I Got Caught in Girls Underclothes Ch. 09


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He turned to look at Sis, "You're not going to need this, but I have a pamphlet for you. Look it over and," he pulled out a pen and wrote something on the pamphlet, "Call me anytime, day or night, if you have any concerns." He smiled at Sis as he handed it to her.

Before I could respond, Sis chimed in, "I'll see to it." For the first time, her eyes dropped from mine to my torso, "These are going to turn to bruises,bad bruises, aren't they? How long will they be that way?"

I knew what she was getting at. Mom and Dad would be back this weekend and I already had enough to deal with.

The doctor also knew what she was worried about, "Yeah, your parents are going to see them unless you can avoid them for a month. You'll see traces for several weeks. In the meantime, you'll look like you were hit by a truck. It'll feel a lot better in a few days though."

"You can get dressed now, and then we can see about a few stitches for your mouth. Got several gashes that will probably need dissolving sutures," and he stared at Sis who had turned back to me.

When she noticed the look she was getting, "Oh. Sorry. I'll be out here," and exited with a flush on her face.

Before the doctor left, "That's some sister you've got."

"Yeah, she is."

Two hours later we were back at the school parking lot. Ms. Talmadge ordered Bonnie and Carol to stay. They needed to talk. I didn't envy them, but mine was coming soon enough with Principal Thomas and not long after that, it would be Mom and Dad. I really wasn't looking forward to that conversation.

"You're sore. I'll drive, and we can pick up the truck later." We stopped at Target to pick up a prescription for pain killer and an antibiotic.

On the drive home, Sis apologized for embarrassing me at the hospital, "I didn't mean to do that to you."

"How do you know it was you? There were three other girls there."

Surprised, "I... uh... I just... assumed..."

I laughed, "Got you! It was you. When you put your hand on my thigh, I couldn't help it."

Sis smiled at my confession and her hand slid across the console to rest on my thigh, "Good. You looked cute in that gown. We'll have to try that at home. Maybe one of Mom's aprons! That'd do." Then she slid her hand up to my crotch and her fingers gripped me through my pants. A satisfied grin lit up Sis's face as she felt my reaction, one I couldn't control any more than I could stop breathing.

I placed my hand on Sis's, "Thanks for being there."

Then Sis was back to being Sis, the less serious Sis, "You know, in your condition, we won't be able to have sex." She sounded completely serious, as if the doctor had explicitly ruled out sex.

I was already throbbing. If this was how it was going to be, I was going to find out exactly what 'blue balls' were. "What?! I'm not sure I can take that. I'll have to have something."

"Well, I guess you'll have to 'take things into your own hands'. But you'll have to take it pretty easy with those ribs."

"You're kidding!"

She remained straight faced as long as she could hold it, "Got you!" After savoring her moment, "Don't worry. I'll take care of you."

Once inside the house and out of sight, Sis helped me up stairs to her room. "Let's get you undressed. I want to see... how you are." I undid my belt and pants and Sis took care of the rest.

With her finger tips barely touching my skin, she began tracing over each place where I'd been kicked or hit. She looked dejected.

Sis may have felt dejected but I didn't. My attention was on her hands. Everywhere she touched, it felt like electric on my skin. By the time she finished, I was erect and throbbing. When Sis completed her circle, she looked down at my erection. She gave me a sympathetic smile, "Lie down."

With me flat of my back on the bed, Sis wrapped her fingers around me and began slowly stroking me. I grunted occasionally as she took care of me. Sis's face was all tenderness.

When I was so close I was afraid I'd explode in her hand, "Stop, you got to stop."

Instead of stopping, she leaned down and I felt the warmth of her mouth as she took in the tip and then slid a little more of my shaft in her mouth. Her hand which had paused once again began slowly stroking the portion of my shaft that was not in her mouth.

As I came to the brink and crossed, it was impossible not to thrust in an attempt to bury myself in Sis's mouth. With the first jet, Sis seemed to gag and her hand stopped. She backed off and I thought she'd pull off, but she didn't. Before my second blast, Sis slid back into position and resumed stroking. This time, she stayed in position until I had delivered everything I had into her mouth.

