FF Crystal Caravan Year 02


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The cave forked in front of them and the stream splashed down to the left.

"The map says go right." Mick said, looking it over in the Crystal light from his back.

"Then lets go." Sala said, walking down the right.

A small green flash appeared in front of them. It scampered around and stopped in front of them. A small, funny looking Cactus stopped in front of them. It had a funny face, two crooked arms and two crooked little legs. It was bent forward, scampering around on one leg.

The Cactus stopped in front of them and looked at them. Then it flipped sideways, lowered its head, seemingly to fall over, but it stayed up. There was a small screech from it and a needle shot from the top of its head, followed by another and another.

The needles were faster than Sala and they struck her all over her body. She screamed shrilly and stumbled back. The thin, inch long needles protruded from all over her. Blood dripped down her body in short streams and she fell over back wards.

"Sala!" Flora cried, seeing her sister fall over backwards. Needles were stabbed into her, probably two dozen in her chest and about a dozen pierced over her thighs.

"You little bastard!" Peter yelled, running forward. He hurled his spear at the small creature.

The Cactus turned to scamper away, but the spear was faster, catching it through the center of its mass, pinning it to the floor. It gave a pitiful cry and fell limp with the spear through its chest.

"Sala, are you alright?" Flora asked, looking over her sister.

"Just...Just pull them out damn it!" Sala cringed, afraid to move.

It took them nearly ten minutes to pull them all out as Sala moaned and cringed in pain. Flora pulled out the last one carefully and she helped Sala to her feet.

"Are you okay?" Peter asked, looking at her.

"They're just pinpricks, I'll be fine." Sala said through gritted teeth.


They continued down the long cave, searching through the darkness for the Myrrh Tree.

Sala could feel pain with every movement. The little cactus' needles hadn't pierced deep, but they had gotten her all over. None of them had pierced any major veins so she wasn't really bleeding that much. it was just tiny painful needle holes all over her body. The part that annoyed her most was that two of the needles had pierced her left breast on either side of the areola. The two spots pricked and burned with almost every breath.

"I think I see it." Sala said, squinting at the prick of light in the distance.

They continued down the cave until it opened into a larger area. The room was dark except for the Crystal Chalice's light and a light emanating from the tunnel beyond. There was a skittering sound nearby.

"Not those things again." Sala said, looking around. There was a touch of movement up on a wall.

"Where?" Flora cried, looking up.

"I don't think it's a cactus." Mick said shakily.

"What makes you say that?" Flora asked, turning around.

"That." Mick said, pointing up above the tunnel they just came from.

A massive scorpion was clinging to the wall up there. It gave a strange clicking and hissing before scampering up the wall and onto the ceiling. It skittered across the ceiling and shoved off, landing on the floor in front of them.

"Careful of the tail!" Mick warned, seeing the scorpion's tail floating back and forth above them. It snapped its two large claws menacingly.

"I'll take care of this." Sala said, unsheathing her claws. Unlike the others who had to remain close enough together that the Crystal Chalice would protect them, Sala didn't have to fear the Miasma.

She ran forward, dodging back and forth to avoid its claws. She slashed out at the scorpion and her claws scraped harmlessly across its shell. Sala leaped forward and landed on top of it. She clawed and scraped at it, but the tough shell couldn't be penetrated by her.

The beast moved quickly to the side and bashed Sala off with its tail. She rolled sideways and bounced up onto her feet.

"Damn hard shell." Sala said, flexing her claws.

"I don't think I can get past those claws to get a hit in." Mick said, shoving back one of the massive creatures claws.

"But I can, give me a weapon." Sala said, holding out her paw.

Peter tossed his spear and Sala wrapped her paw around it. She jumped out of the way of the scorpion and leaped forward. Sala got around its claw and jammed the spear right in the joint where it joined the body.

The spear barely made a scratch, even at a joint of the beast.

"Nothing!" Sala cried, jumping out of the way.

"What the hell are we going to do then?" Mick yelled, watching Sala dodge the scorpion's tail. The tail stuck deep in the rock and pulled back. The rock melted very slightly, burned by the scorpion's poison.

"I know what to do! I know what to do!" Flora cried.

"What?" Peter and Sala asked together as Sala tossed his spear back to him.

"Sala, you have to get on top of it! Get it to stab itself!" Flora yelled, pointing at the scorpion's tail.

