Life's Defining Moments


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Tori: Can Carter be our daddy?

Me: Your answer?

Tori: I was stunned, but said, we'll see. What do you think?

Me: Wow. Let me get some rooms set up in my house, for a weekend stay, and talk about it. OK?

Tori: Sounds like its something we need to explore.

Me: Love you.

Tori: Love you, more.

The first thing I did on my way home from work was to stop at my parent's house to see if any of our old camping gear was still usable. Shock of shocks, there were two air mattresses, that still held air, and two sleeping bags in vacuum sealed bags, that most likely hadn't been used since I was in middle school.

Arriving at my house, the first thing I did was to make each of the two extra bedrooms suitable for living space. There was a lamp in each room, along with a little night stand that seemed to be enough until Tori came over on Friday after work.

Just walking through these rooms, and making sure of everything else needed for two energetic five year olds, I really started thinking about never having a decent shot at having just this sort of situation the first go round.

All of a sudden, I stopped dead in my tracks, and thought. What happens if we just don't have any connection?

I quickly put that idea out of my head. I'd known her for the majority of my first eighteen years of life. She was the one who really taught me how to love a woman. We always got along, even though she was five plus years older than me.

All I had to do was make it through the work week, and see if I could survive an entire weekend with a true girlfriend and her two five year olds.

We talked or texted every night. She let me know what her kids liked and disliked.

She also let me know just how excited her kids were.

All this time with Tori, I did let my folks know about our reconnecting. They did caution me, by reminding my about how my first marriage ended.

I really didn't need any reminding. I was very aware of what to look for, as well as what to expect, and what to say.

Getting to my house on Friday afternoon, I barely made it inside, when I heard them drive into my driveway.

Getting Paul and Mary out of their booster seats, they ran up my driveway, each carrying a backpack that I assumed held whatever they would need for their weekend at my house.

Standing in my front yard, I took Victoria's hand and led her inside.

We just stood in my living room, watching her kids looking at everything, and asking where would they be staying.

I showed them the two rooms I'd set up, and let them choose.

Going into my kitchen, I started getting everything ready to put on my grill. It took Tori about two minutes to start getting the table ready for us to have dinner. As a family.

The thought running through my head was, this is what my house missed with my first try at having a family.

After our great dinner, her kids went into my back yard to play with whatever ball was laying back there.

Sitting on my sofa, with her head on my shoulder, she started to speak.

"I want you to know, Carter, that I was not entirely blameless in how my kids came into this world."

"Shush, Tori, lets just talk about us. OK?"


We remained in my living room for another hour or so, after getting her two into bed, then just got up and went to my bedroom.

When we got there, we turned to face each other, and lightly kissed each other. And again with a little more gusto.

Really getting into this, removing each other's clothes, and falling into my bed, I started lightly rubbing up and down her back, as our kissing intensified.

Getting each other's clothes off, we just started kissing each other. with our hands finding the most sensitive areas on our bodies. Her hand had my cock at full staff, and I had two entire fingers deep in her extremely wet pussy.

Rolling her onto her back, and fishing a condom from under my pillow, we were off to the races, fucking like lovestarved teenagers.

It didn't take more than a few minutes for both of us to explode. I guess we were both a little more than excited.

Looking at each other, after cleaning up, we both had silly grins on our faces.

"I hope you know, Carter, I could really get used to that."

"Is that something we should talk more about, this weekend?"

"Yes, and just so you are aware, both kids have asked me about just that thing. Also, Becca has told me quite a bit of why your marriage ended."

"I take it, I don't have to rehash anything, correct?"

She just nodded in agreement.

Some time during the night, I felt her soft boobs right up against my back, but I sensed by her breathing that she was sound asleep.

When I finally woke up, I noticed Tori leaving my room to tend to the sound of little feet, and the giggles of two little ones in a location they'd never been.

All during breakfast, that I loved the fact I didn't have to cook, there seemed to be this constant chatter, that I just couldn't get enough of.

We took a ride out in the country, and enjoyed the picnic lunch we packed up.

