Jennifer and the Minister


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All three were going to come very quickly and it was the man on the carpets who was there first. He held the soft, dark hair over him as his semen sped out in little bursts, straight into the throat of the frantic woman. Jennifer gurgled and gulped and held the cock away from her for a few seconds as she swallowed the delicious nectar, and then she licked the appreciative man clean and let him collapse back onto the carpets in front of her. Meanwhile, she was nearing her own climax as the cock inside her was slamming in faster and faster.

'Yes, yes, go on, harder, harder, go on, aahhhhhh.' Jennifer was almost there and suddenly Senior man stopped and held himself in her body. She felt him spurt and spurt and spurt, right into her depths and this, coupled with her own fingers on her clit, brought her own shattering orgasm crashing through her body.

'OOhhhh, oh, ohhh, God, yes, yes!! Oh, fantastic, you dirty, awful men, you are wonderful, oh myyyyyyyyyy God!!' Jennifer's wonderful orgasm went on for ages and the two of them were like a sculpture, held in position by time as they emptied themselves of all their feelings. Gradually, Jennifer eased her body into a standing position, eyeing all the men who all seemed to be totally spent and solemn. They all smiled at her, however, and bowed and said wonderful things in Arabic -or perhaps they weren't wonderful things, she didn't care. The stallholder moved forward with two wonderful carpets rolled up under his arm.

'This for you, wonderful lady. You very pretty lady, please take with kind gratitude.'

'Thank you, thank you, that's very kind,' replied Jennifer. (Very kind? What am I talking about, thought Jennifer. After what's just happened?). 'I must go now, I must, thank you again.' She was able to slip her shorts back on and look half decent, and swilled her face with cold water from the tatty sink in the corner, and then she was ready. She moved to the door with the carpets under her arm, and one of her aggressors opened the door and almost bowed again as Jennifer shuffled out. Back in the street, she hurried along to where she had arranged to meet the driver, quite a few streets away. She was already late, and running with the rugs under her arm wasn't helping at all, as well as having shaky legs, and she was sweating as she arrived to find him waiting.

'Sorry I'm late. So much to choose from, so much bargaining to do, and these bloody carpets to carry too' she joked.

'I thought you'd been whisked away and sold as a human slave,' said the driver.

'Very funny!' The journey back to Rabat was almost in silence, mainly because Jennifer spent most of it with her eyes closed.

She went straight to her room, had a lovely cool shower, and slept for almost three hours. She was sore but felt wonderfully satisfied, and knew she daren't say a word to anybody. When she woke she felt like a swim, but it was too far to the sea, so she had to make do with the Embassy pool. It was greatly refreshing and when she came out, Hudson was at a table, having a quiet drink under a parasol.

'Enjoy the markets?'

'Wonderful. So much to choose from.'

'The car will pick us up at 7.45 and dinner with the Minister is at 8. We can both contribute to the success of this meeting Jennifer, you know, don't you. I hope you'll be able to wear something that will be appealing.'

'I fully understand, Mr Hudson. Don't worry. I think you'll enjoy what I've selected for the evening.'

'Good girl. I knew I could rely on you.' Jennifer bathed in her luxurious bath again -she would certainly be clean - and started to get ready about 6.30. The car arrived on time and she looked absolutely stunning. She knew she had good legs and a shapely bottom and, my God, she had made sure that her fellow diners would not be disappointed with her appearance.

She was wearing a long, black, halter-neck dress, bra-less, and it plunged wonderfully down her golden chest to reveal a marvelous expanse of shapely breast, her neck bedecked with a charming necklace. The dress was almost backless, and it was cut away down to almost her buttocks, so tight round her posterior that the amazing cheeks of Jennifer's bottom were outlined superbly, only being protected by a little black thong. The top of the dress was only attached to the bottom by a solid, silver ring, and her midriff was bare, her sexy tummy being on view under the ring. Although the bottom half of the dress was almost down to her ankles, the section from almost the tops of Jennifer's thighs had been cut into thin strips and allowed to hang loosely, so, in practice, Jennifer was wearing a micro skirt with strands of material hanging down all the way round. The shoes were also black, strappy and high and she looked fabulous, and Hudson's eyes almost popped out when he saw her.

