Management Training Program Pt. 05


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I sit and luckily a large amount drips out of me. I use a warm washcloth and clean up and I walk out of the bathroom, and I am instantly asked. "What's your street address?"

I just sigh and tell him. I don't have the Will to fight or ask why. He pats the bed for me to come sit. He hands me his phone. I look at the screen and there are sexy bras and panty sets. There are close to a dozen things here. "Why so much." I ask.

He looks me in the eye. "After they are delivered you are going to throw out all the plain Jane shit. You are to never wear any underwear that isn't like this."

"I have never worn a thong. Wait, I can't workout in this stuff." I tell him.

He looks a bit surprised. "You work out?"

I laugh. "Yes. I do yoga once or twice a week with my daughter. It helps me at work. I don't feel as stiff at the end of a hard day."

"Good for you. I thought it was the job keeping you in shape." Carl tells me.

I can feel my cheeks blush, and I look down at my hands. "Thank you."

He pushes me towards the middle of the bed. "So let's see how flexible you are." He grabs my ankles and spread my legs wide. I'll show him. I smile and spread them wider. He takes them and pushes them back like he is folding me in half. I take my legs and pull them back so my feet are almost touching my forehead.

I don't know why I say it. I guess I am proud of her. "My daughter Lisa can put her feet behind her head."

"Now there is a thought. Mother and Daughter side by side spread eagle for my pleasure."

I go into Mom Lioness Mode "Don't even think about my daughter."

He jumps up and grabs me by the neck pinning me to the bed. He gets right in my face and growls. "Don't You Ever Speak To ME Like That! I am trying to be nice and get you a better paying job and you act like This? I could just as easily get you fired from the job you have now. How far would you get from unemployment?"

I am trying to pull his hand away but i can't. I try to say I am sorry, but I can't breathe. He finally releases my neck and I gulp in air choking and gasping.

He gets off the bed and pulls on me by my nipples. I start to say "I am sssoooorrrryyyy. Ow ow ow that hurts. I am sorry." I get up as he pulls to prevent him from ripping my nipples off. I thank god he releases my nipples and then my panties are being shoved in my mouth. He then ties my bra around my head to hold them in my mouth. Why is he gagging me. Oh my god what is he going to do. I really pissed him off.

"I really thought this could be a nice first fuck, but No. You have to be a bitch and speak to me in that tone. This is no longer a show of good faith meeting. This is you being punished for being nasty to me."

I try to apologize but my mouth is muffled. I try to plead with my eyes.

He looks straight at me. "I don't need to hear your whining. The answer is simple. I am going to spank you right now for your tone of voice. You can do one of two things. You can bend over the bed and accept your punishment tonight. And we can reschedule the 'Show of Good Faith' this was supposed to be. Or you can pick up your clothes now and leave. You will not get the corporate job and I will have to have a long talk with your store manager about your future."

"Mmm mm mmm." Is all I can manage.

He grabs my chin and holds it in his hand while he glares right into her eyes. "Actions speak louder than words. Choose." He lets go of my chin and steps back.

Oh my god. He wants to spank me? Seriously? I have never been spanked. Not even as a kid. He is saying I get spanked or I lose my job. How does this deal keep getting worse? My whole body slumps in defeat. I turn and bend over the bed.

He stands beside me. "You attempt to evade any hit and we are done and I leave. You will stand here and take what I dish out. I will tell you when we are done spanking your ass."

There is no warning. He spanks my butt hard. I try to keep count but after 4 or 5 I am just constantly SCREAMING into my gag. I have Never been hit so hard before. He stops to yell at me. I don't realize he is talking, my mind is in a fog with the pain. ."...fuck are you yelling at me?" And he starts right back up. He is hitting me all over my bum. I have not stopped screaming and crying. My whole bum is on fire. Left or right, top or bottom he is not leaving one spot untouched. He does seem like he is stopping. I am crying, my nose is running, and I am Screaming still into my gag. The screaming hasn't stopped since he started. I feel like he has been spanking me forever when he suddenly stops.

He pushes me against the side of the bed and pushes himself in and fucks me hard. All I can do is scream into the gag still in my mouth. I have been grabbing the sheets in my balled up fists. He grabs my hips and I scream as he grips the sore skin.

