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The conductor takes the podium and the theatre fills with music. I am swept into the world of Don Quixote in the gypsy camp, with the most amazing colourful costumes and exciting dancing. I have my hand on your thigh again, my delight palpable through the heel of my hand sliding up and down, and my body leaning forward.

I feel your leg shift, and then you move my hand to your crotch, where I feel your erection quickly growing!

I positively thrill to your answer to my unspoken question. "That's just an example of what you can do to me." You say - and it takes very little time to become it a solidly hard column - and my own excitement ramps up as the music, plus the combination of the swirling dance and the feel of your cock twitching under my hand, all come together in my mind.

It is as though your cock is actually my own, and your sexual response is the echo of all that I feel. And I can't resist the impulse to touch and stroke, feeling every sensation in my clitoris. So all the time my eyes and ears are on that stage, the remainder of my senses are totally centred on your cock.

I massage and squeeze with my hand, doing so as slowly as possible, and then, when I feel those sensations might too quickly overwhelming you, switch to gentle scratching with my fingernails through the fabric of your trousers.

My clitoris tingles with growing excitement and now my pussy has joined the chorus, clutching and contracting in a kind of need.

I lean over and as I daren't attempt it in the dark, with you sitting, and your erection so prominent, I whisper, "Undo your trousers. Please.". Meanwhile, I feel about in my handbag for one of the soft black paper serviettes that I souvenired with our cups of tea.

Oh, and then when you place my hand on your already pulsing, rearing cock, it feels as though I might have one of the dancers in my fingers. And as it twitches and throbs in response to my touch I thrill to the head's soft responsiveness - like the finest velvet, yet brimming with so much power and life – such a contradiction makes me gasp.

Slowly I stroke it with just one finger, up and down, here and there, so that each touch is hopefully both surprising and unexpected.

To ease the tension my fingers take a short detour, finding your balls and softly and caringly linger awhile, gently stroking, rolling and then soothing.

And then back to the head again, which in the meanwhile has produced a quantity of slippery lubricant, which I begin to spread over it with my palm. At the same time I curl my fingers down, slipping them up and down over that even more sensitive rim - circling, grazing, working them around it, doing my best to make my touch excruciating in its delicacy.

I feel you shudder and exhale heavily, and I breathe it in and make it mine. I feel the rapidly increasing tension inside you, and taking the shaft in my hand I slide it slowly up right over the head, gently squeeze and then vibrate a little there, followed by a smooth stroke downward, all the way.

Your cock is mine, and I know exactly what to do; to both excite and ultimately, to relieve. But I also know exactly how to prolong; easing off, then restimulating, then sometimes diverting my attention back to your heavily swollen balls.

It's not just the feel of it - the sheer excitement of having this gorgeous thing in my hand, within my fingers. It's also the knowledge that it's me that has created it for you, for us - that this very special part of you can be the source of joy and delirium for both of us.

Of course, by then your abdominal and thigh muscles are shuddering as the tension builds even higher - and under the music I hear your panting increase in speed and intensity. But I make you wait - teasing and perhaps tormenting you by pausing and stilling my caressing until I feel your responses ease - only then, slowly beginning the actions that will again start to take you on that ascent upwards into that earthly paradise.

But as our mutual excitement grows, the periods between easing off and resuming becomes less and less, until I can barely gauge where you are at.

And when I do try to ease off the next time, your hand closes over mine, and of course I know precisely what you by then need of me.

So together we take you on to the point of no return…

I already had the soft black serviette ready and as you gushingly erupt, I quickly place it over the repeatedly spouting head, catching all of it under the protective cover of its dark softness.

The odour is incredibly arousing, and my response is intense. I want to lick you clean, but cannot in the refined confines of the theatre. Still, I take a small drop and place it under my nose, where it tickles my senses, and delights me too.

Eventually, when torpor is overcome, you carefully pull up your trousers, and then you take my hand and bite it hard. I thrill to such intensity. It tells me all that I already knew....

