Lady Riders


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Jack laughed, "You'd love him. He is six foot like me but he is a little heavier. He has black curly hair. Speaking of hair my chest is smooth but his chest and back are covered in hair He is the school-wrestling champion. He is a fitness fanatic." He laughed, "You'll like this, he has the biggest cock I have ever seen."

Anita could not forget Jacks description of Charlie Jones. Six foot with a hairy chest and the biggest cock Jack has ever seen, she told herself repeatedly as she rocked the baby to sleep. She tried to imagine him. "My god the one who gets his cherry will be lucky," she moaned pulling her wet panties away from her pussy.

She woke with a start during night she had been dreaming of Charlie Jones. He had fucked her while Jack watched. The dream had been so real that she ended up covered in sweat. "What`s up?" Robert asked as she crawled out of bed. "I'm going to shower and feed the baby go back to sleep." In the shower she fingered her pussy and thought of Jack. What would he think if she suggested she help Charlie loose his cherry?

Jack rang Rose as he left the school gate. "What are you doing?" he asked." I am lying on my bed. I have just had a shower. I'm rubbing oil on my body thinking of you and what we can do together. When are you coming up?"

Jack nearly fell of his bike, "my god my cock has started to leak just listening to you," he moaned "I `m on my way." There was something special about Rose that made Jacks heart beat faster every time he saw her. Standing in her doorway in a tiny black see through nightie open down the front to display her magnificent breasts, she took his breath away.

She turned in her high heels, her arse swaying as she walked ahead of him up the stairs to her bedroom. Jack caught her up on the stairs. He stopped her holding her hip as he bent to lift her nightie and kiss the cheeks of her arse. She stood on the stairs above him looking back over her shoulder as his tongue teased her rosebud.

He fell down on one knee and ran his hands and face up to her pussy. She had nothing on under the tiny nightie exciting him with her perfume and her heat. "I think I'll fuck you here on the stairs," he groaned as he released his cock from his jeans

"You're a challenge" she giggled, "The bed would be more comfortable."

"More comfortable maybe but I don't want to wait," he growled as he pulled her down beside him and sucked her clit. Rose bucked and screamed as his teeth closed on her clit. She kept moving picking up the rhythm of his fingers as they pushed in and our of her pussy,

They lay spread eagled on the stairs a jumble of legs arms and clothes enjoying each other's bodies moaning their appreciation of one an other. Rose caught her breath when Jack ran is finger up to worm it in her anus. "Can we do it again?" he whispered his voice trembling

She turned to him. "I was a little sore last time. I had never done it before. Be gentle with me lover, you can do what ever pleases you. I am starting to love you." I love you too," he whispered quietly as he felt her relax surrendering herself to him.

He turned her over on her stomach her body stretched over the stairs. He shook his head, not here, not if you love her.

He lifted her in his arms stumbling as he stood and carried her up to her bed. Holding her in his arms, he let his finger play with her rosebud. "It's special,' he whispered. "I was your first and you were mine. You and it will always be special. She gasped when he laid her on her back and kissed her breasts. "We'll save the best to last."

It was nearly dark when Jack rode his bike home. He loved sex with Rose. She made everything feel so special. They had fucked all afternoon in every position. She came with his tongue in her pussy and he came in her mouth. Then when they were tiring, she again offered him her anus.

In the store, Isobel was talking to his father. He heard his father say, "Jack has been slacking off lately he disappears in the after noon after school. I will see he makes time for you. He is always around before it starts to get dark."

Anita was anxious she was worried that Jack would think badly of her if she offered to help Charlie loose his virginity. The thought of Charlie's hairy chest and large cock had filled her mind with lusty pictures. It would be fantastic. The only down side was both Charlie and Jack would think she was a slut.

Jack was thinking about Anita. She was becoming more demanding every day. She was taking more risks. Rose was suspicious and now Charlie had worked out that Jack was sneaking off to be with a woman. He really had to find a woman for Charlie.

He thought over the woman he knew. Rose was out of the question he would hate to lose her. Hilda had been a one off thing; anyway, he did not think she would go for Charlie. Ursula might be a possibility after Alex leaves, Isobel could also be a chance. Anita had taken his virginity. Mrs. Kelly had said she was ready to cheat on her husband and had brought her together with Jack.

