Drugged and Raped Ch. 10 - Final Parts


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She paused and studied the dark look on her husband's face. "Oh, Baby, if I thought I was creating pain for you I would not have done it. We had explored anal sex before and even though it's not my thing it never caused me more than a little discomfort. I am so sorry for causing you such pain."

Chuck couldn't hold back at that. "My cock is a good six inches on my better days. How big was that log that you shoved into my ass?"

She hung her head. "It is about 8 inches long."

"And I suppose it was also bigger around than my cock. I couldn't tell you that you were hurting me since I couldn't move. You had no idea you needed to go slower. Did you even look to see if there was blood on it after you made me cum?"

She shook her head. "Not until later when I was cleaning it, then I saw the blood. I was and am sorry that I hurt you."

"Like you showed me that night. You only cared about your needs and your lover and your pussy, excuse me, your cunt. "

He stood up. "Let's go before I do something violent again and you put a protection order on me and deny me my sons." He strode out to the elevator and went down to the lobby without waiting for her. She showed up a few minutes later.

He led her to the car and drove straight to her house and let her out without trying to see the boys. As soon as she was safely clear he reversed and backed out into the street and got away from her as fast as he could. This week instead of heading to the forest he headed for a bar.

Chapter Eleven

Chuck rolled over and groaned as he was hit by pain from multiple vortexes. His back hurt, his head hurt, his mouth felt like he had swallowed sand, very dry sand. The light in the room hurt his eyes. He was lying on a hard surface and he could smell puke. There was something crusty on his face and in his goatee. What the hell had happened?

He flexed his hands and arms first. Good, they were still attached. One hand seemed asleep. The pins and needles feeling was almost painful. Same for his legs. He must have collapsed onto them in a bent position and now he was paying the price. He groaned again as he slowly straightened them until he hit an obstruction.

He forced his eyes to open and immediately shut them again. The light hurt even more. Finally he got his hand up to shade his eyes and he then opened them again. Everything was blurry for longer than normal but finally he was able to see a little. He was on the floor in a bathroom, a small bathroom. There was not enough room to stretch out on the floor unless he moved around some more. From his angle on the floor the room seemed at once familiar and not familiar.

He slowly propped himself up a little and tried to gaze around again. Now it came back to him, this was the master bathroom in Bev's house. What the hell was he doing here? He tried to remember but his head was hammering and he was nauseated.

He rolled to his hands and knees. That almost did it. He successfully swallowed the bile that was threatening to come up with the movement. He looked and saw that he was wearing clothes. They were covered in puke and stunk to high heaven. The smell almost made him gag again.

There was a quiet knock on the door but it seemed to echo in Chuck's head and made the hammering worse. "Oh God, please be quiet," came out of his mouth and his own voice made his head feel worse again.

The door opened as far as it could and Bev tried to stick her head around it. She whispered but it seemed to be shouting. "Chuck, are you finally awake and part of the living? Can I get you anything, water, Tylenol, anything?"

Chuck held his head steady and forced himself to not nod. It wouldn't be good if he did. He whispered back. "Yes, please, water and something for my head. I don't care what it is."

She closed the door and he grasped the edge of the vanity and pulled himself up. The vision he saw in the mirror didn't make him feel any better. Later he would joke that any woman who saw him then would run screaming into the night. His face was caked with puke. It was a wonder he could open his eyes or his mouth. Slowly he cupped his hands and drank from the spout in the sink before trying to soak off some of the puke. He was moderately successful.

He then slowly took off the offending clothes and started the shower. He made the temperature as hot as he could stand it before entering the stall. There was a built in seat so he sat down and let the water just cascade onto him, slowly removing the majority of the puke from his head, face and torso. Occasionally he would lean back and swallow some more water. He felt very dehydrated.

After some time the water started to get cold. He shut it off before he started to shiver. He had managed to soap up and rinse off before it became too tepid so he at least felt clean. His head wasn't pounding quite as hard.

