Futa House


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Tiffany let out a happy sigh. "Maybe."

"Oh my god, you are!"

It was a strange and somewhat worrying sensation. Chris's insides were getting filled in an entirely new way, a way they certainly weren't designed for. Although, to be fair, his butt probably wasn't supposed to always be taking cock and futa-cum up it either.

"That's so weird," Chris groaned as he slipped a hand over his tummy. He imagined he could feel himself bulging from the unexpected influx of liquid. He was pretty sure it was all in his head, though.

Tiffany purred contentedly against his back. "It's really nice, actually." She nuzzled and nipped at his neck and ear. "You can do it to me, if you want."

Chris shook his head in despair. "I wouldn't have expected you to be this freaky. Of all the girls here, you almost seemed the most normal."

Tiffany laughed. "You're probably clinging to an incorrect idea of what normal is. Especially here."

"I mean... yeah, ok. I guess." Chris wiggled a bit. "Can you please let your pee back out now?"

"In a minute. I just wanna stay here a bit longer."

Tiffany eventually pulled out, once she was mostly soft anyway. A torrent of piss and cum splashed out of Chris's open butthole. It was quite a relief getting emptied out again.

He still had to pee, and by this point wasn't at all surprised when Tiffany knelt down and guided him to piss all over her. She aimed his cock for him, splashing urine all over her tits, then into her open mouth, onto her cock, then finishing up on her chest once more.

Once Chris finally managed to escape the shower and pad naked over to the towel rack, dripping all the way, he found Sasha waiting semi-patiently for him. She was perched on the counter, idly stroking herself.

"About time," Sasha said. "I didn't think you were ever gonna finish up in there."

"Yes, well... you know I don't much say in these things," Chris said.

"That's true."

Sasha helped him towel off, though in the process her cock bumped and rubbed against him far more than necessary. She was fully grinding on his ass by the time he was reasonably dry.

Sasha picked Chris up and lowered him onto her throbbing erection. His butthole didn't put up much resistance at all. He was then carried back to his room, which had been cleaned and had the bedding changed in the time he'd been gone.

"The maid service here is pretty good," Chris mumbled as he was laid back and fucked up the ass by a horny Sasha, who had remained remarkably restrained thus far.

Sasha laughed. "Don't say that too loud. Someone's liable to dress you in a maid outfit."

"I believe it. Some of you have weird fetishes. Weirder even than all wanting to butt-fuck the same boy on a daily basis."

"You mean Tiffany, yeah?"

"In this case, yes."

"Yeah, probably should have warned you about her. I mean, she's not nearly as rough as some of us. But, like, yeah. She likes some weird stuff."

"I wouldn't have thought it of her."

"No, you wouldn't." Sasha shrugged. "But then, everyone's got fantasies you wouldn't guess. And futas... well, we have more libido than most to vie with. We can't always help ourselves."

"Yeah," said Chris as he glanced down at the cock pummeling his ass. "I've learned that much, at least."


Chris awoke the next morning to a cock sheathed snugly up his ass. He craned his neck around to find Natalie spooning up behind him, still asnooze. He honestly didn't remember falling asleep with her inside him. Maybe that part had happened after he was already unconscious.

He curled up cozily and lazed in Natalie's embrace. It was a lovely respite from the egregious and sometimes painful ass-poundings he'd taken all yesterday, and would probably take again in the hours to come. It would be so nice if he could just lie there all morning, impaled on a firm and unmoving cock, snuggled with a warm, feminine body.

It was not to be.

Sasha, ever insatiable, was the first to creep in and stick her dick in his face. She didn't wantonly throat-fuck him, probably so as not to wake Natalie, but she did use his mouth as a sex toy and eventual cum-depository.

Tiffany took a turn after Sasha and took her time about making a deposit as well.

Either Beth or Layla-Chris still couldn't tell them apart from far away, especially if they didn't speak-peeked in a couple times, but didn't seem interested in him when he was already half-occupied.

The less senior girls didn't intrude at all. Either they'd been warned off, or the pecking order was sufficiently established that they knew better.

Natalie finally roused, though Chris would have been just as happy getting another hour or two of relative peace. She murmured sleepily and tightened her arm around his chest, even twirling a finger over his nipple. Her hips began moving in a slow, lazy kind of way at first as she was still waking up.