During the second interval we make our way outside onto the balcony that overlooks the city. The air outside is much cooler now, and there is a gentle breeze teasing the hem of my skirt.

We both look out over the lights of the city twinkling in the darkness, both lost in thought and for me, at least, recalling the erotic sensation of your hard and pulsing, yet still velvety cock shuddering and jerking in my hand.

The thought alone, makes me wet again. I place my hand in yours, and you squeeze it gently and turn to look at me. The kiss that ensues transforms into one that becomes deep and sensual. I don't want it to finish. I am lost in the sensations. "What you do to me…" you sigh into my hair. I am speechless and simply squeeze you tightly.

Eventually I lean on the balcony, enjoying the cool air that swirls under my skirt and blows through the gossamer top I am wearing so that my nipples harden with the sensation of coolness. I feel alive and vibrant…and horny again, and with my bottom sticking out as I lean on the balcony, I feel a little like Sue in that story you sent me about one of our fantasy love-making encounters.

I fantasize about us playing out one of those scenes right there, right then - so of course, as the scene unfolds in my mind, my panties are saturated in no time at all.

How I long for you to slip your fingers into the lacy band at the top of those very wet silky mauve panties, to slide them down ever so slowly over my sensitive bottom, your fingers following in their wake, one hand dipping briefly into the humid wetness between my legs as the panties continue to be drawn down. Past my thigh-high stockings and down to my ankles, your hands sliding sensuously over my stockinged legs until I feel so weak that I can barely stand.

Already I am past the point of no return, and I want your tongue in the folds of my pussy right now.

Still I imagine that you lift my foot from my shoe and slip the panties over my foot, kissing my ankle through my stocking, which sends shivers up my leg, directly to my tingling clitoris.

You replace my foot in the shoe, and repeat with the other one. "Mmm", you growl, burying your face into my bottom through my skirt. The feeling of your face and the skirt on the skin of my buttocks is exquisite, and I begin to spiral out of control into that no-place that I find myself when the present becomes too full of feeling. Your growling into my buttocks vibrates on my pussy lips and I shudder with pleasure and anticipation.

You slowly lift my skirt, sliding your hands over my stockinged legs, and follow each move with kisses, through my stockings, and then, oh heaven, on the bare skin at the tops of my thighs.

There is wetness dripping down my thighs and you lap it up with murmurs of approval. With my bottom sticking out, and you behind me, I feel incredibly vulnerable because I can't see you; can't guess by seeing your movements what will come next; can only feel what it is you are doing.

I want your tongue inside me so much that I thrust back but you catch my hips in your hands, and then gently, lightly caress my bottom with your hands moving in circles and random pathways. Your lips and tongue follow suit, and the cool air moving over the wet places raises my level of response to such a point that I feel as if I am about to come.

I feel so erotically overwhelmed that I am completely out of control, unable to halt or even slow down my response.

Although I am panting and gasping, you keep your movements slow and soft and steady, not allowing me to race on ahead at break-neck speed until I find my destination, which is my inclination.

You lift the back of the skirt and carefully tuck it into its waistband and then your hands travel up my back to loosen my bra. I feel you stand close behind me, the fabric of your trousers against my bare bottom, and, given how powerfully my fingers made you come such a short while before, am amazed to feel the rigid hardness of your penis pushing against me.

It is only then - only when the size and strength of you brings me back to reality that I discover that my imaginings have become my actuality.

The shock and thrilling realisation leave me totally breathless - so I can only gasp one single word. "Already?"

"I've repeatedly tried to tell you what you do to me Sue." Is all you have to answer to thrill me even more.

But, you caress and weigh my breasts in your hands, rolling and flicking my stiff nipples until I am unable to stop the climax that results. It simply pushes me off the side of a steep hill, and I begin to roll, over and over, powerless in the impetus of such momentum.

You continue to flick and pinch my nipples and to squeeze my breasts, whispering sweet phrases into my ear.

When the upheaval is reduced to tremors, you gently slide your hands down my tummy and then over my bottom. A massive after-shock overcomes me and in the throes of it, you spread my legs wider and somehow manage to begin to blow gently across my wet and still spasming pussy.

