Peace of Mind


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There was even a water dish for Scout.

Landon found himself liking Middletown even more than he had. There was a spirit here that his hometown had lost.

He had talked on the phone with Grace every day, but she had such a tight schedule with her job and the play committees that meeting was barely possible. Derek had become his full time driver.

His phone rang as soon as he left the community center.

"Hi, Grace," he greeted her.

"Hi, Landon," her voice sounded sweet but tired. "I'm sorry we were not able to meet lately. Trust me, it's not because I don't want to. My days had been saturated with 'the event,' which everyone is calling it now. I'm being flooded with volunteers. I'm impressed by how eager everyone is to do almost anything. I'm steering them to the different groups according to their talents. However, no matter how busy I am, not a moment goes by when I don't think of you."

"Don't worry. I understand. I have faith in you, Grace," he said. "If anyone can pull this off it's you."

"Aww, you're sweet, Landon. Your words mean everything to me," she said, her heart-melting. "Look, I just finished a meeting and I have some free time before the next meeting. Can I come to your cabin? I know it's a last moment thing, but I really want to see you."

"Of course, I want to see you too. I'll cook something for dinner."

He still ached inside whenever he thought of the kiss they had shared.


Landon opened the cabin front door and Grace stepped inside with two grocery bags in her arms. A dog followed her inside.

"Hi, Landon," she greeted him kissing his cheek. "Meet Peaches, my new dog. A farmer friend of mine gifted her to me."

Scout's tail wagged frantically when he saw Peaches, but he looked more suspiciously at Grace's companion. He approached Peaches, who trembled at first, but she then let Scout sniff her, and they sat down together when he decided the new member of the pack was on the approved list.

Landon leaned down and gently rubbed Grace's dog's ears. Peaches' tail wagged.

"You're a friend now," Grace said approvingly. "I knew our dogs would get along."

"How is everything going?

"It's a beautiful chaos. My job is to keep track of the different groups. They pretty much run themselves."

"Everything gets around in Middletown, doesn't it?"

Grace nodded. "It bothers the hell out of me sometimes, but I also know that they'll have my back if I need it."

Grace smiled at Landon.

"Every place I go, I hear your name. People can't believe you talked Marcus into cooperating with this project."

"It didn't take much convincing Marcus, to be honest. I think he was just waiting for an opportunity to reconnect with people," he interrupted her.

"But no one else recognized it."

Landon had no reply.

"Your script got lots of praises too."

"I borrowed a lot from the journals. It wasn't hard to write the scenes."

"How's the history project going?"

"It's going well. I've already finished a timeline and have the first chapters ready. Diana offered to do the proofreading and editing job. She is driving me crazy with her questions and her nit-picking, but she gets the job done."

"She is truly impressed with your writing."

Landon looked up at Grace. His eyes regarded her with so much tenderness her heart melted. For his part, Landon thought how safe he felt with her! Not physical safety, he could take care of himself that way, but he knew to the depth of his soul that she would understand and protect who he was inside. In this short time, he sensed she knew him better than anyone ever had.

What they had was the real thing.

"It's too soon to know that", the devil inside him whispered, but more powerful feelings were ruling him now.

When they were together, he was the man he had been before Afghanistan. Without him realizing it, Grace had guided him out of the darkness that had enveloped him, and into the sunshine.

"Thank you," he blurted out.

"For what?"

"For helping me in ways you probably will never know," he said.

The corner of her mouth turned up in a smile. "I'm not sure that's true, but you're welcome."

Landon just looked at Grace. He touched her cheek, ran his fingers over the soft angles of her face, touched the eyebrows that framed her eyes, and then moved down to her lips, merely touching them.

How could it become so familiar so quickly?

Grace tiptoed and kissed him lightly. "I've taken a fierce fancy to you."

"Now, that sounds like something one of the characters in the play might say," he said, trying to lighten the tension.

Her arms slipped around him, and her fingers moved to the back of his neck. She stood on tiptoe and lifted her head so she could touch his lips with hers.

He kissed her again, long and tenderly, so tenderly Grace thought she couldn't bear it.