"Mmph. Shit. Guess I slept in a bit," Natalie mumbled.

"A little," Chris agreed. "It's been nice, though. Very restful. None of the other girls seemed inclined to risk waking you up."

Natalie snickered softly. "Restful, you say? With my dick up your butt? Goddamn you adjusted fast, huh?"

Chris flushed. "I just meant in comparison to getting gang-banged all day."

"Uh huh. Sure. Whatever you say."

Natalie kissed his cheek, then rolled him onto his tummy and lengthened her strokes. It was still a rather smooth and gentle fuck, though it was getting rougher all the time as she gained alertness and horniness. She gradually transitioned into giving Chris a hard pounding that made the bed frame squeak in protest.

As though summoned by the sheer sexual force Natalie was exerting, Beth and Layla turned up to watch and eagerly await their turns. They knelt on the bed next to Chris, sometimes playing with themselves, sometimes just watching and waiting. Chris could have sworn that at one point he caught them jerking each other's cock instead of their own, but he wasn't able to get a good look with Natalie pounding him into the mattress.

The twins took over as soon as Natalie was done with him. Beth got to go first on his ass this time, by some unspoken understanding between them. Layla throat-fucked him all the harder to make up for not getting his butt. They came at almost the same time into his throat and ass, after which Beth briefly stuck her cock in his mouth for a quick cleaning.

Once Beth and Layla had vacated the room, a steady trickle of the newer girls kept Chris well occupied. There was no discernable order to their arrivals, but there was no audible fighting between them, so again it must have had something to do with rules, or an established order of dominance.

Chris tried to learn some more of their names as the opportunities presented themselves, but it was tough making conversation when he was so often drooling and gagging on futa-cock.

He got a bit of a break when he was let out of his room to come down and have breakfast, which was long overdue for his grumbling tummy. He ended up having to eat bent over at the table while Talia reamed his ass.

After her, a girl called Rachel let him sit down; on her lap, of course. He rocked back and forth on her cock to keep her happy, and in return she reached around and rubbed and toyed with his penis too.

Chris came all over himself when Rachel got a bit too enthusiastic jerking him off. That caused a few titters amongst the girls at the table, whereupon Natalie detailed one of the gigglers to crawl under the table and lick Chris clean.

After breakfast came another long parade of girls using Chris to get off, some of them getting a second go in while they could.

He got another break, a longer one this time, when he was laid out on one of the couches so Tiffany could lick his butthole, delving for the excess of mixed cum within. It wasn't as good a position as standing up, since gravity wasn't helping her out, but the gentle tonguing was soothing to his poor, gaping, abused bumhole, so he was quite happy to go along with it.

Some of the girls clustered around to examine and finger Chris's butthole once Tiffany was done eating it out. Apparently it was quite fascinating. He mostly just thought of it as being sore.

Still, at least no one else tried pounding him for a while, so that was nice.


Chris must have fallen asleep at some point, because an indeterminate time later he was shaken awake again. He was still sprawled across the couch he'd been lying on earlier.

There were several girls in his line of sight, and enough chatter going on around him to suggest that there were even more he couldn't see from where he was. There was also a line of four girls nearby that he didn't think he recognized.

"Hey, sleeping beauty," Natalie said. She tousled his hair. "We got our shipment of newbies in, and you weren't even awake to greet them."

"Oh," said Chris. "Sorry."

"That's ok. We've been pretty rough on you this morning. You earned a little rest." Natalie straightened. "Still, time to earn your keep." She clapped her hands in a 'chop chop' kind of way.

Chris groaned an sat upright. Natalie took his hand and led him over to another couch that had been pulled out into a bed. That was a bit strange, since he'd expected to be taken back to his room for more sexy times.

Without having to be prompted, Chris assumed the face down, ass up pose that the girls tended to like. He wasn't used to quite so many of them being present when he exposed himself like that, but he didn't really mind. They'd all seen everything anyway. Excepting the new girls, of course.

The four somewhat nervous newbies were gestured forward. At least one of them seemed eager enough to overcome her nerves, and she stepped closer than the rest, dancing from one foot to the other in anticipation.

"This is Melissa, Ashley, Jan, and Steph," Natalie said by way of introductions. "Girls, this is Chris, our one and only boytoy this year. He's been doing very well for us," she added, patting his butt. "And it's time you four got acquainted with him too."

