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Once I was sure that your level of excited anticipation has begun to rise, as one hand slid up along the back of your leg, I lifted it, and started using my mouth and tongue to do to your foot and toes what my fingers previously had.

As at that other time - I don't think either of us could really believe just how quickly you became even more excited; it seemed each toe had its own separate connection to both your breasts, and to your clitoris and pussy, so as I concentrated on not only each one, but used my tongue to reach into those especially soft, and sensitively tight spaces between them, your sighs had soon turned to those harsher, and far more revealing gasps.

And by the time I had repeated those long, slow, and deliberately measured caresses to both feet, I could tell from the even deeper and more rhythmically staccato gruntings, that you were more than ready for what I next had in mind for us. So, pulling a cushion from a nearby chair, I lay back and pushed it under my head, then said. 'It's time to relieve that other sort of tension now my darling - come down here, kneel astride me.'

Of course you immediately knew precisely what I intended, and just knowing that it was my mouth and tongue that would be doing to your pussy what my hands had done to your feet and toes, sent your anticipation and excitement levels rocketing. And the fact that you had not yet got around to putting on fresh panties - coupled with your incredibly strong sense of urgency - meant you simply flipped your skirt up around my head as you moved to squat over me.

Now in that position I could not of course reach up to caress your breasts, so, as my tongue began to do no more than start slowly licking up along the wetness of the cleft between your pussy-lips, my hands instead slipped around and began caressing the delightful firmness of your bottom.

It was only when I had been licking and fondling you for a while, that I recalled something you had said in one of your letters - when you told me that the area around your anus was another particularly sensitive one. I decided that then was the perfect time to test that out! And, using one hand to spread your bottom cheeks apart - and increasing the pressure of my tongue by stiffening it and pushing deep inside your pussy - I began stroking a couple of fingers over and around that tightly muscled entry, then tentatively pressing one of them down against it.

The combination clearly did something extra for you, I could both hear the rapidly increasing tension in your grunts, and feel the strength of the tremors rippling through your thigh and stomach muscles.

So, as I shifted the focus of my tongue - from your pussy to your clitoris - I pressed my finger just that much more firmly, and felt it slipping just a little way inside you. And, once there, as I tentatively began pushing it in and out, my tongue went into over-drive - flickering faster and faster.

After all the arousing stimulation I had already given you, doing that meant that it took hardly any time at all to push you high over the top, and as I gulped down the sudden rush of fluid as the peak of that first climax ripped through you, your cries of euphoric exhilaration echoed loudly all around us.

But I was still not completely done with you! Yet!

Even as my mouth filled, I swallowed fast - then opening it and pressing my head more firmly up against you, I thrust both my tongue and my finger, as far inside you as I was able to, then sucked.

And as my tongue and fingers pushed in an out, I sucked again, sucked you hard and repeatedly.

Your climax went on - and on - and on, and as what I was doing produced feelings unlike anything you had before - and your body's ongoing reactions threatened to completely exhaust you - your cries turned to gasps, then to breathless and almost disbelieving whimpers.

Yet - even through the rhapsodic delirium of that seemingly endless orgasm - you reached behind you and immediately discovered that licking and sucking you had done what I have often said it always does to me. Feeling the size and obvious strength of the erection I had straining against the front of my trousers.

So, quickly unzipping, unfastening, then somehow managing to push them down, you moved yourself backwards until you could guide it up into the gapingly sopping wetness of your still convulsing pussy. And - quite unlike any of the love-making we had until then done together - you literally fucked me!

In fact you fucked me as though that might well be the very last one you ever had. Slamming yourself repeatedly downwards, moving ever faster and faster, making sure you jammed my by then fiercely throbbing cock both hard and deep inside yourself.

You heard yourself grunting - those deep and rhythmically staccato grunts that I have told you thrill me so much - and underlying them, my harsher, more guttural groans of the sheer and utterly mindless delirium your actions were providing me.