Then Landon backed away. "I want you more than I've ever wanted anyone," he said slowly. "But I didn't... I... didn't expect... Dammit!" He took a deep breath trying to calm down his nerves. "I don't know how this happened, but I think I fell in love. It scared the hell out of me. It still does," he confessed.

Landon looked down at his hands. They were shaking.

Her arms went around his neck and tightened around his shoulders. Their bodies pressed together and she felt the restrained passion in his.

She wanted him. She needed him. She knew he wanted the same.

Grace kissed Landon again, almost reverently this time. His lips were smooth and strong and yet so very gentle. But then the gentleness turned into a need that met her own. It made her shiver from head to toes.

She broke off the kiss. "Are you sure about this, Landon?"

"Yes," he said simply, and she knew he meant it. "I have protection."

"That's good to know," she replied with a grin. It felt right. Very right.

Without any additional words, he led her into the bedroom, leaving Scout outside as he closed the door. Landon slowly undressed her, and then he slipped his shirt over his head. Her hands ran up and down his chest and lingered at the scars kissing each one of them.

Then, they were on bed. He kissed every inch of her body, so slowly, so tenderly she thought her heart would explode.

"You're so beautiful," he said in a husky whisper, kissing her soaked pussy lips. "I want to be inside you."

"Oh, yes," she said, amazed at her answer and even more amazed that it was true.

He gave her that slow smile that always warmed her, then his hands caressed her body. Slow and seductive. He kissed her again, touching her lips with feather-like gentleness. His fingers cradled her breasts and moved downward, and she felt a warmth so sensual, so exquisite she could barely keep from crying out. He worked more magic as his hands moved down and touched the most intimate part of her body. The warm puddling inside turned into rivers of fire.

He entered her slowly, tentatively, and she moved shamelessly against him as she savored the feel of her body against his taut, hard one. He moved sensuously, slowly, like a dance building the climax, each movement deepening the craving that was growing inside. Heat flooded through her as his rhythm increased and he probed deeper and deeper until she thought he could go no farther, then bursts of pleasure rolled from her deepest core.

He collapsed on her and turned so they were side by side as echoes of sensations still rippled through her.

Guilt struck Landon like a rushing, swollen river.

Grace's arms tightened around him, and he realized she knew exactly what he was feeling.

Landon leaned his head against her heart. "I..."

"I know," she said softly.

She felt tears in his eyes. They were trickling down his face.

"I haven't cried in a long time," he said almost apologizing.

"Are they good tears or sad ones?"

"Good, I think." Then in a stronger voice. "I know."

"Then, cry, my love," she whispered with a voice so tender it prompted more tears. She stroked his face while the tears came faster.

Grace just held him against her chest. She realized they were unlocking the grief and guilt bottled up inside him.

He held on to Grace until his tears dried. All the time, she ran her fingers through his hair.

Grace looked down at him, concern in his eyes. "I don't want you to regret anything."

Landon shook his head.

"No regrets?"

"No," he said in a hoarse voice, and was startled that it was true.

Lying there, wrapped tightly in Grace's arms, Landon started to feel whole again. He would always have images of his teammates, of that day in Afghanistan darting in and out of his head. But now maybe he knew he could live with it. Live. Not just exist.


Landon and Grace lay side by side surrounded by the afterglow of their lovemaking. They talked of little things, the music they liked, the books they had read, and the dreams they had.

"You think anyone..." Landon couldn't finish the sentence.

"I wouldn't lay odds against it," she said. "They'll pretend they don't."

Through the open window, they could see the moon. It was almost full and the sky was filled with stars above the mountain peaks. Landon took a deep breath. The air was so clean, so fresh. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes with just the pure pleasure of it.

"I understand why Marcus wants to keep Middletown the way it is. If it were possible, I would, as well. But if a town stays still, it dies. My town did."

Grace nodded and didn't push him to say more.

"All that's left are people like my mother, who was born there and nearly everyone she loves is buried there. But unlike Middletown, it has no chance of reviving. The mines ruined the beauty of the mountains. It won't come back."

"I'm sorry."

