Life's Defining Moments


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Another four or five weeks later, we decided that Annie and Becca would move in with me.

I fixed up a room in my basement for Becca so we would have our privacy, and she could have hers, too.

We now could enjoy ourselves without worrying about Becca being on her own, or at a house where we didn't know the parents.

For the next few months our relationship just blossomed.

And, yes, we started talking marriage.

We both were doing well at our jobs, with Becca doing well in school.

We were living in the house I had purchased some years ago, and had finished the needed remodeling.

Nearly two years after our first coffee date, I finally asked her to marry me.

A life defining moment.

Just two short months after that, we were married. I thought we never again could be this happy.

As we got into the swing of married life, we did start thinking about kids.

When we started our discussions, we toyed with the idea of waiting a year or two. I thought about it, and agreed.

We never lacked for practice. If Becca was out of earshot, we were fucking. Or sucking. Or any combination of both. We were both insatiable.

With my work keeping me very busy, time seemed to fly by.

In no time we celebrated our first anniversary. Still seemingly just as much in love as ever.

At our second anniversary, I brought up the idea of children, again.

My suggestion was met with Annie reminding me that she had just recovered from some minor female surgery. Nothing that would not allow her to have kids, but something that reduced our bedroom antics to mostly oral, both giving and receiving.

I cautiously told her that we'd go month by month, and revisit this topic, soon. She agreed, and our bedroom activities picked up, but not to where they used to be.

During our third year of marriage, our love life started dwindling, much to my chagrin.

I asked my wife, after nearly a week of a dry spell, something that was unheard of in the Jensen household, if she was having an affair.

The way she blurted out her denial, I had my doubts, but kept them to myself.

One bright, sunny day, I was working just down the street from where Annie worked, so I called her office to ask her to join me for lunch.

I was told she had just left for lunch with a couple of co-workers.

I decided to go to the sandwich place next to her building, just to do some checking.

What I saw raised my blood pressure about fifty points.

There, at a back booth was my loving wife, holding hands with a guy who I'd met at a company gathering a few months earlier.

I knew he was her manager, and I was fairly certain he was married, too.

After calming myself down, I walked into the cafe, and went right up to their booth. With her back to me, she was just leaning over to give this guy a kiss.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, Annie", I said loud enough they both jumped back in their booth.

"Would you come outside with me, please?" I continued.

Seeing a look of sheer panic on her face, she silently got up and followed me outside.

"Care to explain?"

"Carter, I'm not sure what you think you saw, but we really didn't do anything more than talk, and hold hands."

"I'm not positive, but it sure looked like you two were going to kiss each other."

"Um, but we didn't."

"Do you know what I've told you when I go golfing with my pals, that if one of us makes a mistake, we all give him 'a mulligan' a do over?"

She just shook her head, understanding what I had just said.

"If you want to stay married to me, I'd suggest getting something to go, and eat at your desk, and consider this your one and only mulligan. Are we clear?"

"Yes, and I am truly sorry."

I turned and walked away. Just far enough to keep the front door in sight. In just a couple of minutes, she left with a bag that I assumed had her lunch in it, and she was by herself.

I got home about an hour after she did, and found her making dinner. I could see her shoulders hunched over and I thought I heard some sniffling.

Just as she turned and I thought she was going to throw her arms around my neck, I put up both hands to stop just that sort of gesture.

"Please, Carter, let me try to apologize."

"We'll talk after dinner, when Becca is doing her homework, OK?"

She just nodded, and went back to finish cooking our dinner.

Even Becca noticed how frosty the air was between us, while we were eating. She was smart enough not to ask any questions.

Finishing the dishes, we sat in the living room, facing each other, when she started by telling me just how sorry she was, and she fully understood the implications of her one and only 'do-over'.

"Can I ask why? Did I do something wrong?"

"I honestly don't know, and definitely not."

Things remained to bit on the cool side for the next several weeks, before we slowly started resumption of our bedroom gymnastics.

Slowly, at first, but we quickly returned to our pre screw-up pace.

I just knew I had to put her actions out of my mind, giving her the benefit of the doubt.