This time sex is not as painful, but it is brutal and rough, and he isn't stopping. He keeps going and going. Normally not something you would complain about, but this isn't a pleasurable experience.

It has to be at least five minutes when he shoves in and stays there. He is rubbing and pushing against the freshly abused/spanked skin when this time I feel him shooting inside of me. I just start sobbing. It's all too much. I can't take it.

He pulls out of me and I fall to the floor. I can't help but lay on the floor crying and rubbing my bum that is on fire.

Next thing I know he is dressed and nudging my head with his foot. "I will text you in about a week. If you would still like a chance to make a good impression, text back Yes if not text No. Remember tonight's ending was your punishment. Tonight was not supposed to end like this. You are the one that talked out of turn. I would have been happy just to fuck that tight pussy again. The spanking and the hate fucking is on you."

I try to remove the gag. "Don't touch it". I am warned. "I don't even want to hear your voice." He tosses the key cards on the bed. "Turn these in and check out when you leave."

He turns and walks out. The door closes behind him and I untie my bra from around my head, and pull my panties out of my mouth.

I get up and walk into the bathroom. I soak a bath towel in cold water in the tub and wring it out. I lay back down on the bed face down. I lay the towel over my abused bum, and I start sobbing again.

I have been abused tonight. There is no denying it yet the orgasm I had was Amazing. Why did my body betray me like that. I have never heard of a rape victim orgasming. Do they and they are ashamed to say it or talk about it? Then I remember he ejaculated in me. I reach down to see if anymore has leaked out. My vagina is still tender but why am I so wet? Why is this happening to me?

I keep reminding myself I am doing it for my kids. I can do this. Oh my god. My children. I have to get home.

I bring home pizza and the kids are happy and quickly move on from why I am late, and dressed up. I fibbed saying I had to go to the corporate office for a seminar they were running for the stores.

I can't bring myself to sit at the table, or lean back against the counter. God my poor bum. I tell the kids it's been a long day and I am going to go lay down and watch tv in my room.

They go their separate ways, my son to play video games, and my daughter to endlessly FaceTime, text and gossip with her friends.

I sneak a few ice packs in my purse from the freezer and to my bedroom. I put on a loose nightgown. My head spinning out in 20 different directions and thoughts. I then again remember he came in me. I start crying again. I clasp my hand over my mouth and turn my head to cry into my pillow.

Thank god I had a day off a few days later. UPS just dropped off a good sized sparkly plastic type shipping bag. With the stores name and Lingerie written all over it. Lisa would have opened it, I am sure to see what was in it. I take it to my bedroom to open it up.

Oh my god. There are 10 sets of lace bras and matching panties. Some are pretty, some are sexy, and two are just obscene. They are absolutely see through and so flimsy you might as well be naked. Then there are the nighties. All of them are see through lace. All of them are extremely revealing. Extreme cleavage, or barely enough material to actually cover your breast, none of them are longer than an inch or two below my bum, and again all of them come with 100% see through panties.

How am I going to wear these? I am staring at the bed and just imagining myself in these nighties when I hear someone come home from school. I scoop them all up and toss the bag on the floor of my closet. I walk out to see who is home.

I get up the next day, pick up the house, and take a shower to get ready for work. I put on a liberal coating of aloe on my bum. I think today might be the last day I need it. The worst of it has healed as I inspect my bum in the bathroom mirror. The kids aren't home so I walk out of the bathroom naked to let the lotion settle into my skin, and head to my room. I open my closet to get my work clothes when I see the package on the floor of the closet.

He ordered it. I am sure he tracked it. Would he come to the store to check up on me? Oh god. I reach into the package and pull out a light blue bra. It's as good as any. I find the matching panties and I get dressed.

It's early afternoon. It's a quiet time so I am upstairs in the management offices doing paperwork. I am being paged over the loudspeaker. I pick up the phone line in question.

"Hello this is Jen."

"Good afternoon Jen this is Carl in corporate. How is the day going?"

I think my heart stops beating. "Fine."

"You are on candid camera. Waive hello."


"I am looking at the security server, and watching you on camera. Waive hello to me."

I am frazzled. The minute I heard his voice on the phone my mind froze. I was told to waive. I look up at the camera and waive.

