Freshman Ch. 05: Convinced


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"There we go. Look how fucking hot that is."

It again took Rachel a moment but she finally unscrambled the intent behind Vince's maneuver. Her eyes widened and she trembled at the image in front of her. It was their reflection in the mirror next to her dresser. Vince had wanted to watch himself as he groped greedily away all over her practically naked body.

Her eyes focused and she shivered unexpectedly as the thoughts in her head began to spin. For the multitude of sexual experiences she'd had in her life, it was very rare that she'd actually gotten a third-person view of herself engaged in an act. Her stomach twisted momentarily as the needling memory of her post-prom debacle with Jeff and the profane photos he'd snapped of her flashed through her brain. But the icy chill melted quickly, replaced only with the warmth that told her she was strangely enjoying what she was seeing.

She thought about how just a few hours prior, she'd disrobed for the night in front of this same mirror. She'd taken a moment to study her nude figure before slipping on her camisole and crawling into bed. The juxtaposition of the memory up against the current image of that same cami now bunched up by her neck and a pair of large hands roughly pawing and squeezing the full breasts she'd so vainly admired caused a tremor to shoot between her thighs. What had begun as a mildly annoying indulgence she'd allowed to Vince was quickly revving her engine.

She watched in silence as Vince continued to manipulate her to a steady (if not slightly clumsy) clip. In between his rotations of cupping and kneading and squeezing, he would occasionally pinch her nipples with enough force to make her pleasurably wince. She wasn't exactly sure how long he planned to keep going, nor did she understand why she'd allowed him to proceed as long as he had. She didn't want to admit it, but it was feeling increasingly good. Sinking her shoulders a little further into Vince's large chest, she let the earlier images of Caleb she'd been dreaming about begin to return to her mind.

Suddenly it was his strong hands working her breasts and warming her up. She could hear Vince's heavy breathing and his intermittent, guttural compliments, but it was now in Caleb's voice. She thought about their rendezvous in the library and the moment he'd grabbed her head and began working her motions to the pace he preferred. And when he'd finished coming so hard in her mouth, he'd looked down at her and spoke in a low, probing tone.

"So how about that blowjob?"

Rachel's eyes widened and her senses went to high alert. She'd almost gotten lost in her fantasy and truthfully it was difficult to separate it from reality as she came back to the moment. Shaking herself, she repeated the words in her head. Her stomach flipped. It wasn't Caleb who had said that.

It was Vince.

Sharply refocused, Rachel adjusted her eyes to the mirror to survey the scene. Vince still had his hands cupped over her boobs but he'd angled his head down so that his lips were against her ear. Feeling her heart beginning to beat fast again, Rachel licked her lips.

"What'd you say?"

She watched in the mirror as Vince's glassy eyes smiled into her own. Practically nuzzling the side of her head, he replied.

"C'mon, baby. It's not a big deal. Fuck, you got me so horny. Just a little head."

Every pore on Rachel's scalp tingled and her brain sputtered and smoked. She craned her neck quickly to look up at him from behind. It was if she couldn't trust the mirror image. She had to see him directly to make sure it was real.

" 'Just a little he'-? Oh my God, are you serious?"

Her tone was forceful, but not angry. More sarcastic or incredulous.

But Vince pressed on.

"C'mon, you've let me do all this."

He paused and gave her tits and forceful squeeze for emphasis, eliciting a mild whimper from Rachel's lips.

"It's not a big deal. Just do me real quick. Please?"

Rachel swallowed and tried to keep her head from spinning off. Quickly formulating a plan, she realized that first she needed to disentangle herself from Vince's lecherous grip. Arguing while simultaneously giving him free reign with her boobs was utterly ridiculous.

She began to spin around, sliding his hands down to her waist and turning her shoulder into his chest. Vince was certainly a lot stronger than she was but he did not prevent her movement. However, as she turned to fully face him again, he brought his hands back to her breasts and kept her steady in place.

Rachel sighed and shook her head. She decided to ignore it and forge ahead.

"Vince, just because I let you-. Stop. I'm not 'doing you real quick'."

Vince smirked and rolled his eyes. He kept his one hand happily groping at her boobs and slid the other down around her waist.

"Why not? From what I heard you 'do' it all the time."

