Little Tish Ch. 10


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I practically ran up to my room and cleaned myself up from the long drive. Wearing only a pair of silky soft boxers I went downstairs and prepared to go out to the women I most adored.

But then, I suddenly had an epiphany and wondered, 'What the hell?' Slipping out of my shorts, I put on my brightest smile, gently slapped my rock-hard and throbbing penis and thought 'ShowTime!' as I walked confidently out the door and into my destiny.

The three gorgeous women turned toward the noise of the door opening and reacted with differing degrees of shock, embarrassment and sheer, unbridled joy as I opened my mouth to speak. "Hi there everyone," I announced, beaming. "I'm back."

~~~~~~~~~~ Part 2 ~~~~~~~~~~~

My hungry gaze passed over this glorious example of Southern California pulchritude and I loved the varied but hungry expressions on all their faces.

Little Billie looked absolutely delicious, as she was really startled at my unexpected arrival. She almost panicked with embarrassment as she frantically looked for something to throw over her breathtakingly beautiful naked body.

But she finally relaxed somewhat when, taking pity on her, I looked into her enchanting blue-green eyes and, smiling warmly, said. "Hi Beeje, It's wonderful to finally get to see you, in the flesh so to speak." I chuckled and she couldn't seem to keep from blushing furiously nor could stifle an adorable, embarrassed little giggle.

Kelly, my mother, was shocked, embarrassed and about as conflicted as she had ever been before in her life. But, bravely she smiled somewhat uncomfortably and, turning any number of shades of red, she finally managed to smile her wonderful loving smile and say: "Hello Jackie, I'm happy you are home again and safe with us, with all of us." And then, with a charming little knowing smile, she added, "I love you Jackie and I've really missed you . . . you sneaky little shit."

I chuckled and smiled adoringly at my mother and said, "Thanks Mom. I've missed you too and you know, since I've been away, I've come to realize just how much I really do love you and how much you mean to me."

Looking a little relieved, she didn't seem able trust her voice at the moment so she just looked at me with eyes that appeared to be tearing up but that simply glowed with her love for me.

But when I finally shifted my gaze to my beautifully adorable, little baby sister, my heart just melted and I was filled with a love so deep and profound I didn't think I could contain it all. I was speechless. But she wasn't.

My sweet baby sister was beaming her gloriously beautiful "Little Tishie Smile" that always melts my heart. She jumped up squealing joyfully and, taking a few steps to gather momentum, she threw herself up into my arms. I almost panicked for a moment because she appeared to be about to land on and crush my painfully throbbing erection.

But I breathed a momentary sigh of relief as her leap cleared my swollen member and she came to rest with a crushing hug around my neck and straddling that which she had just so narrowly missed.

"Oh God Jackie," she cried, "I missed you and I love you soooo much!"

"Oh Tishie," I cried. "I love you too -- so much and I hate being away from you."

I warmly returned her loving embrace and gloried in the feel of her tiny, warm and beautifully soft little naked body as she pressed tightly into my own and I whispered, "I love you too Tishie, so much. And god, you are sooooo beautiful!"

Her beautiful firm little breasts felt exquisite rubbing softly against my chest as I stood there. I held my adorable, naked little sister in my arms and I could feel her hard little nipples slide teasingly down my chest as she relaxed her death grip from around my neck. And then she gasped and sighed deeply as her dripping-wet little pussy came down to straddle my throbbing hard on.

"Ohhhhhh . . . ummmmmmm . . . oh god . . . oohhhhhh . . . " she heatedly whispered in my ear as I felt her delicious wetness slide on to me.

She felt so wonderful perched there atop my now rock-hard erection that I moaned softly and squeezed my eyes closed, holding her tight to my chest. My little sister's warm wetness came as a surprise to us both and the realization of our intimate contact momentarily overwhelmed me and threatened to seriously weaken my knees in the process.

Little Tishie seemed to forget everything around her except for the thrilling jolts of pleasure that kept sizzling through her and zapping directly into her hungry little sex, causing it to clinch and twitch so strongly even I could feel it.

