FF Crystal Caravan Year 02


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Sala licked her lips as she tossed the fish bones over the side of the boat. Flora finished cooking the other fish at just about the same time. She was cooking it on a large metal fire pit in the center of the deck. It was set up on stone legs to keep it from burning the deck.

"Lunch!" Flora called up to the Captain.

"What for, Lynari's right there!" The Captain yelled, pointing.

Distant on the horizon was a tiny speck. Only Sala and the Captain could really see it at first. It took them fifteen minutes before the rest of them could see it. Lynari Isle was actually fairly large. The vast majority of it was desert. The beaches around the outside had a number of Palm trees and sparse grasses and weeds.

The Captain steered the ship around the island until they reached the small town of Lynari. It was a town built on a cliff side and a beach. The town consisted mostly of tents and a few small buildings. A few caves were also dug out of the cliff side for more places. It was actually quite a large town when you stepped back and looked at it.

"Welcome to Lynari." The Captain said, steering the boat carefully near the dock. The dock was a floating wood dock anchored forty feet out from the shore.

"Woohoo!" Sala cried, leaping over the side of the boat.

She swam to the shore and walked up the beach. A few kids playing around on the beach looked at her as she shook her hair out behind her.

"Kitty!" One of the younger kids said, pointing at Sala.

Sala couldn't help but smile and chuckle at the children. She crouched down and looked at the young girl. She was maybe four years old. She wore a cute pink outfit and her hair was up in pig tails.

"Yes, I'm a kitty." Sala smiled, holding out her paw.

The child tentatively touched Sala's paw. She smiled and giggled as she ran her small fingers through Sala's soft fur.

"What's your name?" Sala asked the young girl.

"Jennifer!" The young girl said, stepping back, "I have pig tails!"

"I see that." Sala chuckled, standing up. Jennifer jumped forward and wrapped her arms around Sala's furry leg.

"I'm sorry about her." An older girl said, picking up Jennifer. She was probably her older sister and was wearing a blue one piece bikini.

"It's quite alright. This is a nice change of pace. I don't usually get such a warm welcome." Sala smiled, touching Jennifer with a paw.

"Well, I admit you're a little odd, but I don't see any reason to freak out." The older girl said nicely.

"I think my friends are waiting for me." Sala said, looking at the other three walking down the gangplank. Ian and Dean were tying the boat tightly to the dock.

"Bye bye kitty." Jennifer said, waving to her.

Sala smiled and walked down the dock.

"Aren't you worried at all about being outside the Crystal Barriers?" The Captain asked as Sala walked up.

"Nope, I'm immune to Miasma." Sala said simply, "What's our first stop?"

"I'm going to find us a couple of rooms." Flora said, looking up at Lynari. It criss-crossed up the cliff side.

"I think Peter and I are going to get trading. I've got a list from a few of the villagers of what they want. He's going to take part of it and we're going to go see what we can get." Mick said, unfurling a roll of paper. He ripped it in half in the center and gave half of the roll to Peter

"Hmm...I think I'll just go for a walk. I was so cooped up on that ship." Sala said, turning around.

"Wait a second, we need to figure out where the Inn is so that we all know where to meet back up." Flora said, stopping them.

"Fine." Sala sighed, waiting for her sister.


The sun had fallen on the island of Lynari. Sala had spent some time wandering around the beach that encircled the entire island. She was fairly accustom to being outside the barriers now and she could barely tell a difference between the two. She was currently on her way up through the town to the Inn.

The Inn was made from a small cave carved in the cliff. It had been carved out further as the town expanded. The Inn itself had a main room and five doors off it to small bedrooms, each with one bed.

Flora had only rented two rooms.

Sighing, Sala opened the door to the Inn. A mixture of chatting and laughter washed over her. She stepped inside. The Inn was fairly lively. The Captain, Ian, Dean, Peter, Mick, Flora and a plethora of others were sitting, standing or just hanging out around the large room. Apparently the Inn, because of its size and drinks, was a popular hangout spot for the Village.

Sala stepped through the crowd, attracting quite a mix of stares, the Inn went fairly silent. Some were looking lustfully at the almost naked Cat-girl that walked in and some were confused at the new person that walked in, trying to decide whether she was Selkie, Clavat or what.

The people went back to their drinks as Sala sat down with Peter, Mick and Flora near the back of the Inn.

"Where ya' been sis?" Flora asked, looking across the table at her.

