Exploitable Lust Pt. 09


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"Okay," was my reply as I examined the item. When I flipped it over, I realized it was a type of temporary tattoo, however, the design for it was quite risque. It was a barcode, but with the words "BLACK OWNED" written above it, and a queen of spades logo over the left-hand corner. My heart fluttered at the idea of having such a proclamation on my wrist, and I was actually eager to get it put on. I read the directions, and as if reading my mind, Jerome handed me a damp cloth he had stashed on his door panel. Within minutes, I had the tattoo applied and was amazed at how real it looked. Showing Jerome, he smiled his approval and said, "Great, I have more if that one starts to wear away." Moments later we arrived at a coffee shop that was situated within a larger strip mall. I got out of the car and met Jerome at the back after he parked. He pulled me in close and spoke to me.

"When we get inside, I will find us a place to sit, and you will get us two lattes."

"Yes sir," was my simple reply, and as we entered the shop we did just that. Jerome gave me a tiny swat on my ass before leaving to find a place for us to enjoy our coffee, and I got in line to order. There were a few people in front of me and as I waited for my turn I could sense the attention I was gathering in my very revealing outfit. If possible, my nipples got even harder and strained to bust through the fabric of my top. By the time I got up to the counter, I could feel the slickness of my sex coating my thighs and hoped that it wasn't apparent to anyone else.

I ordered the coffee, and when I went to pay I realized the subtle naughtiness of Jerome. Because he had me put my time bomb on my purse zipper, I had to handle it as I opened my purse thus conjuring up the recollection of what was on it. Also, as I handed my debit card to the barista, I used my hand that had the temporary tattoo on my inside wrist and could tell that the twenty-something girl who took my order was trying to figure out what it said. If her reaction told me anything, she was able to read it and seemed to have become quite flustered upon doing so. Again, my pussy gushed.

After a short wait, the lattes where ready and I took them over to where Jerome was sitting. He had chosen a small table with two chairs near the back corner of the coffee shop. There were others sitting nearby but were mostly absorbed in their laptops. I set down the two drinks atop the table and then took my seat in the empty chair.

"Thank you slut," he said loud enough that I could hear him, but most likely not loud enough for anyone else to hear.

I replied in a similar manner, "you're are welcome Sir. I think the barista read the tattoo on my wrist; she seemed flustered as I paid."

"Did it turn you on knowing she saw you are black-owned," he asked.

"Yes, it really did sir. I am practically dripping."

He smiled and took a drink from his drink before asking me, "Are you enjoying being out in public as my slut?"

"Yes. It feels exhilarating to step outside of my normal everyday day life."

"Are you nervous that someone you know will see you," he asked.

"Not really. I don't have many people I am that personable with other than my husband and you sir. I know people, but none that I would be worried about seeing me with you."

"Interesting," he said as he took another sip of his latte, "I am gonna ask you some more personal question now, and you are to answer them honestly."

I nodded my head that I understood, and then took a drink from my coffee as I waited to hear what he was going to ask me.

"I know that I am the first black guy you have ever been with, but how many guys, including your husband, have you been with?"

I replied, "Three, including my husband, I have been with three men."

"That's it," he questioned, "only three men for a naughty slut like yourself?"

"Yes. Before my husband, I had two short-term boyfriends that lasted maybe a few months, but neither were really anything to write home about," I explained.

"Well then," he continued his questioning, "is it safe to assume that you have only sucked three cocks as well?"

I shook my head as I took another drink, "Only two. I didn't give my first boyfriend head."

Jerome seemed amazed at the revelation, as he took a moment before saying, "we will certainly see if we can get those numbers up. When is the last time you have had sex with husband?"

"Oh gosh, I'm not sure. He usually so tired from work, and I am quite frankly to busy thinking about you, that I don't think we have had sex in about a month," I answered.

Smiling, he said, "Poor hubby, his sexy slut wife is to busy serving her black owner to get any of her slutty pussy. What's the sluttiest thing you have ever done for him, or with him?"

I had to think about it for a moment, but I soon remembered a moment during a vacation and relayed the moment to Jerome.

