Lady Riders


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He ordered another scotch. "I am known as Alex the friendly judge. You will notice how I always talk to the women in the novice ladies classes when they first come up to address the Judge. They are nervous. They have never done this before. Their friends are watching them. They respond to a bit of kindness from ring officials at a time when they are out there on their own."

"I tell them how beautiful they look and ask them about their horse, how long they have had it etc. I pick something about them or their clothing and mention it to show I have looked them over and found them special. For example your hair looks lovely it's nice to see someone turned out so well."

"I can always pick one that is ripe for plucking. I tell her I might not be able to give her a prize but say she has potential. I offer to give her some special private coaching next week after the show. That's why I bring my own accommodation. It is parked down at the grounds for a week."

"Each day after she has had a special private coaching lesson with the interstate judge, I invite her to join me in the van for a drink. Bumping her clit against the horn of a saddle in a tight pair of riding breeches has made many a lady rider horny. If things go as planned I tie a blue ribbon around her neck when she's lying well and truly fucked on my bed."

He downed another scotch, "so now you know why I come up each year and why I bring my caravan. He slipped on his hat, "Now Lets get out there and judge some more novice lady riders."

Jack watched Alex work. He was a good judge having judged at international events. It soon became clear to Jack that Alex favored women in their twenties. He did not spend as much time on the older or younger riders. Jack was writing up results when Alex asked, "What are you doing tonight after the show." "Probably cleaning up and going to bed," jack said as he wrote up the cards. "Now that you know what I am looking for maybe you can give me a little help." "Help," Jack laughed, "how can I help?"

Alex looked around to see if anyone was listening. "I have agreed to meet a twenty-two year blonde from the last novice class. She lives with her widowed mother a Mrs. Hilda Baumgartner. From what I can understand, her mother is an old German woman. Ursula says she cannot come for a drink and leave her mum at home. Her mother will really cramp my style. Could you come along and entertain the old dear while I put a bit of work on Ursula."

"What the hell anything's better than cleaning up." Jack said as he finished his paper work. "Good we are going down to the bar at the greyhound club. She says her mother has never been there. Meet you at eight."

Alex waved as Jack entered the club. He was sitting with a thin blonde woman. Jack recognized her as the one Alex had placed fourth in the first novice class this afternoon. When he arrived at the table, Alex introduced Ursula and pointed to another blonde talking to people at the next table. "That's Ursula's mum her names Hilda."

Jack looked over to discover a woman about six feet six. My god he thought she is tall. He studied her closely as she bent over talking. She was tall and big but not fat. Nothing appeared to be out of proportion. Her plain black dress clung to a pair of big hard hips and buttocks. He was trying to see her face and breasts when she turned and saw he had arrived. She quickly completed her conversation and returned to say, "Hullo I'm Hilda."

Jack found it easy to talk to Hilda and Ursula. He couldn't believe he wasn't stuttering and stammering in his usual fashion. Mrs. Kelly had told him the he would become more confident with women after he lost his virgin status and he started to think she was right.

He stammered a little when Hilda asked him how old he was but quickly recovered when she said it was nice to have such a handsome young man as her partner. He was trying to think of a way to separate her from Ursula to give Alex a chance when Alex looked over at them and asked, "Is the rodeo on tonight?"

Jack looked at his watch, "it starts at nine o'clock straight after the fireworks." "Fireworks," Hilda exclaimed looking at Ursula. "Can we get there in time?" They piled into Alex's car. Ursula and Alex jumped in the front leaving Jack and Hilda to ride in the back. Jack slid over against Hilda as they sung around and headed back to the show ground. "Park around the back near your caravan," Jack said when they saw the crowd in the stands. That area is reserved for judges and stewards we can stay in the car and watch from the high ground."

They sat in the dark as the announcer stirred up the kids counting down until the fireworks started. Jack felt Hilda shiver, "are you cold," he whispered. "Just a little on my arms" she replied. Jack saw an opening for Alex, "lets cuddle up we can keep each other warm." Hilda turned and looked at him, surprise written all over her face. Then she saw Ursula and Alex snuggle down together. She pulled his arm around her shoulder and cuddled close.

