Dream Girl


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"Thank you," Danielle said sweetly. "I feel like I owe you so much."

"No, not at all. The pleasure has been all mine and I look forward to our next opportunity to get together. I understand you have a very important dinner here this week."

"Yes, I do. Just this morning my mother said she would be willing to have dinner with Tyler, Cadence and me. This will be the first time she's seen me as Danielle and I'm both extremely excited and very nervous. She's seen photos of me, but she's never seen me in person as...her daughter."

"Well, I hope you have a wonderful time. You're as ready as you can be for a dinner date, so just relax and enjoy yourself, okay?"


That morning, Tyler had asked his mother again about having dinner with them. "At Mr. Regan's house? Oh, honey, I don't think so. He's my employer, for heaven's sake."

"Mom, Elite Services is your employer. Besides, Tyler really wants you to come. And so do I. This is very important to me, Mom."

"But I've never seen you...like that before, Danny. I won't even know how to treat you. You're my son but you'll be...you know...."

"A girl?" he said.

"Well, maybe. You'll look like one anyway. What if I can't handle it or I cry or do or say something that embarrasses you?"

"Mom, nothing you could never say or do anything that would embarrass me. But if me being Danielle...that's the name I use when I'm...her...if that embarrasses you, well, I understand."

She saw the disappointment in her child's face and said, "No! No, honey. You won't embarrass me. I just won't know how to treat you."

"Treat me like I'm your daughter. You know how to do that. Just pretend I'm Katie."

Anna took a deep breath, sighed, and said, "All right. Okay. I'll do this. For you. But please don't be upset with me if I can't be as excited as you are about it. I love you no matter what, but this is still so new to me." She put her arms around her son and said, "Okay?"

"Of course it's okay, Mom. And thank you. This means so much to me. I...I really like Tyler and he feels the same way about me, too."

She patted his back and said, "I know. Maybe that's what scares me. A mother watches her child grow up and she has certain expectations. But we have to let our children be who they are, not who we expect them to be. I'll be okay, Danny. Again, just give me some time and I'm sure I'll be fine. This will be a big first step for me. Oh, not to mention actually meeting Mr. Regan and having dinner with him all in the same evening. I hope I don't pass out or throw up at his house."

"Everything will be fine, Mom. Just be yourself. He already thinks you're a wonderful mother so there's nothing to worry about."

"He said that? Mr. Regan said that about me?"

"Yes, he did. He said he admires you for providing so well for your children."

"I'm going to have to go buy a dress. I don't have anything to wear! I need...."

"Mom? Please take a breath. I have a friend named Tessa. She's going to take you shopping tomorrow. And Tyler insists it be his treat. Just this one time. Okay?"

Danny thought his mom might actually pass out then and there so he brought her a glass of water and told her to take some deep breaths. "It'll all be fine, Mom. Trust me, okay?" Anna took a sip and just nodded.


Danny and his mother rode in the back while Tessa drove them to Tyler's. "You look so beautiful, Mom," he told her. "I love the dress you chose."

"It's not too much?" she asked.

"Not at all. It's perfect."

Anna had chosen a pretty blue dress and Tessa had insisted she also get a new pair of shoes, a new bag, and a nice coat to wear with it. She'd also come over and given her mom a makeover and styled her hair. Anna wouldn't admit it, but she'd really enjoyed being pampered and spoiled even if it was just a one-time thing.

When they arrived, Tessa sent Danny off to Danielle's bedroom. Within five minutes after being introduced, Tyler and Cadence made Anna feel like a lifelong friend. They couldn't have been more pleasant or charming. She'd also had a glass of champagne and that had really helped her relax. She'd even managed to call Tyler by his first name by the end of the glass.

"So, Tyler? I understand you really like my son. I mean, you know, when he's...."

"Yes, I do, Anna. I've never felt about anyone the way I feel about Danny. Well, Danielle."

"Oh, I can't get used to that name. I'm trying. I really am. I'm so nervous even though you two have been so kind to me."

"It's understandable, Anna," he told her. "This is a huge change for you. I can't even imagine how difficult it must be. I admire you for being so understanding."

Cadence brought in some light snacks and Anna agreed to a second glass of champagne and her nerves settled down to a reasonable level as they continued to talk and get better acquainted.

Just under an hour had passed when Tessa came in and said, "Tyler? Ladies. I just wanted to let you know that Danielle is almost ready." She looked at everyone then said, "I have to say she looks amazing. Anna? I hope this won't be too difficult for you. I know how happy Danielle is that you agreed to have dinner with her tonight." She paused then said, "She loves you very much."