"Oh god, Jackie . . . you . . . um . . . feel so . . . Ummmm . . . " She whispered quietly in my ear as she shivered slightly and began subtly pressing her thighs together, squeezing my aching erection into her wonderful soft warmth and giving me a delightful chill.

"Oh . . . fuuuuuuckkkk . . . " she whimpered in quiet hunger so only I could hear. But she couldn't keep herself from starting to squirm around slightly on my aching erection as we both felt the heavenly genital-to-genital contact at the same time.

Neither of us could quite hold back the soft moans of electric delight that sizzled through us and we fought back valiantly to stifle the joyous groans of pleasure that threatened to burst from us.

Despite the heavenly wet feel of my baby sister's drenched little pussy as it sweetly cradled me and began rubbing with increasing urgency atop my throbbing erection, I found myself looking back over her shoulder at the two naked beauties that still reclined there.

I couldn't help the embarrassed grin that must have spread over my face as I realized what an insane picture we must be making to them. Both of the small, delightfully naked beauties were staring fixedly, and more than a little hungrily, at my obviously rock-hard penis as it protruded rudely from between the soft squirming thighs of my sweet baby sister.

I only learned later that her lewd behavior that afternoon must have resulted from her being almost beside herself with sexual arousal because, during all the sexy loving that had been going on there, she was the only one that had received absolutely no relief at all. My little angel was well beyond desperately horny.

And who could blame her that the entirety of her conscious mind was, at the moment focused on the heavenly contact between her tingling little slit that resided, all wet and tucked away, up between her legs and her current main fantasy, namely my penis. But my little sister was oblivious and utterly consumed by the delicious teasing she was receiving at the moment.

But the two little beauties I was watching were more than aware and their reactions were as different as night and day. Our cute little Billie was hiding her eyes behind her hand and giggling adorably.

And my mother's face was a kaleidoscope of rapidly evolving and contrasting emotions. Her expression began rapidly altering. Her sweet face initially beamed with delight at her two children so happily reunited. But what may have begun as delight, rapidly morphed as her knowing gaze drifted down to the obviously writhing genitalia of her two precious offspring. I watched as her expressions flipped rapidly back and forth and all around between shocked horror, suspicious anger, obdurate inflexibility and a sort of desperately hungry arousal. Finally she settled into an expression of reluctant hilarity at the comical tableau we were apparently providing.

I think it's fair to say that our current behavior was manifestly inappropriate to the occasion. I figured I had better get things back on track so I kissed my baby sister gently on her cheek and whispered that I needed to put her back down.

But as I was in the process of doing that, Little Tishie not unsurprisingly, was extremely reluctant to give up her irresistibly thrilling source of stimulation. So as I gently pulled her away to set her down, she understandably fought to maintain a firm pressure in her inner thighs in a frustrating and ultimately futile attempt to retain contact with my throbbing and painfully erect penis.

The results must have looked hilarious. As my little sister, slowly slid off the tip of my erection, she groaned in dismayed frustration as she felt it slip from between her slippery-wet labia and then she twitched and cried out as it slid teasingly over her wildly tingling clitoris. The interaction caused her to whine and cry out adorably.

"UMmm -- MaaahEYEEE!" She cried out as first the shaft and finally the tip of my penis slid past and then blissfully caressed her hypersensitive little love button.

Then, when I attempted to set her back on her feet, she groaned in unhappy frustration. Doubling over with a ravenous sexual hunger that must have been so intense it hurt, she continued vainly squeezing her thighs together as, simultaneously she was losing the strength in her legs.

I had to reach out and hold her steady while she slowly realized that she needed to return quickly from the land of nirvana and back into the real world. It didn't go well.

Billy was openly giggling now and my mother was a study in amused intransigence. I continued to just stand there, embarrassed while I tried to hold up my Tishie as she struggled to regain her equilibrium.

So I looked at my sister and pulled her chin up so she could focus on me and I whispered, "Come on Tish. You have to pull yourself together now and help me here. You have to focus! A lot is riding on the next few minutes. Okay?"

That seemed to arouse her and she shook it off and composed herself rather languidly. But her cute little voice trembled as she whimpered, "Okay Jackie. Wa -- welcome back. I -- uh -- ma -- missed you." And then more solidly, "I love you, Jackie. I hate it when you are away."

