Prudish Wife Surprises Me Ch. 03


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Sandy unrolled the condom onto his penis which was clearly very stiff, not too long but quite thick, and then he just took hold of my wife's ankles, one in each hand, lifted them up and apart and shuffled forward pushing his prick straight into her.

I would never have believed that the first person to fuck my wife that day was going to be this overweight middle aged Scot, but fuck her he did. He didn't last long, 2 or 3 minutes at most. While he was ramming into her Berndt and Werner were back playing with her tits and I think they were being quite rough as I could hear her occasionally calling out. Sandy finished with an enormous grunt and a final hard thrust; he stood still briefly before pulling out, removing the condom and quickly pulling up his pants and trousers.

He seemed surprised and embarrassed about what he had just done and left the room almost immediately. Berndt immediately went and got a condom and rushed to remove his trousers and pants. Youseph was stroking my wife's face and planting those gentle kisses on her again as Berndt emulated Sandy, grabbing Anita's ankles lifting and separating her legs and just ramming straight in to her. I never even saw how he was built he was in such a hurry to fuck my wife, but he lasted longer than Sandy, pumping hard forward and back before collapsing onto her stomach as he shot his load into the condom inside her.

I had already come, I don't know when, but I was still hard and wanking myself as I watched these overweight unsavoury older men enjoy my wife.

Berndt had withdrawn and was tidying himself as Steve said that he thought Anita needed a little rest and a drink. He and JJ unfastened her wrists and helped her to stand before removing the headphones and walking her over to one of the sofas. She seemed very bewildered, disoriented; she wasn't struggling or making any attempt to cover her nakedness nor was she trying to remove the blindfold. There were red marks all over her breasts and thighs. She still looked stunningly erotic to me and I had already come once. Not including the captain there were still 4 men in that room who were intending to fuck my wife and who hadn't come at all yet..

Werner turned on some lights as it was getting dark, and a music system and there was suddenly a background of light music as Steve passed a full glass of wine to my wife which she proceeded to drink quite quickly. At least the light in the room meant it would be difficult to see into the galley and gave me a feeling of being more invisible. The captain had been stood watching everything without moving or speaking but I could see the bulge in his trousers and wondered if he was going to change his mind and fuck my wife too.

He seemed to make his mind up about something and spoke above the music making everyone start a little, particularly Anita, again I wondered who she thought this was.

'Gentlemen' he said 'and lady, or rather particularly you young lady, you are a beautiful young wife and when I first saw you today I wouldn't have believed that I would witness what I have just witnessed. I must confess I would love to fuck you too but that wouldn't be right, here, today. But having witnessed the disruption to my ship and crew caused by some of your behaviour earlier today I think it only right I have a little enjoyment and that you in turn have a little I am going to give you a good old fashioned spanking, which you deserve and having observed you I think we will both enjoy..'

My wife went to stand up but JJ took hold of her. Steve took the almost empty wine glass out of her hand and passed it to Youseph who went and put it on the side. She was clearly bewildered, not sure who had been speaking but must have guessed, and was trying to shake herself free. The captain glanced towards me and I decided that I had to try and do something but Anita could hear again now and I didn't want to give myself away. I rattled the handle and pulled at the door but it wouldn't budge; Steve stood and made calming motions towards me. He was saying it's all right it will be OK this is something else you need and will enjoy and he seemed to be saying it to me as well as my wife.. Anyway I had no option all I could do was watch..

The captain went and sat on the sofa next to my wife who immediately went to stand up again. This time JJ let her stand but immediately the captain grabbed a wrist and pulled so that she fell face down across his lap. JJ lifted her legs and held her ankles in his lap while Werner went and sat the other side of the captain and took hold of her wrists. My wife was now stretched out along the sofa with her naked bottom raised up over the captain's lap. She was struggling and shouting for real now but the 3 men were clearly far too strong for her and interestingly she had still made no attempt to remove the blindfold.