"Once, while on a vacation about ten years back, I got a little tipsy and let my husband have sex with me on our room's balcony that overlooked the pool. I was completely naked but it was late at night so I don't think anyone saw us."

"Haha," he laughed, "You have done far more slutty things for me in just the short time we have known each other. I seem to have unlocked your inner freak."

"Yes, you have," I replied smiling and blushing.

"Well let's get out of here, I want to stop into a few stores here and we can take our coffees to-go," Jerome announced as he stood and held out his hand.

I reached up and took his hand as I stood, and we walked out and towards the other stores in the lot. As we exited the coffee shop, Jerome again pulled me in, but this time his arm was around my waist with his hand resting on my ass over the skirt. He gave me a little squeeze, and I felt my heart beat faster and my slit moisten. The first store we stopped into was a party supply store, and Jerome led us towards the costume section.

"I want to find a nice mask for you. That way when I film and take pictures of you, you don't have to wear the hood anymore and more of your pretty face can be seen," he informed me as we browsed. I was a bit unsure about having more of my face visible but trusted in Jerome to have my best interests in mind. Reaching the end of one aisle, Jerome grabbed a back opera style eye mask of a hook.

"This should work. Try it on and let me see how you look slut," he ordered.

Taking the plastic mask from him, I pulled it onto my head and into position over my face. Unlike the hood I wore, this mask only covered the areas around my eyes and left my mouth, nose, and head visible.

"Yeah, that looks perfect. Pose for a picture now."

Doing as I was told, I struck a pose for Jerome right in the aisle way and he snapped a picture using his phone. He then showed me the image after I took off the mask, and I was happy to see that it did an adequate job of concealing my identity while also making me look mysteriously sexy.

"Go ahead and pay for the mask slut, and I'll upload this photo to the gallery with the others. Meet me outside when you are done."

We walked together until the end of the aisle, and then I continued to the register while he walked to the door. Just as it played out in the coffee shop when I paid, I was reminded of my time bomb, and the clerk took notice of my tattoo. It felt so naughty to be showing off my slutty side so freely, and I was desperate to have Jerome use me soon. Not just fuck me, but truly use me as his slut.

I caught back up with him outside and he grabbed me around the waist again as we walked to the next store. As we did, the hand on my ass began to squeeze me a bit more firmly, and then I felt him begin to bunch up the material of my skirt. Little by little, it crept up until his hand freely palmed my naked cheek. I was shocked at how brazenly he was feeling me up in public, but I didn't try to stop him. The groping only lasted a brief moment before he let go of the skirt and my ass was once again covered. I wasn't sure if anyone saw, but the thrill and idea that someone may have kept me riled up.

The next store he led us into was a small grocery store, and Jerome informed me that he wanted to pick up a few items to eat. He grabbed us a basket and we shopped the store while I paid close attention to the items he picked out. In the produce section, he grabbed a bunch of bananas, a carton of strawberries, and a bag of grapes. Then he got a carton of milk from the dairy section along with a can of whipped cream. When we strolled through the frozen department, he picked up a bag of frozen blueberries. We stayed in the frozen section for a moment as Jerome browsed, and the cold air accentuated my hardened nipples, and it must have gotten his attention because he grabbed me and kissed me as he had at my house. With his free hand, he reached under my skirt and once again grabbed my ass, this time lingering for a bit and inching a finger towards my hole. I moaned into his mouth as he tapped the tip of his finger against the tight entrance before breaking off the kiss and removing his hand.

Following our moment of passion, we walked towards the beer coolers. Jerome instructed me to grab one of the thirty packs of light beer from a case. With the beer in my possession, he handed me the now filled shopping basket and as he had at the previous store, informed I was to pay and then meet him outside. Even though it was a struggle for me to carry both the case of beer and the basket of groceries, I made no protest and made my way to the checkout line.

Just as I had at the coffee shop, as I waited in line to check out, I could feel eyes on me, and the items I was purchasing probably only added to the assumptions about my nature. Reaching the front of the line, I was once again reminded of my sluttiness when pulling open my purse to retrieve my wallet, and again drew the quizzical eye of the cashier upon sight of the tattoo. I just smiled and thanked the older man before grabbing the bags and the case of beer on my way out of the store. To my surprise, Jerome had retrieved his car and pulled it in front of the store to wait for me. As I approached, he rolled the passenger side window down and told me to put everything in the truck. He also reminded me that I was to show his car respect before entering.