Then she sort of looked around and let out and embarrassed little shaky chuckle and said, "Okay. Jackie's back."

When I looked back at our audience, little Billie was giggling uncontrollably and Mom was a picture of composed but reluctantly amused exasperation at her son's return and at his discomfort.

But she grinned as she walked up to her two children. We all threw our arms around each other clearly relishing our first loving, naked group hug in many, many years.

Finally, I looked around and mused with a knowing grin, "Been a few changes around here I see."

"Oh yeah, there have indeed," Tishie said smiling with obvious understatement. Her eyes were locked onto mine and they burned with such obvious, glowing love that I briefly considered changing my plans for her. But I said nothing, shifting my eyes to Billie and then, back to my mother. They both, understandably, were a little more reserved and awkward around me.

Casting a warm, loving look at the precious little redhead, I said affectionately, "Oh Billie -- our own Little Beeje -- You really are beautiful and I am so happy that you're here and that you and my little Tishie have grown so close.

"From what Tishie tells me, you both have finally found a true friend in each other. I couldn't be happier and I loved our telephone conversation last night by the way." With Billie blushing furiously through her obviously relieved and happy smile, I continued, "Tishie seemed thrilled. Are you happy here my sweet little friend?"

"Oh yes, Jackie," she gushed. "Your two sweet ladies have made me feel so welcome. It feels like I've finally come home, as strange as that probably sounds." And then, with a naughty little smirk on her pretty face she added, "And it's a real treat to finally get to see you too . . . in the flesh, 'so to speak.'"

Holding each other's laughing eyes, we both took a few seconds to enjoy our newly adjusted but re-established relationship to one another. We chuckled and couldn't help beaming huge delighted smiles at each other.

Then I turned my loving eyes on my beautiful, sexy mother, who, I couldn't help but notice, had been having an enormous amount of trouble keeping her beautiful blue eyes off my still rock-hard erection.

With some effort she pulled her eyes up and met my own. My loving smile seemed to make her heart melt in much the same way as my hard cock had, apparently, just done to her beautiful little peach. It looked to be practically gushing with her sweet, girl-cum. I held my hands out for hers and, with a warm, hungry smile she took them and stepped eagerly into my loving arms.

'Oh god, Mom,' I thought to myself, 'your warm body feels so delicious pressing against mine. I just love you soooo much and, now that I know you better, you and I . . . well . . . We'll see.'

But in her ear I whispered, "Oh god Mom, you feel sooooo good in my arms." With both of us feeling my stiffly erect penis trapped and rolling gently between the two of us, it was obvious we were relishing our embrace in more ways than one.

"You are so beautiful and so sexy, Mom." Our warm, loving embrace seemed to last much longer than one would expect for a mother and her son.

My throbbing cock felt exquisite to me as it pressed and rolled on the deliciously soft skin of my mother's hard, toned tummy. We both could feel the generous amounts of pre-cum that were being spread there and we both gasped at the thrilling sensation and forbidden sexual contact between mother and son. We held onto each other in our wonderfully loving but forbidden, highly inappropriate hug for much longer than we usually would have; we were enjoying it so much.

Finally I pulled back and looked her in the eye. My expression turned more serious as I quietly told her, "We'll have to talk."

"Yes, we do," she agreed dropping her smile. "We have to reach an understanding about the nature of our new situ . . ."

Forcefully taking charge of what I was determined to make "my" little group, I interrupted her. "Yes, I'm sure we will have much to discuss but we'll do that later." Turning to my little sister, I said, "Tishie, go up to my room please, get yourself cleaned up and wait for me there. I've missed you and we too need to talk."

My tone of voice would clearly to brook no argument and so, with a slightly concerned expression, she said, "Okay, Jackie. I've missed you sooo much. Hurry . . . please?" And with that simple request, she headed for the door and slipped inside.

As she left, Kelly tried to reassert herself and said, "Now Jackie, I know how you and your sister feel about each other. I don't think I like it much but there's not much I can do, I guess. But I don't want you to take advantage of your little sister's feelings for you. There are some things you simple cannot d . . . "

"Mom," I interrupted firmly, "what we do or do not do is between us. But just to be clear, we love each other and you just need to get used to that. I know there will be some inevitable problems down the road for us but we will be together, one way or another. Do you understand?"

