Owned By My Father


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"What if that happened?" Suzi asked. "What if I find someone else and stop fucking you?"

"Well, I'd miss it," I replied, "but I'd be more concerned that you were happy. If that would be what it takes, I'll survive. It wouldn't mean we'd have to stop being friends, would it?"

"Oh, you are so lucky that you're so cute," Suzi said with exasperation, flinging herself into my lap and wrapping her arms around my neck. "It makes the fact that you're so sweet tolerable," she said, then kissed me fiercely.

"Come in," I said, hearing the tentative knock on the office door.

"I've got those papers that you asked for," Mr. Willington said as he entered, smiling as Suzi jumped up out of my lap and smoothed down her miniskirt while he handed me the papers and a small box.

"We made a mistake on your contract paperwork," I explained, "and your business cards, so we had them re-done. You'll need to sign the contract," I said, handing her the box of business cards.

"Suzy Chen, COO - BrAx LLC, suzi.chen@BrAxLLC.com," she read, struggling to keep her voice from wavering.

"You do all the work," I explained, "I just sign the paychecks. Now sign your contract as COO. Being anyone's assistant anything is beneath you."

"I think that she liked that," Mr. Willington said with a smile after Suzi signed the contract, not saying a word, then left the room, going across the hall to her own office and shutting the door behind her.

I waited a couple of minutes, then got to my feet and crossed the hall with a long, narrow wrapped package and Suzi's copy of her contract, lightly knocking on her door.

"Come in," she said and I entered to find her sitting behind her desk, her new business card in her hand.

"You forgot your copy of the contract," I said, placing it on the desk. "And this is a gift to congratulate you on becoming the single-most powerful woman COO in the world in terms of the value of managed assets," I said, placing the wrapped package on her desk.

"I'm still going to fuck him, you know," she said, ripping off the wrapping paper and opening the long thin box and smiling as she extracted a brass door plaque with Suzy Chen, COO engraved onto it.

"Will I get to watch?" I asked.

"Am I really the boss, other than signing checks?" she asked, looking at me slyly.

"Yes," I replied.

"Even over you?" she asked.

"I'll say yes until I think I need to say no," I replied, smiling.

"Then my first order as COO of BrAx LLC is to tell you to close that door," Suzi said with a grin, hopping up on her desk and leaning back on her elbows, bringing her feet up onto the edge of the desk and spreading her legs apart to display her glistening pussy, her long inner lips unfurled beneath her fat clit. "Now fuck me," she said. "Ah, ah, ah," she said when I started to kneel down to first eat her. "I said fuck me."

I extracted my cock from my pants and slowly slid it into her hot wet pussy, sighing with her when I felt her pussy grab me like a wet velvet glove and squeeze as I began to fuck her. I used a thumb on her big fat clit, laughing as she writhed on her desk as her body was wracked by orgasm after orgasm as I pounded her pussy. Sooner than I would have liked -- it was my first time fucking her on her desk -- I felt myself getting to the point of no return and warned her.

"Just keep fucking," she gasped, really squeezing my cock with her pussy as I furiously pounded her, finally groaning as I exploded deep inside of her, my balls painfully pumping cum into her as her pussy milked my cock. "Now you can eat my pussy," she said when I finally finished cumming, collapsed against her, my cock still buried in her pussy.

Craning my eyes upward as I knelt down, I could see her open-mouthed delight and shock when I dragged my tongue up through her cum-filled pussy, then sank it into her, feasting on the cum-cocktail that we had created, not stopping until she finally pushed my face away from her pussy, her whole body trembling as she continued to cum.

"That's one for the history books," she gasped as I stood up and bent over to kiss her long and deep. "My first orders after becoming the most powerful executive in the world."

"And my first request of my COO is to please make sure the computer room is furnished with a desk, chairs, and some filing cabinets by tomorrow morning," I said as I put my cock away. "I've hired someone to oversee a special project and she'll be starting tomorrow."

"I didn't know anything about that," Suzi said.

"I've deliberately kept you out of the loop," I replied. "I wanted to get everything set up and running before I told you."

"Why?" Suzi asked. "That's what I'm here for."

"So that you wouldn't keep thinking that I'm incapable of doing anything," I replied, flushing.

"Well, you do eat pussy and fuck really well," Suzi said with a laugh. "And you are really cute. I'd be happy to give you a reference. So, what is this project?"

"You'll find out in the morning," I replied. "But there is one thing."