"Me too. Not for my sake. But for the people trapped there."

"Have you thought about staying here?

Landon took his time to answer. "The whole point of coming here was to get my act together. Thanks to all of you, I'm beginning to realize there is life after Afghanistan, but this is a bubble right now. Once my work here is done, I'll go home to see my family. I won't stay in Wyoming, though. There's nothing there for me."

"I don't get it. Are you staying or not?"

He let out a frustrated sigh. "I don't know. Wish I could, but once I finish writing Middletown history I'll be jobless. There are not many jobs around here, and I need one."

"Are you going to go back to the army?" Grace asked biting her lower lip.

Landon shook his head. "I'm doing better with the meds and my therapy sessions, but I'm not well enough to return. I never will. I could easily relapse and go back to alcohol to numb myself or worse. Doctors at the Center say they are willing to sign the forms and help me get an honorable discharge. I need to collect and submit a variety of records and documents, and then apply for it."


The next weeks passed in a blur. Landon didn't have time to think about that evening with Grace, nor had they more than a few brief moments together.

Grace missed dinner at Landon's cabin four times in a row because she was working late with the different committees. It started a pattern that continued.

Landon threw himself into his writing job and spent time at the museum classifying items to avoid missing Grace.

The script was still being written and rewritten. Landon being the main writer. He knew the story better than anyone except for Marcus. The first half was completed but no one could quite agree on dramatic elements in the second. At Landon's request, Marcus selected more entries from later journals.

Publicity for the play had already started. The date was set on the next Saturday after Founder's Day to draw a larger crowd and perhaps entice out-of-town people to come.

Requests for reservations had come in from people in outlying areas who'd heard about the screenplay being based on the legendary Fergus Carter's journals.

The Middletown Gazette offered to print the programs.

One evening, Landon decided to stop by Grace's office to check on her.

She was wearing jeans and a brown shirt with the sleeves rolled up. Her hair was disheveled.

"I came to check you haven't forgotten me," Landon said with a smile.

"What put such a ridiculous thought into your head?" Grace stood up on tiptoes and kissed him. "You live in my thoughts and in my heart."

When he looked closer, he saw the lines in her face, particularly around her eyes. There was worry in them. He knew how much the upcoming weekend meant to her and everyone in town. They had bet a lot on it, pouring even more money into production and promotion.

"I would much rather be with you than stay up checking on everything until I fell asleep."

"Scout and I came to persuade you and Peaches to take a little break and have dinner with us."

"Peaches is staying with my brother and his wife till I'm done with the darn play, but I'll be delighted to join you."

Once at the cabin, when they finished having dinner, Landon sat down on the sofa, and pulled Grace down next to him. He put both arms around her and sighed a long sigh. "You don't know how much I've wanted to be like this with you," he said softly.

For a moment, Grace just closed her eyes and savored the comfort of his arms. All the tension of the past weeks faded away. She felt him relaxing, as well.

"I know you're busy," Landon said, "but I had this fierce need to see you. In fact, I've had it for several days. I restrained myself as long as I could. I just gave up today."

"Good," she said as she ran her finger along the planes of his face. There was stubble there and it only added to his attraction.

"I didn't have time to shave," he said ruefully.

"I like it."

"Then, I'll let it grow."

"I feel like I'm on a runaway train," she said. "The play is good. Really good. The props and sets are amazing. They've begged a couple of covered wagons from a ranch that offers recreational wagon trail rides. They promised great publicity and huge crowds of covered wagon adventurers. One of the students' fathers is a truck driver who has trucker friends, and they're going to bring them up here."

"Something tells me this is getting out of hand," Landon said after bursting out with laughter.

Grace's arms tightened around him. "I could become addicted to that laugh."

"I think I'm addicted to you," he replied, startled by his admission. She kissed him. It wasn't a wildly passionate kiss. Instead, it was warm and tender and lingering.

"Then, it's a mutual addiction," Grace said when the kiss ended.

"Is it too early to say I'm falling in love with you?"

She looked up at him. "No. I think the same thing is happening to me."

