Freshman Ch. 05: Convinced


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The display had received rave reviews and it had all flooded Rachel's system with white-hot arousal. Caleb had quite clearly noticed the sparkles in her eyes and it wasn't long before he'd made a blunt suggestion that his roommate find another place to finish his beer. Tremors had cut through Rachel's belly as she'd watched the other boy's face tighten with jealous arousal. She'd been in countless moments like that before where she'd be about to leave a group with a boy and others in their presence quite obviously knew for what purpose. She could see the lust in his eyes as he'd drank in one final view of her shimmering breasts and imagined what she'd likely be doing with his friend once he was gone. She wondered if it made his dick pulse under the water. Would he be using her as fodder to get himself off? It had made her stomach twist. Would he be doing it as soon as he left?

Rachel rolled over onto her side as the dreams continued to pour through. The next thing she could remember was the pure lust in Caleb's expression as he coaxed her to increase her level of nudity to 100%. With her eyes on his, she'd slid her skimpy underwear down past her knees and stepped out of them. A minor aesthetic change she'd made once she'd begun seriously hooking up with Josh had been to eliminate her long-standing landing strip design in favor of a fully-shaven look. It was a little easier to maintain and she'd been happy with the choice.

Before long, she'd found herself straddling Caleb's lap, kissing him hungrily as he'd pawed at her slippery tits and periodically lowered his touch between her legs. He'd been shirtless when she'd arrived, clad only in a pair of black gym shorts serving as a makeshift bathing suit. As Rachel heated up, she'd dug her hands down past his waistband and groped eagerly away. Her fingers had encircled his thick shaft, sending another sizzle through her system as his impressive size conjured up images of the jaw-stretching blowjob she'd given him in the library.

Caleb hadn't wasted time moving things along. Pushing her off him and down to her knees in the water, he'd removed his shorts and taken a seat on the tub's edge. His large cock aiming directly at her face, Rachel had become almost overwhelmed with arousal. Something about his stoic strength and displays of power and authority made her blood rush. His being older also played into the image of total control. And that dick...

Rachel had spent what could've been the better part of a half hour servicing her host as he approvingly groaned and grunted away. He seemed able to hold out forever and Rachel had taken a series of short breaks to catch her breath or switch up the experience and add to the fun. She'd sucked on his balls and beyond, adjusting and widening his position so that she could probe her way dangerously down to the depths below. She'd even scooted up into him and squeezed her full breasts around his cock, guiding him through the embrace of her soft cleavage as he fucked her tits with slippery ease.

With her lips stretched wide around his shaft and his rubbery head probing her tonsils, she'd given every ounce of effort she had. She'd even let him guide her motions again, his firm grip moving her to a heightened pace and forcing his length almost painfully further into her throat. The discomfort had been placated, however, by her raging desire to let him do with her as he'd pleased. She'd gotten off in every way by the entire setup. From dutifully showing up at his house for an obvious drunken booty call to getting naked in front of his roommate to pleasuring him with every tool in her arsenal. The same boy she'd unabashedly propositioned and sucked off in the library for quite literally no reason at all. It had felt so submissive and slutty and she'd loved every second of it.

The experience had finally reached its end, but not without a fitting finale. As Caleb's cock rubbed roughly past her tensed lips and he'd begun to mutter in a warning fashion, Rachel had disengaged and opened her mouth wide, staring up at him with fire in her eyes. As she'd gripped her tits seductively and begged him for what was coming, Caleb had squeezed his shaft and let go.

He'd erupted powerfully, his cum coating his eager servicer in a wide spread from her cheeks down to her breasts. Rachel had shut her eyes and accepted the offerings, feeling the hot warmth on her skin and tasting him in her mouth. Streaked beside her nose and dripping from her chin onto her shiny cleavage, the physical evidence of just how hot she'd gotten Caleb had made her pussy throb. When she was that turned on, she loved having a guy finish on her if that's what he wanted. It made everything so much hotter and more raw.

As Rachel rolled over again on her pillow, she smiled in her sleep. She could recall, after she'd finished her work with a few final sucks and proceeded to clean herself off, Caleb mumbling her name in a drained, raspy tone. He'd barely said a word throughout the entirety of the blowjob, even when she'd been flicking her tongue teasingly near his ass he'd managed to stay silent. It seemed to go along with his personality. So it had resonated when she'd actually heard his voice. Heard her name.