We all were more than ready for bed, after stopping on our way home for a nice family dinner.

I thought this was a treat for all three of them, knowing how tight things were, financially.

Staring at my tired girl friend, and seeing her with a look that only could be described as contented, I quickly realized we really didn't need to fuck our brains out every chance we had, to know we were truly falling in love.

We spent the entire day on Sunday, just doing whatever the kids wanted to do.

We went to the zoo.

We walked along the shore of a nearby lake.

We sat and watched her kids playing near the lake shore.

We did all these things as a family.

"Carter, there's one more thing I've got to ask you."

"What's that?"

"Does it matter that my family, on the Yarrow side is Jewish?"

"Absolutely not! Nothing about you or your family bothers me. Just tell your uncle not to expect me to sing."

As they were packing up after dinner Sunday evening, we both noticed the very sad faces on both the kids.

They didn't say anything, because their expressions said it all.

They didn't want this weekend to end.

"Victoria, I can see how much the weekend has meant to both of them, so I'll just say this. Do you want to move in with me, just to make sure we're a good fit?"

Her answer was to throw her arms around my neck and whisper in my ear, "you bet"

"Kids, do we want to live with Carter all the time?"

They nearly tackled me, they were so excited.

"OK, both of you, your mom and I have some things to do so you can be a lot more comfortable, but I don't think you need to go home, tonight. Is that alright with you?"

They both gave me a hug with Mary whispering in my ear asking if it was OK for her to call me daddy.

"Don't you think Paul might want to, also?"

My answer was a really nice hug.

I sat back, thinking to myself, if this was what I really wanted. A ready-made family. A girl who I'd known the majority of my life. The same girl who taught me how to love a woman. A girl who I'd felt at ease with the entire time I was growing up.

Over the next few weeks, we took her kids shopping so they could start off fresh with some long needed new things to make their bedrooms look like they weren't from a second hand store, or garage sale.

I was not trying to give them the impression that I was rolling in dough, but I thought that they deserved some new things to start our new life as a family.

It was a bit chaotic, at first, but we all pitched in, and got a very smooth operation going.

This organization helped getting Tori's and my love life back on track, too. So much so, that in the fifth or sixth week of our new household, we made the command decision to get married.

We talked many evenings, in between some serious fucking, about what we both wanted and expected from each other.

We were on the same page, and set a date, just a month from when we announced to both families our intentions.

Right about a week before our big day, we were laying in bed after a night of sensuous love making, when Tori turned to me, asking for something I had dreamed out for years.

"Carter, do you think we can maybe add to our family?"

"I'm fairly certain that you will do the brunt of the heavy lifting, here, and if you're positive, I'd love to add to our family."

I just couldn't stop grinning.

As our big day approached, I just had the most pleasant calm sensation surrounding me. This just felt right, for both of us.

After much discussion, we invited my ex sister-in-law, Becca to attend, without inviting her sister.

Everyone involved agreed with our choice.

As we were getting finished with our small, civil ceremony, what do we hear?

"Puff the magic dragon, lived by the sea, and frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called Honah Lee."

And in walks Uncle Peter Yarrow, the co-writer of that classic 1963 song.

The entire group who were in attendance continued singing that song, as my wife just threw her arms around her uncle's neck, dancing to Puff The Magic Dragon.

As things settled down, leaving us talking with this world famous singer and activist, I realized he was really just a regular guy. OK, a regular guy who happened to be part of a trio who sold millions of records, and performed around the world.

As we were gathering up the twins, and heading for home, Tori told me that Amelia Butler had given her an envelope, that she assumed was a wedding gift, of some sort.

Getting our kids into their beds, and finally being able to relax, my wife opened that envelope. By the shocked expression on her face, I didn't know what to expect.

She sat there looking at what I assumed was a check, while handing me a short note.

The note said:

"To Victoria Yarrow Jensen, this is to make up for my husband's lack of support for your two wonderful children over their first five years. Please put this toward their college fund, as we well know the cost of higher education. Both of us wish you and Carter a most happy and loving marriage. Regards, Amelia Butler."