Berndt had the camera again and he Youseph and Steve were stood to the side, watching but giving me a clear view. Steve was telling Anita to relax to let it happen, as it was going to happen anyway, she was still struggling and shouting when the captain bought his hand down hard and fast onto her bare upturned bottom. The slap sounded very loud and there was a brief shocked silence from my wife before she started to struggle even more and shout even louder. The louder she shouted and the more she struggled the faster and harder the captain's hand rained blows down. I watched fascinated as her bottom quickly turned red and bounced and jiggled as each slap landed. She had already been fucked by a man old enough to be her father and now here was another one spanking her like an errant child but with far more sexual connotations. Anita seemed to have realised that the force and tempo of the spanking was related to her own struggles and gradually she stopped struggling and shouting. The spanks became more measured with a brief pause between each one and I could see my wife's bottom tense and twitch as it prepared for the next spank. Clearly so could the others and the captain changed the rhythm, waiting for the twitch and relax and only spanking when the spank wasn't expected. JJ and Werner were only lightly holding her now, she wasn't struggling and her bottom was relaxed and glowing red. The captain suddenly increased the tempo and force again and I heard my wife moaning rather than shouting and the captains hand stopped spanking her and slipped between her thighs. He was obviously fingering her and she was enjoying it but his face looked as though he was having an orgasm too.

I was completely hard again, and relaxed, I wasn't going to try and get out, it was clear that these men all understood my wife far better than I did, to see her spanked like that had been incredible, and she had ultimately enjoyed it, and there were still 4 men wanting to fuck her...

The captain and my wife were both lying still, recovering. JJ lifted her legs from his lap and placed them on the ground and the captain slid out from under her. There was a huge damp patch on the front of his trousers, he had obviously come in them, spanking and fingering my wife had been enough. He nodded to Steve and JJ, said 'Gentlemen I will leave you to your pleasures, but I think I will take that..' and walking up to Berndt he took the camera out of his hands and left the room. Berndt was annoyed but there was nothing he could do and I was hugely relieved, I thought those photos would be far safer with the captain than with Berndt.

My wife was beginning to sit back down on the sofa, I imagine the material must have felt cooling to her bottom, and Youseph went and sat down beside her, cuddling her and caressing her as he liked to. It was clearly what she needed after the rough spanking and she sort of relaxed into him. He really did treat her as a lover. He kissed her a lot, rolled her onto her stomach and licked her bottom, making it wet before gently blowing it to cool it down. He removed the bra completely then unfastened the suspender belt and unclipped the stockings before rolling them down her legs, and she let him, no struggles, no comments.

He soon had her completely naked and was covering her back with kisses. He stood up and unlike the others he undressed completely. He had a young firm body and was not at all self-conscious. His erection stuck out from his body with a strong upward tilt, he was above average length and quite thick, similar to Steve. My naked wife had lain still on the sofa as he had undressed and he know knelt down and gently rolled her onto her side. Kissing her and stroking her face he ran his hand down her arm taking her wrist he guided her hand towards his erection. The others too were now starting to undress, it was as though the preliminaries were over and the main event was about to start. I had no idea how my wife was feeling she was obviously excited by Yousephs attentions but did she wonder who else was still there or what was going to happen next?

It had been less than an hour since she had arrived in the room but so much had happened, and did she wonder how long I was going to be away, was she hoping for my return or hoping that I wouldn't be back too quickly. I got the impression that for now she was just lost in the moment.

Youseph had succeeded in getting my wife to touch his erect penis and she was now holding it and stroking it gently. Steve and JJ were stood in nothing but their pants, absentmindedly touching themselves as they watched Anita stroke Youseph. I knew how Steve was built, but JJ was wearing loose boxers and there still seemed to be quite a bulge.

Berndt was stood in socks and t shirt wanking himself, he had tried to get closer to Anita but Youseph had waved him away. Werner was still in his trousers.