"I went for a walk down the beach. I can't seem to decide whether this village likes me or hates me. Anyone under the age of ten absolutely loves me. But the rest of them...I don't know." Sala sighed, crossing her arms on the table.

"Do you need to be loved by everyone?" Mick asked, looking at her.

"Well...It would make having six people for an orgy a whole lot easier." Sala sighed.

"Wait...how do you know it would be six people?" Flora asked suddenly.

"Because in counting order of sexual encounters it goes: Masturbation...Sex...Threesome...Two-Couples...Two-Couples and a Bystander...and...Orgy. Six people." Sala said, counting on her paws.

The entire table looked at her with blank eyes and amazed stares.

"Does your entire life revolve around sex?" Peter broke the silence.

"Pretty much. Come on, it's about time for some." Sala said, standing up.

"Woohoo!" Peter chuckled, jumping to his feet.

"You two are such perverts!" Flora shrieked as they ran off.

"You about done?" Mick asked as the two disappeared.

"Yea." Flora sighed.

"Ready to go have sex now?" Mick asked.

"Yea." Flora said, hanging her head.

"You sound so enthusiastic." Mick said, helping her to her feet.

"I'm a horrible hypocrite." Flora sighed.

"No, you're an opportunist that wants to see the best in other people." Mick said, wrapping an arm around her.

Flora looked up at him for a second and then broke down, laughing loudly.


"This may sound cheesy, but I don't think I could sleep with a normal girl ever again." Peter said, running his hands up her velvety legs. She was sitting on the bed and he was on his knees.

He slid his hands up to her waist and pulled down her white G-string. He leaned forward and started to lick her. Since she had become a cat, a small tear shaped tuft of soft white fur had grown above her slit.

"Mrrreow...oh..that's wonderful...mmmm..." Sala purred, putting her paws on his head.

Peter smiled and circled his tongue around her little knob. Sala squeaked, surprised at the sudden rush of pleasure. Her tail was flicking back and forth as she tingled with pleasure.

It was like a warm light growing inside her. It grew and blossomed, spreading from her pussy, down her legs and out to her arms. It bubbled up her neck and she purred with happiness as it filled her up. Her ears twitched and her eyes lazed, half closed. She fell back, her arms flopping out on the bed.

Sala purred louder, pushing up her white fur bra, she started to rub her left breast. Something about the fur covering her paw made her breasts tingle wonderfully.

"Ohh...Peter...I'm going to cum..." Sala moaned, grabbing at the bedsheets.

Sala clenched up for a second as her pussy squirted lightly at Peter and then she fell limp, breathing quickly.

"Oh Peter...don't...don't wait...now...do me now..." Sala breathed, looking up at Peter.

Peter stood up, dropped his pants and grabbed Sala's waist. He had stopped arguing quite a few months ago. When Sala told him to do something, he just did it. He had long since learned that the more orgasms he gave her, the better it was for him in the end.

"You are so beautiful." Peter said, leaning over her.

He felt his head prod into Sala's soft lips. She moaned as Peter pushed into her. He felt her tight insides around him and he shoved roughly. Sala howled and arched her back as his cock suddenly delved deep inside her.

It was heaven incarnate, Sala didn't even bother to move as Peter rode her. He shoved in and out of her fast and hard. Over the last year, he quickly learned that there was no limit to how hard he could fuck Sala. She could only enjoy it more and more.

"Oh god...so wonderful...harder Peter! Harder!" Sala yelled, wrapping her arms around him.

Peter reveled in the pleasure he gave Sala. He loved seeing her melt in his hands and howl with pleasure at his pounding. He didn't know what it was, but something deep inside him gave him pleasure just to hear Sala howling in pleasure.

He wrapped his arms around her and picked her up. He stood up, her arms wrapped around his neck and pressed her back against the cold stone wall. Sala gasped and he shoved into her harder.

"Oh god yesss! Peter!' Sala screamed as he rammed into her again and again.

Sala was completely and totally lost in a swirling typhoon of pleasure. She moaned louder as he drove her into the wall. Sala couldn't do anything but moan and meow as peter drove harder into her.

"Mrreeoowww...Ohhh...Peter...I'm gonna...cum..." Sala moaned, wrapping her arms tighter around Peter.

"Ow ow ow ow!" Peter cried, dropping Sala.

Sala slumped against the wall, shaking with pleasure. She squirted heavily, fighting to stay on her feet. She failed, slumping down to her knees in a puddle of her own juice. She fell back against the wall, breathing heavily.