The more he thought of it the better Charlie and Anita sounded. Anita rang early the next morning. "I need to see you," she whispered. "Can you meet me down the showground before school?" He said ok and told her to Park in the stable over near the judges box because no one goes over there after the show

She was excited kissing him hard. She opened his zip and took his hard cock in her mouth. Looking up at him while she licked its head, she whispered. "I have thought about Charlie. I think it would be good if you introduced me to him. Maybe we could sort things out."

Jacks mind raced ahead. "Charlie's a virgin he wants a woman," he said as he watched her red lips circle his cock. "I will have to find one for him or he will eventually give us up." He held his breath how do I ask her to sleep with Charlie. He looked down and thought. I can't do it while she is sucking my cock.

Anita bobbed her head up and down bringing Jack to an early orgasm. She licked his cock clean. "Bring him over to my house after school and let me talk to him I might be able to help him out, I have a few ideas."

Jack did not ask what she had in mind. He caught up with Charlie at school and told him he was checking out some paddocks. "Come along I'll introduce you to a woman who wants to meet you."

It was just after three when Anita opened the door to Charlie and Jack. He is a big boy she thought, as she looked Charlie over. Charlie was embarrassed he found it hard to talk to women He stuttered over the introductions and accepted her offer of a drink.

Anita winked at Jack, "you go and look at the fences" she laughed. "Charlie can stay here and entertain me." Jack did not know what Anita had planned. He did want to leave Charlie alone with her without knowing what she was going to say.

He went along with her call. "I'll be back" he called as he nosily left the room pulling the door until it was partly closed but making sure it was not locked. Anita settled on a long lounge opposite Charlie. "Jack tells me you are a wrestler. I have a thing for big strong men. I like winners." She said as her top fell open exposing a large milky breast. "He also tells me you think he has a girlfriend who took his cherry. Is that true."

Charlie did not know where to look he didn't know what to say. He couldn't take his eyes off her large white breast. She looked at him and licked her thick red lips. "Are you a virgin?" Charlie. "Would you like to fuck me?"

Jack went to the kitchen for a drink when he returned Charlie was fucking Anita. She was down on her knees on the bed Charlie was standing on the floor holding her hips/ He saw Charlie's back stiffen heard him groan and thought well that's the end of Charlie's virginity.

The next time he looked Charlie's head was between Anita's thighs, she spotted Jack and signaled him to join them but he decided that that would spoil Charlie's special day.

Back at the store, Ursula was waiting. She blushed when he asked what she wanted. "Thanks for looking after mum the other night she says she had a great time." Jack smiled, "I enjoyed your mums company. Tell her we must do it again sometime."

Ursula moved closer. "I need your help. Alex had to return south. He was going to give me some private lessons. I was so excited. I was looking forward to working closely with him Before he left he told me you would know what to do. He said you were a good horseman. Please, I want to learn. I want to be a winner. I will do anything you ask. Just help me."

Remembering he had just seen Anita moaning on the floor with Charlie's Head down between her thighs. He told her he might have some free time in the afternoon. Then he spied Isobel unloading her horse from her float down by the oval and took Ursula's number telling her, "I might have time. I'll let you know."

Jack walked over towards Isobel. She had just cantered around the ring after saddling up. He smiled as he watched her climb down off her horse. Thinking no one was around she pulled her very tight lightweight jeans out of the folds of her pussy and backside then wriggled and shook her body straightening her clothes.

Jack remember Alex telling him that bobbing around in tight riding outfits with their pussy bumping against the horn of the saddle turned many a lady rider on, opening up interesting possibilities for her coach.

He talked to her about the show while he checked her gear. "You did very well for your first attempt," Jack said as he legged her back into the saddle. She smiled down at Jack. "Thanks but I was turned off by the Judge. He seemed more interested in winning a heart than judging the best rider." Her eyes flashed then she smiled. "Oh I shouldn't blame him I suppose. I was scared. It was a new experience for both my horse and me. I didn't want to make a fool of myself."