Rachel's ears burned and she felt the tips of her toes tingle. Vince's tone wasn't malicious (nor his statement untrue or unfair). But it still made the expected tremor of embarrassment roll through her gut. She looked up at him defiantly.

"You're an asshole. And so what? So I'm just supposed to suck your dick too?"

Vince's eyes widened momentarily but he brushed it off quick. Hearing her verbalize the act in explicit terms only made him hotter. He shook his head and laughed.

"Easy, tiger. Don't get all jumpy! I was just saying like, I've heard good things."

He paused and leaned in a little closer, sliding his hand from her waist around to just above her ass.

"Heard your blowjobs are the best at this school. Been dying to find out..."

Even though it was the second time he'd said the word, Vince's verbalization still made her entire body quiver. He wanted a blowjob. From her. Her roommate's kinda-boyfriend, who had barged drunkenly into her room, talked her out of her clothes, and was still touching her in the most intimate of ways, was asking her for a blowjob.

Rachel tingled all over as she processed Vince's bluntness and absorbed the continued sensation of his hands all over her. The aggression of his mauling work on her chest was a funny partner for his delicate and somewhat timid grip on her ass. Despite all the reasons for it not to, it was again beginning to warm her senses and quietly quell the swelling tide of resistance.

But her brain still had a voice and she heard its protests ring out. This was all so ridiculous. And wrong. She wasn't physically attracted to Vince at all, and she wasn't even that crazy about him as a person. He was often obnoxious and overbearing and she didn't really care for his side-eyed leers and crude, whispered comments. She'd known boys like him all her life. Just dumb and loud and never able to-!

Her stomach twisted tightly and her thoughts switched as a face unexpectedly popped into her brain. A face she hadn't thought of in a long time, and, based on the way it made her reflexively cringe with embarrassment, one that she'd hoped she'd never think of again.

It belonged to a boy who reminded her exactly of the hulking oaf propositioning her at the moment. His name was Eddie and she'd gone to Taylor Reed with him. He'd been good friends with a guy she'd dated; he'd even inadvertently walked in on them during the act once (an incident which had been generally mortifying for Rachel).

After she and his friend had broken up, he'd hounded her relentlessly. Like Vince, he was this big, strong, and far from intellectual thing that didn't cause even the mildest of stirrings between her thighs. He'd catch her at school in between classes and make teasing comments about the time he'd witnessed her in mid-blowjob. And then he'd compliment her body in some crude way and hint at the idea of getting some for himself. It had been a master class on how not to get the girl.

But, as history had certainly confirmed time and again, Rachel wasn't an ordinary girl. She'd brushed him off and brushed him off but in the end he'd worn her down. He'd caught her at a party in the right place at the right time and spun his desperate plea until she'd decided that the only path to sanity was capitulation. He'd had no business getting with a girl like her. Which was exactly the thought that had bounced ironically through her brain as while she'd found herself on her knees in an upstairs bedroom with his dick pressed snuggly into the top of her throat.

The images spun in Rachel's head as they continued to coalesce with the present moment. The fiery defiance she'd felt just moments prior had smoldered into ash. Her focus was cloudy and her spirit disinterested in any sort of fight. And the sprinkling of arousal was becoming more pronounced.


Her voice came out more whiny than intended.

"C'mon, we can't do this."

Vince nodded and plowed ahead.

"Sure we can. Please? You got me so fucking hard. I need it."

Punctuating his point, Vince firmed his grip on her ass and pulled her in close to his body. The soft, expansive girth of his stomach squeezed against her chest. But something a lot more suggestive pressed hungrily just below her belly button.

Rachel gasped as she felt the unmistakable contact of his penis. Vince was wearing sweats, but they did little to blunt the effect. Her eyes flicked downward to fix on the obscenely noticeable tent of his pants. She could feel his tip pulsing against her flat stomach. She swallowed and looked up desperately into his eyes.

Vince's buzz had peaked and his arousal was racing to meet it. He licked his lips

"See what I mean?"

He could see the vulnerability in Rachel's expression. Swallowing, he took the plunge.

"Well, you already showed me yours so..."

