FF Crystal Caravan Year 02


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"So who do you think killed it?" Mick asked, turning around to look at them.

"I couldn't say, but whoever did it, cut it to hell. It was absolutely eviscerated." Peter pointed out.

The tree shone and Myrrh dropped into the Chalice. The Chalice filled up to two thirds and glowed brightly.

"Eep!" Sala shrieked, feeling hairy hands around her. A knife pressed to her throat.

A tall goblin was standing behind her with his knife to her throat.

"Don't move or your little cat loses a life." The Goblin said, looking at them.

Six goblins walked into the room behind him and surrounded them.

"What do you want?" Sala hissed angrily.

"I can see why he wants you. You are a prize." The Goblin said, groping her breasts with his hairy hand, "Don't move unless you want her dead."

"That's your problem...You make the mistake of thinking I'm the weak one." Sala hissed, her claws extended out.

"You're too cute to be dangerous." The Goblin said, rubbing his hand down her side.

She felt the goblin's greasy palm slide around him and down the back of her panties. He squeezed her ass roughly and ran his hand around her waist beneath the panties. Just as his fingers started to slide down the front of her pelvis, Sala hissed loudly. She spun around in a flash, and clawed down the front of the Goblin. He grunted angrily and shoved her back.

"Stop! I will kill your friends!" The Goblin said, pointing at the others.

Two goblins held each of her friends, holding their own weapons against them.

Sala hissed and bared her fangs, but she retracted her claws.

"Good kitty." The Goblin said, grabbing her, "Grab the Chalice so they won't die."

He tied her paws behind her back and picked her up over his shoulder. The other goblins picked up her friends and hefted them out. A seventh goblin came in and grabbed the Chalice.

"Night night kitty." The Goblin said.

Sala felt something hit her in the head and her vision blacked out.


"Wakey wakey." A voice floated through Sala's mind.

She opened her eyes and felt the blood dried on her eyelids crack and fall off. Her head ached horribly. Her vision cleared and she could see the Goblin in front of her. She was lying on the ground in a jail cell. She sat up painfully and saw the goblin in front of her.

"Good, the master wants to see you." The Goblin said, unlocking the door.

"I'm not going anywhere." Sala refused, backing up.

"Yes you are!" The Goblin said, walking in.

He swung a stick at Sala's shin and she cried, falling forward in pain. The Goblin grabbed her shoulders and hefted her to her feet. The Goblin turned the stick around and threatened her with the knife on the other end of it. Sala walked out, gritting her teeth. The Goblin put shackles on her wrists. She looked at the other cells. Flora, Mick and Peter were all chained up in different cells, all unconscious.

The goblin forced her down the hall and into a larger room. A large goblin was sitting on a thrown in the center. A number of other goblins stood around the room.

"Ah my prize! I have heard of your beauty, I just had to have it for myself." The Goblin King said, looking at Sala, "And you are a beauty."

The goblin behind her forced her forward until she stood in front of the Goblin King. She looked into his dark beady eyes and scowled.

"Don't frown my dear, you are so much more beautiful when you smile." The Goblin King said, standing up, he was a few inches taller than her, "I will make you my Goblin Queen and you shall rule Daemon Court by my side."

Sala gave a cat hiss.

"Feisty aren't you. I can't wait to get you in my bed..." The Goblin King said, putting his hand on her face.

Sala jerked out quickly, bringing her shackled hands up. She sliced through his chest with her claws. Long trails of blood appeared in the hair on his chest.

"Gah! You little bitch!" The Goblin King cried, back handing her roughly, "Take this bitch back to the cells and show her what for. Do what you will, but make sure she suffers."

The Goblins standing over her all grinned lustfully and picked her up off her feet. The Goblin King walked away angrily, heading for his quarters to bandage up her attack.

The goblin mob carrying her took her back to the hall with all of the cells and down to the end. A bit of a larger room, it had a table in the center of it covered in bands. They tossed her roughly up on it and strapped down her legs and chest. One of the goblins undid her shackles and they strapped down her arms. One of the other goblins pulled a chain on the wall and the table suddenly split outward at her waist, spreading her legs wide.

The table was right about crotch height for the goblins and Sala realized what was happening.

It wasn't torture, it was rape.

The largest goblin dropped his pants to expose a large hard grey cock. He reached up and easily tore Sala's small panties to strips and dropped them on the floor.