It must have been three or four months later, when I brought up the subject of kids, once again.

We did agree on the timing, as she asked if we could plan it so she wouldn't be at her biggest during the heat of the summer.

Begrudgingly, I did see her point, so we planned to start working on a family in two months, or so.

Just three weeks later, I told her I was doing an estimate on a large job, and wasn't sure when I'd be finished.

As luck would have it, I finished much earlier than expected, and arrived home about an hour early.

I noticed Becca sitting on our front porch, and as soon as I got out of my truck, she fell into my arms sobbing, incoherently.

"Slow down, kiddo, and tell me what's going on."

Taking out her phone, she just to me to listen to the recording she'd made.

I hit the recording, and must have turned red as a boiled lobster.

All I heard was some very heavy breathing, coupled with the very distinct sounds of certain body parts slapping together.

I then heard my dear wife's voice saying, "oh, God, Graham, fuck me harder"

Graham Haversham being the asshole I saw in that restaurant, a while back.

"That's not all, Carter, look at the picture of the car I saw in our driveway."

I looked at the picture of a very fancy Jaguar SUV, with the vanity plate 'Royalty' on it.

Calming myself down, a bit, I told Becca to stay outside, and started to the front door.

"Please don't hurt her, Carter."

"I'm not that sort of man, Becca, so don't worry."

Not seeing Annie in the living room, I walked to the closed door of our bedroom. Seeing my wife face down on our bed, I noticed she had a smile on her face.

I knew that smile would be gone in an instant.

"Annie, please pack up some things and get the fuck out of my house!"

She jumped at the sound of my voice, letting me see that she was only wearing her bikini panties and a very tiny tank top. No bra.

"I told you some months ago you had your one and only warning, and you have the fucking nerve to entertain your fuck buddy in our bed within earshot of your sister!"

I realized just how loud I was yelling when Becca came into the room begging me to calm down.

"Just get out, Annie. I'll decide what to do with Becca in a few days."

With that, she filled two big suitcases, put them in her car, and after talking outside with her sister, was off. To where, I couldn't care less.

"Just so you know, Becca, I'd never just toss you out without you having a safe place to go."

"She told me that mom is doing much better, and thinks I'll be able to move there in about a week. I hope that we can still have some sort of friendship, Carter."

"I think that can happen, but just be aware that Annie and I may never be friends for any reason."

She just nodded, gave me a little hug and was off to her room.

I just sat in my living room wondering what I might do. Would I seek any retribution? Nope. Annie was just as much to blame as that pompous asshole.

The more I thought about it, I started to formulate my plan. I knew it would take a few weeks, but I knew what had to be done.

Just over two weeks later, my phone started blowing up with calls from several numbers located within Haversham and Sons.

I let them all go directly to voicemail.

After two solid days, and over a dozen messages, I decided to listen and see if they were exactly what my plan called for.

How right I was!

It seems as if good old Haversham had over one hundred individuals close their accounts, they also had four or five of the largest trade unions close their corporate accounts, too.

They were smart enough to realize that I just might have spread the word what a complete douchbag Graham Haversham was.

On a bright, Monday morning, I decided it was time to complete my plan.

I calmly walked into the office of Haversham and Sons, and asked to see my personal account manager.

As he was walking up to me, I let him know I was there to close my own account.

"I guess I don't have to ask you why, do I?"

"Nope, I just don't trust this company to have my best interests in their business dealings."

I said this loud enough that Annie, sitting just a little way down from where we were standing gave a little grimace.

As I was concluding my business, a distinguished looking gentleman came out of what looked like the boss's office and asked if I would come in and talk with him.

"Anything you have to say, you say it out in the open."

"Let's sit and discuss this matter like gentlemen, please."

"I would, but I don't see any gentlemen here, so I'm leaving."

Just then, Graham came out of another office, with steam coming out of his ears, he was so mad

"Before you take another step closer, I would love to wipe that arrogant smirk off your face, and kick your bollocks into next week!"

That stopped him in his tracks, with Uncle Geoffrey telling him to get back into his office.

"Wise choice, gents, as I'd beat him worse than a rented mule."

