Prudish Wife Surprises Me Ch. 03


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Anita started to demur but Jenny and the others insisted so she was left in the garden with me and the other 5 husbands. They were very good at keeping her drink topped up and Tony jokingly said something about giving her the bumps which 2 or 3 of the others then took up. Anita said that she hadn't even had the bumps at school because her birthday was always in the school holidays and Tony said that settled it she'd have to have the bumps and asked me how old she was. I laughed and told him 28, it was the type of jokey flirting that went on at dinner parties all over the country but I couldn't help but be aware that my wife was the only woman with a group of men who had had a few drinks, and that alone I found exciting. Jenny popped out to check that we were all ok and advise that dinner would be about 20 minutes and as she turned to go back inside Tony said that Anita had never had the bumps before and that we were about to remedy the situation. Jenny said something about not being sure that Anita or I would think that a good idea and I laughingly said that it was nothing to do with me as Jenny headed back indoors.

It was Keith I think who took hold of one of my wife's wrists and said come on then the bumps it is. Colin took hold of the other wrist and said OK and Anita started to twist and say for them not to be silly. Norman who was the most serious said something about not upsetting her and that my wife wasn't like Jenny or his wife Sheila who didn't mind this sort of horseplay. I think the comment must have stung Anita as she stopped twisting and said that she was too heavy for the bumps anyway and that they would drop and hurt her. Tony said that there was no way they'd drop her and that they'd all keep a tight hold and with that he knelt down and took hold of one ankle while Phil grabbed the other.

Tony and Phil literally pulled her legs out from under her and she ended up sort of sitting on the grass but tilted backwards her upper bodyweight supported by Keith and Colin's hold on her wrists. Tony and Phil were stood quite close together so her legs were parted but not fully spread-eagled and the skirt part of her dress had only slightly rucked up above her knees; however I knew that the guys on her ankles were in for an eyeful if they did 'bump' her properly and waited with excited anticipation. Norman was stood alongside me just watching proceedings.

Right 28 bumps it is said Tony so we'll change ends after each 7, Norman and James can take a turn if anyone thinks they're losing their grip. I said I would have to cope with any fall out later so wasn't getting involved, so Tony said' just you then Norman ready, steady, go' and with that they all pulled backwards and with a shriek Anita's middle shot into the air. Tony shouted' one' and as they let Anita fall the lower part of her dress rucked up around her thighs. She was laughing and breathless and I saw Tony and Phil exchange glances as Tony called 2 and she shot skywards again. This time as she descended her dress was up around her waist and the guys on her ankles had a full view of her stocking clad legs, the suspenders and the lacy black knickers. Her bare tummy above the knickers was also visible and the top of the suspender belt and as she descended the straps of the suspenders straightened lifting the knickers away from her skin slightly. There was a brief view of the sides of her bush before the dress fell back to the tops of her thighs. The guys got into a rhythm heaving my wife higher and faster into the air so that the dress was up around her waist most of the time. The 2 on her ankles had moved slightly further apart, no doubt partly for better balance but it meant that they now had a clear unfettered view up between my wife's parted thighs and the gusset of her knickers was the only part that wasn't almost completely transparent.

Norman had moved in to try and hold Anita's dress down for her but he was getting in the way and the others told him to leave it. He looked at me and I just shrugged and smiled. I had moved to stand near Tony and as Anita reached the top of her 'bump' her body was arched with her mound pushing skywards and I could clearly see the edges of her labia. I doubted whether the guys on her wrists knew just how much was on show but we had got to bump number 7 and as they lowered my wife gently to the ground Tony called all change and let go of her ankle. Anita was breathless, giggling and looking a little flushed and as the guys released their holds she closed her legs together and moved her dress back below her knees tucking it between her legs to try and hold it there. Surprisingly Norman said that he would take a turn and took the ankle relinquished by Tony who went and stood where I had been right behind the guys on her ankles. They changed places very quickly and within seconds my wife was hoist skyward again, Norman and Keith copying their predecessors and moving apart thus spreading her legs and causing her to lose any hold she might have had on her dress. Tony was now being treated to the view I had had, while Norman clearly no longer had any interest in preserving my wife's modesty and was as energetic as the others in ensuring that her dress stayed up around her waist to give those on her ankles an amazing view.