Jack was having a ball. Hilda must be at least fifty he thought but she was responding to the noise and color of the fireworks like a big kid jumping around in his arms as she strived to see them all. In her movements, her hand brushed his erect cock several times. At first, she said sorry but on the next two or three occasions she said nothing at all.

The fire works ended and the announcer told the crowd that it would take ten minutes to clear the ground of burning firework pieces before the Rodeo could start. Jack looked around Alex and Ursula were lowdown cuddled together in the front seat.

"Would you like tea or coffee," he asked as he gave Hilda a squeeze. "Love some," she whispered. "Do we have to go way over to the grandstand?"

Jack opened the car door, "We have our own private supply in the judges and stewards rooms just over there." Alex groaned from deep in the front seat. "Look after yourselves we can get some from my van if we want it."

Jack took Hilda's hand "careful," he whispered as they climbed down and ran over to the steward's room. "Oh it's nice and warm in here," Hilda cried when they closed the door. Jack told her "if we keep the door shut it will stay warm. I will turn off the light so they will think its shut. Hopefully no one will come and open it." He led her further inside. "You can see the rodeo from here if you stand over there and look out that small window." He made her coffee and took it to her. Standing behind her, he started to explain what the riders had to do to win this round of the national championships.

They stood looking out the window Jack moved close behind her but could not see. "Stand in front of me," Hilda cried I'm too big" Jack moved around in front of her and stood facing her. "You are not too big your perfect." with that, he faced the window again leaving her looking down at him in amazement. She put her hands on his shoulders "You are a very kind young man," she whispered. "And you are a very beautiful lady" he replied as he leant back against her.

They stood like that for a long moment until Hilda spoke. "You are quiet, what are you thinking?"

"I am thinking how much I would like to kiss you," he replied. "Don't be silly," she gasped. "You're too young. I'm old enough to be your grandmother."

"You're my date tonight and our ages should not count." He whispered, "let me kiss you."

"Don't be silly," she replied pushing him away from her body.

They stood quietly watching the events until Jack broke the silence. "Ursula wanted someone to be your date tonight. I'm glad Alex picked me."

He did not speak for a while. "A man likes to at least kiss and make out on a first date," he whispered so low that she could hardly hear him.

"What do you mean by making out?" she asked.

"Oh you know, a few kisses and a cuddle. It lets him know she likes him."

Jack turned around to face her. "I can only kiss you if you bend down, I'm only six foot."

They stood in silence so he slid his arms under hers and wrapped them around her back moving his body close to hers.

"This is crazy," she whispered. "I am an old woman. Behave yourself, you are only a boy."

"You are my date. Just one kiss," he cried.

"Only one"" she giggled. "Could I trust you?"

He grinned, "Lets find out"

She groaned, "This is madness. Just watch the buck jumpers."

Jack stroked her back." one kiss, just one," he whispered.

She laughed, "Alright if it will make you happy, only one." She leant down allowing him to take her head in his hands. His lips sought hers. His teeth nibbled on her soft lips. His tongue worked to open her mouth.

He heard her groan. "No," but her mouth opened allowing his tongue to slip inside.

As soon as her mouth opened to his tongue, Jack ran his hands up to cup her large breasts

She gasped and tried to pull away, but did not seem to try too hard, letting him kiss her again, then again.

Jack could feel her body trembling.

He fumbled with the buttons of her dress.

"No," she groaned. "This is madness. We shouldn't be doing this, you're only a boy."

"You are my girl tonight. Your age doesn't matter, we're just a boy and his girl," he whispered as his hand slipped inside her dress.

Her breast was very big. His fingers found her nipple in her large tight bra. He squeezed and massaged as much as he could within the restrictions of her bra. His fingers struggling to find room to play with her nipple.

"Oh no," she moaned as she felt her pussy become wet. "Don't make me; I haven't had a man in years. I am too old and dry. We can't."

He started to pull her dress up, his hand struggling to reach her pussy.

"No, "she whispered. "no. don't do that, it's not fair."

He kissed her. His hands still working on her dress. "Be quiet he growled it will be alright."

Her dress was now bunched in his hands, high enough that he now felt bare flesh. He stroked her and felt her tremble

His cock pushed hard against her leg making her groan. "That thing's too big; you can't put it in me."