Sala smiled and jumped into action. The scorpion had caught onto her though, it was ready and it scrambled backward. Sala landed right in between its claws. She realized her mistake and kept sinking downward. The scorpion's claws snapped closed right above her as she scrambled backward. The scorpion clacked its mandibles in a seemingly laughing way.

Sala scrambled backward on all fours, her tail high in the air and the hair on her spine standing up.

"Cats always land on their feet huh?" Flora teased, seeing Sala crouching on the ground.

"Shut up sister. I'm busy trying to kill it!" Sala hissed, baring her fangs angrily.

Her claws dug into the sand on the cave floor as she leaped forward, hissing like an enraged cat.

"Let's try and distract it!" Peter said, running forward.

They got the scorpions attention and got it to follow them as Sala circled around it.

"Sala, what're you doing?" Flora asked, seeing Sala running for a large stalagmite.

Sala's claws dug into the stone and she wrapped her arms skillfully around it, climbing up. Reaching the ceiling, she leaped backwards towards the scorpion. Her tail helped her spin around and she hit the beast's tail directly. It was shoved down and barely touched its own shell. There was a sizzling sound and the shell started to burn away as the scorpion flung its tail around to get rid of Sala.

The shell burned and cracked, leaving a large crack through the middle of it. Soft flesh was visible and Sala jumped. The scorpion was still focused on trying to snap Mick in half and didn't notice Sala climb onto it's shell.

"Peter, spear!" Sala cried.

Peter threw his spear and Sala caught it. Spinning it around, she put the point in between the large crack and shoved downward. Green blood spurted up a little bit and Sala shoved further.

The scorpion stopped, its tail twitching. Sala twisted the spear and pulled it out. It stopped moving almost instantly and collapsed. Sala had managed to hit an important organ inside the creature.

"Foul beast." Sala hissed, stepping down off its shell.

"Nice job everyone, good thing Flora gave us that idea." Mick said, wrapping an arm around her.

"I sure hope that's a Myrrh Tree." Peter sighed, looking down the tunnel opposite them.

"It should be." Mick said, unfurling the map again.

"Should be? If I did all that to find a cliff side cave entrance, I'm going to throw you in the sea!" Flora snapped.

"All of what you did? Who killed it?" Sala said, looking back at her sister.

"Yes, but I was helping distract it and I gave you the idea to kill it didn't I?" Flora said, smiling innocently.

"You told me to have it stab itself, I jumped on it and got it to melt its own shell." Sala pointed out.

"Which it did by stabbing itself!" Flora said, exasperated.

"Let's go get some Myrrh!" Peter snapped, trying to shut the girls up, "It was my spear and it's dead now. Who cares who did it, let's just go."


With the Crystal Chalice a third full of Myrrh, they had camped by the small oasis and continued back to the town in less time that it took them to get there. They were back on the ship after about ten minutes in town. The Captain was in a hurry to make their way back to the Fields of Fum. They were apparently behind schedule, but Mick couldn't see how.

They spent another few days on the ship and made their way back to the mainland, in high spirits.

"There it is!" Mick said, pointing up the river from them.

The same dock they had stopped at on their way down was on their left. The Captain brought the ship up river with the sails full open. After they tied to the dock, the group of four disembarked and waved the Captain goodbye.

"Look at that. When was the last time we saw something this beautiful!" Sala said, pointing ahead of them.

The cool rustling Fields of Fum were spread in front of them. Rolling green fields looked so clean and inviting after their ordeal on Lynari Isle. A single path lead from the dock, across the first expanse of green grass to a small village.

It was truly an oasis in the Miasma ridden world.



Sala sighed and looked up at the bright sun above them. They stood in the plentiful Fields of Fum. It was also known as the lungs of the world, because the fields were so healthy that in years when the miasma is light, many of the Fum villagers can sometimes breath outside the barriers.

Their caravan bounced and rattled as they continued down the road.

"Ho Caravaners!" A voice called from near them.

Mick looked over on their right and saw a farmer waving to them.

"Take some apples!" The farmer called, tossing a few towards them.

"Thank you!" Sala called, taking an apple from Flora.

"Only too happy to!" The farmer smiled.

They munched happily as they continued down through the fields. Even behind the barrier, they all could feel the fresh cool air in their lungs. It revitalized them and made them feel wonderful. Compared to the rest of the world, the Fields were life and the essence of beauty, fields of crops and flowers as far as you could see.