"Now Jackie," Kelly said seriously, attempting to reestablish her authority over her family, "she is still your sister and you can't get her pregnant. I need time to get used to the idea of . . . "

Interrupting again, I said firmly, "Mother, Tishie and I love each other and we will be together. Now we can either do that with your blessing or without it, but we will be with each other; it's long overdue."

My mother's eyes started to tear up and there was real fear and pain in her eyes when she softly said, "Oh, Jackie. I love you two so much. Please don't hurt her! She's such a fragile little thing and if she's hurt, it'll just kill me; it will destroy us all."

Now I love my mother to pieces and I could never stand to see her cry or to be in any kind of pain. My expression softened and I once again took her in my arms and hugged her tightly. Even through the disharmony we were currently going through, we none-the-less exulted in the soft, sexy nakedness that warmed us.

"Please try to relax Mom and don't worry. I could never hurt my sweet little Tishie and I certainly don't want to hurt you. You are the best Mom in the world and I couldn't bear it if I made you miserable.

"Besides," I said with a knowing little smirk, "I have been here for a little while now and I saw the way you two were showing each other some of the ways love -- your love -- can work around here."

My beautiful young mother visibly winced at that and looked hurt but she knew I had her.

"I know you don't plan on hurting either one of us and neither do I. I am in love with and totally committed to my baby sister. We will be together and the last thing we need is for you to be against us. We will have enough battles ahead of us. Your unhappiness over our love would kill us. Please try to understand. Please?"

Although, Kelly was trying desperately to stay focused on this serious matter of incest between her son and daughter, she was getting lost in the pleasure of holding her naked son's warm body against her own. She was extremely conscious of his stiffly erect penis—a penis she now realized was so much like the irresistible one she could never resist that belonged to Jack's father.

Her little pussy felt so empty and so hungry for it she couldn't help but squeeze her damp thighs even tighter together.

'God, I'm so wet!' she realized. 'I'm dripping! Jack's father used to feel so fucking good when he used that wonderful hard cock of his to fuck me. And now, it's like maybe I can have it again -- maybe. It feels so sexy just teasing me -- rubbing back and forth against my mound. I need it in me so fucking bad!' she thought with a whimper. 'I need him to fuck me! How could I stand it if his sister just keeps him all to herself? Why am I so bad? Why am I so weak? Why can't I resist my naughty, naughty little pussy when she's this hungry?'

I was completely empathetic to the conflicting urges raging within my mother. I could see them troubling her. 'God she really does have hot pants,' I realized. 'She needs me to fuck her and, damn it; I want to fuck her just about as bad. I wonder how Tishie would feel about that? She certainly wasn't at all reluctant to have sex with her mother. Well, it's time to go deal with my naughty little baby sis. This should be interesting . . . and fun!' I realized.

"I love you Mom. I love you so much -- maybe too much -- you know? Do you understand?" I asked, giving her a meaningful look. "So please try to understand and be supportive?"

I put my finger under my mom's chin and lifted her face so she could look up, right into my eyes. "I love you." I said. And then I kissed her -- I kissed her with all the sweet passion we both had been fighting for so many days now. It was a sweet, wet and wonderfully loving kiss and her tongue tasted delicious in my mouth.

She gasped at the sweet intimacy and then shivered as if she had experienced a little jolt sizzle through her. This was immediately followed by a little squirt of sweet, girl-cum I could feel flow out onto my leg. But I kept her supported, wrapped up in my arms as she moaned quietly with weak-kneed love and lust.

'Well now Mom must really be confused. She has to be wondering how I can kiss her like that when she knows how much I love and am devoted to my sister. Well, Tishie and I have to talk.'

And I could only wonder about how sweet little Beeje was dealing with all this strangeness. When I turned and looked at her beautifully sweet little face, I could see she had obviously been watching a mother and her son argue, and then kiss passionately, while she looked on with a troubled expression.

I tried to smile reassuringly at her and said, "Billie, thank god you are here. Would you please try and take care of my mother for a while? She's a little upset with us but her happiness is very, very important to me, Okay?