Like all passionate lovers, neither of us wanted those feeling to ever end, but of course we also knew that our bodies were no longer ours to command - and all too soon we each felt the other heading up towards that final, almost desperately and distraughtly driven physical rush.

As your already blurred vision darkened, as your body became nothing more than a vehicle for your convulsingly clutching pussy, you felt yourself somehow synchronising with me. By then you were being driven by some totally and uncontrollably powerful need - maybe something deeply primal - all you knew was that this time, you needed this cock, his cock, to spout its essences deep into the very depths of you. And to that end you completely ignored the momentary and wincingly flashes of pain as you jammed yourself down bone-jarringly hard - allowing the first of my mighty upthrusts to pierce you to the very deepest part, conscious only of the sudden hot stickiness of the first of my obviously massive jettings.

Then, gaining just sufficient consciousness to do so, you heaved yourself up and down even faster, clenching your pussy tightly - only slowing once I had finished spouting a long series of extraordinarily powerful gouts of it into you - and even then continuing to push yourself up and down its still remaining firmness, as though determined to ensure you had pumped me dry of every last drop of semen.

'Rapture' - Evening

Given how exhausting our day's activities had already been, we had both slept for an hour or two - our arms curled around our still intertwined bodies, our faces so close together that we each breathed the other's air.

When we woke, had washed and refreshed ourselves, we sat side by side on the balcony; sipping tea as we watched the slowly sinking sun, and gazing - mostly silently - out across the few scattered roof-tops, at the country beyond, and at the far surrounding and by then hazily misted hills.

'I'm just a little bit worried.' I said, breaking the over-long silence.

'What is it darling?' you asked anxiously.

'If the next two days are anything like today has been, I think I might have to check myself into the local hospital - for physical resuscitation.' I replied with mock sincerity.

You giggled, punched my arm, then said. 'That's not fair, you had me worried.' then paused before adding. 'But it has been quite spectacular - and I particularly mean your performance and your subsequent speed of recovery.'

'As I think I told you sometime, that's just down to what you do to and for me!' I replied, leaning closer so we could exchange a few of those lovingly lingering kisses we both adore.

'But now, to more serious things.' I said as we finally broke apart. 'What sort of restaurant would you like to go to for dinner tonight?'

You thought for a moment, then answered. 'Do we actually have to go out? I think there's a range of take-away menus near the telephone - and you brought some more of that lovely wine we had last night, didn't you?'

'Yes, three bottles - just in case!' I replied.

'Well then, why waste time going to and from a restaurant?'

'A very good question - and the answer's simple - we'll dial-a-dinner!'

It didn't take us long to find a brochure for a nearby Thai restaurant; the menu providing several very hot and spicy dishes for you to choose from, and a few of the less threatening sorts that would better suit my non-asbestos coated palate.

'Now -' you said as I hung-up the phone '- in anticipation that we might eat out, I bought a new dress to wear for you - and although this way I won't be able to show it off to the general populace, I don't see why you should be deprived of the possible pleasure. But it's up to you. So, would you rather watch me dining naked, or dressed-up a bit?'

I thought for a moment - the prospect of having you sitting there in nothing but skin, was of course extremely tempting - but so was the idea of enjoying seeing whatever you had chosen - then taking my time in anticipating the revelation of what actually lay beneath it. So my answer was in fact simple. 'Dressed-up please! That is providing I'm the one to take it off again.' I added.

'Done! In that case, if I'm to go all girly for you, I might need a bit more time than usual in the bath-room.'

'No problem - I'll just have a quick shower, then sit out here with a drink, while I watch the sunset - and spend my time imagining what you're up to in the bath-room…'

'Just don't get yourself too excited lover - I want us to make love to each other very, very slowly tonight. So I don't want you wasting any of what you might be storing up for me!' you replied with a wickedly knowing grin.

'OK - I'll be looking forward to that too.' I said as I stood up and made my way to the bath-room. 'I'll order the meal once you're ready, that way you'll have time for a G & T before it arrives.'