"God, you clawed my back to hell." Peter said, feeling pinpricks of pain in his back. Ten drops of blood welled on his back in the holes from her claws.

"So...so...gooood..." Sala moaned, slumping sideways against the bed.

"Are you okay?" Peter asked, looking down at Sala.

Sala was slumped sideways, half unconscious, unaware of her surroundings.

"You goof." Peter sighed, wrapping his arms around Sala. He picked her up, set her on the bed and went to tend to his back.


Peter was awoken by a wonderful feeling. He didn't want to move, should the feeling stop. A minute later, he came. His hips bucked slightly and he felt hot cum surge from his dick.

"Ohhh...that's a way to wake up..." Peter sighed, opening his eyes.

He sat up and saw a large lump in the blankets in front of him. Pulling it up, he saw Sala lying between his legs, licking her lips.

"Tasty milk." Sala smiled, licking the last of it off his dick.

"Sala..." Peter chuckled, letting his head drop back onto the pillow.

Sala climbed up under the blankets and cuddled up on him. He felt her bare breasts and naked legs press against him. He wrapped an arm around her and let it lay on her bare ass.

"Sorry about your back." Sala whispered.

"I've had worse. I was just sorry that I knocked you out after only two orgasms." Peter said.

"Two? You think I only had two? It felt like I was cumming the whole time you were inside me." Sala said, trailing her fingers down his chest.

Peter smiled and pulled the blankets back up over them.



Sala was up an hour before everyone else. The sun was already up and people were walking the streets. She followed the path up and onto the top of the plateau-like island There were almost no houses on top of the cliff side. A short scraggly grass gave way to hard rock and granite. A few yards further it gave way to sand, warm and coarse, it covered most of the island.

The sun shone down on Sala and made her feel odd. She felt like she was full of energy and could do anything, yet at the same time she felt like lying down on a nice piece of stone and bask in the warmth.

She chose the latter, finding a nice large round rock. She clambered up it and curled up on the top of it. The sun was just barely up above the horizon, shining directly on the cliff side. It was cool in the mornings and the sun was invited, but later in the day, the shade provided by the cliff and the angle of the sun was more enjoyable.

Sala stretched every limb, finger and toe in her body. She splayed out over the rock and her tail bounced back and forth lazily. The sun warmed her white fur and made the hair lying across her shoulders glow magnificently. She felt so comfortable on the warm rock with the bright sun above her.

She gave a great yawn that ended in a low meow. Curling up, she laid her head on her arms and let the heat warm her body through and through. The only thing was that within a few minutes, she was fast asleep on top of that rock.


She was dreaming that she was sunbathing on a warm beach back in Tipa. She was lying naked, letting the sun tan her back. The strangest thing was that she wasn't a cat anymore. She was back to normal, lying naked on bare arms without a tail or extra fur anywhere.

It was strange.

"Sala..." A light voice floated through her dreams.

"No...go away...just a few...more..." Sala mumbled, waving a paw.

She nuzzled against her furry arms, enjoying the hot rock beneath her and the warm sunlight soaking her.

"Sala! Wake up!" Flora snapped, smacking Sala roughly on her ass.

"Eeep!" Sala cried, her head snapping up.

She opened her eyes to the bright sun around her. Turning around, she saw Peter, Mick and Flora standing there, the Crystal Chalice bobbed up and down on Mick's back.

"I was having such a good nap though." Sala yawned, stretching.

She slipped down from the rock and looked at her sister.

"What?" Flora asked as she was stared at.

"You are becoming a pervert aren't you?" Sala accused.

"What?! Why on earth...? You're crazy!" Flora shrieked.

"Well, you're the one that gave me this hand mark." Sala said, turning around with a hand on her own rear.

"It...It was the best way to wake you up!" Flora denied.

"Oh shut it you two, let's just get going." Peter said, adjusting the barrel on his back. He had a few gallons of water for their trip.

Sala sighed and smacked Flora back, enjoying her squeak and jump. She turned around and glared at Sala.

"You know, I think you two are getting frisky." Mick chuckled, looking at them.

"Maybe." Sala smiled.

"No!" Flora cried.

Sala laughed and they started off.


They had been walking through the desert for nearly an hour. Sala was walking along happily, her tail flicking around behind her. The others were sweating and half naked, not enjoying the heat at all. Mick was trudging along in his underwear with his pants wrapped around his head. Peter had stripped and left behind most of his armor except his own underwear.