"I love it here. It all smells so wonderful." Flora said, taking a long breath.

"Hey Mick, whats first on the agenda?" Peter asked.

"Well, there's a place just a little south of here called the Selepation Caves. I thought we would start there." Mick said, looking around at the other three.

"A trudge through a cave, that doesn't sound so bad." Sala said optimistically.

The sun was setting and the sky was turning bright red.

"Well, we're not going to make it there today, we're going to stay here for the night and start off tomorrow morning." Mick said, stopping the Caravan outside an Inn.

"Yay." Sala said, looking over at Peter.

"You two..." Flora sighed, knowing what she was thinking.

"What? We were just on a boat for three days, I need sex." Sala said, crossing her paws under her breasts.

"I agree!" Peter said, smiling widely.

Flora groaned as she got out of the Caravan.

"Really Flora, are you going to do this again?" Mick said, staring at his wife.

"What?" She said defensively.

"When are you going to admit that you are as sex crazed as your sister?" Mick said, "You fuck my brains out every night for three hours at least."

"I...you...Mick...I...Gah!" Flora cried, stomping off towards the Inn.

"Flora, Flora come back!" Mick yelled, running after her.

"Come on, I'm probably going to have to talk to her." Sala sighed, waving to Peter.

They walked into the Inn just in time to see Flora stomp up the stairs and into a room, Mick running after her.

"Are you with her?" The Innkeeper asked, pointing at Sala.

"Yea." Sala said, stopping.

"Ask her not to destroy my room." The Innkeeper said, his voice wavering.

His face was white and he was sweating. Apparently Flora had dumped her rage all over him.

"Sorry about her, her husband just said the wrong thing. Let me go talk to her." Sala said, nodding to him.

As Sala walked up the stairs, the Innkeeper did a double take, seeing her tail. He realized that the white fur on her wasn't clothing, but actual fur. She had a tail and cat ears.

Sala opened the door and a loud yelling met her ears.

"How could you Mick! I don't want to be seen like her. I don't want to be seen as a whore! I hate my body, why am I so attached to sex? I shouldn't be, but I am. I hate myself every time I sleep with you because it reminds me that I can't control myself and that I'm like her!" Flora screamed, tears running down her face.

"Is that what you really think Flora?" Sala said, feeling her sisters words really pierce her chest. Tears welled in her eyes.

"What?" Flora said, looking up.

"Is that what you think of me? That I'm just a...a whore? You think that because I enjoy sex I'm a slut? How...how could you? I don't sleep around. Admittedly I love sex, but it's not like I sleep with different people. I love Peter, I really do. Just because...just because I enjoy having sex with him doesn't mean I'm a whore. Your exactly like me, exactly like Ezra and Momo. Your a nymphomaniac, but you won't accept it like me. Instead, you drag everyone else down and put them down for enjoying sex. Your a god damn hypocrite!" Sala cried, tears splashing down her face.

She turned and ran out of the room. Sala ran out of the Inn and turned around the corner. She stopped and leaned against the side of the Inn, hiding her face. She slid down the wall, crying loudly. Tears ran down her face and she hugged her knees to her, hiding her face in her arms.

"Why...why did she have to be so mean...I'm...I'm not a whore..." Sala choked through her tears.

"Of course your not." Peter's voice came from above her.

Peter sat down next to her and wrapped an arm around her.

"Your sister was just yelling irrationally. Your not a whore whatsoever, just because you enjoy sex doesn't mean there's anything bad about you...or her. I enjoy sex just as much as you, but that doesn't make me a bad person. It's okay...just let it out..." Peter whispered, hugging her to him.

She laid her head on his chest and cried softly.


Flora watched Sala run out of the room and heard her crying.

"Honey...are you alright?" Mick said, sitting down next to her, "I'm sorry about what I said...I...I just don't think before I say things."

"It's...it's not your...your fault." Flora cried, cuddling up against him.

"Well, If I hadn't said anything, none of this would've happened." Mick said, wrapping an arm around her.

"No...Sala's right...I just have to accept it. I'm a...a...nymphomaniac like the rest of my...my family..." Flora sniffed, tears still dripping down her face.

"And that doesn't make you any less of a woman. I love you all the same." Mick said, wiping away her tears before he kissed her.

"But what are people going to think? I mean, what if they start thinking I'm a whore?" Flora said, her tears returning.