That sets off another, and this time you follow with your tongue, thrusting up into the centre of my clamouring cunt over and over.

"Tony, I want you inside me now!" I gasp, still shuddering and trembling from the last climax, and when I hear the soft purr of your zipper, I know I am right on the verge of coming yet again.

And then I feel your cock sliding between my thighs, feeling as though it is covered in satin, in the slippery wetness there. I stick my bottom out further, in my need to have you inside of me, and then suddenly you are there, and I feel your cock slide all the way in, smoothly and deeply.

I hold you there, not wanting to do anything but revel in that feeling of fullness.

Eventually I gently thrust back at you and you respond; sliding slowly right out to the rim of your cock, and then a few small thrusts just at that point, like little trills, and then a deep slow thrust back in.

It is so exquisite that I never want it to end, but of course, it is inevitable, and as I feel you begin to speed up, thrusting more powerfully, I feel all sensation reduced to that centre, and suddenly I am out of control, gasping and crying out, whilst you too, begin to groan and slam into my buttocks and thighs.

I flip into a series of rolling orgasms that mirror my longing for this. The resulting clenches and spasms in my pussy intensify your own orgasm, until we are both quiet and aware once more.

We stickily ease away from each other…

"Caro, that was wonderful!" I sigh, languidly. "The best!"

You smile then, lovingly nuzzle my neck as you whisper hoarsely. "For me too my darling!"

'Rapture' - Morning

It was the morning after the first night of our three days of 'togetherness' - and given the power of the passions unleashed between us the previous night, we had both slept rather later than we normally would.

You did of course wake first - and spent the first few minutes of still drowsy wakefulness gazing across at me, wondering - not for the first time - just what seemingly magical forces had brought the two of us together. That out of the millions of people around us, we two - who not only mesh emotionally, but also mentally and physically - should somehow manage to find each other, seems nothing short of miraculous.

But we have, and the still faintly lingering echoes of the sensations you felt just a few hours earlier, attest to the strength of both the emotional force and to the demonstration of it in the thrills our bodies shared. And you felt yours quickly responding to just the thoughts and memories of even a couple of highlights of what at one stage seemed to be becoming no more than a never-ending climax.

Then, before those responses could turn into something much more demanding, you slipped out of bed and, having headed to the bath-room, then having slipped into the pink chemise and panty set that I had admired so much when you were unpacking, you went through to make yourself some much needed tea and toast.

And, as you didn't know what other times you might have to do so, you took that opportunity to get the print-out of your latest academic submission - which still needed proof-reading and revising before being sent off to your supervisors - then settled back in one of the two arm-chairs to read through it.

You were perhaps a third of the way through the papers, when you heard me stir, then as you had, heading off to the bath-room - coming through to join you just a few minutes later.

'Good morning my darling.' I whispered as I bent to kiss you - a soft but long-lasting kiss that left a hint of minty freshness in your mouth. 'Have you been up long?'

'No sweetheart, no more than half an hour.'

'I can smell that you've already had some toast but I suppose by now you're ready for more tea - right?'

'Of course.' you replied, smiling.

You watched as I prepared my cereal and made two mugs of tea - and although the smart new shortie-pyjamas were unable to disguise my body's ageing process, the recall of just a few of the joys it recently gave you, enabled you to see through those outward defects. And knowing that it is many, many years since I have shared it with any other woman, in some ways added to the undoubted and continuing appeal of it.

I sat on the opposite side of the dining-table, and although you appeared to be re-immersed in your reading, you could somehow tell that even as I ate, I was closely watching you. The ways my eyes washed slowly over you - lingering here and there - re-aroused the feelings you had had much earlier, only that time so very much more strongly.

You felt your breasts tightening, their nipples becoming sensitive to even the light brush of the thin silk that covered them. The ripples of warmth that triggered, flowed downwards, quickly reached to the very core of you. Then you felt your pussy moistening, swelling - so much so that you soon felt the slight pressure of it pressing itself against the silken covering.