I felt an elevated sense of naughtiness when I leaned over to kiss his car's hood after putting the bags and beer in the truck. Primarily the feeling came because I was doing so right out in public, and just outside of a relatively busy store. However, I did as required, and then quickly entered the car so we could be on our way. Before we even left the parking lot, Jerome reached over and grasped my chest, kneading my breast through my top. His hand then dropped to my lap and pulled up my skirt to grope my flooded cunt. He pulled his hand away after a moment and lifted it covered in my juices to my mouth. I dutifully began to lick arousal off of his fingers and hand, hoping soon that I would get to do the same to his massive member. I would apparently have to wait, as he was satisfied with my cleaning of his hand and pulled it back to the steering wheel. A few moments later we arrived back at my house. Reaching into the back seat, Jerome grabbed a duffle bag I had not been aware of and the gave me some instructions.

"Bring the stuff we got into the house. Leave the grocery items on the counter, but put the beer in the fridge. Wait for me in the kitchen naked except for your heels and the new mask."

He then left me in the car as he headed inside my house. I was curious as what he had planned, and what was in the bag, but I knew whatever it was I was going to enjoy it. I also knew that he most likely planned on filming me or taking pictures to post, as he made sure to instruct me to wear to mask. It took a bit of maneuvering, but I managed to get the bags and beer into the house in one trip, I was eager after all and was quickly naked as requested. I wasn't quite sure where Jerome had gone once he got inside, but as I waited for him, I hoped he wouldn't be too long. He eventually came into the kitchen and I wasn't surprised to see he was holding up a video camera when he did.

"Hello again slut, how are you doing," he asked and I understood he was recording and setting a scene. I followed along and responded, "Hello sir, I am doing great, but am eager to serve you."

"And serve you will slut, but before that, why don't you tell everyone where we are today?"

Still going with the role, I replied, "We are in my kitchen sir."

"That's right, which is the perfect place to make a delicious smoothie," he said as I watched him pan the camera to the counter that held the groceries from earlier. He then panned back to me and instructed me to get out my blender. Not questioning him, I turned away from the camera and bent at the waist to retrieve the blender which just happened to be stashed in the lower cabinet behind me. Once I pulled out the appliance, I turned and stood back up at which Jerome indicated I was to set it down on the counter next to the, what I now knew to be smoothie ingredients. I was still a bit in the dark about what was going to happen, but I kept playing along as I knew that whatever Jerome had planned, it certainly would be exciting and slutty.

"Good job slut, now go ahead and start making your self a nice and tasty smoothie."

Figuring I would actually enjoy a good smoothie, I did as I was told without question. I peeled a banana and dropped it into the blender, along with a handful of strawberries and blueberries. I then poured in some milk to help liquify the mixture of fruits. Giving Jerome a quick glance as I put the lid on, he returned my glance with a silent nod, and I began to blend everything together. It was long before it was a smooth and frothy drink, and as I stopped the blender he told me to get out a glass. Walking as sexily as I could for the camera, I took the few steps to the other side of the kitchen and grabbed a tall glass from the cabinet. Bringing the glass back to the counter, I went to begin pouring the smoothie into it but Jerome stopped me.

"Hold on slut, not just yet. You'll get to drink it, but you have one more step to complete. Have you ever heard of an 'ass smoothie'?"

I legitimately had not, and my reaction conveyed both my obliviousness and intrigue about such a thing.

"No, I have not heard of an 'ass smoothie'."

"Well after today you will have a thorough understanding of what one is. Simply stated it is a smoothie that comes out of your ass. Now since you did such a good job of mixing up the smoothie, we can now get to the fun part, pouring it into your ass. That is where this will come into play," he held up what I recognized as a speculum. "I'll do the job of pouring it inside of you, all you have to do is get into proper position. Prop yourself up against the cabinets so that your ass is pointing straight up; almost as if you were going to try and eat yourself out. Think you can manage that slut?'

