck" meant later. I turned the camera off and went into the bedroom. I striped off my clothes and slipped my hand between my legs and started working to bring myself off. I was surprised that I would get so horny so quickly, especially under those circumstances. In a few minutes I was able to bring myself to a very satisfying orgasm. I relaxed in my bed for a while afterward enjoying the way I felt post-orgasm.

It was an hour later that I got dressed and went back to the living room and sat down. I started to think about the test again and said out loud, "What does 'Thunder Struck' mean?"

I had my answer a few minutes later as I headed back to the bedroom with my hand already inside my panties fingering my sensitive clit. I was so horny that I was tempted to go out and find someone to have sex with me. I realized at that moment that I had better give myself a command phrase that would end my arousal before I got out of control. I decided on "Lightfoot." I just thought it would be easy to remember because of the movie "Thunderbolt and Lightfoot."

Later that day I reviewed the results of my test and looked at the videotape I recorded showing me while I was in the deep hypnotic sleep. It was scary seeing myself in a trance like state responding to the commands I was giving myself from the video in a hollow voice.

I remembered seeing myself responding the same way to the instructions Major Mitchell gave me. That made me wonder about something else. In Dr. Moore's notes, he said that the effects of DHS 77 were designed to last at least a year. I didn't see anywhere in the notes where it said how long the effects would actually last. Could they last as long as five years? That frightened me. Could Major Mitchell still get control of me by simply saying, "Star Kitten?" Then I remembered that I had heard Major Mitchell say, "Star Kitten" several times as I watched the tapes and it had no effect on me, but would that be true if I saw him in person and he gave me the keyword?

Time for another test. I might never know if this test worked. I made a new control recording and loaded the tape into the VCR. I put another videotape into the camera and started recording.

I sat on the sofa and looked at the camera. I pressed the play button for the VCR. It seemed like only a moment had passed but once again I found myself staring at the black screen on the television. This time I knew what happened and I felt very good. I was completely relaxed. I retrieved the tape from the camera and loaded it into the VCR to watch what happened. I hit play and mute to make sure I didn't hear myself say "Dr. Moore's law." I didn't want to put myself into a trance. I was going to have to be careful of that. Perhaps another test I would have to run.

The video started with me looking at the video camera. When I saw the expression on my face go blank, I took the VCR off mute and watched myself being programmed by my own voice.

"Pamela, can you hear me?"


"Do you remember 'Star Kitten'?"


"What is Star Kitten?"

"A command."

"When you hear Star Kitten, what are you supposed top do?"

"I don't know."

"Who gives you that command?"

"Major Mitchell."

"Pamela, I want you to listen to me very carefully. If you ever hear Major Mitchell say Star Kitten again, it will have no effect on you. Nothing Major Mitchell says will have any effect on you. Do you understand?"


Chapter 10

I was now pretty sure that the formula still worked, at least on me. The next step would be to try the formula on someone else. I thought for hours trying to think of someone I could use as a test subject. Then I thought of Sylvia. Sylvia was one of the women on my project team at work. She was very bright but she could be a real bitch when dealing with some of the other team members. She and I had words on a few occasions but had settled into a reasonably good working relationship; however that was not true of her relationship with the rest of the team. I decided to try the formula on her and see if I could modify her behavior although that would have to wait until I got back to work the following Monday.

On Friday evening, I drove out to Burbank Airport to pick Allen up when he returned from his business trip. As he walked into the terminal, he was talking to an attractive blond that I didn't recognize. As soon as he saw me, he said something to the blond and then came over and kissed me.

I thought about asking him who the blond was but he seemed so genuinely happy to see me that I decided to let it go. On the ride home, Allen talked nonstop about the trip and how well everything had gone and then he asked me about the unpacking.

"The house is settled except that we have not had sex in it yet," I said.

"We will take care of that as soon as we get in the door. This weekend we will christen every room in the house and maybe even a couple of the closets," Allen said.

"If you are going to act like this when you come home from trips, I am going to have to send you away more often," I said.

When we got home, I got a bottle of wine and two glasses while Allen carried his suitcase to our bedroom and then he joined me in the living room. I poured the wine and Allen made a toast to our new home and then he kissed me.

We put our glasses down and our kisses became more passionate. After the week I had just been through and having been separated from Allen for all that time I was ready for him to make love to me. I was already beginning to feel the tingle inside my sex as Allen opened my blouse and exposed my breasts. When he took my nipple in his mouth, I could feel my arousal building. I think Allen sensed it or maybe it was because his own arousal was so great he quickly reached under my skirt and pulled my panties off. Then he pushed me onto my back and pressed his mouth against my pussy making my juices begin to flow.

While Allen was sucking my clit into his mouth, he was busy trying to get his pants off. He managed to get his pants down around his ankles without lifting his head from my slippery mound. Allen stood up just long enough to get his pants off and then he climbed onto the sofa so that I could reach his erect cock while he went back to pleasuring me with his lips and tongue.

When I looked at his cock I had a momentary flash of the video I had seen of me sucking those men's cocks and it almost ruined the mood but whatever Allen was doing to my clitoris had me so excited that I quickly overcame the vision I had and took Allen's hot shaft into my mouth.

I always enjoyed sucking Allen's cock and wasn't about to let what those bastards did to me change that. I swirled my tongue around the head and then took as much of his shaft into my mouth as I could without making myself gag.