"Damn, Rach..."

She could see him looking down at her from his higher vantage. Shaking his head and smirking along. He brought his hand from his hair to the edge of the tub and began rhythmically tapping away. Tap tap tap tap tap...

Rachel's brow furrowed suddenly as the memory seemed wrong. What was he doing? Why was he knocking on the tub? She heard his voice again.

"Steph. Stephanie..."

Rachel looked up at him with utter confusion as she tried to make sense of it all. She flinched as the tapping of his knuckles grew suddenly louder and more pronounced. He leaned forward towards her face and whispered loudly.


Rachel's eyes shot open and her heart pounded in her chest as she came back into sudden consciousness. Blackness blanked her vision and for a moment she had no idea where she was or what was happening. She held her breath. What was-?


The sound pierced the dead silence and shook Rachel again, this time jarring her senses back into comprehension. She was in her dorm room. In her bed. Someone was knocking on the door, causing the confusing distortion in her dream. But who-?

"Steph! C'mon, girl! Lemme in!"

Rachel sat up and craned her neck, angling her ear towards the door. As her brain focused on the words and began the decoding process of placing the voice, she flicked her eyes back in the opposite direction. Although it was pitch-black, the penetrating red-glow of her nightstand alarm clock came into sharp focus. 3:38 a.m. She paused and furrowed her brow. What the fuck? Who-?

She'd barely started the query before the answer arrived like the Ding! of a microwave. Her stomach tightened automatically and she exhaled roughly through her nose.


Muttering an exasperated curse, Rachel twisted her head back over towards the door. She set her jaw and swallowed in pure annoyance. What in God's name was Vince doing here?


"Steph! Just come out real quick! C'mon, please!"

Rachel cursed again and threw her sheets back with a sigh. Getting to her feet, she flicked on the lights and groaned as the sudden brightness burned into her eyes. Goddammit. She didn't need this right now. Stumbling across the space with her hand shielding the light's intrusive glare, she unlocked the door and pulled it open halfway. Squinting out with a sleepy death glare, she whispered harshly.

"Vince! What the hell do you want?"

Her vision was still patchy and clouded but she managed to assess her rude intruder with a quick up and down. Vince was a very big guy, close to a foot taller than her and easily twice as heavy. He was dressed lazily, a red thermal henley and a pair of baggy sweats. He held what appeared to be a liquor bottle covered in wrinkled paper bag. And he smelled like alcohol.

"Oh, shit, Rach! My bad, I was looking for-."

He paused and flicked his eyes over her head into the illuminated room behind. Raising his brows, he continued.

"Yo, you guys are up? Nice!"

Before Rachel could react, Vince pushed the door the rest of the way open and stepped past her as if she wasn't even present. Her eyes widened and she firmed her grip on the handle to avoid losing her balance. Gathering herself, she reflexively shut the door and turned to retake her footing in the conversation.

"What? No, we're not-. Steph's not even-."

Her words cut off as Vince turned back around to face her, total confusion splashed across his expression.

"Wait, where's Steph?"

Rachel set her jaw and rolled her eyes as she stepped back towards the center of the room. Really? This moron had just had to come over now?

"She's home this weekend, remember? To see her brother's game or whatever."

She watched as suspicious non-comprehension rolled steadily down Vince's face. He took a swing from his bottle and swished the liquid back and forth contemplatively before swallowing. He clearly wasn't processing what he was being told.

"The fuck are you talking about? What game?"

Rachel scrunched her eyebrows and raised her palms upward as if she wasn't sure what it was she was supposed to be explaining. Sighing, she tried again.

"I don't know, Vince! I don't keep track of-. Why are you asking me? I'm sure she didn't tell me any more than she told you."

Vince cocked his head and stayed silent for a moment as he took another sip from the bottle. He was solidly drunk and a little unsteady on his feet but he could clearly follow the conversation. The confusion morphed into a touch of anger and hurt but he smirked and kept it hidden from his face.

"She didn't tell me shit. I didn't know she was going home at all."