"What's that?" Suzi asked.

"As the COO, you now have an incumbent responsibility to represent the company in a manner befitting what the company represents and your position in it," I replied. "That means you have to start dressing like the COO when you're in the office."

"Then I quit!" Suzi said, staring at me defiantly.

I didn't say a thing, just stood there looking at her with what I hoped passed as a benign look on my face.

"Really?" she asked, her face imploring. "What about my hair?" she asked.

"I'd fire you if you changed it," I replied, laughing when she threw herself at me, hugging me fiercely.

"I'll go shopping tomorrow and charge my new wardrobe to the company," she said.

"I'd expect nothing less," I agreed with a smile. "Take Penny, Erin, and Juanita with you. Make sure that they all have appropriate outfits for any occasion. We'll celebrate tonight at Waku Ghin. I'll call Mr. Liang and get us a table."

I had gotten an idea while talking with Suzi, so I went to see Mr. Willington about it, asking him to arrange a corporate credit card for Colonel Sweet. At Mr. Willington's suggestion, I agreed to let him set up an alert protocol with the bank so that he would be notified any time the card was used for a purchase in excess of $10,000. I didn't personally have any doubts about being able to trust Colonel Sweet, but Mr. Willington insisted that I had to have certain common-sense business protocols that applied to everyone, regardless of personal relationships. I reluctantly agreed to let him apply the alert to all of the corporate credit cards, including my own. That assuaged the feeling of guilt somewhat that I had about spying on everyone.

I found Colonel Sweet supervising the installation of a video monitor system in the elevator when I got home with monitors by the elevator door on each floor. When he told me that he had only a sports coat for dressing up, I had him go down to Mohan's and order two suits and a tuxedo made up.

"Don't be absurd," Penny said when Colonel Sweet said that he'd remain by the car while we went into Waku Ghin for dinner, taking his arm. "Alex welcomed you to the family. That means something to us, quite a bit, actually. This family eats together. Besides, how can you protect us if you can't see us?"

"I'd be careful about crossing her, Colonel," I said. "It could only end tragically for you. But I happen to agree with her," Erin, Juanita, and Suzi chiming in their agreement.

We were having coffee -- Mr. Willington, tea -- the next morning at the conference table while the new door lock and video surveillance systems were installed when Betty Wang arrived.

"Auntie Wang!" Suzi cried out, jumping to her feet.

"Well, if it isn't Suzi Chen," Mrs. Wang said, a big smile creasing her face as she opened her arms and enveloped her in a big hug. "I taught Suzi for only one year, and her parents before that," she said by way of explanation. "I always thought that Suzi was one of Singapore's hidden gems and that she would accomplish much."

"I couldn't agree more," I said. "Suzi is my COO."

"Oh, my child!" Mrs. Wang said, almost breaking down. "Your parents and grandfather must be so proud."

"They don't even know," Suzi said. "We don't really talk or have much to do with each other anymore."

"I saw you win the championship last year," Mrs. Wang said, Suzi's mouth dropping open in shock. "After all of the hubbub when you won it the first time the year before that, I just had to go see one of my girls. You were just sensational and I was very proud of you."

"Let me get you some tea, Auntie Wang," Suzi said, pulling out a chair for her at the conference table.

"I'd much rather see my office and get right to work," Mrs. Wang said, "though I'd love the tea. I'm so excited to get started on this."

"I'll leave the two of you to talk," I said. "I'm afraid that you'll have to fill Suzi in on what you're going to be doing. I've not said a word about it to her and she's just dying of curiosity."

"We're going shopping right after lunch," Suzi said. "I've got an appointment with Mrs. Wu for 1:00."

"Mrs. Wu?" I asked.

"She's the best dressmaker in Singapore that nobody's ever heard of," Suzi replied.

"I have one of her cheongsams," Mrs. Wang said, smiling. "I've never worn anything quite as comfortable."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Our new dresses were delivered yesterday," Penny said at breakfast almost a week later after Suzi, Colonel Sweet, and I returned from our morning run and swim. "I'd like to have a formal dinner tonight so that we can model them for you, get your opinions. I've told Chef André to contact the concierge service for any help that he might want so that Juanita can join us without having to constantly run back and forth to the kitchen. You two should wear tuxedos."

"This sounds like it's going to be fun," I said, grinning at the look on Colonel Sweet's face.