Anna smiled and felt a tear well up in her eye as Tessa stepped away. There was a brief moment of silence before everyone heard the sound of heels clicking on the hardwood floors. The sound grew louder until the beautiful young woman wearing them entered the room.

Danielle walked to her mother then reached out for her hands and said, "Hi, Momma. I'm your daughter, Danielle."

"Oh, my...God!" she said quietly. "You...you look just like girl in the pictures. You're so...beautiful."

Tyler was standing and waiting for his date as she turned toward him. They'd agreed not to kiss in front of her mother so she only put her hands on his shoulders as they gave each other a small hug. "You look so...amazing," he told her.

Danielle had chosen a light grey, sleeveless dress, with a very cute matching ribbed-knit, short-sleeved shrug. She wore smokey-grey stockings with a pair of beautiful, 4-inch grey heels. Around her neck was a single strand of cultured pearls with matching pearl earrings. Tessa had selected two shades of gray eye shadow which, along with the black eye liner made her eyes look utterly sexy and seductive. Her look was completed with dark red lipstick and matching nail polish.

She and Cadence also hugged with the latter giving the former another compliment on just how beautiful she looked.

"Shall we eat?" Tyler suggested. Anna hadn't taken her eyes off her new daughter since she walked in the room and was so fixated on her she hadn't heard him speak.

"Anna?" he said again. When she finally looked his way, she apologized. "That's okay. I was just saying it's time for dinner. Will you please join us?"

Tyler offered her his arm and escorted her to their formal dining room. "Oh, I love this room," Anna said. "It's my favorite room in your whole house." He helped her get seated as she continued telling him, "I've cleaned all of them, you know."

"I do," he said as he helped Danielle get seated next to him while Cadence also took her seat. "And that's something I'd like to discuss with you during dinner."

Over the course of the next hour, Tyler's kitchen staff brought out course after course until Anna finally had to say, "I don't think I can eat another bite."

"Not even Baked Alaska?" Tyler asked as dessert was served.

Somehow, Anna managed to eat 3-4 bites before having to quit. "Every single thing was so delicious, Tyler. I've never had anything like this in my entire life."

"Well, if you accept my offer to work for me directly, you can eat here as often as you like."

"And you'll have your own room, Momma," Danielle said trying to encourage her.

"Just like you?" she said smiling at her daughter.

Danielle looked at Tyler who smiled at her before saying, "Yes, Momma. Just like me. Please say yes?"

Anna had had a second glass of champagne and a few sips of chardonnay with dinner and she was feeling very happy. "Okay. I accept. I'll work directly for you, Tyler. And thank you."

The new job meant a very substantial pay raise and the job was hers for as long as she wanted it regardless of how things went with Danielle. After another hour of pleasant post-dinner conversation, Anna suggested it might be time for her to go home.

"Okay, but only until your lease is up. Then we're moving you in here, right?"

Anna felt like she was going to cry but managed to blink away her tears. "I feel like the good Lord has blessed me with so much. My new job, my daughter Katie." She stopped then looked at Danielle who was sitting next to Tyler. "And my new child. My beautiful daughter—Danielle. I have so much to be thankful for."

She saw Danielle begin to tear up and said, "No, no! No tears, sweetheart. Your mascara will run and you'll be a mess. You can't let Tyler see you like that."

After hugging everyone goodbye, Anna let Tessa drive her home while Cadence excused herself for the evening. "I had a great time, you guys. Enjoy the rest of your evening together," she told Tyler and Danielle.

"Good night, sis," he said.

"Good night, Cadence," Danielle also said.

Once they were alone, Tyler said, "I guess it's just the two of us."

Danielle smiled and put her arms around him and said, "I like the sound of that...very much."

He wrapped his arms around her tiny waist and said, "Me, too." As he looked down at her beautiful face he told her, "Do you know how hard it's been not being able to kiss you all evening?"

"Yes," she said. "I know because all I've wanted is for you to kiss me since I walked in to the room with you."

"We can fix that, you know," he told her as he brush a shock of hair from her forehead.

"Mmmm. Then please do," she begged him.

Tyler pulled her close as he softly kissed her. This time, it wasn't a short kiss. It was long and passionate as Danielle's arms held her lover close. As it finally ended he said, "Did that fix things?"

She smiled at him and said, "That was a good start, but I think it may take more than that tonight."

"Oh, really?" he asked. "How much more might it take?"