"No! No no no!" Sala cried, as he pressed his cock to her pussy.

She cried out loudly as he drove his cock into her. The Goblin moaned in pleasure and Sala cried in pain. The goblin shoved himself ruthlessly in and out of her pussy, making tears splash down Sala's face.

A second smaller goblin climbed up onto her and ripped her top off. The disgusting little creature started to grope her breasts roughly. It pressed its cock between them and started to fuck her breasts.

Another goblin pulled her head to the side and pressed his cock against her lips. She held her jaw shut and tried to turn away. The goblin ripped on her hair and she cried out in pain only to be silenced by the goblin stuffing his cock in her mouth. It tasted revolting and she gagged almost instantly. Fighting the urge, she bit down on his cock and the goblin howled in pain. Blood filled her mouth and the goblin yanked back.

A fourth goblin smacked her across the face painfully, splitting her lip open and making her nose bleed. He pulled on her hair and forced her mouth open. His cock, just as disgusting, shoved into her mouth and started to throat fuck her.

The goblin raping her pussy gave a loud groan and he stuffed up into her. She felt a torrent of hot cum burst from him and start to fill her insides. The goblin pulled out and sprayed up across her crotch. No sooner had he walked away than another goblin stepped up and rammed into her pussy again.

The Goblin fucking her tits grunted and disgusting gray cum sprayed across her breasts and neck. The smell made her sick and she gagged as the other goblin shoved his cock roughly down her throat. He stuffed his cock to the back of her mouth and she felt him shudder. Hot cum burst into the back of her mouth and she gagged. The goblin came until it sprayed out her nose. It was utterly foul, tasting worse than it smelled.

Sala wished for them to be done every second from when they started. She enjoyed sex, but only when it was enjoyable. A number of goblins raping her was not. They were disgusting and foul creatures with disgusting and foul cocks. She felt her midsection starting to go numb from the constant rape.

Cock after cock befouled her mouth and violated her pussy. They raped in cycles, resting while other ones fucked her. She was coated in cum and her pussy was completely flooded with it. She wasn't sure exactly how long they raped her, probably three or four hours, she didn't know or care. She only knew one thing, when the last goblin finally came, he sprayed up over her drenched chest and sat down on the cum covered floor, breathing heavily.

Two goblins unlatched her and drug her back to her cell.

Sala fell limply on the floor, crying softly. She curled up a ball and cried herself to sleep.


Flora listened painfully to her sisters rape for three hours. She didn't know if it was worse to be listening or to be in the act, but both were terrible. Flora was afraid, afraid for her sister and afraid for herself, would she be next?

Sala stopped screaming after about a half an hour. It didn't comfort her at all thought because she knew that they had just shut her up in other ways.

There was a noise and two goblins came slumping down the hall with Sala dragging between them. They opened the cell across from her and dumped her unceremoniously on the flagstone floor. Sala cried out softly and fell limp. Flora could hear her crying softly and she half heartedly rolled up into a ball.

"Flora...is she okay?" Peter asked from Flora's left.

"I think so. It looks like they raped her bad. Do...do you think they'll come for me next?" Flora asked, her voice wavering.

"I won't let that happen." Mick's voice came from her right.

There was a jingle of metal and Mick hit the floor of his cell. He got up and walked over to the door. Silence for a minute and then the cell door slid open. Mick stepped out into the hall. He quickly picked the lock on the cell next to Sala's that contained the Crystal Chalice and their weapons. He took his sword and Flora watched him walk past, heading for the room with the goblins in it.

There wasn't a sound but a few low grunts and the singing of a metal blade through flesh. He came back, his sword dripping in goblin blood. He had quietly slashed all of their throats.

"Come on, let's get you out of here." Mick said, unlocking Peter's first.

He let down Peter and walked out and around to Flora's cell. It took him but a second to pick the very simple lock and then he stepped inside to pick the cuffs holding Flora up against the wall. Flora dropped to the ground and rubbed her wrists together. They tingled with pain as blood flowed freshly back into them.

"Come on, we have to get her out of here." Peter said, pointing to Sala.

"You're right, let's go." Mick said, picking the cell door in a few seconds.

Peter stepped in the cell and collected Sala in his arms. She was still sticky in cold Goblin semen. Peter nodded and Mick stepped back into the last cell. He strapped the Chalice to his back and grabbed Mick's spear in his left hand. Flora took her sword and they started down the hall.