Rachel held the air in her lungs as Vince unexpectedly leaned back and removed his hands from her body. She kept her wide eyes on his as he took a step back and grinned at her. She felt her cheeks burning and his final words rung out in her ears. Reflexively, she dropped her gaze to the front of his sweats just as he tucked his thumbs into the waistband.

Time seemed to stand still as she watched Vince casually push downward on his pants and slip them over his thighs. His dick sprung free from its loose confines and Rachel's entire body pulsed as her scrambled brain comprehended the sight. True to his word, Vince was utterly, painfully erect. She swallowed reflexively. He was large, too. The veins on his shaft pulsed and his entire dick was practically purple. His head was shiny with wetness and his balls hung heavily down below. She wasn't sure if she'd ever seen a boy so fully aroused.

Vince's heart pumped in time with the blood flowing through his cock and he inhaled roughly as arousal overwhelmed him. Looking down over Rachel's intoxicating, naked figure with his dick out as well made him feel like he might come right there. He'd been horny when he'd arrived looking for Steph, but it was all on an entire different level now.

Taking a step back towards her, he spoke again.

"What I tell you?"

He reached out for Rachel's tits and began fondling her again, this time more gently. As his cock pulsed inches from her stomach, he continued to push forward.

"C'mon, just this one time. I told you I won't say shit. No one's gonna know."

Rachel peeled her gaze up from Vince's waist and looked into his eyes. They were now both naked and his hands were back on her. Suddenly everything seemed like it had moved at warp speed. How had she gotten to where she was? She looked around the room in a daze like she didn't even recognize her surroundings. As her eyes passed over her roommate's unoccupied bed, she shivered and put up one final fight.

"What about Steph? We shouldn't be-. This is fucked up."

Whatever guilt Vince might've had over such a point was no longer any match for his need to get off. Smirking and running his thumb smoothly over Rachel's nipple, he responded without even looking at her.

"Think we're past that shit by now."

The words hit Rachel like a brick. She felt dizzy and lost and the room seemed to spin around her. She could feel it all slipping away as Vince massaged her breasts tenderly in his strong hands. She should never have it let reach this point and her stomach twisted as the danger of what she knew she was about to do came back to the forefront of her mind. Of the handful of boys she'd hooked up with since she'd gotten to college, Vince was the first one who represented an unequivocally wrong situation. And for some reason, that was making her impending concession confusingly arousing.

She stayed silent as she felt Vince slide his hands up her breasts and onto the tops of her shoulders. She stared up at him, trembling as she read the lustful need in his eyes. She suddenly remembered the first time he'd ever put his hands on her. It had been at that party the night she'd had her fight with Josh. Vince had been guarding the bathroom, and when she'd tried to push past him, he'd physically restrained her, grabbing her by the wrist.

The memory sent a shiver down her spine as it reminded her of his powerful grip. While she wasn't afraid of Vince, the disparity in their respective strength was obvious, perhaps never the more obvious than it was at the moment. Here he stood over her, a good foot taller and well over one-hundred pounds heavier. His barrel chest and round torso pushed into her space. His large palms rested over her delicate frame.

She barely reacted as Vince's grip pushed gently but purposefully into the bones of her shoulders. The meaning was clear. She hadn't said yes and she hadn't said no and this was Vince's way of pushing for an answer.

And feeling her stomach clench like a vice, Rachel gave him the one he wanted.

Her pulse pounded in her temples as she let go and allowed Vince to guide her slowly to her knees. She kept her eyes locked on his as her flesh met the soft embrace of the fluffy rug she'd bought the week she'd moved onto campus. She could see the pure excitement in his expression as he comprehended his own victory. Her fingers trembling, she lowered her gaze to face forward.

Rachel sniffed in through her nose as she processed the reality of the image greeting her eyes. Vince's cock bobbed hungrily inches in front of her nose. Confirming her earlier assessment, his purple tip was indeed shiny and wet. He wasn't as big as Caleb but he was comfortably large and thick. Rachel flicked her eyes upward and furrowed her brow. It could've been that Vince was just a giant human being all around and that skewed the view. She shrugged and glanced back downward again. Whatever. Not that it mattered.

She set her jaw and looked back up at his eyes. She still felt like she couldn't move. She knew at this point she was going to do it, but it just felt so surreal. Was she actually kneeling half-naked in front of this boy? Vince? She was going to suck him off at four in the morning on her dorm room floor while her roommate was home for the weekend? She was really going to do this?