As I turned to leave, I had a smile on my face for the first time in several months.

Over the next few weeks, I read where this office had lost another 5 % of total revenue. Too fucking bad, I thought.

I was extremely busy, which kept my mind off my pending divorce. All I needed was the ninety day waiting period to be single, and in the not looking category.

I did get Becca moved back to her mother's house, making sure she could call me at any time. I also let her know that talking with her sister was not on my agenda.

For the next few months, I did have a date, or two, but nothing that gave me anything more than a few hours not spent alone in my empty house. Yes, there was an occasional romp in my bed, but nothing even close to a potential long term arrangement.

I did talk with Becca a few times, with her abiding by my rule of not talking about her sister.

One afternoon, as I was leaving the restaurant where I had just finished lunch, who did I see, coming up the street?

Yep, good old Graham Haversham, with another young lady on his arm.

I just couldn't resist, so I loudly asked if Mrs. Haversham approved of his cheating.

"Shut your fucking mouth, you lowly piece of shit," he mumbled.

I turned to his 'date' and asked her if she knew about how many previous, married women he'd been with, seeing her ring finger adorned with a wedding band.

I thought he was going to blow a gasket.

"Go ahead, you scouse git (Liverpool bastard) take that swing at me that I know you want to take."

Just then his female companion turned and walked quickly in the opposite direction.

"I'm tempted to shove my boot up your arse, you fucker."

"What's the matter, Graham, old bean, can't take the truth. And the truth is, the best part of you dribbled down some crackhead's leg after pulling out of your mother's stinking cunt!"

It was very easy to block his attempt at hitting me, with me kneeing him right square in the family jewels. He dropped like a rock, and I went back to work, with a huge grin on my face.

I never had any repercussions, so I assumed that asshole Haversham didn't talk to the police.

One afternoon, pulling into my garage at home, I saw my ex sister-in-law sitting on my porch.

Walking up to her, I gave her a little hug and asked how she was doing.

"Carter, you know I'm helping out at a day care just down the street from mom's house, don't you?"

"Yep. And?"

"I've been helping with these two wonderful kids, who get picked up by their mother, who always seems to be sad. She's trying very hard to be a good mom, but she's always worn out."

"I take it she's single, and you think I need a girlfriend?"

"Geez, Carter, I was just thinking out loud. Sorry."

"Don't be. Does this lady have a name?"

"Victoria Yarrow, I think."

Fuck me. My very first. Did I want to see her just to satisfy my curiosity?

I guess it couldn't hurt, just to see her. Could it?

The next afternoon, I took off a bit early and was waiting in the front yard of this daycare, playing with twins, Paul, and Mary, both having just turned five.

Right at five o'clock, I see a fairly well used generic sedan pull up, and was a bit shocked to see Victoria Yarrow get out of it.

I knew she five years older than me, making in the early thirties range, but she looked quite a bit older.

There was just a bit of gray creeping into her hair, and her face just looked tired.

When her kids saw her, they ran to her side talking a mile a minute about this new friend they just met.

I wish I had a camera to catch the shocked expression on her face when she recognized me.

"Oh, my goodness, Carter, how did you know?"

"Becca is my sister-in-law, well, my ex sister-in-law, to be truthful."

We just stood there, with our arms around each other, not saying a word.

"I've got to get these two home, and get dinner ready."

"Can I help?"

She just stood there, and I could see a tear starting to fall.

I took her in my arms, again, and held her tight.

"Let's just talk, and if its OK, can I bring a large pizza with me?"

"Deal, but don't make a habit of doing that, please."

I picked up a large pizza and salads from my favorite pizza joint, and headed to her apartment.

Enjoying the constant conversation, during dinner, made me think about the family Annie and I never had.

Watching her kids playing while we sat talking, I realized I never heard anything about a 'father' in all this discussion.

When Tori asked where I worked, I thought she was going to faint when I told her.

"What's wrong, Tori, did I say something wrong?"

Just then, my mind started working. Yes, I'd been working for Butler Electrical Contractors for over five years. And, yes, I knew Ronnie Butler was a skirt chaser. I silently started to put two and two together, and quietly asked if my boss was the father of her twins.