"Yes sir," I said with a great deal of enthusiasm and while dropping down to my knees to prepare to do so. It took me a little doing, but I managed to get into the proper position, and I looked up through my legs as Jerome took the time to pan the camera over my body and onto my now upturned ass. He then poured some oil onto my ass that he must have grabbed off the counter, and began to press the speculum into my ass. With the device firmly in place, he started to expand which in effect spread open my tight hole. The stretching felt a bit painful at first, but it wasn't anything I couldn't handle. When he was satisfied that I was adequately opened, he stopped and grabbed the pitcher off of the blender.

"Here it comes slut, I'm going to pour into to your opened asshole and you just relax and let it fill you up. I'll take it slow as to not spill any, so try not to move or you won't get your full serving."

I then felt the cold liquid began to pour into my warm and stretched open asshole. It was a strange sensation, to say the least, but wasn't an unpleasant one. Jerome would pour until it was about to spill over and then stop, and I would slowly begin feeling the drink sink further into me allowing him to pour more inside. This pattern went on for awhile until that last drips of the pitcher spilled into my open hole. Jerome had me wait for just a little longer to allow for the smoothie to sink further into me before pulling out the stretching device. Upon its removal, and before I got back into an upright position, he brought the speculum to my mouth to lick.

"Like licking the spoon when you are baking," he said with a laugh. I only smiled in response, as I licked the cold plastic. The taste of the smoothie was actually pretty good, and I hoped that it having been poured into my ass wouldn't affect the flavor too much.

When he felt I had done a sufficient job licking clean the speculum, he tossed it aside on the floor of the kitchen and instructed me to stand. I was nervous in doing so, as my abdomen region felt full and I feared that once I stood, the all of the liquid would come draining out of me. However, as I turned over and began to stand, I found my fears for not, as my asshole had time to tighten to a close as I licked the speculum and I was able to hold everything inside.

Jerome held out the glass to me and said, "now you can enjoy your smoothie slut. Just squat over this glass and let it out of your ass."

Grabbing the glass from him, I respectfully began to squat over it. In an attempt to prevent a mess, I pressed the glass firmly against my ass, encircling my asshole, and began to expel the cool liquid of the smoothie into it. Performing such I was washed over with a feeling of embarrassment from that fact that I was basically having a smoothie bowel movement in front of my black lover who was recording it for the intent of posting it online for countless others to see. However, as I thought of the number of potential others who would see me doing this, the embarrassment of the degrading act faded and was replaced with a new level of arousal. When I eventually filled the cup and felt as though no more of the smoothie was still inside of me, I pulled the now full glass away and stood up.

"Okay slut, enjoy you ass smoothie," Jerome instructed as I stood silently before him with the unusually served concoction in my hand.

Amazingly, the drink was still cool, as I could feel it through the glass. I looked at it momentarily, and if I didn't know it had been inside my ass, I wouldn't have been able to tell just from looking at it. Smirking for the Jerome and the camera, I lifted the drink to my lips and took my first sip from it. To my somewhat surprise, it tasted normal; just like a strawberry and banana smoothie. I took another larger gulp and then indicated my pleasure.

"So good. It is creamy and cold. I love it. I might have to make ass smoothies a regular thing."

My next gulp, however, had more of an acidic tang then normal and I assumed that it was the flavoring of my ass coming through. I didn't let the change in taste affect my expression though, and I certainly didn't stop drinking. After a few moments, I had guzzled the creamy beverage down and set the empty glass atop the counter. I smiled at the camera and Jerome again feeling proud of myself and waiting for his next move.

"Did you enjoy your smoothie slut," Jerome asked.

"Yes, I did, very much."

"A slut needs her nutrition I guess, no matter how it gets prepared. Say bye to your fans slut," he said.

Raising my hand up and smiling, I waved and said, "Goodbye everyone. I hope you enjoyed watching as much as I enjoyed drinking my ass smoothie."

Jerome turned the camera off, before giving me further instructions, "Well done slut, go ahead and clean up all the smoothie stuff and then yourself if you need to before meeting in your backyard."