Jack made her trot back and forth while he watched, testing Alex's theory as her body rose and fell against the saddle. He could see the shape of her pussy outlined in her jeans. You went well," he said as he helped her down after they finished working the horse. "Always be confident. Don't let any thing upset you. A horse can sense if you are upset or scared. If you want to do something do it."

Isobel's face was flushed. She struggled to straighten her tight clothes, as he spoke. She looked Jack up and down. "I have some drinks in the float. Can I shout you a drink?" He started to say no. "Come on" she whispered." I haven't thanked you for the way you helped settle me down when I first entered the ring on Sunday."

They walked her horse back to the float and loaded it inside. "I brought this from a woman who traveled to country shows. You can sleep up the front. It even has a little fridge." She opened the front, "we will have to sit on the camp bed. I left the other gear at home"

She offered him little choice, "you can join me in one of these new vodka and orange cans if you like," and held hers up as a toast. He took a gulp of vodka and orange and felt a charge course through his body. She smiled at him warmly, "Thanks again, you don't know how much it meant to have you there on Sunday. Especially with that Judge eying us up and down." She pulled and straightened her jeans again the material stretching to clearly highlight the shape of her pussy before she sat down. "These old things are too tight, I'm going to throw them away." she explained when she saw he was watching.

Jack laughed, "I wouldn't do that, they look great. They show of your legs, a man will always admire pretty legs." She looked at him to see if he was fooling. "They are too tight they become uncomfortable when I'm riding. Anyway stop telling fibs my legs aren't pretty."

"Yes they are and you know they are," he whispered "I have been around show rings since I was little boy. One of my favorite pastimes is admiring lady riders in their tight outfits. Most of them wear them like second skins. They show more than they hide. The tighter they are the hornier they look."

She leant forward closer to him. "Are you telling me I look horny in this old outfit?" Jack though here goes, I either do well or get my face slapped. He took her hand, "Stand up for me." He slid his hand down on her stomach "Now look down here between your legs. I can see the shape of your pussy." He ran his hand down to let his finger slide down the groove where her pussy was held captive in the folds of her skintight jeans. She snorted and moved back when he squeezed her pussy. Jack took no notice "If a beautiful pussy pushing up like that that won't make a man horny nothing will."

He watched her eyes she was shocked. He squeezed her pussy again. Her mouth opened he could see her tongue moving inside. She took a deep breath and shook herself. She moaned and pushed his hand down barely moving it away. "You're a cheeky young thing what makes you think that you can just touch my body like that." He stopped her further words with a kiss. One hand returning to run up and down her pussy lips the other caressing her hard round bum.

Isobel had been horny when she finished their class. She loved the way her nub was stimulated by her saddle and her jeans when she rode. She was pleased when Jack accepted her invitation to join her in her float for a drink. She liked him; he was a good-looking young sod. She was feeling excited she had drunk a couple of cans of the new mixed drink a little too quickly. It was strong making her a little light headed.

Her skin tight jeans kept riding up around her pussy and

Bum. She wished she hadn't worn a thong today. It had been forced into the lips of her pussy by a combination of tight clothes and a long trotting session. It was pushing against her nub making her horny.

She dropped her can as she pulled her head from his lips. "Are you really only nineteen? She whispered. "Most men twice your age would never try anything like this."

Thinking she was going to say she was too old or he was too young, he whispered, "age doesn't matter, I think you are horny like me. I think your beautiful pussy is wet."

Jack sucked her tongue into his mouth. When she stopped talking, he held her close, his hand still on her pussy and ran his mouth up kissing over her face until his tongue entered her ear. He felt her shudder as she tried to pull away His fingers continued to squeeze her pussy lips through her clothes. His breath was hot on her cheek when he whispered. "How do you get these things off? I want to kiss it."

Isobel felt his hands and heard his words. She was forty-five. She lived alone there was no man in her life. Sex had not been a high priority as she battled her way up in the public service. She had found that riding her horses stimulated her more than she could imagine. She had bought a vibrator and spent many enjoyable evenings at home after riding her horse.