"We can, you'll love it," he cried.

"Oh hell, not there," she whispered as his finger pushed under the edge of her old-fashioned panties.

"Don't!" she groaned pulling her body back.

Jack heaved a sigh when his fingers found her wet pussy. "She's wet," he groaned to himself, "she wants my cock."

Her clit when he found it was small, but her body reacted immediately to his tender touch

He heard her sigh, "we shouldn't, this is madness. I'm too old." Then he heard her whisper very quietly, "oh my god that's lovely."

They stood together his fingers stroking her pussy. He ran his other hand down to stroke her bum. She wriggled and moaned. "Oh that's wonderful."

Jack sensed her resistance was over.

It was. She let him lay her on the camp stretcher and remove her dress. She covered her eyes, embarrassed that this boy was seeing her body like this.

His hands removed her bra. His fingers pinching her nipples

Her big body shuddered as he removed her panties

She tried to keep her legs together but gave in when he scolded her.

Her resistance had virtually disappeared. She was now accepting that they were going to do it. Her eyes were wide open staring as she watched him undress. My god I cannot take that big thing, she thought when she saw it swing free from his jeans. Her mouth was dry, her pussy tingled as she waited and watched. What will he do next she wondered.

Now he was on the camp stretcher with her, He was rubbing his cock along her pussy. He is going to put it in she thought. She closed her eyes and held her breath waiting but nothing happened. The stretcher creaked and she opened her eyes, he was standing up.

"What's up?" she cried

"Nothing," he whispered as he knelt down and pushed his head between her legs. Her heart thumped when his tongue licked her pussy. This was a completely new experience for Hilda. In her courting days thirty years ago, men never licked or kissed a woman's pussy. This boys mouth was doing things to her that she had never dreamed could or would happen. Her nipples grew hard her stomach churned as her body reacted to this new sensation.

"My god," she whispered more to herself more than him, "I love it."

His mouth closed over her tiny clit and started to suck.

Never in her life had anyone done anything like this to her before. Her body bucked, tremors ran up and down her spine. She was in heaven.

Even when her body was tingling in response to his mouth and tongue, she worried. "My daughter, she will come in and find us," she groaned as he stood up and once more stroked his cock up her pussy.

Then it happened. She felt his cocks head open her pussy. She stopped breathing while he pushed it in deeper and deeper until their bodies met.

She grabbed his head in her hands and threw her legs up around him. Her big legs held him tight. She arched her back and pushed up to receive him. "Do it," she screamed.

Jack waited a second then started to move his cock in and out, fucking her steadily. After years without a man, Hilda did not want slow and steady. Her big body took over. Jack hung on as she arched her back pushed up and gripped his body with her hands. Her grip was so hard it hurt. Her strong hands moved his whole body up and down without any apparent effort. Her pussy seemed to close and hold him, sucking on his cock.

"Oh my god, I'm old enough to be your mother," she moaned. "You shouldn't be doing this you're only nineteen, this is madness." Jack could hardly hold her she was saying no but her body wanted more and more of his cock. Her body bucked and shuddered then she screamed "I can feel your seed," as his cock spurted flooding her pussy.

Jack remained hard as her pussy milked his cock. Her body did not slow she moved and shifted on the bed until his cock rubbed her clit on every stroke. "Now," she groaned quietly as he felt her start to come. She looked at him as she came. "That was lovely," she cried. Pulling his head down, she kissed him her tongue entering his mouth.

Jack collapsed when her hands no longer held him. His back was sore. He was breathless. She fucked me. I didn't fuck her, he thought as she kissed him again.

They were laughing and giggling touching and playing with each other as they dressed when they heard the national anthem. The show was over for the night it was closing down. They had one more long kiss before they left then ran across the open to Alex's car.

Ursula and Alex were in the front seat waiting. They piled in the back seat Jacks hands stroking her bum. Ursula was straightening her hair, "did you enjoy it mum?" She asked without looking around. "Oh yes it was wonderful, Hilda laughed Jacks hands still stroking her rear.

Anita rang early next morning as Jack fed the horses. "I can't talk Roberts just getting out of bed. We are busy with his family today. I will drop by school tomorrow." She asked him if he missed her, told him she was missing him, and then hung up.