'Well, I don't know what to say. You'll certainly hold the Minister's attention in that, you rascal.'

'Well, thank you. I said I wouldn't disappoint, didn't I?' grinned Jennifer. They sat in the car for the short ride over to the Interior Minister's house, and when they went through the double gates, there was no denying that this was definitely a Government Minister's house. It was fabulous, all white, like most of the houses in the country, flat roof, but almost palatial.

'How badly do you want this contract, Mr Hudson?' Jennifer asked as they sat in an ante-room, waiting for their host. Hudson smiled back.

'It's important that we get a foothold in Africa, and it would be financially rewarding. We could then expand all over the continent, and the possibilities are seemingly endless.'

'So it would be a good idea to try and impress this evening?'

'Absolutely, Jennifer, absolutely.'

'My husband and the company have done a good job in Spain for you, the work is ahead of schedule and you're selling good quality homes there.'


'Well, obviously, you have brought me here to try and persuade this Minister that you could improve the quality of the environment here, too?'

'Yes, if you put it like that, and you also know how I respect your powers of persuasion, don't you?' and Hudson grinned at his younger companion, a knowing grin from previous experiences. Jennifer wasn't to be side-tracked, though.

'If we smooth him round tonight, I want £10,000 made out to me personally, and a new car for my husband. Do we have a deal?'

Just then a little man in a robe came in -

'Would you care to join the Minister for dinner,' he said in broken English. The Minister was tall, dashingly handsome, dressed in the finest white robe with another round his head, held in place by a studded band. He was about 55 years of age and very charming, and he couldn't take his eyes off the fabulous female figure that was seated at the table near to him. The meal was wonderful. Jennifer was excited about all the food on offer, and the finest wines and spirits. They discussed the possible project, supped more alcohol and became very animated as the meal went on. Finally, the Minister indicated to Hudson that he was very seriously interested in what was being offered, and wanted him to discuss the financial details with his finance Minister who was in an office in another part of the house. He clicked his fingers and a 'lacky' entered.

'I'll look after the beautiful lady and perhaps show her round the house.' As Hudson was leaving, he smiled and whispered,

'Take great care of the Minister, Jennifer.'

'Do we have the deal I mentioned?'

'Look after him and we have a deal.'

Jennifer smiled, and turned to her host. 'That would be nice. I'd like that very much.'

Jennifer was shown into a huge lounge with a magnificent window which gave a panoramic view right across the city, the sun slowly setting out to sea. It was breathtaking. She was then shown into a sumptuous leather sofa and she sat back and relaxed as the Minister poured another brandy for her. They chatted amiably, and she made sure her legs were crossed, the sliced ribbons of her dress falling away to reveal her sun-tanned thighs right up to her stunning bottom. The Minister was drooling but he was also in control.

'You are a very beautiful lady -do you have children?' Jennifer explained that she had 3 who were all nearly grown up now, and she was told that the Minister had a number of daughters and two teenage sons. He was obviously very proud of his sons and spoke about them in glowing terms. Then he suddenly rose and came to the leather sofa and lowered his voice. He glanced down the front of the halter neck dress, admiring the stunning breasts, and his hand went up the outside of the glorious thigh until it reached the very top, almost touching Jennifer's bottom.

'I am very worried about my sons. May I sit next to you?'

'Of course, of course.' Jennifer was a little mesmerized but quite willing to allow the powerful man to take a seat next to her on the sofa, and allow him to continue. His hand left her thigh and he sat down in the soft leather and continued.

'Khaled will soon be 20 and Ahmed is 18 today. It is his birthday. I want them both to be successful in the world. I want to send them to England to be educated at University. We all want the best for our children, don't we?'

'Absolutely, Minister. You're very proud of them, aren't you?'

'They are my pride and joy. When they come back from education, I will see that they will have very good jobs in Morocco. Then they will marry Muslim girls, have many children I hope, and carry on the family name.'

'Very honourable, Minister. I'm sure they will be a credit to you, and you will be very proud of them.' Jennifer re-crossed her legs so that an even greater expanse of thigh was on view to her host and, as if for reassurance, she briefly lent forward and touched the Minister's thigh with her hand. He was able to enjoy a fleeting glimpse of the shapely breasts as she leant forward, and gently he leant across her and moved his hand over to the wonderful thighs again.