"Well...," she said. "You might have to take me to your bedroom so I can show you."

"Oh, I see. Too much to just tell?" he asked her.

"Uh-huh. I think this will require much more than just talking."

"Hmmm. Sounds serious. I guess we should get started then," he suggested.

"Good idea. This might take all night," Danielle warned him.

He kissed her again and said, "Wow, I hope I'm up to the challenge."

"Oh, I'll make sure you're up," she assured him as she bit his lip playfully. "So...which way is your bedroom?"

Tyler took her hand and led her down a long hallway and then inside the largest bedroom Danielle had ever seen. In fact, it was unlike anything she'd ever seen.

"Give me just a moment, okay?" she said as she nodded toward the bathroom.

A couple of minutes later, she came back into the bedroom.

"Holy...wow!" Tyler gasped.

Cadence had shared Tyler's secret with her and she'd come back wearing nothing but the little shrug and her lacy gray bra and panties, stockings, heels, and pearls.

"So...you like?" she teased as she turned around to show him the front, back, and sides.

"Yes. Very much," he said. He was also looking at the large bulge in her panties and how it in no way made sense with the rest of her beautiful, feminine appearance. And yet it was that bulge that her so desirable and so special.

"Come here," he said reaching out his hand. Danielle took it and sat on his lap. "You are so incredibly beautiful to me."

"And you've made me so happy. All my life I've wanted to be a beautiful woman and you've given me that, Tyler. Thank you. Thank you so much."

"You're welcome. And I'm happy to do this for you. I'd do anything for you, Danielle."

"Anything?" she asked as she began unbuttoning his shirt.

"Yes, anything."

"Then I know just what I want," she said as she pulled is shirt off and pushed him back on the bed.

"Danielle? Wait. Please. Are you sure you want to get involved with me? I live a very high profile life and this will change yours forever. And it will affect your mother, too. You'll have people following you and taking your picture. Everywhere we go, they'll go."

She ran her hand across his face and asked, "Will you be there with me?"

"Of course, but it'll still be...."

"Then it'll be just fine. And I'll be ready to go out with you in public soon. So will you please stop worrying about me and just make love to me?"

Tyler pulled toward him and laid her on the bed. He rolled on top of her and kissed her. "I want you so bad," he told her.

"And I want you. It's just that well, this is my first time—ever—with anyone. Please be gentle, okay?"

Tyler tried not to laugh. "Why is that funny?" Danielle asked.

"Well, you see, I've only been with two other people myself. Both genetic females, by the way." He kissed her and said, "That's one reason I work so much. It kept me from going crazy until I found my dream girl."

"So...have you found her?" she asked sweetly.

"I have," he told her as he kissed her passionately.

Their tongues intertwined repeatedly as they hungrily sought each other. Danielle reached down and began unbuckling Tyler's belt. He quickly helped her shed his pants and underwear and Danielle gasped when she saw him. As much as she enjoyed the kissing, she was desperate to have him in her mouth. Still on the bed with him, she pushed him back and had him swing his legs over the side of the bed. She slid off then knelt between his legs while admiring his gorgeous growing cock.

"It so beautiful," she told him while smiling.

"Do you like it, honey?" he asked gently stroking her hair.

"Mmmm. I love it." She reached out and for the first time ever, took a man's cock in her small hand. "It feels so good," she purred. She raised up then pulled his cock to her mouth, and took it in her red lips. As it slid inside, Danielle was utterly thrilled with the sensation. It was everything she ever hoped it would be. It tasted so good; it felt so right.

"That feels so good, baby," he moaned. "Take me deep, okay?"

Danielle smiled and said, "I'd love to." As she watched him watch her, she lowered herself down his shaft until the head filled the back of her throat. As she held him there, she placed her slender fingers under his balls and gently rolled them between her fingers. Slowly, she raised her mouth while using her lips and tongue to pleasure her lover. Then slowly, she glided back down repeating this delightful motion over and over.

"Oh, fuck!" he cried out. "My God, that feels so amazing, Danielle. You look so pretty sucking my cock."

This time, she took him all the way down then tried opening her throat to let the head into it. She fought her gag reflex as long as she could, then when she could fight it no longer, she rapidly came up for air, gagging happily as long, thick streams of saliva clung to her hands, mouth, and Tyler's thick cock. "Oh, God," she gasped. "That is so much fun. I love your cock so much, sweetheart," she told him with genuine sincerity. "Can you please make love to now? I want you inside me so bad I can't stand it."

