Prudish Wife Surprises Me Ch. 03


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There weren't that many people about, only 30 or 40 in small groups, and we felt a little self-conscious as we wondered what to do next, looking around for someone who might be JJ. A short stocky man wearing an officer's uniform glanced over, saw us and quickly came over to introduce himself as the captain. He must have been in his mid forties and was quite grizzled, he said his name was Jan and that we must be James and Anita and that he had been looking forward to meeting us, he kept hold of Anita's hand in both of his and was smiling at her quite forcefully when we heard another voice behind us again saying 'you must be James and Anita, I have been looking forward to meeting you'.

We turned to find a tall, solidly built very black guy, who I guess was in his early 30's, with a soft almost sardonic smile who shook my hand and then bent to give Anita a kiss on each cheek. This was clearly JJ and he apologised for not being there to greet us and immediately shot off to get us drinks. I only wanted a soft drink but Anita opted for a glass of wine and JJ returned with a large glass. A few more guests arrived in twos and threes over the next hour or so and we were quite a mixed bag. Very few of the crew actually had family attending but there were friends and acquaintances like us, plus some dockyard staff, mainly supervisory level and friends of the engineers plus one or two local 'girlfriends'.

The ships cook had laid on a good spread of food, the drink flowed freely and it was a warm sunny afternoon so everyone relaxed and chatted very comfortably. We were introduced to the second officer, Werner, who was originally from East Germany; he was of wiry build with very short, crew-cut blonde hair, about average height again in his 30's. We also met the new 3rd, Steve's replacement. His name was Youseph and he was clearly from an Arabic country with very black hair and eyes, slightly above average height and of average build, probably about 25 or so. He was very charming with Anita and flattered her at every opportunity. Both he and JJ were very attentive and they kept Anita entertained, ensuring that her glass was never empty and it was quite clear she was getting more than a little drunk. Occasionally they would say it was a pity that no one was dancing and how about if Anita and I got things started but she was happy just stood chatting and drinking and we felt too embarrassed to be the first. Werner was slightly more withdrawn and was clearly in charge of organising the music, he also had a friend visiting, another German of similar age named Berndt who I didn't particularly take to, he was a little rough looking with long straggly lank hair, and a bit pushy, quite tall but very overweight and with very tattooed arms showing. He was wearing just shorts and a tee shirt unlike everybody else who had made more of an effort

Throughout the afternoon small groups had gone off for tours of the ship but somehow we had always been in the midst of some involved story and hadn't yet had ours. The afternoon was getting on and I suddenly realised that it had actually gone four o'clock and Steve still hadn't put in an appearance. Some guests had already started to leave and Anita said that she hoped we wouldn't have to leave before we got our tour but Youseph and JJ told her not to worry and that they would give her a personalised tour shortly. Anita said good but that she really had to find a ladies room and turned to ask a middle aged woman, named Margaret, who had joined our group if she knew where the ladies was. Margaret was one of the few wives in attendance, her husband was the chief engineer and as so often happens with engineers he was Scottish; an overweight fairly dour Scot, probably in his late forties or early fifties. They had married children one of whom lived in London and Margaret was planning to get a late afternoon train up to town to spend the night with her. She knew which heads had been designated as the ladies and took Anita off to find it saying that she must be off when she returned if she was to get her train.

JJ asked me how it felt to be the husband of the prettiest lady at the party and if I minded the way some of the men had been flirting with her. I assured him that I didn't mind, that as long as Anita was happy I was happy, and then I wasn't sure what to say next, I didn't know what Steve had said to them. There was no doubt that Anita was the prettiest, freshest and most innocent looking woman there, she was also probably the youngest by some years and in fact there were already very few women left so the conditions I thought were most likely to result in her seduction were being met but what exactly had Steve told them?

JJ called out to the chief engineer, who was known as Sandy, that he and Youseph were going to show me something and asked that he look after my wife if she returned with Margaret before we did, and so saying they motioned for me to follow them and headed off to the bridge and accommodation superstructure at the aft of the deck. We climbed a few stairways and ended up in a relatively large room behind the bridge. There were faux leather sofas bolted to the deck around the walls a large central table similarly bolted to the floor and a number of chairs. They explained that this was where the officers ate and there was in fact another door with a glass porthole in it through to the galley. JJ said that it was also their trophy room and indicated some cupboards along one wall. He said that guests didn't usually see their trophy cupboard but that he hoped that, from what he had heard, I might appreciate it and taking a key from a drawer he unlocked one of the cupboards and opened the doors. The cupboard was filled with a number of shallow drawers and they invited me to slide one out. I selected one at random and opened it to find several different pairs of ladies knickers, each one with a small card explaining where when and it what circumstances it had been acquired, from whom and by whom.

The ones I was looking at had all been acquired more than 2 years before and I saw Steve's name on a couple of pairs and several names on others, together with captions relating to runs ashore. Some had been donated voluntarily others clearly not and for some the donations hadn't been before or after sex but rather instead of. It was a fascinating world tour with an interesting aroma as none had been washed.