They gave her the full 28 bumps with a lot of shouting and laughter and once or twice other wives came to see what was going on but fortunately the guys had Anita's head and shoulders towards the patio door into the lounge and so they probably didn't realise exactly what was happening and just shook their heads, laughed and went back indoors. When they finished the 28th bump the guys on her wrists let go but the guys on her ankles just held onto them for a little bit longer enjoying their final view before a very dishevelled Anita kicked their hands off and smoothed her dress down. She was very flustered and hot looking and we must have all seen the damp patch which appeared and then grew in the gusset of her knickers as the bumps had continued. There was no doubt the experience had made her very wet and the other husbands had seen rather more of my wife than they had probably ever expected to see.

They had also seen another side of her, she had clearly made an effort not to be so standoffish and over the next couple of years I often watched the guys who had been involved try to make passes at her or flirt more purposely, with the exception of Norman.

Keith Tony and Phil all volunteered to help wash up at future parties at our house and I would peek into the kitchen and watch them trying to kiss and fondle her as she worked at the sink. Keith was the one who got closest to actually fucking her once when I was away on business some years later but I don't think he succeeded although I think he was able to undress her, it is a long story and I might tell it later..

Anyway everyone was in high spirits at the dinner; well certainly the guys were, we all had quite a lot to drink, even the drivers, we all seemed to in those days. When we broke up to go home all the guys held Anita close and demanded more birthday kisses and she seemed to enjoy the attention. When we got home I made it quite clear I wanted to take her to bed immediately. We didn't say anything about what had happened, I knew what to expect now, but she let me help undress her, which was unusual, and this time she let me hold her wrists to the bed as I kept my arms straight and my weight off her. Her wrists and ankles had clear red marks and hand prints where she had been held and I held her wrists in the same place and looked down the length of her body as I entered her. She still hadn't wanted any foreplay but neither she nor I needed it, she was as wet as she had been on that night when I had had sloppy seconds after Steve.

I didn't last long and I don't think she came but she was more vocal than usual, whimpering and muttering and as I thrust into her in my final strokes I told her how 'fucking marvellous' she had looked held between 5 guys with her dress around her waist, her legs spread, in flimsy panties stockings and suspenders. As I finished she said I was 'sick'. But there was no venom to it and no talking over what had happened.

The following day we were back to normal again and it was as though the 'bumps' had never happened but I checked the laundry basket and the black lacy panties she had been wearing were covered in a thick creamy crust of her juices and smelt wonderful.

Anita continued to wear very sexy outfits under her outer clothes whenever we went out and there were one or two other mild 'inadvertent' flashing moments with the other husbands. We even played strip pontoon with 3 of the other couples on a couple of occasions but the wives always chickened out before things got really interesting. What had become evident to me however was that the ingredients that brought the best out in my wife, as far as I was concerned, was for her to be the only female, for the men to take control and for her to have had a drink and thus be able to deny responsibility and/or memory.

Although I hadn't met up with Steve since our chat in the pub we did talk on the 'phone once or twice a month, usually when Anita was not around, and I told him about what had happened at the dinner party. He asked several questions about how the situation had developed and how Anita had reacted and then asked how I felt about meeting up for a more intimate chat about Anita. We picked a midweek night a couple of weeks away in September and Steve asked me to let Anita know that it would be him I was meeting up with. I confirmed I had no intention of lying to her and that I would therefore be telling her just that.

When I told Anita that I was going to meet up with Steve again for a drink she asked if there was any particular reason and I just said that there was nothing in particular but that we were still friends and just wanted to catch up.

The night duly arrived and as I changed after work Anita was giving me odd looks so I told her not to worry and that I certainly wouldn't be bringing Steve back with me. She didn't say anything to that so I pecked her on the cheek and told her not to wait up.