Tyler roughly pulled her up then rolled her over and Danielle loved the way he took charge. He reached for a tube of lubrication in the top drawer of his nightstand and poured a generous amount on his cock and down the crack of his lover's bottom. "Lift your pretty legs up for me, honey," he said as he made sure plenty went exactly where it would be needed. He set the lube aside then took his cock in his hand. He ran the tip all around the inside of Danielle's tight hole making her gasp and wince in anticipation each time he pushed against it.

"You ready?" he asked her.

"Uh-huh!" she cried. "Fuck me...please!"

Tyler pushed firmly and slowly. As her anus opened slightly, Danielle closed her eyes. Tyler pushed slightly harder and then slowly and gently, the head popped inside. Danielle moaned with pleasure and said, "You feel so good inside me."

That was followed by a slow, gentle rocking motion. Back and forth. In and out. Each time, he took her slightly deeper. Just before his entire length was inside her, the head of his cock ran into something firm. Danielle moaned with pleasure. "Oh, my God! Yes! Right there, honey. Oh, do that again, pleeease!"

"I think we've found your prostate gland," he said as he bumped it several times quickly then pushed against it and held himself there.

"Oh...ssshhit!" Danielle cried. "Oh, God. That feels SO wonderful!"

Tyler then began fucking her harder, increasing the rhythm and speed until he was hammering her hard. "I'm getting ready to cum. Tell me where you want it, sweetie."

"Inside me. Definitely!"

"You sure?" he asked her.

"Positive," she moaned. "Please cum inside me. Please!!!"

Seconds later Tyler unloaded months and months of built-up cum, shooting one hot stream after another inside of his beautiful new girlfriend. Spent, he collapsed on top of her and kissed her.

"You okay?" he asked her as he tried to regain control of his breathing.

"More than okay. I am happier than I've been in my life," she told him truthfully.

"Me, too," he told her as he gently stroked her pretty face. "You are so beautiful to me."

"You make me feel beautiful, Tyler," she said as tears welled up in her eyes.

"What's wrong, honey? Did I hurt you?" he asked with concern.

"No," she said shaking her head. "It's just that...."

"What? What it is it, sweet girl?"

She looked into his eyes and said, "You don't have to say it back but...I love you."

"Oh, honey. I love you, too. I've waited my whole life for you and I'm never letting you go."

He made love to her again a short while later then they took their first shower together before spending their first night with each other.

Over the next few weeks, Tessa worked with Danielle each day preparing her for her first public appearance with Tyler. The media was abuzz with speculation as to who this new woman in the life of the most eligible bachelor in America might be. It was on fire when Tyler introduced his new girlfriend along with his support for the LGBT community. "You see, this beautiful young woman standing before you proudly represents the T in that acronym. Danielle is to me, a woman in every sense of the word, but we're not hiding the fact that she was born genetically male. And before the questions start, she has no desire to become a female and more importantly, I love her just as she is. To me, she is the most perfect woman on earth. Danielle Vance is my dream girl.

Six months later they were married in one of the largest and most extravagant weddings in history with all of their family and friends in attendance. The wedding was followed by a lengthy honeymoon in several European cities. Two years later, they adopted their first child and the last anyone heard, they're talking about adopting one more.


Alternative Ending

"Tyler? Are you going to work today?" Cadence asked after he didn't silence his alarm.

"What time is it?" he asked, his eyes stuck shut with sleep.

"A little after 8 o'clock."

"Oh, wow. I was having the best dream ever."

"Wanna talk about it?" she asked.

"Nah. Sometimes a girl in your dreams can be more like your very own dream girl than the real thing could ever be. Let's just leave it at that, okay?" he said as he got up to take shower and go to work.

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
bobluvs1bobluvs1about 2 years ago

I really wish there was a part 2 to this.

oldpantythiefoldpantythiefover 4 years ago
Not a dream

Very different but enjoyable story. I liked the first ending where they lived happily ever after, not the waking up after having a wet dream. That's just the romantic in me I guess.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Just Perfect.

I love how authentic and realistic your writing is. It's very evident that there is a lot of you in the character Danielle and that adds to the authenticity. Additionally, you write romance so well. You make it very easy for the reader to get swept up in your writing.

izzieDizzieDalmost 8 years ago
One more plz!!!

Such beautiful story!! Most important thing is that the main character is someone so real and humble! Just plain LIKABLE!!

C'mon!! Pleeeease!!?! Just one more!

Lela_AnnLela_Annabout 8 years ago
Not enough...

Sorry it only allowed me to give it five stars. It deserved at least ten!

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