He managed to stand with a lot of difficulty and then exited the shower. Bev had come in while he was in there as there was a large glass of water and a couple of tablets sitting on the edge of the sink. He didn't hesitate and downed them all. He had no idea whether it was a pain killer or PCP or something else but she obviously hadn't harmed him while he was drunk so he trusted her a little bit to not harm him now.

He gingerly toweled off. When he started to dry his head he made a mental note to shave again as there was a little stubble. After he was dry he put the towel around his waist and exited the bathroom. He was intending to look for some of his remaining clothes but he surprised Darcy in the bedroom. She was putting out some clothing for him.

She jumped when she sensed him behind her. "Oh, I'm sorry, Mr. Endo. I didn't want to disturb you but Bev wanted you to have some clean clothes to wear. I will also grab your other clothes so they can be laundered."

Chuck nodded. He was struck by the thought that once again he was in a bedroom with a good looking woman, albeit a lesbian, and was mostly naked but only caused her to jump. So much for male magnetism. He would never be a James Bond stand-in.

Darcy put the offending clothing into a hamper and gingerly carried them out. After she exited the bedroom he dropped the towel and slowly put on the clothes. They were his, of course, but they were very loose as they were from before he lost weight. He found a belt and cinched up the waist so the slacks would not fall down at an inopportune moment. He was embarrassed enough by being first drunk and then hung over in his wife's house.

His headache was now down to a soft thumping and he was a little less dry. Chuck made his way down to the kitchen where he collapsed onto a chair at the table.

Bev and Darcy were very solicitous about his condition. They quickly heated him up some soup from a can and placed it in front of him. He was surprised at how hungry the smell of canned chicken noodle soup made him. He slowly ate the whole bowl full.

When he was done he could finally ask about what had happened and why he was in Bev's house.

Bev immediately had tears in her eyes when he described their home as 'her' house. "Baby, this will always be your home as well as mine. We brought our kids home from the hospital here. As a matter of fact, they were conceived right upstairs in that bed. Please don't call it Bev's house again."

Chuck nodded. "I will try but why am I here? I remember leaving you here yesterday and then driving away. At least I think it was yesterday, wasn't it?"

"You were so angry with me when you let me off that I believe you went straight to a bar. The bartender called me on your cell after you passed out. He had taken your keys away before that. I am sorry but he called you a lightweight. You only had four or five beers over the three or four hours you were there but you were almost impossible to get into the car."

"We brought you here so we could take care of you. It took all of us, Jon and Jeff included, to get you up the stairs and into the bedroom. Then you started to gag and we knew that you were going to puke so we moved you to the bathroom. You managed to get most of it into the bowl but then you collapsed and we couldn't move you any more so we left you there and tried to get some sleep. It was hard.'

Chuck thanked them for caring for him while he was incapacitated. "Believe me when I say that I have never been that drunk before. I barely drink one beer and get a buzz. And I don't like beer all that much. Again, thank you. Now, if you would, can you take me to my car and I will get out of your hair and let you enjoy whatever is left of the day." He had checked and it was mid-afternoon.

Both Bev and Darcy gave him an emphatic no to his plan on leaving. "Your boys want to see you and make sure you are all right. They were extremely worried last night as they had never seen you in that kind of condition before."

Darcy continued with her own opinion. "We think that you are in no shape to drive right now. Later we can take you to your apartment after you rest some more and eat some solid food. Right now we think that you should go back upstairs and lie down in bed and sleep some more. You could not have possibly been comfortable on that floor all night."

Chuck was still feeling bad enough to not argue and allowed them to lead him up stairs again. They led him into the master bedroom and he wasn't thinking clearly enough to resist lying down in the bed in the exact same spot where he had been raped the last time he occupied this room. Darcy slipped out of the room as Bev helped him out of his clothes. He gratefully slid under the covers and was asleep in a matter of moments. It felt good to stretch out and the blankets were warm and inviting.

Sometime later a naked body slid into bed with him. She slowly worked her way under the covers so as not to disturb him. He was so tired that he was sleeping on his back. She smiled at the soft snores that came from his throat. Carefully she sought out his flaccid penis and slowly worked on it until it stood proud and hard for her. Even more carefully she then took it into her mouth and made sure it was covered with saliva before she worked her way up and straddled his hips and then sank down on his cock.