"Damn, you look so fucking hot on your knees. Go ahead."

Vince's coaxing "compliment" snapped her from her shameful introspection as she realized the answer was 'yes.' Yes, she was really going to do this. And there was no reason to put it off any longer.

Rising up tall, Rachel reached forward and encircled her slender fingers around the base of his shaft. She let out a final breath. Closing her eyes, she leaned forward and parted her lips.

"Unnnghhh. Yesssss. Fuuuck."

Vince's breathy mutter eased from his lips as the sensation he'd lusted after for months rushed to his system in full force. His eyes fluttered reflexively and he tightened his lower muscles, forcing his dick to a seemingly impossible heightened state of arousal. The wet warmth of Rachel's embrace was overpowering and yet so sweetly gentle at the same time. He gritted his teeth and angled his eyes lazily downward just in time to watch her soft lips glide effortlessly to meet her own grip. Watching her swallow him down looked nearly as amazing as it felt.

Rachel's pores tingled from her head to her toes as the concept of what she was doing mixed intensely with the physical accompaniment. She pressed her lips in around his firm, rubbery flesh and paused to inhale and swallow. The salty fluid which had coated his tip with shiny slickness passed into her throat as his entire shaft throbbed in her mouth. Tasting him made it all feel more visceral and real. She was actually doing it. She was sucking Vince's dick. Feeling both shame and arousal fusing together in her belly, she angled her eyes upward and worked her way back to his head.

Vince let his breaths out in short, strained bursts as he euphorically watched Rachel blow him. Her soft cheeks were pulled in tight and her expression was focused but in control. Each pass of her lips over his glimmering shaft was as stimulating visually as it was physically. He could watch her work all night.

Moving to emphasize the concept, Vince angled his head towards the mirror to watch the scene from afar as he had earlier. It was even hotter. Recognizing his own figure standing over the submissively kneeling object of his lust as she dutifully fellated him in her own dorm room was simply incredible. He traced his eyes up from her large, heavy breasts to the hypnotic image of her soft lips wrapped snuggly around his shaft. His stomach clenched. It was too incredible. If he didn't stop looking, he might-.

In the nick of time, Vince tore his gaze from the erotic reflection. Simultaneously, he reached down and extracted his cock from Rachel's oral embrace. One more second and he would've lost control. And as amazing as it had felt, there was no way he was going to let the experience end so prematurely.

His withdrawal surprised Rachel; it wasn't often that someone stopped her in the middle of her work. Angling her eyes up to his, she reflexively wiped some wetness from her lips and waited for him to speak.

Vince exhaled deeply, his cock practically bouncing on its own. Grinning down at her, he laughed and shook his head.

"Gotta slow down, girl. Almost fucking lost it."

He paused and rubbed his forehead, looking around the room in a bit of a daze. Thinking quickly (which was impressive given the exodus of blood flow from his brain) he nodded to his side and spoke again.

"Hold up. Let's do it this way."

Rachel watched silently as Vince slid his sweatpants down his ankles and over his feet. Removing his shoes and socks in one smooth motion, he stepped fully out of his pants and kicked everything aside. Wearing only his shirt, he half-stumbled over to Stephanie's bed and rolled onto it with a thud.

"Here. Come on over."

Rachel didn't move a muscle at first. She ran her eyes all over Vince. He was smiling ear to ear with his hands locked behind his head. He was completely naked from the waist down, his large stomach pushing out from the bottom of his shirt and his hairy, muscular thighs bowed out to the sides. Her scanning gaze stopped as it locked onto the most obvious piece of the picture: his thick shaft pulsing and angled straight up towards the ceiling.

But it wasn't the explicit image of his cock and the obvious attention he was expecting her to continue giving it that made her pulse bang in her wrists. It was his new location. Not just the bed.

Stephanie's bed.

The sneaky arousal she'd felt just earlier as she'd contemplated the wrongness of what she was doing multiplied suddenly in her gut. Hooking up with Vince behind her roommate's back was tantalizingly sinful enough. But performing the actual act on her bed? Where she slept? It was perverse and evil. It should've flooded her with shame and self-loathing. But it didn't. At least not in the moment.