"Listen Carl about the other night. I am sorry. I brought Lisa up while I was in a very umm provocative pose. I guess it's only natural for a guy to think like you did. I am sorry if I overreacted."

"That's very nice of you to say. Is that your way of saying you would like a second chance?" Carl asks.

"Yes please sir I would."

"Well let's see how good you are at following directions. I know you got a package yesterday. Turn and face the camera. Drop your pants and pull up your shirt. I want to see what you have on for underwear."

"Here? Now?"

"You know what Jen, never mind. You aren't corporate material, you have a good day." He says so casually.

I start begging into the phone. I drop my pants and I am trying to pull off my top while holding the phone.

"NO NO I am so sorry Sir Look. Look. Please look."

I hear nothing. Did he hang up? Am I standing here in my underwear waiting for another manager to walk into the office. Oh god what am I doing.

"Hello. Carl, are you there?" I can feel the tears coming. After all that the other night I blew it because I didn't want to show him my underwear?

Then I heard his voice. "Why do you constantly question what I tell you to do?"

Now I am crying. "I don't know."

"So you are willing to submit to me unconditionally? You will do what I tell you, when I tell you? No more questions? There will be no more do overs. Refuse or question me one more time and our deal is off. I don't care if it takes me months to build a case of incompetence you will be fired. Play nice and you will make more money and your kids can go to college. Decide now."

I don't hesitate. "Yes sir. Thank you."

I don't know if he hung up or we lost the connection. I think he hung up. I look up at the camera and put my hands together and say "Thank you." I get dressed and look at the camera again. "Thank you."

A few hours later Carl texts me.

Carl - Don't make any plans for next Friday night. You are meeting me at the hotel and you better be prepared to impress me

ME - Yes sir

Carl - you will be having a threesome with me and another woman. Be prepared to do Anything and Everything you can think of with a man or a woman. If you hesitate for one second I will throw you out of the room, you will be unemployed and I will fuck her senseless all night. Any questions?

Jen - No sir

Oh my god. This keeps getting more unreal. A threesome! With a woman? He wants to watch me have lesbian sex with a woman. These thoughts keep me distracted most of the day. I can't concentrate on anything.

I am in bed that night, and my head is swimming. I start thinking about having sex with a woman. Can I really do this? When I realize I am excited. My nipples are hard and I am wet. What is wrong with me? I am contemplating another night with Carl and now a woman too and I am excited?

I have to calm down. I will never get to sleep. Oh god what is he doing to me. I reach down and start rubbing myself. I get my fingers wet and I push 1 in my vagina. The minute it slides in the thought enters my mind of a woman kissing me while she is fingering me. I can't help but go with it and before I know it, I have a nice orgasm. I roll over and drift off to sleep.

I get to the bar a little early. I need a drink to help calm my nerves. I am sitting there thinking of the night to come, and I am spun in my seat and a man is kissing me, shoving his tongue in my mouth. I go stiff and my eyes pop wide open. It's Carl, he pulls away and waves to the bartender for a drink. Once he has his drink he grabs my arm and leads me to a table.

He leans into the table after we are seated. "So did you like the taste of another woman's pussy?"

My hand goes to my mouth in shock.

"Oh you want another taste. Ok!" He gets up and grabs me by the arm again. Oh no. No! He is dragging me to the restrooms. Thank god the men's room is empty. He walks us into the handicap stall, turns to me, and pushes me to my knees. I am sure my feet are sticking out under the door.

He pulls his dick out of his pants. "Lick her juices off me. Suck me clean."

I hesitate for a half a second. I can't take another spanking like last time. I lean forward and take him in my mouth. I try my best to suck and lick every square inch of him. I don't want him to get angry again. Once I think I have him licked clean i suck him back in and start blowing him. He pushes me away.

"You don't get to make me cum in the men's room." He zips up, and pulls me to my feet. Just as we make it to the door 2 guys are walking in.He pulls me close. "So sorry guys you were just a few minutes too late for a hell of a show." We walk back to the table.

We are finishing our drinks and he looks at me. "So you never answered me. Did you like the taste of another woman's pussy on my lips and cock?"

I can feel myself blush. God this is embarrassing. "Yes I did. It kind of tastes like me."

"She is upstairs naked on the bed waiting for you. She is a lesbian virgin too."