Turning the corner, they came face to face with a pair of large goblins.

"Hey!" Was all they got out before Mick put his sword and Peter's spear through each of their necks. They fell to the ground, blood welling from them.

"Keep moving." Mick said, continuing down the hall.

The ran down the hall and into the Goblin King's throne room. Peter adjusted the unconscious and exhausted Sala in his arms and looked around. There were only two goblin guards in the room. Flora and Mick cut them down just as they started to move towards them. Their bloodied corpses hit the floor in seconds.

"Come on, I see a door behind the throne." Mick said, pointing at the throne.

They walked quickly over to it and Mick stopped behind it. His eyes were open wide and his mouth was half open.

"Would you check this out!" Mick said, pointing through the doorway.

"What is it?" Flora asked.

"A Myrrh Tree..." Peter whispered, looking through the doorway.

A tall Myrrh Tree grew in the center of the room. Mick walked in and set the Chalice down beneath the tree.

"So is she doing okay?" Mick asked, watching Peter set her down by the tree.

"I think so. She incredibly strong, I don't think we really have to worry." Peter said wiping the cold semen from her face.

"Can you hurry that thing up, what if the Goblin King comes back?" Flora asked worriedly.

"I know I know, I can't hurry it up any." Mick said, watching the Myrrh collect into a drop.

The drop of Myrrh fell and was absorbed into the crystal. It swirled around it and the orb of Myrrh rounded off. The crystal glowed brightly and Mick reached for it.

"Well well well...what do we have here?" The Goblin King's voice rang out behind them.

"Oh shit..." Mick cursed, seeing the Goblin King walk in the doorway.

The Goblin King stepped a few feet into the room and four large goblins came in behind him.

"Any last requests before I slaughter you for being such a pain in my ass?" The Goblin King said snidely.

"Yes, good King, allow me to fight you in one on one combat. No one interfering." Mick asked.

"Why on earth would I do that? Either way you die." The Goblin King said, crossing his arms.

"Because if It's one thing i want in life, it's a challenge from a truly great fighter, one that nobody will ever beat." Mick bluffed.

"Well, if you put it that way, I will appease you and kill you myself." The Goblin King said, smiling egotistically.

"Okay, let me go give up my spare weapon." Mick said, nodding. He turned back and walked over to Peter.

"Are you really going to do this?" Peter whispered.

"No, when I get up there, I'm going to sidestep and lunge at one of the others. I want you to throw your spear clean through his heart." Mick said, handing him his spear.

Peter nodded.

"Okay good King, I hope I proved even the minutest challenge to your excellent skill." Mick said, holding up his sword.

"Fat chance." The Goblin King laughed, holding up his large stone sword.

Mick feinted towards him and sidestepped at another one of the goblins. Without bothering to look back, he ruthlessly slashed the goblin's throat and drove his sword through the chest of the second. There was a whistle of air and the Goblin King cried out, falling forward. A loud snap resounded around the room from Peter's spear snapping and driving into the Goblin King's chest.

The other two goblins, stood stunned for a second. Mick took the chance and drove forward, slicing one of their heads off. The last goblin dropped his weapon and cowered, holding up his hands.

"Demon, please spare me. I don't want to die." The Goblin cowered.

"Too bad!" Mick said, holding his sword up with the point downward.

He drove it downward, through the top of the goblin's head. The goblin fell sideways without a sound and Mick pulled his sword back.

"Wasn't that a little mean?" Flora asked, seeing him clean his blade on the goblin's fur.

"No, they would've come back and attacked us again." Mick said coldly.


They stood outside Daemon court. Mick had found Missy, but she had been gutted and was half roasted. Mick had nearly broken down crying. She had been their Papaopamus for nearly a decade and she was now gone. Their Caravan had also been looted and burned.

Peter was carrying a half conscious Sala who had her paws wrapped half heartedly around his neck. She had woken up when Peter had put her in a small river and washed her up. She hadn't said anything yet and wasn't inclined to.

"So what now?" Flora asked, looking at the other three.

"We've got a full Chalice, let's go home." Peter said, nodding to Mick.

"Yea...I suppose so..." Mick sighed.

"Are you going to be alright?" Flora said, putting a hand on his arm.

"I don't know. We haven't had a year this costly in...I don't know..." Mick sighed, "I mean, we lost Missy...and what happened to Sala..."