Ah, so that's what all this was. The new girls were going to be made to fuck him in front of everyone. A welcoming ritual, of sorts. It kind of made sense, given that literally everyone else seemed to have no problem being partly or fully naked around the house. Anyone new needed to be inducted into that lifestyle somehow or other.

"Melissa, would you like to be first?" Natalie asked the most daring of the four.

Melissa nodded and stepped right to the edge of the bed. She bit her lip. "Um... what do I do?"

"Well," Natalie said gently, "traditionally, you start by taking your clothes off."

Melissa hesitated, looking around at all the spectators, then steeled herself and pulled off her top. Once she got going, it didn't take her long to get naked. Judging by the state of her cock, its hardness and the sheer quantity of leaking precum, Chris assumed her horniness was doing quite a bit of work in beating out any shyness or reserve.

"Now, then," said Natalie, "have you had a boytoy to play with before?"

Melissa shook her head. "No. Is that bad?"

"Only for your education and well-being," Natalie said. "Not in any kind of moral or judgey kind of way. We get girls, and boys too, with all manner of different experience levels. Many with hardly any at all. The important thing is to make sure everyone is getting looked after sexually once they get here."

There was a chorus of agreement from the audience, and some nervous giggles from the four new girls.

Natalie smacked Melissa's butt. "Now get up there. Let's have a fun and educational moment, shall we?"

Melissa, excitement continuing to win out over nervousness, crawled up behind Chris's lewdly displayed backside. She tentatively touched his butt just with her fingertips, then jerked back again.

"What do I do?" she asked.

"Pound that ass!" came an exuberant shout from the back of the crowd.

"Yes, thank you, Sasha," Natalie said, ever calm. "Someone cut her off from the booze, please."

Sasha retorted with a rude noise.

"You can start with licking him," Natalie instructed. "He likes that. Don't you, Chris?"

Chris nodded. "Yeah. It's nice."

Melissa hesitated a moment longer, then abruptly dove in. She licked Chris's asshole in a long, exploratory swipe of her tongue. Another pause, then some more licking.

"That a girl," Natalie said approvingly. "Get right in there. It's only polite, considering how accommodating he is to all of us."

Perhaps as a testament to how horny she was, Melissa very enthusiastically ate out Chris's butt until Natalie finally had to remind her to stop and get to fucking him instead.

Natalie helped lube Melissa up and guide her to an initially gentle penetration. Shortly thereafter, Melissa lost control and instinctively pounded her hips against Chris's butt as hard and fast as she could manage.

There was some more cheering from the crowd, though after the initial novelty some were already slipping away and grabbing themselves drinks, or just moving to comfortable spots to masturbate.

Melissa didn't last long. She'd been about ready to burst from the get go, and she hadn't held anything back. A copious load of cum spurted inside Chris while she kept thrusting. She only pulled out well after she was done.

"That was amazing!" she said with a heavy overtone of awe and delight. "Are all boys' butts that good?"

"Pretty good," Natalie confirmed. "But not quite as good as our Chrissy," she added with an affectionate pat on Chris's bum.

"Can I go again?"

Natalie laughed. "Of course. Not right now, though. Two turns in a row wouldn't be fair."

"Oh. Right."

Steph was the next girl to get over her shyness in the face of having sex in front of a whole room full of spectators. She got her clothes off a bit slower than Melissa, but was just as hard and horny once she was naked.

"Is this your first time too?" Natalie asked her as she crawled into position.

Steph took a moment to answer. "Kinda."


"Well, I mean... I've only messed around with one boy. And he only let me do him in the butt on special occasions."

"Your boyfriend?" Natalie asked.

Steph hesitated again. "I shouldn't say, I think."

"Ah." Natalie leaned in close so Chris was the only one who could hear other than Steph. "You said boy, so not your dad, I assume. Your brother, maybe?"

Steph squeaked in embarrassment. "I... like..."

"It's fine," Natalie assured her. "Like I say, we don't judge. We all know how hard it is when you don't have anyone to help with your urges and needs. You gotta do what you gotta do."

Chris wasn't sure about that logic, but really, who was he to judge either? He wasn't exactly a paragon of virtue these days.