As we all watched Youseph changed his position and knelt on the edge of the sofa closer to my wife's head. She was still gently stroking his penis and he just put one hand behind her head and gently guided her mouth towards the tip. Surely he wasn't going to get her to suck him, but after a brief resistance she allowed him to put the tip against her lips. I'd given up being amazed by now but held my breath as I saw her lips part and Yousephs stiff cock gently ease into her mouth. I could see him talking gently to her but couldn't hear what he said but gradually he was pushing more and more of his manhood into my wife's mouth and he was gently fucking her face. He withdrew and ran his length along her lips and soon had her putting her tongue out to lick and tease at the glans. This man was teaching my wife how to suck a cock. If only Andy and Graham could have seen this, they wouldn't have believed it possible.

Youseph gently fucked her mouth for several minutes and then settled himself on top of her in the missionary position. She willingly opened her legs for him there was no force or coercion. Here was my prim and proper prudish wife willingly opening her legs for a man that she had met just that day, having already happily learned to suck and lick his cock, I was really glad I was there to see this.

Youseph made love to my wife, he didn't fuck her; he was slow and gentle and got her completely relaxed. He took his time and gave her a full mind blowing orgasm, she was bucking and screaming with her legs wrapped round his back when they both came together, and of course he hadn't used a condom; he came deep inside her...

Youseph gave my wife a final kiss and stood up and I was very surprised that he turned towards me behind the galley door with a huge smile on his face and gave me double thumbs up. Somehow it wasn't sleazy or gross like Berndt it made me feel included and I was grateful that he had taught my wife a new skill.

Anita was still lying naked on the sofa, breathing heavily, her legs slightly apart, what I knew and she perhaps didn't was that there were still 3 men to go, and Steve was next.

Steve went and got some blankets and pillows and put them on the table top. Werner had by now taken his trousers off and was playing with himself, he didn't look to be particularly well endowed just sort of average, which would be a relief for my wife after Youseph and Steve.

JJ smoothed out the blanket and pillows while Steve walked over to the sofa and just scooped Anita up. She immediately started saying 'please no more, I can't' but Steve shushed her and said it's my turn now and you know what I least you have almost completed our bargain, you can soon have your panties back, I've stripped you again and now I am going to fuck you again, as I promised you I would.

She was saying that she couldn't take any more and that surely I would be back soon, but Steve just said that they had ample time and that she would surprise herself with her own capacity for sex if she continued to learn to let go..

Steve stood her down facing the length of the table and as she felt the wood against the front of her thighs she tried to back away and the struggling returned. Steve just stood close behind her so she couldn't move and JJ took her wrists and pulled her forward. She ended up face down on the blanket covered table, her wrists secured to the far end. There was a pillow under her hips and Werner brought some more restraints from the cabinet which were used to tie her ankles to the table legs at floor level. She was shouting and struggling again but it made no difference, Steve just kept saying that he thought she should have learned by now that this was what she needed and wanted.

When they stepped back all I could see was the view of my naked wife from the waist down with her legs spread tied to the table. Her cunt was clearly on view and understandably already looked well fucked.

Steve removed his briefs and gave his impressive erection a quick stroke before saying to Anita that it was a pity that James wasn't there as he was sure he would enjoy watching this.

His cock was at the perfect height for my wife's slightly gaping cunt and he just walked up and slowly sank his full length into her. I heard him sigh with satisfaction before saying that if James were here he would tell him how warm and soft and welcoming his wife's cunt was, and how he knew how pleased I would be to know just how many men had enjoyed themselves with her.

Once again my wife had stopped shouting and struggling and was beginning to react to the way Steve was fucking her. Steve asked JJ do undo her wrists and pass them back to him, which he did, so that Steve was again holding my wife down and using her own arms to pull her onto him as he rammed into her. My wife had twisted slightly and her face was near the left-hand edge of the table. With the blindfold on she couldn't see that Berndt was wanking over her face but Werner now nudged him to one side and just took hold of her nose forcing her to open her mouth to breathe, as soon as she opened her mouth Werner pushed his cock straight in and started fucking her face as vigorously as Steve was fucking her cunt. My wife was being properly spit-roasted. This wasn't the gentle introduction Youseph had given her but at least she knew roughly what to do and as she couldn't fight it she took it.