'You are very kind,' and his thumb and fingers opened and stretched across the top of the luscious thigh so that he was able to caress the inside of Jennifer's thigh right at the top of her leg. 'However, I am worried that they are not at all experienced in the ways of the opposite sex.'

'That will come in time, Minister. I am sure that your knowledge will be able to teach them all there is to know,' and Jennifer smiled gently, just enticing a little more by moving her leg a fraction, so that the Arab could feel an inch or two more of her inner skin at the top of her thigh. He laughed.

'Oh, it's not for me to teach them. They would be too embarrassed to listen to their father, and they would not be men by only me talking to them. I want them to be men in the fullest sense of the word when they go to England. It is important that I have grandchildren, particularly a boy, so that in the true Muslim tradition, the family name is carried on for many years,' and Jennifer suddenly enjoyed a gentle finger moving subtly over her thong. It was nice, it was tender, and it was so erotic. The Minister continued,

'You are a very beautiful lady, very charming and intelligent, with the knowledge of having children. You are also very attractive,' and here his fingers continued to explore the very thin material of the thong set between Jennifer's legs. She did not desist as she found the conversation, the caressing and the compliments very flattering.

'My sons require a mature lady to show them how to make love, how to treat a lady properly, how to be masculine and slowly take a woman so that she enjoys the experience --how to become real men and lose their virginity.'

Jennifer suddenly realized what the Minister was saying, and was startled and dumbfounded.

'Are you suggesting me, Minister? Are you saying that you would like me to make love to your sons? Is that what you are suggesting?' She couldn't believe it, really. The way he was caressing her legs, and now her vagina through the thong, had suggested it was he who wanted to seduce and fuck her, but here he was asking her to let his sons take her to bed.

'I don't really know about that, Minister.'

'Oh, you are perfect. I am sure you would treat them with respect and kindness, and teach them how to be real men. You would also teach them respect, how to act with a woman and achieve ultimate satisfaction. I am begging you to teach Ahmed and Khaled.'

Jennifer was so stunned and flabbergasted with this request that she allowed the Minister to carry on his exploration and, as if in a trance, she unfolded her legs and felt him move his hand right onto her vagina, feeling the dampness that had begun, and allowing him to run his finger up and down the thong, right over the lips to her opening. She was certainly a little excited now, but she couldn't really work out what she was excited about.

'My youngest son is 18 today. It is the perfect day--needless to say, you will not go unrewarded. Mr Hudson will not need to know about this, but I will ensure that his company gets full access to all the building contracts in Morocco for the next 5 years. The building work will be endless. You personally,' and he ran his fingers under the thong and just played amongst Jennifer's pubic hair, 'I would like you to accept a personal gift from me. Not a payment, as that would be an insult, but a fine gift for you, to mark my very deep appreciation of your very kind favour.'

'I don't know what to say, Minister. Do I have any choice? I am not used to this sort of request at all. Not at all!!'

'I will take very great care of you, although it will be a very private matter and I shall not be present, but my ladies will look after you, bathe you and take you to my guest room. My sons will join you there. You must do this for me -I will be most offended if you don't,' he laughed, and by now Jennifer's feelings were becoming more and more erotic as the Minister played beautifully with her clit, caressing the hardness as though confirming the request, and putting refusal out of the question.

Jennifer felt aroused and many thoughts passed through her mind -Hudson would get what he wanted, her husband and family's super life-style would continue for a lot more years, she would get £10,000 from Hudson, and a 'fine personal gift' from the Minister--probably anything she wanted, and the way he was seducing her at the moment made a negative answer almost impossible.

'What do you want me to do, Minister?' and she grabbed his hand and pushed it right into her lips, so that his fingers pushed the little thong right inside her cunt to feel her juices.

'Aaaghhh...,' sighed Jennifer.

'You will not be disappointed, and you will be well rewarded. I will summon 3 of my girls and you will do exactly as they say.' The Minster took his hand from between the luscious thighs, snapped his fingers and the door opened. The Minister barked out an order to the 'lacky' as Jennifer sighed from the fingers that had been in her, adjusted her attire quickly, and very soon 3 young Arabic women entered the room. There was now no alternative for Jennifer. The Minister had been insistent -and so very persuasive--and how could Jennifer refuse!!