She had dreamed of a lover but found most men her age boring. This young bugger's hands and his delightful cheeky words had her pussy leaking. She let him kiss her, responding to the movement of his hands as he roughly pulled out her shirt and sought a zip so he could remove her Jeans. She smiled to herself there was no zip they were elastic their tight fit held them around her waist.

Jacks hands cupped her breast. Forcing them up out of her bra without undoing it. His fingers rolled and pinched her nipples. Her breasts were on fire. His kisses created intense feelings in different parts of her body especially her pussy. She decided to enjoy him. No one will see us here she thought. Only lovers park down here at night.

Jack was overjoyed she was kissing him back. He bit her lip sucking her mouth. When he felt her hands pulling him closer he dropped his head down and took one whole breast in his mouth. Isobel moaned, her body shuddered, and she felt a thrill run from her breast to her nub.

My god she thought, I am depraved. I am coming from this boy's mouth on my breast. Her brain went numb as she enjoyed the sensations his tongue and hands were creating. Then it happened. She was coming.

She pulled him close holding him as she felt her come running down her leg. Jack could tell something was happening to Isobel. He felt certain she would let him fuck her if he could just get her clothes off. He was trying to roll her pants down over her hips when they heard a car. It was his sister Jackie. "Dads looking for you," she called from the car. "You had better get home."

Jack held Isobel close his hands still rolling her pants down over her hips. "I have to go," he whispered. "I know," she groaned. His fingers reached her pussy. She shivered when she felt him push them in then bucked when he moved his thumb so it touched her nub. 'Oh my," she groaned.

"I have to go," he whispered. "I know," she cried her hands holding him. Jack smiled. "We will do the lesson at your place tomorrow." He looked her in the eye, withdrew his fingers and licked her cum. "Tomorrow."

"Tomorrow," she responded.

Isobel's pussy tingled all the way home. She could not believe how cheeky Jack had been. She shook her head what about yourself she thought, you acted like a hot little slut.

Isobel wasn't a virgin. Her first public service boss had taken her cherry and promoted her. She was devastated thinking she must have been terrible when he did not try again. She found out later that he had a reputation for promoting his conquests soon after they gave in to him.

She had made up her mind to reach the top and one day become his boss. It wasn't hard he was lazy and far from competent content to play on the emotions of new recruits. It had taken her ten years. She became Deputy Director of Human relations for a number of Public Service departments, waited, and watched until she caught him sexually harassing a young cadet. He took voluntarily redundancy and Isobel gained a reputation as a man hater.

She wasn't a man hater she had dinner dates and went out drinking and dancing with many men. She found most of them boring and transparent. They thought they could buy you a drink, and chat you up before rushing you off for a quick boring fuck.

She liked Jack; he had treated her kindly when she entered the ring. The judge reminded her of her first Public service boss. She hated him immediately. She would have left the ring if it hadn't been for Jack. Every time she had looked his way, he was watching her. He would smile and wave restoring her good humor.

She had made up her mind to offer him a drink and show him her new float. She giggled what was the old saying; the best laid plans of mice and men. Well I will have to add women she thought, as she recalled what had happened.

My god she thought. His kisses were raw and sexy. He had been very cheeky when he showed her how her pussy lips stood out in the tight fabric of her pants. She could smell her arousal. Her pussy was wet as she recalled he had been forceful pushing her breast up out of her bra. If his sister had not interrupted, she had no doubt that her pants would have been pulled away and they would have ended up on her bunk. She licked her lips she knew she would not have stopped him in fact she may have helped him.

"Tomorrow," she sighed. "Tomorrow."

Anita rang Jack she was excited. "Did you tell Charlie you were fucking me?" She asked as soon as he answered. "No I never told anyone about us." he lied remembering Mrs. Kelly. Anita was relieved, "oh that's good," she cried, "Charlie is wonderful. He cannot keep away from me. He rings me all the time. We meet at lunchtime and park. He calls every afternoon. He loves me. He does not stay hard all the time like you, he is very quick. He is so kind that his softness makes no difference. All I know is I want him Oh, I am sorry," she cried. "I hope you don't mind. You did say you wanted to help him."