It was good to see Steve again at the pub and he asked me to describe again what had happened at the dinner party and also asked how I had felt about it. I assured him that I had loved seeing Anita displayed like that again and we discussed my conclusions about the situations that appeared to turn her on. He asked how I thought I would feel to see her in a similar situation with men she and I scarcely knew, particularly if there was no doubt that they would want to go much further and I truthfully answered that I found the prospect immensely exciting but didn't see how it could happen.

Now I mentioned in the second story that Steve had travelled the world in the merchant navy and he proceeded to tell me that he and the other officers on his last ship used to go for 'runs ashore' together whenever they could and had got into some very interesting situations. Apparently they all had similarly high sex drives and interests and because of their lifestyles they all had regular health checkups to make sure they stayed clean and healthy. Steve had stayed in touch with them since coming ashore, he didn't know much about the new 3rd officer who had replaced him but the others were a mixed bag. The Captain was a middle-aged Norwegian who wouldn't normally join the others on runs ashore but knew what went on, whilst the first and second officers were a Nigerian and a German who Steve said were great fun and knew how to enjoy themselves. While interesting I explained to Steve that I didn't see the relevance and he told me how much he thought they would enjoy Anita if they had a chance to seduce her and that there would certainly be no hesitation or awkwardness on their part if the opportunity presented itself, I really would get my wish of seeing her stripped and soundly and repeatedly fucked by several men, including a black guy, if I thought I could handle that.

I assured him that nothing would please me more but that there was no way we could engineer it and he said that I shouldn't be so sure. His old ship was due to unload a cargo at Tilbury in a few weeks time and was still waiting for confirmation of where it would have to go to pick up a new cargo afterwards, so after unloading it would be coming to the Medway towns for some minor engine repairs and while it waited it was already planned to have an 'open day' on board so friends and family of any UK or European based crew could come on board for a visit and a party. He asked me to confirm that if Anita and I were invited and he could get her to accept that we would come.

I readily agreed but said that it wouldn't happen, that I couldn't go back and tell her that we had been invited to a party by him and Steve explained that he didn't want me to, that he had a plan.

When we used to go out for our drinks with Steve and the others Anita had always been interested in Steve's stories of his life at sea partly because one of her closest female school friends had become a purser on a line operating to South Africa and Anita had enjoyed visits to her ship occasionally when it docked at Southampton. Steve believed that Anita genuinely had an interest in ships and shipping and said that he thought he could use this. He said that he would 'phone the house at a time he could be sure that both Anita and I would be there and that I had to ensure that I was in the toilet or otherwise indisposed so that Anita would answer, everything would then be up to him and he didn't want to explain in detail so that my reactions, if he were successful, would be genuine. The only thing he wanted me to do was to confirm, if Anita asked me, that I had turned down an invitation from him....I was intrigued and excited and didn't see what I had to lose; we agreed that Steve would 'phone that Friday evening.

On returning home Anita was still up but as soon as she saw that I was alone she said that she was going up to bed, but as she turned to go up the stairs she actually asked ' ..So, how was Steve? ', I was very surprised and said that he was fine and always asked after her; she said nothing more and went upstairs to bed.

On the Friday evening at the agreed time I headed for the toilet and was just closing the door behind me when I heard the 'phone ring. With my heart in my mouth I listened as Anita picked up the receiver. After giving our number there was a brief silence before she said that she would get me. There was then a much longer silence before I heard her say 'I don't know Steve, I'm not sure I could face it, where and when did you say? I don't know, I will talk to James.' And with that she hung up. I flushed the toilet and went downstairs to find that Anita was still stood by the 'phone with a very thoughtful look on her face.