"Carter, its a check for $30,000!"

"I hope you know, that's exactly what we will do, first thing Monday morning, is to start their college fund."

We just sat there, staring at each other, basking in the glow of our new life, and our good fortune.

We both knew our 'honeymoon' wouldn't take place for another few weeks, as we planned a nice trip to Disneyland, for about five weeks from now.

Getting into the vacation planning mode was easy. We didn't tell the kids about our trip until two days before our departure.

When we showed them our itinerary, they just couldn't stop yelling about everything they wanted to see.

They ran off to one of their rooms, talking so fast, they couldn't get the words out.

We just sat in our living room, holding each other, thinking about the upcoming trip.

"If I tell you something, promise not to get angry, Carter."

"OK, I'm guessing you aren't pregnant, because I saw your pill box, this morning, so surprise me."

"This is a note Becca handed to me after our ceremony."

Showing me a nice card that just said: Congratulations, Annie. I must have had this stunned expression on my face.

"You know Becca told me her sister has been seeing a young man for a few months, but she didn't want me to tell you."

"I already knew that, as I've seen them together a time or two, and I truly wish them well. Besides, I have the most wonderful wife in the world."

With our Disneyland trip here, we were headed to the airport, when my wife whispered in my ear that she hadn't started her new month of birth control, so we'd best be on board with expanding our family.

I just stared at her with this funny little smile.

Our vacation couldn't have been better. We literally wore ourselves out each day. We let the kids dictate where we went, and what we saw. They were both bright enough to look at the maps, so we wouldn't duplicate any place we'd seen.

The one thing we definitely controlled was the food intake. If given their choice they would have snacked their way from one 'land' to another.

The main advantage for us old folks, was by the time we got back to our hotel, the twins were exhausted. They just washed up and fell into bed.

This gave mom and dad all the time they needed to attempt to add to the family.

On our third or fourth night of sexual hijinks, we just looked at each other, and I started to laugh.

"What's so funny?" she whispered.

"If you do get pregnant, look at all the names we'll have to choose from. Mickey and Minney. Donald and Daisy."

By the time I finished with all seven of the dwarfs, we were both laughing so hard, we thought we would wake up our kids.

Before you say anything, we started the formal paperwork to have me legally adopt these two wonderful kids.

Even so, I truly wanted a child of my own, even with these two now both calling me daddy.

By the time our vacation ended, we were more than ready to resume our normal life, just being a happy family.

I continued to be very busy at work, and so was my wife.

It must have been about seven or eight weeks after our vacation, that I called home to make sure Tori was up getting the kids ready for school.

Paul answered the phone and told me mommy had a tummy ache, but will be ready, soon.

Hmmm, I thought. She's never sick, so that got me wondering.

When she finally called me from work, she told me she was feeling better, but she was fairly certain that she was pregnant.

"Carter, I'm over seven weeks late, and I'm certain this is morning sickness, and not some bug."

"And our plan of action will be?"

"I've already scheduled an appointment with my doctor in two weeks, and by then we will be fairly certain."

I was so excited I could barely finish my work that I was doing.

Dinner that evening was more of the same. We told both kids there might be a chance that we would be getting a new family member in seven months, or so.

Both of them were a bit in shock. Yes, they were aware how children were 'made', as we never hid anything from them.

I guess early on in our relationship, we were none too quiet, and the next morning, Mary asked about the weird sounds coming from our bedroom.

We found an age appropriate book that explained where babies come from.

While Mary seemed to understand, Paul just nodded and couldn't wait to get out of the room.

After her doctor's appointment, we found out that our family would get one new member in seven months, or less.

We decided not to learn the sex of our newcomer.

Going into her eighth month, I rearranged my work schedule so I could drive her to and from work, at the office she worked in.

Nearing the end of her eighth month, we decided to have lunch, near where we both worked.

As I was nearing the restaurant, I noticed a cop car, and an aid unit.

I broke into a fast run, hoping my wife was OK.