I'm pretty quick in the shower, so took the time to give myself a second shave - just to make sure my face was nice and smooth for you - then, as I didn't want to look too dowdy beside a well dressed Sue, headed across to the bed-room to put on something smart. 'All yours!' I called out as I crossed the short hall-way.

While you busied yourself in the bath-room and then the bed-room, I sat, slowly sipping a long, well-iced gin and tonic, watching the sky's changing colours as the sun sank below the hilly, far horizon. But my mind went skittering off on its own; sometimes recalling some of the many things we had done with and to each other the previous evening, but admittedly, mostly returning to that time in the gardens - when you had given me those totally unparalleled sensations, with your mouth and lips.

Now none of us is able to re-live the physical thrills we have previously experienced - anymore than we can recall the actual intensity of some excruciating pain - but the knowledge that it had been like nothing I had previously experienced, plus the definitely still vivid images that accompanied it, were all too fresh.

By closing my eyes I could still see the sight of you - your lips already stretched by the greater than usual size of my engorgement, your wide-staring eyes - sparkling with delight as you saw the obviously dramatically increasing tension reflected on my face - gazing up at me even as you continued pushing your head up and down the throbbingly rigid hardness.

Just the recall of that sight was more than enough to re-stir me, and I soon felt my cock thickening, then pushing itself firmly against my trousers.

Even though remembering what you had said about not getting myself over-excited made me try to think of other, much less disturbing things - I was not completely successful…

Normally, at least by comparison with most other women, Sue was one who could get herself ready in no time at all; even her make-up would be no more than a light dab of lip-stick. So, when she took some thirty to forty minutes, I understood she was making a very special effort.

And given I had to wait much more time than usual, and although I did spend most of it recalling either the delights of both the previous evening and that afternoon, or the equally strong thrills she'd given me just an hour or two before, I also found myself imaging what might be happening behind either of those firmly closed doors.

Perhaps I am just a little strange, but I have always enjoyed watching a beautiful woman dressing herself - getting almost as much pleasure from that as I do from watching her reverse the process. There is something highly erotic about a woman slowly covering those most sensually stimulating parts of herself, well at least to me there is.

The way she takes care to fit the bra-cups so each breast is both comfortably and sweetly held. Then what is sometimes the highlight of her dressing - when she reaches both arms around behind herself to fasten the two ends of the bra-strap. That movement, that position, both lifting and tightening her breasts, giving them the dramatically upcurving prominence that most men love.

Then the delicate lifting and stepping of each leg into her panties, and ensuring they fit her snugly.

And then, if the occasion calls for them, the even more stimulating sight of her carefully rolling and smoothing a pair of stockings up each leg, far up each softly rounded thigh.

And through all that, from time to time offering the watcher the opportunity to enjoy the sight of each of her erotically seductive curves.

So I imagined I was in the bed-room with you, watching as you did those things, then as you fixed your hair, your make-up, and finally, slipping into the new dress you said she had bought for me.

And of course the thoughts and images that flowed from that weakened resolve only served to further stiffen the by then throbbingly swollen length that I was absolutely unable to ignore.

But I still don't think that my state of highly charged arousal had any effect on my reactions when you finally appeared - I gawped, then stared, your sheer loveliness making it almost impossible to breathe.

'Oh darling, you look absolutely beautiful!' I managed to gasp when I had recovered my senses. 'I mean -' I added hastily. '- even more beautiful than you usually do! And that dress looks absolutely stunning on you!'

And it was - both its style and colouring suiting your figure and complexion perfectly.

It was apparently made of some very fine silk, the upper part - its halter-neck setting off the sensual beauty of your shoulders - in what I knew to be one of your favourite colours, French pink. That colour continuing down past the figure-huggingly tailored, but unbelted, waist, to just above the soft curve of your stomach, where it began bleeding, unevenly, into the dark purple of the lower third of the dress - the hem of which brushed gently against the top of your knee.

Beneath that I could see you were was wearing fine, flesh coloured stockings, your feet in high-heeled sling-backs a shade or two darker than the French pink.