Her mouth was full and her face red when I finished, and she finally pulled off. Her eyes were on mine as she tilted her head slightly and I could see her swallow. Her tongue traced her lips as if it were looking for any last traces of my stuff. "Did I do it ok?"

I was still breathing heavy, "That was amazing. Do you always... swallow?"

"Only for you. Actually, I've never done it with anyone else." It occurred to me that she had just told me something amazing.

Feeling obligated, I said, "Let me take care of you now."

"From the looks of your mouth, I don't think that's happening for days. It's ok. I can take care of myself."

"I may not be able to give you the real thing or oral, but my hands are fine." I slid to the head of the bed. "Sit beside me."

Cautiously Sis sat next to me. I turned enough to get a hand between her legs as she shifted a leg up over my legs to open herself up. Her eyes shut and I could hear her breath as my fingers found her lips. They were wet and puffy with excitement. "I couldn't leave you this way," and I began rubbing her swollen clit.

I watched every twitch of her lips, the slight rolling of her head as the excitement between her legs overrode everything else. Soon her body tightened and her hips raised up to meet my hand as Sis moaned with pleasure. She bucked several times before settling back down. She clutched my arm against her side while her other hand came to rest between her legs on top of my hand.

She whispered, "Thank you." She hardly did more than mouth the words.

My hand might have been fine, but the motion necessary to take care of Sis had forced me to use some muscles that weren't ready to be used. I grimaced, "Sis, I think I'm going to need one of my pills."

Sis jumped up naked, "I'll be right back."

She must have run, and was soon back at the bedside breathing heavily carrying a couple of bottles of water. A few seconds later, she was sitting on the bed beside me with one leg cocked revealing most of her womanhood, calmly reading the labels on my prescriptions.

She was dedicated to taking care of me. Her dedication seemed much like I would have expected from Mom and Dad. The sex was a bonus. I guess a guilty conscience will do that to you, although I felt she should feel none.

It had been over a week since I had looked at Sis without some degree of lust. She could bring that out in me. Now, I was studying her face and wondering what she was feeling.

"Ok. It looks like you can take it without eating," as she opened bottles and produced the pills along with the water bottle.

As I took the pill and swallowed a couple sips of water, she watched me with concern over my current condition; pretty banged up. "For now, what do you say I put on Guardians and we watch it? I still owe you."

The disc was still in the player and she made me lay down at an angle across the bed and settled in front of me in a position where we could both watch without me having to sit up or do anything that might cause me any unnecessary pain. With a small amount of pleading, begging if you prefer, I convinced her to let me put an arm under head and my free hand on a breast.

"Ok, don't get any ideas. You're on the bench for a while." That didn't prove to be difficult. I was in enough pain that getting an erection was not on my agenda.

Once more we didn't finish Guardians. My pain pill kicked in and I fell asleep near the same place I lost Sis last time.

The next morning she informed me that she had not made it much farther either. Several phone calls had come in. She wouldn't wake me for anyone. Carol and Bonnie had called to see if I was ok and would it be ok if a few people came over to see me tomorrow. She stalled them till Wednesday to give me at least a day to recover. Billy and Bobby called. For them, she offered up Tuesday evening if I was up to it. Three other interested parties called; Coach, Ms. Talmadge, and Principal Thomas. All asked how I was doing and promised to come by when I was up to it.

The doctor also called to see how I was doing. She told him I was sleeping and seemed to be doing pretty good. He had ordered her to call if I didn't steadily improve.

I slept in late Tuesday. Sis was sitting in a chair next to the bed when I came to. "You're a sleepy head! I've already had time to go the store and back. Got you breakfast."

"You shouldn't have. I'm not sure I can handle an Egg Mac," as I gingerly touched my lips.

"It's a protein drink. The doctor said you might not want to chew much for a few days so you are on a liquid diet," and she took an opportunity to tease, "No eating pussy either!" She wore a smirk as she said the last.

"He didn't say that! You'll miss it as much as I do." I expected she was going to spend several days 'taking care of me' and I knew she'd be in a bad state if she didn't get anything in return. I knew she wouldn't allow normal sex, and oral was out, and after the difficulty I had giving her a hand job, she probably wouldn't let me do that either.