What I saw when I entered was two EMT's tending to a man laying on the floor.

Sitting at a nearby table were my wife, along with both Ronnie and Amelia Butler.

"Tell me what's going on, please."

"Carter, we were just entering, when this jerk turned to me and started to reach out and touch my tummy. Ronnie stepped between us and clocked him once, dropping him like a rock."

I turned to the cops standing next to the prone man, just in time to see his face.

Oh, my fucking goodness, who was this groping shithead? None other than Graham Haversham!

"Officers, please arrest that worthless piece of shit, and we well be in to file formal charges, tomorrow morning."

Both my boss and his wife told me the same thing they told the cops. Haversham tried to touch my wife in a not too friendly way, and Ronnie reacted with a stinging right cross to his jaw.

Taking my wife home, seeing that she was shaken up, but unhurt, we just had a nice quiet evening.

Going into her ninth and final month, our sex life nearly ground to a halt. With Tori thinking she was the size of a mature rhinoceros, and not being able to get much sleep, sex was the last thing on her mind.

I did enjoy rubbing her tummy with cacaobutter, which was to lessen stretch marks. I'm not entirely sure if it did, but it did help with my fingers sliding inside of her more than ready pussy.

One night, as I had two fingers as deep inside her as I dared, she gave me a look, and a very non-sexual moan, she told me it was time to go.

Getting a neighbor to watch the twins, off we went, still not knowing the sex of our new addition.

It took just under two hours of serious labor to finally meet John Carter Jensen. All eight pounds on the dot. With a full head of light brown peach fuzz on his head, and his mommy's blue eyes.

After the necessary cleanup, Johnny was place in mommy's arms. with his piercing eyes just staring in wonder.

"John, that beautiful man is your daddy, and I'll cut his balls off the first time he calls you little Jackie Paper."

Little Jackie Paper being the other main character from Puff The Magic Dragon.

We both just couldn't get enough of our new son.

Later that afternoon, I hurried home to bring the twins to see their little brother.

Getting our newest addition home the next day, we had to make sure both older kids knew to be quiet, when Johnny was napping.

We also warned them about middle of the night feedings, too. Luckily, they were both fairly sound sleepers, and were seldom bothered.

Each night, I just couldn't get enough of watching my gorgeous wife sleeping, finally getting some well deserved rest after each tiring day.

It must have been the sixth or seventh week, when we restarted our lovemaking. Very slow, at first, but picking up our pace in no time.

Yes, we were back to using those dreaded condoms, at least until we were positive about having our family expanding, or not.

It didn't take long to get back into the sexual swing of things, with everything we did pre baby time, back on our play list.

With the twins back in school, and Johnny growing by leaps and bounds, Tori started to do some of the office work she had been doing, but doing it from home.

This made our work schedules the very best it could be.

We lived close enough to school that the older two could walk both ways.

Each afternoon, as long as Johnny was awake, they would sit on the floor, talking to him like he was their own age.

It didn't bother them that he didn't answer them, but were excited when he would giggle at whatever they said.

Just about the time I was getting very tired of the dreaded condoms, we just looked at each other, and decided we needed just one more child, to make our family complete.

For the next few nights we did our very best to ensure that very thing.

Each and every position was our favorite at the time, with Tori loving the good old fashioned doggie position the most.

It took nearly three more months of serious fucking to finally find ourselves back at her doctor's office.

Yes, we did find out we were expanding our family, and no, we didn't want to know the sex of this baby, either.

On our way home, we just kept grinning, until our jaws ached.

Getting the entire family together at dinner, we made our announcement.

"Kids, our family is going to be one more child bigger, in about six more months, give or take."

Johnny just stared at us, sitting in his high chair, and both the twins let us know they weren't going to share their bedrooms.

What I had already decided was to take the playroom in the basement and turn it into two bedrooms for the twins, giving us more than enough room for our expanding brood.

All through the ensuing months, we kept up a fairly active sex life. With the twins downstairs, and Johnny sleeping most of the night, we were free to do almost everything in our playbook.