Then, as my eyes drifted back up over the curves of your body, I saw that at the base of the modestly plunging neck-line, there was just an inch or so of lace - in the same French pink - which I presumed was a little of whatever prettiness decorated your bra.

As it meant I would probably have the pleasure of letting it down some time later, I was delighted to see that you had arranged your hair on top of your head. Its silky dark abundance held in place by a single large bear-claw grip, which matched the colour of both the shoes, and the glossy lip-stick and nail varnish.

That evening you wore neither necklace nor ear-rings, confidently relying on just the smoothly seductive whiteness of your neck and shoulders to set off the eye-catching appeal of that dress.

'Absolutely stunning!' I added when I'd temporarily drunk my fill of looking you over. 'And whoever came up with those colours and design must have had somebody exactly like you in mind when they created them.'

'Oh good, I'm so glad you like it too - I fell in love with it the moment I saw it. And sometime later you'll also find that at least for just this once, I am as you have always said you prefer your women to be, totally colour co-ordinated. But now where's that drink you promised me?' you asked.

I watched as the dress seemed to float around you as you headed for the balcony, then set about pouring us both a drink, before ringing our order through to the restaurant. 'They say it'll be about thirty minutes before they get here.' I said, then added as I handed the drink down to you. 'So that gives you plenty of time to enjoy this.'

The balcony was fairly narrow one, and along with the two chairs, had a slim but sturdily rectangular table. 'Now we can either spread ourselves out a bit and sit inside, or, if you'd prefer, make do with this table, which would mean us sitting side-by-side, but at least we'd still have the view ahead of us. Which would you prefer darling?'

'Oh let's make the most of this. It's a lovely evening, the view is pretty nice, and apart from that, I'd like to have you beside me.'

Once I'd moved the furniture around, cleared the table of everything except our drinks and the wine and glasses we'd be having, I settled down and joined you in slowly sipping the gin and tonic.

As we both prefer to do, we sat fairly quietly - most of the time, enjoying both the pleasure of simply being together, and well as the peacefulness of our surroundings - but every now and then, talking of this and that. So the half hour or so it took for our meals to be delivered slipped quickly by, and soon after, we were eating what proved to be extraordinarily good Thai food.

Having taken delivery of it I arranged the various components on a couple of dinner plates, and then as I placed those down on the table, I'd glanced down at you - and although the neck-line was not especially revealing, at that angle I could see not only the seductive up-curving of your always temptingly beautiful breasts, but a brief glimpse of the lace-trimmed silk that encased them.

The thought of holding, of gently uncovering them, then of kissing and fondling them - momentarily drove all thoughts of food right out of my head. But the scents drifting upwards - and the knowledge that you would be even more receptive to my caresses after you'd eaten - gave me the will to overcome such thoughts.

However, as I needed only one hand to eat the chicken and rice dish - and although it must have been a purely subconscious movement - before I was much more than half way through my meal, I realised my left hand had moved, to rest itself lightly on the spot just above your knee.

Now of course once I realised where it was, the feel of the warm smoothness of your thigh, even through its silky covering, reminded me of the pleasures I felt when either stroking, or - even more excitingly - kissing and licking it.

Perhaps it was those thoughts that set my fingers in motion - set them moving, but - mindful of how you had described you wanted that evening's love-making to be - doing so crawlingly slowly.

For some time you seemed to ignore the inching progression of my hand and fingers, perhaps your leg moved a fraction, easing sideways towards me, but maybe that was purely my wishful thinking. But by then knowing your speedy responsiveness to the slightest touch, although you neither discouraged nor dissuaded me, I allowed my fingers to gradually explore a steadily increasing area of your thigh.

It was only when you lifted the last forkful of food that you paused, turned, smiled, and said. 'You do like caressing my legs, don't you!'

'Of course I do - just as I love caressing each and every part of you - but even in spite of the delights of so many other places, there's still something very special about your legs - well, your thighs.'