I couldn't help but tease a little, "Is it ok if I watch while you give yourself hand jobs?" Now I was wearing the smirk.

"NO! I'm not going to let you watch."

"Does that mean you will be 'taking things into your own hands'?"

"Keep this attitude up and you may be taking care of yourself for the rest of the week!" She sounded serious, but I'd seen the look on her face earlier and wasn't too worried.

"Oh, by the way, Carol, Bonnie, and a few friends are planning on coming over to see you. I asked them to wait until tomorrow so you could recover a bit. Bobby and Billy will probably be over tonight. I figured it would be nice for you to see them first. It's been awhile and things were a little bumpy the last time you talked to them."

"Yes, it was. Hope they aren't too upset with me for doubting them. I should have known better."

"You've been buddies for three years. I don't think it will be a problem, and they were still the only ones with that picture, so I think they understand where you were coming from."

Sis took good care of me all day. That meant more protein shakes, constantly pestering me to see if I needed pain pills, quite a bit of guilt as she checked my wounds, and nothing resembling sex. To her, she'd caused everything when she'd pushed me into wearing the panties last week. While that might be true, I couldn't bring myself to regret or want to change anything, including the fight. Beat down was probably more accurate.

The last twelve days were the most memorable days of my entire life. I expected to be spending a lot less time with the Astronomy Club and a lot more time dating. Sex was awesome. Carol and Bonnie were awesome. And Sis was spectacular but I was confused about her. I could envision what a relationship with Carol or Bonnie would be like. Really nice. Probably some sex, but Sis was just confusing. She cared about me, but I wasn't sure how things would be between us after this weekend.

With no sexual activities on the agenda, I had time to think about things. I just wasn't getting anywhere with it. I was afraid that things might be weird between Sis and me, but it was pretty much too late to change that. Getting a hard on every time you get around your sister couldn't be good either.

With drink in hand, I took a slow walk to my 'office' in my underwear, "I think I need to move around a little, and I need to check in on a few of my customers. No calls, but I need to make sure their systems are doing ok. I've been a little lax lately for some reason," and gave Sis a raised eyebrow.

One of the things I'd gotten into, instead of dating, was computer systems. It turned out there were a number of people running small websites out of their homes or small offices that needed technical help. One or two had been willing to trust me, and I ended up with a small group of customers.

Learning Linux System Admin had been more interesting than flipping burgers at McDonald's and it paid better, not that I was getting rich. Other than a laptop, desktop, and a good network connection, I didn't really need much anyway.

Sis followed along and pulled a chair beside me at my desk as I went through my connections and took a pulse of the systems I looked after. "You're pretty good at this."

"I don't know about that, but if I didn't do this, I'd probably be wearing an apron at McDonalds or a cow suit at Chick-Fil-A."

Sis snickered, "Hmmm, you in an apron could be interesting."

I tried to squelch the apron talk, "You do know that they make you wear more than just an apron." Sis looked me over, and not very sisterly.

I wrapped up my 'work' and checked IM and email. There were several emails, mostly from people who had called the night before to see how I was doing and was I ok for a visit. I responded to all with some version of, 'Doing fine and I could use the company in a few days'.

After finishing my computer chores, I was surprised to find that I was tired. Maybe it was after effects of getting beat up, the meds, or maybe just a poor night's sleep. "Do you mind if I take a nap? Guess I didn't sleep that well," and I walked to my bed and sat down.

"No. That's probably a good idea." As she said this, she stood in front of me and unbuttoned her blouse, unzipped her pants and soon was in her panties standing in front of me, "Mind if I join you?"

It was a nice offer, "No. Sounds great actually."

I couldn't help but notice that the blouse she removed was a pullover that did little to flatter her. The neckline was like some of my tees. Some of mine were more revealing. The pants were just another pair of short jeans that came nearly to the knee with a rolled up cuff, similar to what I'd seen her wear for years. You could barely tell from behind that she had an ass, although I knew otherwise. Over the past week I'd seen everything that Sis had to offer. I'd also seen Carol and Bonnie as well as you could ever hope to see them. They were nice, really nice. But Sis was nice too.