He paused and grinned sarcastically, shaking his head.

"Guess that's why she didn't answer any of my texts. Figured she'd just passed out or something."

Rachel rolled her eyes again and sniffed in through her nose as she let her gaze drift momentarily around the room. Parting her lips, she loaded another sarcastic retort into the chamber and prepared to fire. But she stopped. Pity suddenly flashed into her system as she looked back into his face. She sighed and shook her head.

Vince wasn't her favorite person, and his drunken intrusion into her room in the middle of the night was entirely obnoxious. But in the moment she felt a sudden, strange bond with the hulking boy in front of her. She had no idea the specifics of his and Steph's relationship (nor did she care), but she could totally empathize with how he was likely feeling. Had her roommate really not even bothered to tell him that she was leaving for the weekend? They'd been hooking up for weeks. She swallowed as a touch of vicarious anger darted through her gut. It was such a Steph thing to do.

Placing her hands on her hips, she frowned apologetically at Vince's masked-hurt stare.

"I'm sorry. I'd figured she'd told you."

She paused, scrunching her nose into an almost playful grin of disbelief.

"She really didn't say anything to you?"

Vince drew a deep breath into his barrel chest and held it for a few seconds before letting it out slowly. Smirking and shaking his head as if it didn't affect him, he glanced around at the wall to his left.

"Nah. Guess it slipped her mind."

He punctuated his sarcasm with another healthy swig from his drink. While the brown paper covered all but the bottle's neck, it was easily identifiable by its black label and unique rectangle outline. Not that a visual was necessary as whiskey fumes wafted through the small space.

Rachel stayed silent for several seconds as a sudden awkwardness began to creep up. Now what? It was pretty obvious why Vince had come by and now just as obvious that such a mission would not be being completed. And while her pity towards him over Steph's coldness had somewhat softened her irritation regarding his intrusion, she still didn't especially want to hang out with drunken Vince at four in the morning.

She started to form a graceful way to convey that he should probably leave when he cut her off with a loud scoff. Scratching his head and turning away, he glared at Stephanie's empty bed.

"Damn, was definitely trying to get a blowjob tonight!"

Rachel smirked reflexively and rolled her eyes to the ceiling. What a sweetheart...

Unsure how she was supposed to respond, she decided to brush it off and move again to direct him back out of her room.

"Well, uh, sorry about that. Anyway, it is really late so you should probably, you know..."

She waited for Vince to turn back to face her before nodding her head in the direction of the door. Vince followed her signal, flicking his eyes towards the far corner of the room. Smiling, he switched his gaze back towards her and raised his chin playfully.

"Well, I mean, you're here..."

He winked and took another sip from his bottle, letting his eyes drift noticeably down her frame.

It took Rachel a moment to comprehend his meaning. Scoffing incredulously, she crossed her arms in front her chest and shot him a condescending scowl.

"Excu-? Um, that is definitely not happen-!"

But once again Vince cut her off, this time with a dismissive wave and throaty laugh.

"I'm just fucking with you! Relax."

He paused and put the bottle to his lips again, grimacing slightly as he swallowed. Glancing around the room, he smiled again.

"But we are up though. We can keep this party going."

Rachel's eyes widened in surprise as she watched the glassy smile spread across his face. Her adrenaline had spiked briefly in response to his crude implication a moment earlier, but she could feel her body un-tensing. Still, she cleared her throat to correct his poor assumption.

"Uh, actually I wasn't up. I was-. There's no party going on."

Vince scoffed playfully with a mock wave of his hand.

"Whaaat? You're the party girl."

He raised an eye brow and extended the liquor bottle in her direction.

"Still got half of this to kill. I've seen you put it back."

Rachel scrunched up her face as the pungent aroma of the offered bottle snaked into her nostrils. Smiling dismissively, she shook her head.

"Uh, no thanks. No party girl tonight. And that smells like gasoline."

Vince held the bottle out for a few seconds before smiling back with a shrug. Taking another gulp of the fiery liquid, he stepped to his left and leaned up against a desk.

"All good. More for me. But we can still hang out. I walked my ass all the way over here and we're both up now so..."

He trailed off and took another a sip. As he swallowed, he spoke again, this time with a hint of playful purpose.