'Did I hear the phone' I asked. She said yes and that it had been Steve. I asked if he wanted me to 'phone him back and she said no, that he had 'phoned to talk to her. I played it straight and said that I was sorry, that I knew she didn't want to talk to him and asked what he had wanted. Anita explained that he had hoped to talk to her if he could, to explain more about the party which he had invited us to and assure her that he might not even be there and really thought it was something we might both enjoy. Anita then asked me why I hadn't told her Steve had invited us to visit his old ship in a few weeks time. I was genuinely surprised and reminded her that I had promised not to make her meet Steve again, that there was no way I thought she would be interested in going to a party Steve might be at. She said that I might at least have told her about the invitation, that Steve apparently might not be attending himself and that it would be an afternoon visit with a chance to look round the ship while she was in a local port and that she had told Steve we would think about it...... I was absolutely astounded. We agreed to talk about it over the weekend.

I talked to Steve the following day while Anita was out shopping. He had apparently made no mention of anything on the 'phone other than the fact that I had turned down an invitation to attend a shipboard party at which we would be made very welcome and which he might not be attending due to work commitments. He had explained that some of the crew particularly his former officer colleagues found these open days difficult as their families didn't live close enough to attend and would be delighted to welcome us as their guests. It clearly worked, that evening Anita asked me how I felt about accepting the invitation, I assured her that the choice was totally hers and after a brief discussion it was agreed that I would 'phone Steve and tell him we would go....I could scarcely believe it and had great trouble suppressing my delight.

Steve was understandably delighted when I called with the news but didn't seem as surprised as I had been and asked me again whether I really understood what was likely to happen and if I was sure that I would be able to let events take their course. I confirmed that I loved the idea of strange men stripping and enjoying Anita whilst I watched but didn't understand how anything much could happen. He said just to wait and see. It was then confirmed that to stay in line with his story we would officially be guests of the First Officer, the Nigerian, who was known as JJ because of an unpronounceable surname, he would welcome us and look after us and Steve would turn up later not making his presence known unless he thought he would be welcome; he seemed confident that he would be.

A few days later we received an official invitation in the post from JJ for the open day. It was due to take place on a Thursday in late September, about 3 weeks away, and ran from 12.00 to 18.00. Guests could clearly come and go when they liked between those times. The ship would be docked at Gravesend which was quite close to where we were living and I agreed with Anita that I would drive in case she wanted a drink. We both had a reasonable amount of unused holiday and booked the Thursday and Friday off so that we could have a long weekend. We discussed what would happen if Steve appeared and Anita said that she would be polite and friendly but that she didn't want to be left alone with him at any stage and hoped that no mention would be made about what had previously happened, this would be a chance to draw a line under the past.

I was in a highly nervous anticipatory state in the days leading up to that Thursday, but so was Anita and we both tacitly understood that it was because it was an event arranged by Steve, a bit of an unknown quantity not like any event we had previously been to, but perhaps it was only me that realised we had very different reasons to be nervous.

As often happens in September the weather that week was glorious, it was warm and sunny but not oppressive. Anita had been mulling over what to wear and the settled weather made her decisions easier but she still contrived to have her bath and get dressed that Thursday morning when I was out of the room and so I couldn't be sure what she was wearing beneath the pale yellow short sleeved floral dress she was wearing when she finally came downstairs. This dress was a new summer purchase. It had a fairly fitted quite high top and a slightly more flared skirt. It buttoned down the front from the neck to the hem and had a slim matching belt at the waist. She looked fresh and light and summery and I told her so. She was clearly wearing tights or stockings, but I didn't know which, and sensible low heeled pale shoes so that she wouldn't have any trouble getting about the ship.

Anita decided that we didn't want to arrive too early and so we left home just before 12.00 for the relatively short drive and by the time we had found where to park and walked to the ship it was nearer 13.15. The ship wasn't exactly a cruise liner, she was clearly a working boat, a general cargo carrier showing the signs of a hard life but there was bunting fluttering in the light breeze and we could hear music. There was a casually dressed Chinese looking guy at the bottom of the gangplank who welcomed us and invited us on board and at the top was a cleared and marked off area of deck, covered in hessian fabric and with tables of drinks and food. The music was coming from a cassette system linked to a couple of speakers.