She slowly worked it back and forth in that way that women love to rub their clits against a man's pubic bone while his hard cock is deeply imbedded. You would think that the woman never wants the cock to come even a little bit out of her hot pussy.

This was what she had been wanting. Cock in her pussy. A tongue and fingers were fine, a dildo was an adequate substitute but the feel of a hard real cock. So smooth and velvety feeling on the outside and hard as iron on the inside. Live, warm and ready to shoot in a short time sometimes. She took her time and worked him and her to a fever pitch. Occasionally she bent down and rubbed her hard nipples on his chest.

She clutched at his pectoral muscles at other times. She then flicked her fingernails over his nipples and made them stand out proud like hers. He groaned in his sleep. She would slow for a moment but wasn't concerned if he would wake. No, prolonging the pleasure was her intention. She was prepared if he woke before hers or his orgasm but it wouldn't matter. He was hard and inside her pussy where he belonged.

Other times when she bent forward she also gave him kisses on his face, his lips and nuzzled his neck. She took deep breaths to get his scent into her nostrils. This was where he belonged. She just needed to make him believe it.

As she worked her hips and pelvis against his cock and his pubic bone her clit started to poke out of its protective sheath and get more stimulation directly. Her breaths started to come shorter and shorter and she gasped at the pleasure between her legs. She pinched her own nipples again and again to get the maximum stimulation. She really hoped that Chuck would awaken and help her out but he remained in a light sleep. He was enjoying it if his moans and sighs were any sign. He was also starting to thrust his hips upward into her sheath as she tried to post up and down .

The feelings of pleasure were becoming overwhelming for her when he suddenly opened his eyes and took in her facial expression. He didn't stop thrusting upwards but did question her. "Bev, what are you doing?" Almost automatically his hands came up to cup her breasts and knead them like bread dough as she tried to answer.

"Husband, I am taking what is mine. I am raping you by forcing you to have sex with me without your permission. Instead of pain I am demanding that you have pleasure. At the same time I am taking my pleasure. I want your cum. I want to take your sperm inside my body. Fuck me, Husband. Fuck me hard like the cunt that I am."

Chuck didn't bother to think, just react. He suddenly was incensed. She was raping him again. She was taking him without his permission. He rolled her over and started to pound into her pussy, no her cunt as hard as he could. Even though he had not had any erection or sexual relief since the night of the first rape he was hard and ready and able to fuck for a long time. Bev shuddered and shook as her first orgasm with a cock in her cunt in a long time rocked her world. She let out a muffled scream and dug her fingernails into his back.

Chuck didn't let it slow his pistoning hips and cock for even a stroke. Throughout their love life he would pause when she orgasmed and wait for her to relax again before resuming his thrusting. This time he did not. He was punishing her for raping him. She needed to have a lesson delivered and learned that he was not to be trifled with. Bev gasped at his hard thrusts and almost begged him to give her time to recover but wisely kept her mouth shut and allowed him to hammer at her vulnerable cunt lips.

Within a few minutes of the hard pounding her erect clit was again being battered by his pubic bone. Her hips were rocking in response to his fucking. She tilted her pelvis a little and the battering took a different aspect. She could feel his hard cock head rubbing against her "G" spot on the upper inside of her pussy. She whimpered and then cried out loudly as she suddenly came again.

As she came down from this orgasm she hoped the boys were outside as they would have heard her scream and might have thought that their dad was hurting her. She deserved to be hurt but not to have her children think any less of their dad.

Chuck was huffing and puffing now with the effort to keep punishing his bitch of a wife. He would slam into her cunt as hard as he could then hold and grind against her pelvis. Her clit was being battered again but was starting to be painful instead of sending out pleasure signals. Bev whimpered again and pulled him close. She raised her upper body off the bed and kissed him hard on the lips. "Punish me, Husband. Hurt me. Make me walk lop-sided for days from your hard banging. Make everyone know that you fucked me, not made love to me. Fuck me. Fuck me."