You finally glanced higher - to see my eyes staring unblinkingly down, down at where that same triangle of the panties must obviously be showing.

Not for the first time you marvelled that such a very small part of a woman could be the focus of so many men's total entrancement. And although you finally believe what I have said so many, many times - that giving a woman pleasure there is one of the most powerful of turn-ons for me - you knew, from all the other parts of you that have also received such loving kisses and caresses - that for me it is not the only source of my received pleasure.

But, the mere recall of the almost gut-wrenching ecstasy I was able to give you by stroking, licking and sucking you there, only further fuelled the feelings of arousal that had been steadily strengthening as it continued flowing through you.

So, when I looked up and said - 'Do you really need to wear those?' - you unhesitatingly did what I obviously wanted you to, slipping out of both the panties and chemise.

You stood there, wondering exactly what I might have in mind for us - then when I said - 'Would you mind if I asked you to sit down again - so I can just look at you?' - you felt your cheeks colour, but did as I asked, even leaving your legs just a little apart for me.

Although it was probably for no more than a couple of minutes or so, the heavy silence, your naked vulnerability and the anticipation as to what might be to come, drove your excitement even higher - and seeing the steadily rising bulge between my legs, merely added to that erotically heady mix.

So, when I stood, moved towards you, then dropped to my knees - you finally let out a long, breathy sigh of hopeful expectation.

And of course I didn't disappoint you! Taking my time by first slowly slipping my fingers up and down the insides of your widely spread thighs - from time to time, bending to kiss, and then to wetly lick them.

But your breasts, and their by then tautly tingling nipples, were by no means forgotten - as my lips and tongue slowly glided up and down your thighs, my hands reached up; to cup, fondle and teasingly-lightly, squeeze them.

I heard your sighs and low grunting sounds, growing deeper, sharper - and recognising from those that your need was rapidly increasing, I spread your legs even wider, then slid my head high enough for my tongue to reach your pussy.

Even the feel of my as yet unshaved face, grazing the sensitive skin on your inner thighs, was another powerful turn-on for you - and you arched and pushed yourself forward so that I could more easily reach you.

Then I did what we both love - using fingers, lips, tongue and mouth in various and ever-changing combinations, to drive you up to what proved to be a series of climactic crescendos of increasingly utterly blissful rapture.

And although by the time you weakly pushed my head away, your entire body felt drained of every single ounce of energy - when you opened your eyes and re-focussed them, you couldn't miss the angrily engorged thing that was poking itself out from the front of my shorts.

Without giving me time to protest, you pushed me over on to my back - and having straddled me, you literally impaled yourself on my quiveringly straining cock.

By then your pussy was so wetly open that it slipped effortlessly deep, deep inside you - stretching and filling you in the way that only this one can.

Exactly what happened in the next period is still a blur to me - the excited elation I felt was so incredibly powerful that it entirely blocks out all rational commentary. All I can say is that those last final moments - when the almost excruciating agony your actions always produce for me became just about too strong to bear - were merely the precursor to an orgasm that felt like nothing I had ever experienced before.

'Rapture' - Afternoon

Perhaps not surprisingly, after the events of that morning, we had agreed that, although at least temporarily sated, neither of us wished to bring that intimate togetherness to an end too quickly - so, with our arms curled around each other, we quickly made our way back to bed.

For a long time - maybe an hour or more - we just lay there, tenderly holding each other as we talked. We spoke of so many, many things; music, films and books we both enjoyed; some of the events that had shaped the directions of our separate lives; the comparisons and the differences between your academic and my business oriented work. But, time and again we each found ourselves swinging back to our mutually and deeply shared love of Nature. Sometimes exchanging word pictures of scenes and behaviours we had noticed, at others, passing on some particular knowledge one or other of us had acquired.

There were so many different things we found to continue our conversation, and things which we frequently laughed about. And in fact perhaps we were each trying to absorb something of the life experiences of the other, and maybe in that way, seeking to enmesh ourself ever more deeply in the new found - and both suddenly, and so totally surprisingly - love we were each experiencing.