Flora had tried her hardest to stay modest, but the heat eventually won over and she was forced to take her shirt off and let it drape behind her like a cape. She continued on like the rest of them, in her underwear.

"Who's wonderful idea was it to come here?" Flora asked, looking at the others.

"Sure as hell wasn't mine." Peter said, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

"Oh shut up, I thought it would be a good excursion for us. Look, Sala's enjoying herself." Mick sighed.

"Sala's not normal!" Flora cried, "She's used to going around naked, I am not!"

"Then strip and get used to it quick." Peter said, chuckling.

Flora gasped and wrapped her arms across her chest.

"What's wrong dear sister, afraid to show what god gave you?" Sala said, teasing her sister. She pulled her top off and let her gorgeous globes bounce out.

Peter and Mick's jaws dropped, staring at Sala's chest. Sala grabbed her breasts and bounced them around, sticking out her tongue playfully.

"Sala! Put your top back on!" Flora screamed, kicking Mick in the shin.

"Oh sister, you're no fun." Sala sighed, pulling her top back on.

"Yes, but I'm not an immodest perverted fool!" Flora cried.

"I may be an immodest pervert, but I am not a fool! How dare you call me such a thing. If we weren't in the middle of the desert, I would so rape you!" Sala said in mock ferocity.

Flora gasped and tried to say something, but she only ended up making a few incoherent noises, stamping her foot and staring at Sala.

"Oh come on sister, what's wrong?" Sala said, looking at Flora.

"Just keep walking!" Flora snapped.


They had walked through the desert for a few hours, traveling from marker to marker. Mick had apparently found a map earlier in the year that would lead their way to one of the few Myrrh Trees in the desert. Their water was almost gone, but they were, according to the map, almost there.

"Oh thank god, I hear water!" Flora cried, running forward.

They chased after her.

Flora was right, ahead of them was a small oasis. There were a few tall trees and some scraggly bushes around it.

"God yes!" Flora said, dropping her shirt. She ripped off her top, kicked away her shoes and went head first into the large rock pond. Her sword was still clattering on the stone when they reached the edge of it.

The Pond was ten to fifteen feet across and just as deep. Crystal clear water bubbled up from a spring beneath the pond. It splashed down in a small stream down the others side of the pond. It looked like it splashed down into a cave entrance.

"Flora, what happened to modesty?" Mick said, slipping into the water in his underwear. He carefully set his sword next to Flora's

"Modesty is for when your brain isn't cooking. I don't care right now. Its too damn hot to argue." Flora said, dunking under the water.

"Woohoo!" Sala cried, tossing all of her clothes aside. She leaped naked into the pond.

"Oh, now I gotta get in." Peter said, jumping in his underwear. He stuck his spear in a crack in the rocks.

"This is soo nice." Sala sighed, pulling her wet hair out of her eyes.

"You had to get in completely naked?" Flora asked.

"If you're going to get in half naked, I've got to beat it and get in completely naked." Sala said, looking over at her sister.

"Well...I...Fine, you have me there. Just...oh I give up." Flora sighed, sinking under the water.

The four of them relaxed in the cool water for nearly an hour before Mick sighed and climbed out onto the rocky shore.

"We still have to finish this." Mick said, looking down at them.

"Oh damn it..." Peter sighed, rolling over.

"He's right." Sala said, climbing up on the shore.

"Sala!" Flora shrieked as she climbed up.

"What?" Sala asked, looking at her between her legs.

"Put on your underwear!" Flora cried, looking away from Sala.

"I thought you had something important to say." Sala sighed, grabbing her g-string.

"I...I have something important to say...Flora sucks." Peter said, looking up at Sala's naked womanhood.

"You are a pervert!" Flora cried, smacking Peter.

"Still worth it!" Peter cried as Flora smacked him again and again.

"There Flora, I'm wearing underwear, happy?" Sala said sarcastically, smacking her own ass.

Flora just sighed and pulled on her own clothing. The rest of them redressed completely except for Peter who had dropped all of his leather armor through the desert. He was in his underwear with a full barrel of water on his back.

"Whoa! The map says its down in this cave!" Mick said, looking the map over.

"Cool, let's go." Sala said, running down into the entrance.

The other three followed after her. The cave was getting dark and the Crystal Chalice provided a small glow. Sala's cat eyes adjusted and the cavern was lit up bright as day because of the small light glowing behind her.

Sala's ears pricked as there was a small scampering noise down further in the cave. The four of them walked on either side of the small stream, looking around carefully.