Suddenly Chuck froze and hammered her cunt as hard as he could as his pent up sperm launched out of his fuck tube. If the orgasm that she wrenched out of him while fucking him with the strap-on was a 10 on a 1-10 scale this was a 12. His pee opening burned from the suddenness of the sperm coming out. It was almost like when he had shot out his first spurt of sperm when he whacked off as a young teen. He remembered that the newly opened sperm tube had burned for a bit then too.

Bev didn't care as another orgasm was wrested from her as his sperm bathed her insides. She didn't care if her sons heard her down the street this time. She screamed out her pleasure from the hard pounding her sensitive cunt took. Her thighs were locked around her husband's hips and she pulled him as tight as she could to stop the overwhelming sensations that he was giving her.

When she could think again she relaxed and let her legs splay apart. She soothed the damaged flesh of his back from her fingernails and told him how much she loved him. For once he didn't snort or deny her feelings. His arms shook with the tension of trying to keep from falling on her. He was loath to remove his cock from the wonderful feeling in her cunt but it was going to have to be done. Either he withdrew or his cock would shrink until it came out on its own.

As he moved away from her crotch a gush of sperm and her fluids came out and soaked the bed. She thought it was like old times. Someone would have to sleep in a wet spot. Maybe they could cuddle together. She wasn't thinking of Darcy right at the moment and about where her lover would have to sleep. She just hugged her husband and kept him close as he came down from his own fuck lust.

She giggled a little. "It is too bad that you don't like sperm either. I would love to have you go down on me and clean me up so that I wouldn't have to move. This is heaven being like this. I feel so nasty and sweaty and fabulously fucked. We haven't done this in a long, long time. We didn't make love, we fucked and we fucked hard and good."

She stopped her rambling. "Was it good for you, too, Dear? I mean, I did sneak in and attack you in your sleep. I never asked if you wanted any sex with me. I just took it on myself to give you pleasure while I also got some. And, boy howdy, I got some. Did we rock your world too?"

Chuck had to admit to her that his orgasm was the most spectacular that he could remember. He was just a little miffed that she had not tried to ask his permission before seducing him but, truth be told, he had spent many an evening trying to convince her to do just what she had done this afternoon, namely take control once in a while and demand sex when she wanted it. During their marriage she had always dropped hints that he sometimes didn't heed when she wanted some love and she would never have asked for some hot jungle love where they would just rut and be damned about each other's feelings.

"I hope that we can repeat this sometime in the near future but I am afraid that we might bruise each other if we try to repeat this too often."

Bev had to agree as her legs were now starting to protest and her cunt was sore. She slowly made her way to the shower to clean up a bit while Chuck rested again. When she came out he was asleep again but resting so much better than earlier. Some hang over cure she thought.

Chapter Twelve

Bev made her way gingerly down the stairs after redressing. The boys were looking at her like she was some kind of alien. Bev cocked an eye at Darcy and the young woman told her that she had explained that the noises from upstairs was Bev and Chuck celebrating getting back together. The boys had been very concerned until then.

Bev felt her face flush. She really didn't want to have to explain everything about what adults did behind closed doors right now but realized that the time was rapidly approaching when her sons would have to have the birds and bees lecture.

Darcy helped her to sit her aching body down in a comfortable chair in the family room as she told the boys that their dad was still feeling a little ill and was taking another nap. When the boys asked their mother why she seemed injured she just stated that she might be a little out of shape to wrestle any more. The boys laughed as she had never wrestled with them since they were tiny.

Jeff and Jon went outside to play with some of the neighbor boys since their dad was ill and couldn't play with them right then. During the time that the boys were out of earshot Darcy and Bev discussed the fucking that Bev had instigated. Bev was happy that she had experienced Chuck again and that his cock seemed to work quite well. "It was the most intense love making, actually correct that to the most intense fucking that we have ever done. He seemed almost possessed in his need to hammer me. He hit my pelvis so hard I was glad he isn't any bigger than he is. I will probably walk with a limp for a couple of days. My pussy is so happy but so sore."