I just stare at him. I am at a loss for words. "I am going to take you upstairs. Once inside the door I am stripping you naked and I am going to blindfold you. You will both be blindfolded and neither of you will say a word. I am going to sit back and enjoy the show. You will both put on a Full Lesbian Show for me. Kissing, licking, sucking and fingering each other until I say otherwise."

I can't believe this is happening. I have to admit I am nervous and excited. All I can say is. "Ok."

He makes a call. "We are coming up, get ready. Remember if either of you say a word or try to remove the blindfold without permission. I will spank your asses so hard you won't want to sit for a week." He hangs up and stands taking me by the hand and leads me to the elevator. We are alone in the elevator, and he pins me against the wall and starts nuzzling my neck.

"It is going to be So Hot watching you two." He whispers in my ear.

"Oh god. I can't believe I am about to have sex with a woman." I moan.

I can feel the car coming to a stop and he stands up. The doors open and we walk out. We get to the room and he walks in. He turns and stops me just inside the door. He reaches behind me and unzips my dress and pulls it off my shoulders. It drops to the floor. I am left in a see through off white bra and panties set he bought. He pushes me against the door, and resumes nuzzling my neck. He reaches inside my panties and rubs my pussy.

"Why is you pussy damp?" He asks as he rubs me harder for emphasis. I can't help but moan. He pinches my clit and I gasp. "Answer me why was your pussy wet walking in the door?"

"I am excited."

"Excited to have sex with a woman?" He pushes a finger into my pussy.


He stands up and pulls away. "Strip and hang up your dress on the coat rack."

He walks into the room and comes back holding out a blindfold. "Once you are done put this on and don't move." He walks back to the room.

I am standing there blindfolded and naked. My mind is reeling. Too many thoughts at once when my hand is grabbed, and I am being pulled into the room. "So you both know who is who. For tonight the woman on the bed is Slut, and the woman that just walked in the door is Whore."

Yup now I am a Whore. A man I barely know is telling me to do things sexually and I am agreeing and liking it. I am a Whore, but I am a Whore to give my children a better life. I am pushed onto the bed on my knees.

"Both of you reach out and take each other's hands and then crawl forward to each other until you are nipple to nipple. Then reach out and feel each other's face."

I reach out and start feeling for the other woman. I feel a hand in mine. Nice smooth soft skin. No not a woman. A young lady. Someone my age wouldn't have skin this soft.

"Now start slow with gentle kisses and work up deep passionate kisses like love starved teenagers in the back seat of a car."

The woman reaches forward and starts feeling my boobs. She finds the nipple and starts pinching and pulling on it. I hesitate and I reach out to the other woman's breast. At first I just rub my palm over her nipple. She puts her hand on my hand moving it so my fingers are on her nipple, and then she pinches her own nipple with my fingers and moans while we kiss. She releases my hand and reaches up to run her fingers through my hair with one hand while twisting my nipples with the other.

She pulls back from the kiss and leans down and sucks my nipple into her mouth. She is sucking hard, biting it and licking it. She is lavishing all sorts of attention on both of my nipples.

I am cradling her head to my chest, moaning and gasping as she goes to town on my nipples.

"Whore it looks like you Really like what Slut is doing to you. If you do, give her a gentle kiss on the top of her head." Says Carl.

I don't even think. I bend over and gently kiss the top of her head.

"Slut it looks like you are really enjoying this too. If you are, reach up and caress Whore's cheek."

I feel a soft hand giving my cheek a soft caress.

"Whore I think you want more don't you? If you do kiss Sluts head again."

Again I don't think I just bend down and kiss her head.

"Whore I will give you the choice. If you want to go down on Slut and make her cum with your fingers and mouth gently push her back onto the bed. If you want her to go down on you all you have to do is lay back and Slut will go down on you until you cum."

I reach out and softly push her back onto the bed. As she lays back she must have spread her legs. I feel one of them hit me. She starts to say something and I hear her hand slap on her mouth I am guessing.

"Slut I heard you say something." There is a pause. "You did and you will be punished for it. You two just can't learn. I am going to have to up the punishment now. If either one of you two utter one syllable I will spank the other one Raw, throw you out of the room naked and our deal is off. If you both understand, twist your own nipples now."