"They won't and you know why? Because it's just me. Your married now, remember? It's okay to have sex with me." Mick said, kissing her again, "Plus if anyone ever does, I will kill them."

"Oh you...I'm so glad we're married." Flora said, cuddling up to him again. She sniffed and sighed.

Mick wrapped his arms around her and kissed her again.

"You know what it means?" Flora said, her voice a little stronger.

"What means?" Mick said, looking at her.

"That I'm a nymphomaniac..." Flora smiled, pushing him back onto the bed. She climbed up and crawled over him, sitting down on his lap, "Oooh...Your getting hard aren't you?"

"Mmmhmm..." Mick said, running his hands down her arms, "Are you going to become like your sister now?"

"Hmm...not a chance...but I'll be a little more lenient with you guys now." Flora said, running her hand down his cheek.

Their lips met and their tongues played around each other.

"Will you get up and let me see you in your panties at least?" Mick said, looking into her eyes.

"Mmm...that I can." Flora smiled, sliding off his lap.

She stood up and pulled off her clothing until she was just in her panties. She crossed her arms across her breasts and smiled, "Are you looking at my breasts you naughty boy?"

"Maybe...there's one other thing I'd like to see." Mick said, standing up in front of her.

"Would it happen to be my ass...?" Flora whispered sensually.

She turned around and bent over, smiling. Mick smiled and ran his hand across her beautiful round butt. Grabbing the sides of her panties, he pulled them up until it looked like she was wearing a thong. He smacked her ass roughly.

"Ohh! Have I been naughty? Do I need to be spanked?" Flora said, smiling deviously.

"Maybe, should I bend you over my lap and teach you a lesson?" Mick said, pulling down her panties.

"I think I've been naughty enough." Flora smiled as he sat down.

She laid across his lap, her legs tight together. Mick rubbed a hand across her ass and gave it a flat spank. Flora cried and gasped, "Again!"

He spanked her twice more, watching her gasp and moan with each one.

"My you are a naughty girl, are you possibly enjoying this?" Mick said, prodding at her wet pussy.

"I don't know, hit me again and find out." Flora said.

He spanked her thrice more and she cried out in a mixture of pleasure and pain.

"Once more, harder!" Flora cried, her pussy dripping down her legs.

Mick spread his fingers and gave her a spank that rang around the room.

"God yes! Take me Mick, pound your naughty girl into the bed!" Flora cried, her pussy completely drenched now.

Mick picked her up with ease and set her down on the bed. He dropped his pants and pulled her legs apart. Her bare red ass and dripping wet pussy made his lust go crazy. He put his hands on her waist and pushed his dick between her legs. His head probed into her wet pussy and she moaned happily. He grasped her waist and pulled her towards him, spearing her on his hard shaft.

Flora gasped and cried out, following it with a pleasing moan. He pulled back and pushed back into her again. Her tight Clavat pussy squeezed around him and dripped onto the bed. Mick loved it when she got like this and in the past year she often did.

"Ohhh...Mick...pick me up, bounce me up and down on your thick cock!" Flora moaned, looking back at him.

Mick wrapped his arms around her chest and picked her up off the bed. He held her against him and drove her up and down on his dick. She cried out each time he dropped her down on him. His cock was probing the deepest depths of his wife's womb.

"Yes...yes...yes yes yes yes! More Mick more!" Flora screamed.

He picked her up and turned her around so that she was facing him and then shoved her down on his cock as hard as he could. Flora screamed and a gush of juice squirted from her.

"I love it Mick!" Flora moaned, wrapping her arms around his neck.

He pushed her up against the wall and started to pound harder into her tight pussy.

"Ohh god...Mick...I'm gonna have an orgasm!" Flora moaned, feeling her pussy tighten around his thick shaft.

Her entire body exploded with pleasure. She forgot everything in the world in that moment, forgot her husband, their mission and even to breath. The orgasm tore through her body, making every inch of her skin tingle with pleasure. Mick set her down and his dick slid out of her. She felt cold air in her ravaged pussy and she squirted all over the floor. her eyes rolled back from the pleasure.

"I'm not done yet." Mick said, grabbing her waist.

He drove up into her again, making her cry out and start to cum again. He shoved up madly into her four or five more times, her cumming just about as many times before he dropped out of her and came himself. She slid to her knees and he shot his load all over her face. Sweet sticky cum splattered her nose and cheeks, running down in sticky strings.