Steph gave him a brief licking first, much shorter and less intense than Melissa's, then entered him with noticeably more grace and comfort. She did indeed seem to have at least some small amount of experience. She wasn't nearly so frantic or awed by getting to fuck his butt, though she was still quite appreciative.

Jan got a turn after Steph, then finally Ashley, the apparent shyest and most gentlest of the four girls, though Chris was reserving final decision on her character for now. He'd learned his lesson with Tiffany.

The audience had dispersed further and become distracted by that point, which seemed to help Ashley take her turn. She was the slowest by far to get her clothes off, though she seemed just as horny as any of them.

Ashley was almost comically fascinated by Chris's butthole. Instead of displaying puppy-like levels of enthusiasm for licking him, or treating it as a token gesture of foreplay, she made very deliberate swipes with her tongue, occasionally pausing to consider, or even to finger him.

Unprompted, Ashley experimented with prodding her finger at his lubed-up ass, and even inserting it. Every glance over his shoulder showed her enraptured expression as she fingered him, licked him, and finally rubbed her cock against him.

She didn't spend long grinding on Chris's ass before pushing inside. She made a cute noise of rapturous pleasure as her cock slid deeper and deeper.

"Oh wow," Ashley breathed.

"Nice, isn't it?" Natalie said.

"It really is. He's, like, gripping me, but he's so soft and warm too."


Once Ashley was settled into her fucking rhythm, Natalie apparently decided she could relax from her duties a bit. She slipped in front of Chris and reclined with her cock right in his face. He nuzzled and kissed her shaft like a good little boytoy, and in return got his hair tousled like a favoured pet.

Natalie eventually guided Chris's mouth onto her cock properly, but she wasn't in any particular hurry. As long as he was paying attention to her, she didn't much seem to mind how deep he took her or how hard he sucked.

Ashley, as the other three girls had done before her, kept pounding Chris's butt until she came a nice, gooey load inside him.

"That was awesome," she said. "Thank you!"

She planted a quick little kiss on Chris's butt cheek, then was gently pushed aside so someone else could have a turn.

Chris had pretty much expected to have a train run on him, and he was proved quite correct. So many mostly-naked futas gathered together with him occupying an exposed and central 'place of honour' pretty much made it inevitable.

Natalie didn't leave her spot. Chris assumed she was establishing dominance of some kind of by hogging his mouth all to herself, sitting regally like she was on a throne rather than a pull-out bed.

The atmosphere in the room and those adjoining became more and more like a party, albeit quite a sexually charged one that would have risked becoming an orgy, except that basically everyone only wanted to fuck one person.

A possible exception, one that Chris could only kind of see in his peripherals or when he got a chance to glance over, was Jan sitting next to Talia off to the side, somewhat by themselves. He wasn't sure, but he thought they might be flirting a bit. These sorts of things were hard to gauge when literally everyone in the room had their cock out.

Chris's suspicions were partly confirmed when Talia began slowly running her fingertips up and down Jan's erection. Jan alternated biting her lip shyly and giggling nervously. She accepted a kiss from Talia when it was offered with enough enthusiasm to suggest she hadn't just been cornered on her first day with no idea what to do.

"Good for them," Natalie said quietly, making Chris aware that she'd seen the same thing he had.

"Why good?" Chris asked, taking the risk of neglecting Natalie's dick for a bit.

"The same reason it's nice when anyone hits it off with someone else," Natalie said.

"Oh. I guess that makes sense. I thought it might have been something more complicated."

"What, like, Talia's secretly been pining for a girlfriend, and might have a shot now?"

"Um... maybe? I don't know. Has she?"

"Couldn't really say. I know she's more open about hooking up internally, as it were, than a lot of us. I mean, we'll fuck around with each other when necessary, but I've always had the impression she'd be open to more than that." Natalie shrugged. "Nothing much serious ever tends to happen between the girls here, relationship-wise. It'd be kinda neat if Talia and Jan made it work."

"Isn't it ridiculously early to be thinking about that?"

"I'd say yes, except they're currently sneaking off upstairs together."

Chris looked. They were, indeed, almost out of sight up the stairwell. "Huh. Didn't waste any time, did they?"

Natalie gently guided his head back to its proper position lavishing attention on her cock. "I don't feel I should have to remind you of this, but we tend to be horny as fuck, basically all the time."

"Ggghhuu nnmmhh uunngh," Chris agreed.