When I had him close to climaxing, Allen pulled his cock out of my mouth and turned around so he could slide it into my very hot sex tunnel. I loved the way he pushed into me slowly so that I could feel the head of his cock open me up and then I felt the sensations caused by his shaft sliding deeper into me. Once he was all of the way in, he slowly pulled almost all of the way out again. Allen continued to stroke in and out of me this way, slowly picking up speed until he brought me to an orgasm. After that he pumped me hard and fast until he exploded inside of me.

When Allen pulled out of me, I quickly grabbed my panties and held them between my legs so that I wouldn't leave a mess on the sofa. As we walked back to the bedroom, Allen came up behind me and grabbed my panties and pulled them out from between my legs, then he pushed two fingers up inside me. I couldn't walk while he had his fingers inside me so I just stopped and leaned back against Allen's chest. He managed to find just the right spot with his fingers and he soon had me shaking through another orgasm.

As soon as my orgasm passed, Allen carried me to the bed and entered me with his fully recovered erection and slowly stroked into me until he had his second orgasm leaving my pussy in a wonderful sticky mess.

As we lay in bed in the afterglow of our lovemaking, I suddenly thought about the blond I had seen Allen talking to when he got off the plane.

"Who was that blond you were talking to?" I asked.

I felt Allen's body stiffen just a tiny bit.

"What blond?"

"The blond you were talking to when you got off the plane."

"Oh, that was Jennifer. She was on our negotiation team," he said.

Just to tease him and maybe to see what his reaction would be I asked, "Is there something going on between the two of you?"

"No. Where would you get an idea like that?" He said a little too emphatically.

It wasn't the reaction I expected and it bothered me a little. I didn't want to accuse Allen of anything when I had absolutely no proof other than my own curiosity. I probably would only have started an argument and I didn't want to do that.

After that, I drifted off into an uneasy sleep. I had all kinds of strange dreams that night that I could not remember in the morning. I woke up early and went to the kitchen to make coffee. Allen came into the kitchen just as I was pouring my coffee.

"Did I wake you up?" I asked.

"No. I think I am on east coast time. How about pouring me a cup of coffee?"

I filled a cup for Allen and put it in front of him and then I went to my closet to get a robe because I was feeling a bit chilly. As I got my robe off the hanger, I saw the CIS box in the back of my closet and an idea struck me. I opened the box and got the jar of antidote capsules and took one out.

I went back to the kitchen and when Allen wasn't paying attention to me I took the pill.

"Do you want me to make you some breakfast, honey?" I asked.

"Would you make me a couple of eggs and a muffin?"

"Scrambled or fried?" I asked.


I waited until after we had eaten and I had put the dishes in the dishwasher and then poured Allen another cup of coffee. While he sat at the kitchen table with his coffee and the morning paper I went back into my closet and got the DHS 77 out of the box. I put a tiny drop of the DHS 77 on a piece of plastic wrap I had brought with me from the kitchen.

When I returned to the kitchen Allen was still sitting at the table reading the paper. I walked up behind him and wiped the DHS 77 from the plastic wrap onto the back of Allen's neck.

"What was that?" was all he managed to say before his body went limp and he was quiet.

"Allen, can you hear my voice?" I asked.


"Good. I want you to listen carefully to me, okay?"


"I want you to remember the phrase, 'strawberry clock.' Do you understand?"

"Yes, remember strawberry clock," Allen said.

"Now, when ever you hear me say strawberry clock, you will become as you are right now. You will be in a deep hypnotic sleep and you will only listen to my voice. Do you understand?"


"From now on, whenever I say, "I want you to tell me the truth' you will answer all of my questions truthfully. Do you understand?"


"Good. Now I am going to count backwards from 5 and when I get to zero you will wake up. When you wake up you will not remember having this conversation with me but you will follow the instructions I gave you. Okay. . . Five. . . Four. . . Three. . . Two. . . One. . . Zero. . ."

When I got to zero Allen turned toward me and asked, "Did you say something, babe?"

"I just want to ask you a few questions and I want you to tell me the truth," I said.


"While you were away did you have an affair with Jennifer?" I asked.

I waited nervously for Allen's answer and he did not hesitate.

"No. Not an affair."

"Did you have sex with her?"

"Yes. We had sex just once," Allen said.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Allen had cheated on me and was now confessing. I was fighting to control my anger.

"Why did you have sex with her?"

"She invited me to her room after dinner Wednesday night. She said she wanted to find out if I was as good as I looked."

"And you went to her room?"


"Are you in love with her?"


"Then why did you have sex with her?"

"Because she is pretty and sexy and I wanted to fuck her."

"Do you think she is prettier and sexier than me?"

"No, just different."

"Are you going to have sex with her again?"

"I don't know. I kind of hope so."

I can't describe how angry and hurt I felt at that moment. After discovering what had been done to me by the people I trusted at CIS I find out that my husband has also betrayed me. That was almost more than I could handle. I didn't know what to do. Should I tell him to leave, or should I forgive him? I might have been able to forgive him for a one-time fling but he admitted that he would like to have sex with her again. I may not have known what to do about what Allen had done but I sure as hell could stop him from doing it again.

"Strawberry clock," I said.

Allen dropped into the trance immediately.

"Allen, can you hear me?"


"You are not sexually attracted to Jennifer. If Jennifer ever suggests that the two of you get together, you will get sick to your stomach and want to vomit. If she touches you, it will make your skin burn. From now on, you will only have sex with me. You will not cheat on me ever again. Do you understand?"