"And I mean, the view's better here anyway."

Rachel's smirk snapped into surprise as a tickle ran up from her belly button into her throat. She swallowed and leaned her chin back as she watched Vince's gaze run noticeably down over body. Reflexively tracing the path, she cursed silently under her breath.

In her confusion and sleepy fog, she hadn't even considered how she'd been dressed. She'd simply hopped out of bed, blinded herself by the light, and stumbled hazily over to the door. She hadn't even intended to let Vince in. Nothing had clicked until just now.

But the puzzle pieces flew together in a hurry. She was practically naked. Instinctively raising her hands up in front of her boobs, she shook her head and laughed defensively.

"Oh my God, I was sleeping when you barged-! You're a mess."

She broke eye contact for a moment and tugged upward on her camisole, an adjustment that served only to make her heavy breasts jiggle and bounce slightly. Embarrassment reddened her cheeks and she laughed again, chastising him with a playful whine.

"You can stop staring anytime!"

Nervous energy swirled through her system and she looked around to see if another more modest article of clothing was in close reach. But none was. She eyed the dresser across the room but didn't make a move. What did it matter at this point? It wasn't like he hadn't already seen.

And see he had. Vince grinned at Rachel's playful objections as he swallowed and angled his chin. His eyes ran down from her face over the intoxicating swell of her chest. His significant height advantage allowed him an excellent view into her deep cleavage. And beyond the uncovered portions of her flesh, her tits were practically visible through the thin, stretched material of her camisole. Her nipples pushed teasingly into the fabric, their indent clear and obvious. He could almost make out the subtle circles behind them.

His cock pulsed excitedly in his sweats. In his focus on Stephanie, he'd barely even noticed how Rachel had been dressed. She was a piece of underwear and a partially-see through top away from being totally naked. It was easily the best look at her body he'd ever seen.

Smiling and meeting her gaze once again, he furrowed his brow in mock-incredulity.

" 'Stop'? Why you think I come over here so much?"

Rachel felt a tingle run through her fingertips and the hair raise on her neck. Trying again in vain to lessen the depth of her exposed cleavage, she scoffed sarcastically.

"Uh, to see Stephanie? You know, the girl you're like, dating or whatever it is you're doing."

Vince absorbed the attempt at guilt and easily swatted it away. Without missing a beat, he smiled thoughtfully.

"Nah, she's close. But definitely second place. Or you know..."

He paused and grinned deeper, raising his hand and extending a finger in Rachel's direction. With an obvious motion, he indicated to her full chest, alternating the direction of his point to flip back and forth between each breast individually.

"...third place if you count them as two."

Rachel's lips parted and she grinned reflexively at his quip, shaking her head and rolling her eyes to the ceiling. She didn't especially love Vince. She didn't find him attractive on either a physical or emotional level and the current circumstances didn't help. His intrusion had been annoying and obnoxious and she was far from comfortable with their conversation given his relationship with her roommate. And the way he was eye-fucking her...

But for some reason his crass compliment gave her a gentle spark of arousal. Perhaps it was because she still solidly wound up from her sexy dreams about Caleb. Or maybe hearing him value her over another girl whom she felt (at least somewhat) wronged by. She realized she should feel only guilt or aversion towards Vince's dismissal of Stephanie. But she didn't. She felt sparks of similar feelings she'd had in the past involving other "rivals."

Swallowing hard to re-center herself, Rachel dug in to stop the momentum. The objective fact was that a hulking, drunken (and surely very horny) boy with very few positive attributes and all kinds of red flags was flirting heavily with her in her room in the middle of the night. He was probably getting drunker and her boobs were practically hanging out a few feet from his face. It wasn't a good situation.

"Well, you're ridiculous. And I'm sorry but no party here. I was up half the night writing a paper and would still be snuggling my pillow if you hadn't banged on my door. I'll tell Steph you came by looking for her."

Rachel raised her eyebrows and indicated over to the door finishing the thought with a visual cue. She needed to get Vince out before the subject matter of his comments turned even more explicit. She was sleepy and residually aroused and her practical nakedness made her feel vulnerable and weak. It was the type combination that could leave her pliable and prone to suggestion.