My God, she was the mother of 3 children, a talented and intelligent woman who organized school pantomimes and other functions, commuted around Europe and regarded herself as a respectable woman. She had given up her body for Hudson's delight on a number of occasions, usually for the benefit of his business associates or friends, and it had been no more than 12 hours ago that she had been ravished and abused so comprehensively in a Casablanca street market. Yet she had now allowed herself to become so aroused by the powerful Minister that she had agreed to take the virginity of his two sons—would there ever be anything more that she would ever have to endure for her family, Hudson and his 'business?' Something strange inside her, though, was leading her to view the coming ordeal with a sense of exciting trepidation.

The 3 young women were stunning. All were bare-foot, naked from the waist up with only colourful sarongs to cover their waists, legs and bottom, and veils covered their faces apart from their eyes. Their fine breasts were those of young women, firm and erect, the nipples dark brown, and their skin golden, like all of their fellow countrymen. Jennifer could see them smiling through the veils as they came to her and held her hand to lead her to one of the doors off the giant lounge. The Minister smiled.

'They will take great care of you.' Jennifer was led into a beautifully tiled bathroom, airy and light, probably as big as her own lounge at home, with all sorts of features. There was a superb, triangular bath in the corner, a bidet, a shower cubicle where at least 4 people could shower, a round Jacuzzi, which Jennifer could see was already bubbling away, a low level WC, probably made of gold, and a chair, a huge leather chair which Jennifer could also see was no ordinary chair. The young Arab women led her across the room to a dressing table and then gently divested her of her shoes, dress and thong. Jennifer was completely naked. She couldn't help be relaxed, and was completely uninhibited.

All 4 females were soon in the Jacuzzi but the Arabs remained clothed as they gathered soap and sponges and began to caress the English woman's body, washing and soaping her upper body, her back, her legs and bottom and then between Jennifer's legs. She felt wonderful, quickly enjoying this new experience. Attractive, gentle women were giving her a beautiful soak and wash, soft touches were exploring every niche and corner of her body, and she felt excited and relaxed. What the Minister had wanted, nay insisted upon, would be an episode that she would have to endure, but certainly the preparation was unexpectedly gentle and soothing. The young women then indicated to Jennifer to sit down, and the feelings became ever more sensuous. The bubbles tickled at her skin and the caresses were soft across her breasts and round her neck. It was a stunning experience, and Jennifer would have allowed them to explore her body in any way, such was her abandoned nature. The bubbles tickled round her bottom and between her legs, and she closed her eyes as the girls continued. No sooner was she relaxing and enjoying the feminine touches, than she was pulled gently to her feet and guided out onto the warm, tiled floor.

Towels went to work on her skin and, again, she just stood and enjoyed the feelings as she quickly became dry. It was just a few feet to the leather chair and Jennifer allowed the young women to take her to the sumptuous leather and in a moment she was sinking into the black leather seat, resting her arms on the arms of the chair, and dreaming of the sun, sea and all the miles and miles of sand in this wonderful country -oh, not forgetting the earlier fantastic encounter in the market place.

Jennifer felt the cuffs gently clip her wrists to the arms of the chair and her eyes opened, a little startled. The young ladies just smiled as they then went to Jennifer's legs. They lifted each one and brought a leg platform up to support each leg, before the legs, too, were clipped and held in place. Jennifer looked at the girls but still they looked kind and sincere and very loving. She was held in this beautiful leather chair and now she was clipped into place and any effort would have been futile. A huge leather belt was then slipped around her waist to hold her firmly in the chair. The leg platforms were somehow moved wide apart by a mechanical process, so that Jennifer's legs were held as far apart as possible, and then another quick flick of a leaver and part of the leather section supporting Jennifer's bottom was released and lowered away. She could not fall because of the leg supports, the cuffs and the huge belt around her waist, but she was a little worried as her legs were raised another six inches on the supports. God, what do they want to do? Will the sons come to me now? Oh, this is heaven, but it's hell...oh my God!!