Steve was fucking her really hard and fast, it was a good thing the table was bolted down. My wife was making all sorts of noises but with a cock in her mouth I had no idea what they were. Werner came first and Anita wasn't ready for it, she must have swallowed some and started coughing but Steve didn't slow or stop, they really were just using her as a fuck toy, but she sounded as if she were about to orgasm again. As Werner stepped back, Berndt stepped forward and shoved his cock into my wife's mouth and just carried on where Werner had left off. Again he didn't last long, just a few strokes and this time most of it went over Anita's face and hair.

Berndt and Werner seemed spent and moved over to the sofa leaving Steve still pistoning into my wife. Steve slowed then released Anita's wrists. He stopped moving while buried deep within her and said that he thought it time she learned to live without the blindfold and so saying he reached forward and untied the blindfold. I panicked briefly but remembered how dark it was in the galley, I was pretty sure Anita wouldn't be able to see me.

With Steve still in her my wife used her arms to lever her upper body off the table, taking her weight on her elbows. Her head was hung down and she still had her eyes closed. Surprisingly Werner and Berndt decided to leave, collecting their clothes and exiting with sheepish grins before my wife opened her eyes. At the sound of the door closing Anita slowly opened her eyes. Youseph, still naked, was at the end of the table smiling at her, JJ still in his boxers off to one side. Steve said, that's better isn't it shall we continue?

My wife said nothing. Steve said' Youseph come and kiss her' and Youseph walked over and started kissing her. Steve withdrew slightly and said shall we continue?

My wife sort of nodded and Steve said 'that's better, and as Youseph kissed her Steve reached round to tease her nipples and started pistoning fast into her again.

This time it wasn't very long before he tensed and shouted and he too emptied himself deep in my wife. She was gasping and crying while JJ just watched and stroked himself through his boxers.

Steve withdrew, knelt down and untied the restraints from my wife's ankles. She was clearly very stiff and he and Youseph helped her to stand. Youseph had an arm round her and she asked if she could have something to drink and cover herself..

Steve said that the drink certainly wouldn't be a problem and JJ came over with a glass of wine. Anita sounded more than a little drunk and very confused. She took a gulp of wine and then seeing her dress she went and got it and started to put it on. It was JJ who asked what she thought she was doing. She completed putting the dress on and fastened several buttons before stopping to sip at the wine.

There was a strange silence in the room apart from the background music. JJ again asked what she was doing.

Anita sort of collected her thoughts and then said that she knew that she was partly to blame for some of what had happened, but she just didn't understand. She didn't understand exactly who had been involved, how this had happened again and how she was going to live with herself, that despite what I had said, how I would really cope if I ever found out exactly what had happened here tonight. She said that they had had their fun and that OK she had let some of it happen, she knew she was partly to blame but she needed to put herself back together before I returned so could they please show her where she could clean up.

Steve and Youseph were still stark naked and JJ was just in his boxers but showing a very big bulge and Anita was looking at the floor, trying not to look at any of them.

JJ said that what had happened would be kept a secret by everyone and she didn't need to know exactly who had enjoyed themselves with her body but that she obviously knew that Youseph and Steve had been involved. He told her, as Steve had told her before that she was a stunningly sensuous and desireable woman and that he thought her husband understood and appreciated that. However he assured her that there was still at least an hour before there was any chance of my return and that they would have ample notice so I need never know what had happened and was still to happen. At that she did look up, and asked what he meant ,that she had to be allowed to go and pull herself together.

JJ said' I haven't had the pleasure of enjoying you in full yet and I do mean to, you were made to be fucked; you enjoy it and shouldn't deny it. We have ample time, Youseph will show you where you can clean up, have a drink and a rest but I want you back here in 15 mins. Are we clear?