We settled into a comfortable position on the bed, both of us in our underwear. Apparently one dressing concession was 'no bra'. Her breasts hadn't been obvious before she took off the blouse, but now I could see how nice they were. Completely naked wasn't necessary. She had an effect on me. I expect she could have that same effect on any guy she wanted. It was curious why she chose to fly so low on the radar, revealing almost nothing outside this house. It was only these past few days that she'd opened up to me.

Obviously she didn't have to dress the way she had for me, but she'd been working her plan. I'd rarely seen her in a dress and those had not been selected to attract attention or flatter.

I started to finish undressing but before I could get my underwear down, "Don't get any ideas. Nothing is going to happen. So, just pull those back up."

I grunted in disappointment, but it wasn't that bad, "Ok nurse, if you insist."

"I do," and she settled her butt into the curve between my torso and legs placing her butt firmly against my package which was in an awkward position, and I had to reach down and move it so that it laid more or less flat between my stomach and her firm little back.

"I'll just stay here till you go to sleep. Ok?"

"Ok by me," and I wrapped an arm around her. It would be difficult for her to get up without disturbing her patient. If she noticed my tactic, she never let on. Since she didn't want anything sexual going on, I resisted the temptation to fondle one of her breasts and placed the hand just below her breasts. Not bad.

I tried to fake platonic, but this thing between my legs betrayed me.

"Is it going to..." and she timed her next words for my next throb, "do that forever?"

"Sorry. It's kind of got a mind of its own."

"Are you going to be able to sleep?"

"Sooner or later, or I could just go take care of it. It could take a while if we just wait on it to go away."

"Let's give it a few minutes and see if it'll... go down." She sounded doubtful and I knew a few minutes were a waste of time. I'd tried to avoid jerking off on a few occasions. Half hour of discomfort was as far as I ever got.

We lay there for five minutes with my erection throbbing like it was trying to erupt between us. I knew I must be making a mess, but was trying to ignore it.

Sis gave up, "Ok, we're going to need to take care of that."

I started to get up. A couple of minutes in the bathroom and I'd be done, if it took that long. The issue would be past and I could get some sleep.

Sis gave me a stern look, "Where do you think you're going?"

"Neither one of us is going to be able to sleep with me like this, so I figured I'd go fix it."

"You'll do no such thing. I told you I'd take care of you." A few seconds later her panties and my underwear were off and my erection was sliding into a surprisingly receptive opening. It appeared that she couldn't control things any better than I could. It just wasn't as obvious in her case.

My nurse issued orders, "You lay still. I'll do all the work."

I tried but it was impossible for me to lay totally still with Sis doing what she was doing. We argued about this as she continued moving her hips. The argument didn't last long. In a couple of minutes there was nothing to argue about. I was done.

"That was fast," and she sounded disappointed. Sis allowed me to embrace her as we spooned. A few minutes later we both were asleep. The past day had taken a toll on both of us.

Our sleep was interrupted. It took us a few seconds to awaken sufficiently to realize that it was the doorbell.

Sis recognized it before I did, "Oh shit! It's Billy and Bobby. Wake up!" Surveying her room she realized that we had left quite a mess in her bed. She paused in thought for a few seconds. "Ok, we need to get you in your own bed. I'll lock this one, and I'll get you a cloth to clean yourself."

To buy some time, she opened a window over the front door, "I'll be down in a minute. My baby brother is a terrible patient!"

One of the guys yelled back, "No problem."

Five minutes later, Sis was leading the guys up the stairs to my room. I was in my bed partially dressed and Sis was decent. We had scrubbed the smell of sex away.

They had already seen the fight video since they had subscribed to Tommy's account on YouTube after his first post. They spent the first ten minutes checking out my wounds and verifying that I was ok.

Sis had fun getting the guys cokes and chips and bringing me one of my protein drinks. She poked fun at me and almost seemed to be flirting with them as she informed them that I was on a liquid diet until my mouth was better.

One last piece of information came out. I found out how the picture of Sis's breasts got posted. It turns out that Bobby's twelve year old sister had a crush on me. By accident, she had seen the text on Bobby's cell that included the photo. She had also seen the YouTube link, and had taken offense at some of the YouTube comments suggesting I was gay. To set the record straight, she had posted the photo as proof that I was not gay and actually liked girls.