He led her into the bedroom. She trembled at the fierceness of her need. He undressed her, and she did the same to him, reveling in the hard, muscled, scarred body. She leaned against him and he kissed her with such tenderness her world shook. They sank on the bed.

"I love you, Landon Petersen," Grace said as he took her slowly, and with such care tears came to her eyes.


Founder's Day snuck upon them like a thief. Word of the production had traveled by social media, and news releases and went to newspapers around the state. The community center was flooded with calls asking about tickets. Grace recruited three women to answer and return those calls.

The text, "From Scotland to Middletown. A Short History of Middletown and its Founder," was finished and printed just in time for Founder's Day Celebration. Marcus Carter wrote a foreword.

Landon's reason for being in Middletown was over. He had finished his job, and helped with the play script. He could function again. He had long strings of days where he felt fine. He was calmer and more adjusted.

He had started classifying the items from the museum into a database he had created. It started as a way to keep his mind busy, but now he loved it. The act of putting things in order was therapeutic.

However, Grace intruded into every thought. Landon knew Grace would be at the noon dress rehearsal and he decided to pay her a short visit.

"I love you, Landon Petersen."

He could barely wrap his mind around her words.

Landon stood back and watched the play progress. He felt it was good, but then, he was biased. A group of Native Americans were dancing on the stage. Somehow they had enticed the Quileute dancing group to appear in the marriage scene between Fergus and Aiyana.

All in all, it would be quite a spectacle if all went as planned.

Landon waved at Grace and she smiled and waved at him in return.

She walked up to him and kissed him. A long kiss in the lips.

Landon looked around, "What are people in town going to think?"

"That I am in love with the most handsome man in the world. I can't stop being happy when I think about you."

"I love you too, Grace," Landon whispered.

"By the way, we've been invited to Marcus's Mansion tonight for a festive dinner, as he put it. He invited every committee chairman and the cast."

"I'm not a chair."

"You are the chair of the chairs," she said looking at him with admiration. "If it wasn't for you nothing of this would have happened. Marcus sent your invitation along with mine. Don't ask me how, but he knows we are together. He said Scout and Peaches are welcome to assist."

"Okay then," he said.

"Everyone is talking about your book, 'From Scotland to Middletown...' I heard the first edition is already sold-out."


"Yep, really. Janice Cooper, who runs The Middletown Gazette, wants an interview with you. Don't worry, I'll go with you. I don't trust that bitch around my boyfriend."

"Boyfriend?" The word caught Landon by surprise.

"Yes, boyfriend. So you better get used to it," she gave him a quick peck. "I have to go now. We have to finish up a few final touches."

Her fingers tightened around his, then she let go his hand and left.

Landon watched Grace leave, unable to comprehend how all this had happened. His life had changed in ways he could have never have imagined when he first came to Middletown.


That evening there was a traffic jam on Main Street, probably the first in history.

The play was better than anyone had expected. There was hardly an empty chair.

Landon watched it with a big grin on his face.

Steve McAllister, Grace's brother, strummed his guitar and sang a Scottish melody, "Scottish Emigrant's Farewell"," as the opening number.

"Fareweel, fareweel my native hame,

Thy lonely glens an' heath-clad mountains,

The choir's versions of "Wagon Wheels," "The Oregon Trail," "Oh Shenandoah" and "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" brought the audience to their feet, as did Derek's wife, performance of "Amazing Grace" at the death of Fergus's brother, and the state song, "Washington, my home," at the end.

The applause was thunderous when the play ended, and even more when the cast was introduced.

Then the director called Grace to the stage. "This young woman is the heart of this event. It never would have happened without her."

Grace looked beautiful in a short blue dress. Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes sparkled.

"Thank you... Thank you. If there's ever been a community effort, this is it. I don't think there's one person in Middletown that didn't have a part in this. The whole town put it together in seven weeks."

People clapped and cheered again.

"However, the title of 'heart of the event' belongs to two people: my boyfriend, Landon Petersen, and Marcus Carter."

Landon was pushed to the stage to take a bow. A sense of pure joy and accomplishment flooded him

Marcus Carter, who had got assigned a special seat, stood up and waved from his place.