Jack worked in the store all morning. At one o'clock, he reported to the steward's room. Alex was there drinking a scotch. "Thanks for taking the oldie away last night. I owe you one," he said as they prepared the books for Sunday's lady rider events.

Rose was sitting in the stand when he entered the ring. She came down to the fence to tell him Isobel was in the first event. She kissed him on the cheek and blushed when he whispered, "your lips are beautiful and soft I wish they were wrapped around my cock."

"Behave yourself someone might hear," she replied.

"Why he groaned we could be lovers we are both unattached," he said as he blew her a kiss and left.

He went down to meet the riders and give them their order of entry smiling to himself. Hilda told me to behave last night and I did. I wonder if I will get the same opportunity today.

Isobel smiled at him when he took her number. "You look very beautiful he told her. Don't worry don't panic just enjoy yourself," he whispered as he moved to the next entrant. Who's the bird you were talking to," Alex asked when he started judging. "Isobel Hart she is a friend of a friend." "She's got a great little arse," Alex said as he walked away.

Jack watched Alex talking to Isobel. Good luck, he thought, I have more pussy than I can poke my stick at I don't need any more. The day wore on until the show started to wind down to a close. Jack sat in the stand with Rose. They were discussing a time to meet when Isobel joined them. "Fourth," she cried as she sat down. "I thought I rode better than that pneumatic blonde with the big tits. But thems the breaks".

"Who's that horny old bugger that did the judging," she asked. "Alex Wilton he is an international judge." Jack said as he looked around and spied Alex talking to the blonde. Isobel laughed. "That's him over there with the blonde. He offered to give me some private coaching but I think he was only trying to get into my pants. He kept looking at my backside telling me we would have to work on my seat, what ever that means."

Rose spoke up, "Jack could coach you. He could do it here at the show grounds or at your place. Anita tells me he has lots of ribbons and cups on display at the store." Isobel leaned forward anxiously, "would you?" she asked.

"I don't have a lot of afternoon free time," Jack said thinking he wanted his afternoons free to visit Anita and Rose. "You could talk to my dad. He could let me off shop work around teatime. He likes lovely ladies. You would have more chance of talking him into it than me."

Anita rang early in the morning. "I can't wait," she groaned. "I'll drive down and wait by the back gate at lunch time. We won't stay there. I will leave the baby with mum so we can park. Be ready we will only have an hour."

They drove to a well-used parking spot. She pushed him into the back seat throwing her blouse off as she joined him. "Suck my titties," she growled. "They're full of milk for you." Her moans of delight filled the back seat of her van as she wriggled and shifted her body until her legs were bent She pushed her back up against the door and laid with her legs wide apart holding her pussy open for him. He could smell the strong sweet scent of her arousal as she pushed his head down. "Eat me," she whispered. "Then fuck me."

Thirty minutes later, she dropped him back to school. He crept back to the recreation hall before the bell rang. Charlie Jones his best mate was waiting for him. Where do you go at lunchtime he asked as they stripped for gym?

Charlie spotted the wet come spots on Jacks jocks and grinned, "You've lost your cherry. You're slipping away to meet a girl aren't you."

"Shut up," Jack cried, looking around to see if anyone heard. Charlie would not give in. "Who is she?" he whispered as they wrestled on the mat. "Do I know her?"

Jack told Charlie to wait. He knew he would have to tell him something. Charlie was his mate. They dressed and left the gym and walked out on to the oval. He looked at Charlie, "trust me mate, I have lost my cherry but I can't tell you anything, believe me it is unbelievable."

He rang Anita. "I think we have troubles," he told her when she answered. "Charlie Jones my best mate suspects something. He knows I'm seeing someone at lunchtime. Charlie and I have grown up together we took a pact that if one lost his cherry he would help the other until we both had done the deed. Charlie is just like I was until I met you. He is a big decent nineteen year old with a cock big enough to choke a horse. I have to find him a girlfriend or he won't rest until he finds out who you are. We may have to stop meeting."

Anita put down the phone. "We can't stop meeting," she moaned. "I need him. I spend all day dreaming of his young hard cock. Bugger Charlie we will just have to help him loose his cherry." She rang Jack back. "Tell me about Charlie, we will have to find him a partner."