It had been the calmest week yet since Bruce's death. Mrs. Wang had taken the bull by the horns and was talking up a storm on the phone each day trying to get Our Future started. Colonel Sweet had overseen the elevator scanner installation, along with a master kill switch by the elevator door on each floor in the condo, giving us the ability to cut power to the elevator without losing the video feed. In general, the girls stopped their blatant attempts to tempt Colonel Sweet when he easily and casually rebuffed them. I don't know how he did it, quite frankly. I know that I couldn't resist any of them and didn't waste any energy trying. It was so much easier to just give them what they wanted and a lot more fun, too.

Suzi had started dressing at work like a fashionable young businesswoman with skirts that came down to just above her knees and blouses, though she drew the line at underwear, which meant that her hard dark nipples were always pressing out against her blouse very obviously. I loved it when she'd invariably come into my office at least once a day, making sure to close the door before she hopped up on my desk in front of me, leaning back on her elbows and bringing her feet up onto the edge of the desk and saying: As COO, I order you to eat my pussy! She'd call me to her office when she wanted to fuck, not wanting Mrs. Wang right next door to me to hear.

"Colonel, you look impressive as hell," I said when I met him in the living room just before 7:00, both of us in tuxedos.

"You clean up pretty good yourself," he replied, cracking a quick smile.

"Champagne, gentlemen?" the rent-a-server asked when he approached pushing a trolley with a bottle of Krug Clos d'Ambonnay Blanc de Noirs Brut in a wine bucket and six champagne flutes upside down in crushed ice in an adjacent bowl of crushed ice.

"Definitely," I said, accepting a glass.

"No, thank you," Colonel Sweet said.

"Colonel, do you not drink out of conviction or duty?" I asked.

"Duty," he replied.

"Well, tonight you're off duty," I said. "The elevator has been turned off, so nobody is coming up, and I'm willing to take my chances that there won't be an attack by helicopter. So please, tonight, just be family, okay?"

"Thank you," he said after a long pause. "Champagne sounds nice."

"Oh, wow!" I gasped when Penny, Erin, Juanita, and Suzi entered the living room, all of them wearing the exact same bright-red silk cheongsam, the material sheer, yet opaque, embossed with lotus flowers, clinging to each of them like a second skin. Unlike a normal cheongsam that would be slit up the right side to mid-thigh, these were all slit up the right side to just above their hip bone, leaving their entire flank bare, yet when they moved, that was all that was seen, so perfectly were they made, though Suzi's dark hard nipples were clearly discernable, as were Juanita's large dark nipples. Penny's pale nipples were less obvious and Erin's ruby nipples couldn't be seen, per se, though their shape was unmistakable as they pressed out against the silk of the cheongsam.

"I'm stunned," Colonel Sweet said as Penny took one arm, Juanita the other, while Suzi and Erin joined me. "I can honestly say that I have never been in the company of so much extraordinary beauty."

"Wow, if that's how you're going to talk, I'll dress like this every day," Suzi quipped, everyone laughing as the server handed out glasses of champagne.

"You look fantastic," I said, "though that's a poor word. I just don't know the right one. Just wow!"

"We have these in emerald green, gold, sky blue, yellow, fuscia, and black," Penny said.

"I thought that when we go out, we should all always wear the same cheongsam," Suzi said. "If nothing else, it will turn heads and I don't mind being admired and lusted over."

Colonel Sweet shocked all of us when he burst out laughing when he heard that.

"I have never met a young woman with such a spirit," he said, still chuckling.

Chef André created a magical meal for us, four simple yet elegant courses that were each mind-blowingly delicious, one leading to the next, building the epicurean experience to the dénouement of dessert, freshly made mango sorbet. The table was cleared and the coffee served, Kona coffee made in the La Pavoni Bar T2 espresso machine that I had had ordered for the condo, the one in the office being superb.

"Interesting choice," I said when snifters of Louis XIII were served following the coffee.

"I thought that it was apropos," Penny said, smiling tightly. "Such a wonderful dinner, such nice company. I think that I'd like to see the stars. Will you join me, Colonel?"

"It would be my pleasure," Colonel Sweet said, getting to his feet.

"You go ahead," I said. "We'll be along in a minute."

Erin and Juanita exchanged knowing glances as Penny took Colonel Sweet's arm and ascended the stairs towards the roof terrace.

"Juanita, tell Chef that any remaining clean-up can wait until morning," I said. "Let him and the servers go, then shut off the elevator."