She just nodded, with her head looking straight down at the floor.

"If my working for their father bothers you, I'm sorry. I have too good a job to walk away."

"Carter, I'd never expect you to do that, but please don't say anything to him. Just please don't."

"I can't promise, but I'll try. Just so you know, I don't see him every day. What makes this even more difficult is the fact that his wife is in the office several times a week."

For the next few minutes, we just sat there, watching her kids play.

Both kids kept looking at us, and giggling, like five year olds tend to do.

I noticed the board game they were playing was one that I'd played when I was their age.

I knew when I returned to work the next morning, I'd have to be very careful around Ronnie, and his wife.

Luckily, I was out of the office both Monday and Tuesday.

Wednesday morning, I did have to go into the office, and as luck would have it, who was right there as I walked in? Yep, not only the boss, Ronnie Butler, but his wife, Amelia, too.

When I tried to avoid them by keeping my head down, looking at my worksheet, I barely nodded when they said their good morning greetings.

I was back in the warehouse getting some supplies for my job that I was working on when Amelia walked in and asked if anything was wrong.

When I shook my head no, she looked me right in my eyes and asked a second time.

"Carter, why can't you look me in the eye?"

"OK, Amelia, I've reconnected with an old girlfriend, from the neighborhood where I grew up, and, well, how should I put this? She has five year old twins, and she has the idea that Ronnie just might be the father."

The silence was deafening.

"Is her name Victoria, by chance?"

I just nodded my agreement.

"Is she asking for child support?"

"That's the thing, she asked me not to mention this to either of you."

"Is she a good mother, and is she struggling?"

"Yes, to both questions."

"I've known about their little fling for quite a while, but not about the children. I intend to make this right, and I'll leave you out of it, if I can."

"Thank you."

For the day or two, I didn't see Tori, but talked to her every day.

I did tell her that I needed to have a discussion with her, and she surmised what it was about.

"Carter, I hope I haven't put you in a bad position at work, because of me telling you about my kids' biological father."

"You haven't but I need to tell you that my boss's wife figured things out after I tried avoiding them all week."

"Come over Saturday morning, and we can talk while my kids are playing outside."

"Sounds like a plan."

Saturday morning I found my way to Tori's apartment, that had a fairly large yard that each unit could use.

Sitting on a bench, watching her twins playing with other kids, I took her hands in mine and explained my conversation I had with Amelia Butler.

After our little talk, we just sat watching the kids all playing, when I finally was struck with a unique realization.

"Tori, can I ask you a family question?"

"Go ahead."

"I was talking with my folks, telling them about reconnecting with you and your kids. When I told them your kid's name, mom started to laugh."

"Go on," she said with a smile.

"Are you related to Peter Yarrow?"

For the uninformed, Peter Yarrow, along with Paul Stookey and Mary Travers, formed the folk trio, Peter, Paul and Mary in 1961 and performed together for nearly five decades, selling millions of records, most of which are still listened to, today.

"Yes, he's my uncle," she said with a mile wide grin.

"Do you have any contact with him?"

"Yep, especially when I told him what I named my kids."

"Now for the $64,000 question. Do you want to see if there is anything still between us?"

Taking a huge sigh, she just laid her head on my shoulder, and whispered a quiet maybe.

I just kissed the top of her head, enjoying this close contact.

Over the next few weeks, we did see more of each other, with her apartment being our meeting place.

My house just wasn't set up for her kids to spend a night. Even though her apartment wasn't large enough to even think about bedroom gymnastics with her kids being too close by, we still managed to become very close.

We did, however, start getting reacquainted with me remembering just how willing she was to teach me what I then needed to know about pleasing a woman.

After her kids were asleep, we did get into some very heavy playing, with her finally taking my throbbing cock her mouth, while I used my very talented tongue on her pussy, bringing us both to very happy conclusions.

We both had to remember to be on the quiet side, as not to disturb the twins.

We did talk or text virtually every day, when one bright Monday morning, I get the following text.

From Tori: You'd never guess what Mary asked this morning.

Me: No idea. Tell me.