"Let's just start for the town. We need to get home." Peter suggested.

"Yea...I suppose so..." Mick sighed turning away from the front gate of the Daemon's Court.



Tipa was in sight. It had been close to two weeks since their ordeal at Daemon Court. Sala was still shaken and not very talkative. She was wearing more clothing than usual, as if to protect herself from everyone's eyes.

"We're home!" Flora cheered happily.

"I wonder how mom is?" Sala said quietly.

They were greeted with a mixture of happiness and confusion. Everyone was surrounding them, asking never ending lists of questions. Mick found it very difficult to think.

"Quiet, Quiet!" He cried, "I will head to the center of town and share the story with everybody."

The crowd seemed to die down and follow them to the Grand Crystal in the center of town. They gathered around Mick as he sat down on the stairs around the Grand Crystal. He looked up at Sala uncertainly. She nodded to him and Mick began. It took him a half an hour to share the whole story and by the end of it, the entire village was close to tears.

"We've not had a Caravan this troubled in a long time. I apologize for what you've all gone through. Please, may we begin the ceremony?" The Elder said, looking down at the Crystal Chalice.

"Of course, don't wait up on our account." Mick said, waving his hand.

The Elder held out his hands and performed the usual ceremony. The Crystal glittered and burned brightly above them. He closed his book and looked around at the Caravaners. All four of them were run down and tired.

"Please, get some rest. We will postpone the feast until tomorrow afternoon. This has sounded like it has been quite the ordeal. Please, rest yourselves." The Elder said, nodding to them.

Flora got up and started for their house, Mick and Peter close behind her. Sala slumped along behind, ears low and tail dragging. They reached the house and were greeted by an ecstatic Ezra and Momo. Their faces fell as they saw the four of them slump tiredly through the door.

"Sala, what's wrong?" Momo asked, seeing Sala's drooping attitude.

"Nothing..." Sala mumbled, slumping off to her room.

"Oh god..." Momo said quietly, "What's wrong with her."

Peter sat down and explained the whole thing to them.

"That's so horrible." Ezra said, tears filling her eyes.

"That's...Her...I...I've got to go talk to her." Momo said, getting up.

"What on earth are you going to say?" Ezra said, stopping her.

"I don't know, but she won't get over this on her own. I've got to say something." Momo said, pulling out of her grip.

She walked down the hall and quietly pushed Sala's door open. Sala was lying on her bed, facing away from the door. A soft crying could be heard from her. Momo stepped across the room and sat down on the side of the bed.

"Sala...are you going to be okay?" Momo whispered, putting a hand on Sala's shoulder.

Tears splashed down Sala's face and she hid her face in her pillow.

"Sala, you've got to give me something here. I want to help you, but if you don't say anything, how can I?" Momo said worriedly.

"I...I was raped...what am I supposed to...to say..." Sala cried, "Oh it's all okay...Sala's strong and happy...she'll get over it...you know...what if I don't! Just...just leave me alone!"

She turned over and hid from Momo again.

"Well...okay. Let me know if you need anything, I'm here for you." Momo said, getting up.

Sala just continued to cry into her pillow as Momo walked out. She walked back down the hall and sat down in the kitchen.

"Well?" Ezra asked.

"I don't...I just don't know. I couldn't imagine what she's been through. I want to help her, but what am I going to do?" Momo said, running her hand through her hair.

"I don't know...I need to get some sleep though." Flora said, grabbing her elbows in both hands.

Flora and Mick walked down the hall and into her room.

"Peter...I don't know what to do...anyone can tell that you're the closest to her heart. You've got to do something." Ezra said, rubbing her forehead.

Peter felt it. The pain really struck his heart now. He felt his heart jump into his throat and he managed to get to his feet. He walked slowly down the hall and into Sala's room, closing the door behind him.

"Look, I don't want to talk, just leave me be!" Sala choked through her tears.

"Honey..." Peter said, climbing into bed next to her.

"Peter...don't...don't let them near me...keep them away..." Sala cried, turning over to him. She buried her face in his chest and cried.

"What are you talking about?" Peter whispered, running his fingers through her hair.

"The...the goblins...don't let them near me...I'm afraid..." Sala choked and sobbed.

"Nothing's going to get you honey..." Peter said, trying to hush her.

"I'm...I'm afraid...every time...every time I close my eyes...they're always...always there..." Sala moaned desperately.