"I guess it makes sense," Suzi said with a sigh. "I mean, they are pretty much the same age."

"I'm sure that there will be plenty left for you," I said, Erin laughing at the frustrated look on Suzi's face.

"Mmm, that water looks so inviting," Penny sighed when they got to the roof terrace and she saw the infinity swimming pool shimmering in the moonlight, setting her snifter down. "Would you mind?" she asked, pulling her hair up from her neck and presenting her back to him and the zipper to her cheongsam. "Oh, that's much better," she said when, after an initial hesitation, he had pulled the zipper down, her dress shimmering to the ground at her feet leaving her naked.

"You certainly can't join me like this," she said when she turned around to face him, her large pale nipples rock-hard and sticking out as she reached up and eased his tuxedo off, then pulled on his tie and released it before starting on the buttons of his shirt. "So many scars," she said softly, the whiteness of her skin contrasting with the mahogany of his as she traced a dozen different scars with the tip of a finger before reaching for his trousers, letting them slide to the ground as she hooked her fingers in the waistband of his boxers and started to ease them down, sinking to her knees as she did so.

"I dislike underwear," she said, wrapping one hand around the thick mahogany shaft of his cock, the other reaching between his legs to cup his balls. "What a beautiful cock," she said, probing the slit with the tip of her tongue before letting her lips flow over the head as she leaned forward, taking him into her mouth, not stopping until her nose was pressed up against his stomach and all eight thick inches of his cock was buried in her mouth and throat.

"But I'm being selfish," Penny gasped after several minutes of sucking his cock, getting to her feet, both hands wrapped around the shaft of his cock, jacking him as she stepped back, drawing him with her until she felt the chaise lounge against her legs and sat down, releasing his cock as she lay back, drawing her knees to her chest and exposing herself to him. "Yes, oh, yes," she sighed when he dropped to his knees and dragged his tongue up through her sopping pussy before sinking it into her and slurping on her juicy quim.

Suzi, Erin, Juanita and I arrived just as the mahogany head of Colonel Sweet's thick cock was disappearing into the pinkness of Penny's pussy, followed by the rest of it. We watched from behind as he began to fuck her, hearing her sighs and grunts each time he'd fill her pussy with his cock. Erin was unzipping Juanita's dress and Suzy turned her back to me so that I could unzip hers.

I would have given anything to have seen Colonel Sweet's face when a naked Suzi suddenly appeared and squatted down over Penny's face, but I was too absorbed watching his cock as it plunged in and out of her pussy. Then Juanita and Erin were pulling my clothes off of me and dragging me over to the chaise lounge next to where Penny was, Juanita wasting no time in mounting me, my cock disappearing into the hot steaming cauldron of her pussy while Erin sat on my face.

"I'm going to cum," I heard Colonel Sweet say at some point and Erin dismounted my face. Looking over, I saw Penny struggle to sit up, then open her mouth to receive Colonel Sweet's glistening, gooey mahogany cock, a rope of thick cum shooting from it onto her tongue and into her mouth before she could wrap her lips around him.

I was surprised to hear Penny choking and gagging as she struggled to gulp down all of the cum that Colonel Sweet was pumping into her mouth, but it seemed to go on forever. I could see cum streaming from the corners of her mouth to run down her chin and drip onto her breasts. By the time she finally succeeded in sucking him dry, Erin had mounted my cock and Juanita's pussy was plastered to my mouth.

"Now it's my turn," I heard Suzi say, managing to get Juanita to lift her pussy from my mouth so that I could look over and see Suzi lowering herself onto Colonel Sweet's big mahogany cock while Penny sat on his face.

For the first time that night, Colonel Sweet did not go to his condo, instead joining Penny in her bed. The girls seemed to cycle from bed to bed, each of them taking a turn to join Penny and Colonel Sweet. At one point Erin was riding my cock when Suzi appeared, climbing up onto the bed and settling her pussy onto my mouth, obviously fresh from fucking Colonel Sweet. I had never eaten a pussy that had so much cum in it. I'd have to cum three or four times to fill her like that, I realized as I feasted on her.

While Suzi and Erin indulged in a 69 after I had cum in Erin's pussy, I got out of bed and went next door to see what was happening, entering Penny's room to find her on her knees, her ass up in the air with Colonel Sweet's big mahogany cock pumping in and out of it as she had her face buried in Juanita's pussy.