JJ said that he particularly wanted to show me the latest addition to the collection which had only been added a few weeks before and he pulled open the top left-hand drawer. There was only one pair of panties in this drawer; they were white with ribbons to tie them at the side and I had last seen them when Steve, Andy and Graham had stripped them from Anita that night in our living room. Alongside was a card stating that the panties had been the final garment stripped from the wife of one of the former 3rd officers' friends before the friend had allowed him and 2 other friends to enjoy and fuck her. As I finished reading and looked up JJ asked me if the story on the card was true and were they Anita's panties. I replied 'Yes and yes', at which JJ picked them up and first sniffed them and then kissed the gusset before handing them to Youseph, who did the same.

JJ then asked what sort of underwear Anita was wearing today and I had to confess that I didn't know. He then enquired whether I would object to him and the others finding out for themselves... This was all said in a very light-hearted jokey sort of way but I could feel the intensity behind the question and knew I should really just stop this now. Instead with butterflies in my stomach I heard myself saying that I didn't see how they were going to achieve that without upsetting Anita but that if they could I wouldn't stop them. 'In that case' said JJ 'I think it is time to start your wife's tour of the ship.'

At that moment the door from the galley opened and through came Steve.

He had apparently been around most of the afternoon but had kept out of the way so as not to risk upsetting Anita. He had been waiting for me to be brought up to the officers' wardroom. 'So James', he said, 'you have met my former colleagues and seen the trophy cupboard; it is our intention to add whatever panties Anita is wearing to this collection today and this really is your last chance to stop that from happening. JJ and Werner are not like Andy and Graham and will not be shy about taking exactly what they want, we are used to enjoying ourselves together and I gather that Youseph here is fitting in very well as my replacement. If you are still willing to go ahead with this you need to understand that we will only stop if we genuinely believe that Anita isn't enjoying herself, but we will be testing some limits, both yours and hers, and for certain she will be undressed, played with, fucked and enjoyed by all of us....

My mouth was very dry and my heart was going like a steam hammer, as much as I wanted this, the seriousness of allowing my petite pretty young wife to be seduced by group of experienced men hit me, this really was something very different to what had happened in our own house with a group of friends. I asked Steve if I would be able to call a halt if I became concerned and asked how many of the crew knew what was planned. He replied that he had explained his plan to JJ, Youseph and Werner but that Werners friend Berndt was staying aboard that night and although he hadn't been included it might prove difficult to keep him out. The venue for the unveiling of Anita was planned to be the officers dining/rest room we were currently in, Berndt was the only guest who had planned to stay the night but the captain and the engineering officer also had the right to use the room. The captain apparently kept some distance from the others but it was a small crew and he did mix with his officers although he wouldn't normally join them on their runs ashore, he did however know about the trophy drawer and Steve didn't think he would interfere.

Similarly he thought that the engineering officer Sandy might not approve but he probably wouldn't say anything. Once again I had one of those out of body moments, was I really discussing the possibility of letting a group of guys I had only just met strip, fuck and generally use and abuse my wife, not only that but several older guys in their 40's and 50's would know what was going on......did I really want this and would Anita let it happen anyway?

I was still thinking about this when Steve broke into my thoughts to say that in answer to my other question, no I would not be able to step in later mainly because part of his plan was to convince Anita that I wasn't around. He reiterated that they would stop if she became distressed or angry but he really didn't think that was going to happen. He said that he wasn't going to explain his plan, everything would become obvious, and that if and when she came up to this wardroom I was to hide in the galley from where I could watch everything through the round glass portal in the door, he would probably be in there with me to start with.

Okay, said JJ, decision time, either you go back down now collect your lovely if slightly intoxicated wife and take her safely home, letting your fantasies stay fantasies, or you let us try and do what we really want, which Steve thinks she probably wants as well even if she doesn't know it, which is to use her to bring pleasure to a group of sex starved sailors.. Your wife is in a different category to the ladies we normally enjoy ourselves with, so this really would be a great and rare pleasure. I for one can't wait to get that dress off her, to see what a proper young conservative English housewife wears to go to a party aboard ship..

I knew that I was probably developing a wet patch on the front of my trousers, Steve and JJ knew they had me hooked, and I heard myself saying that Anita hadn't had her tour and that she wouldn't let me take her home until she had. 'Great' said Steve, you've left her alone long enough, you and Youseph get back down and join her, JJ will be down in a minute, I just need to go over a couple of things with him.

When we got back down to the deck Margaret had already left to get her taxi and very surprisingly Anita was actually dancing with Werner, he had apparently put on some quite loud swing music and talked an inebriated Anita into partnering him. He was spinning her quite quickly and her dress was swirling almost high enough to let me see whether she was wearing stockings or not, and I was not the only one. Most of the other guests had left by now and most of the crew were grouped around the marked off dance area, laughing, chatting and encouraging Werner to spin my wife faster. Youseph went off to join Werner and the two of them took it in turns to dance with and spin Anita in time to the music.

Sandy the engineering officer saw me and came over to say that he was glad I was back. He said that he didn't know how well I knew the deck officers but that they had a bit of a reputation and given how young and pretty Anita was I would be well advised to keep a close eye on her. I told him that Anita knew her own mind and that I was sure she was ok and just as we both looked over to where she was dancing Werner spun her particularly fast into Yousephs arms, her dress swirled out before wrapping itself around her thighs just as Youseph wrapped his arms around her trapping it in place and clearly showing the 15 or 20 men watching that she was wearing stockings with suspenders. There were now no other women on board and all the men clapped cheered and whistled. Anita was clearly dizzy and breathless and was being supported by Youseph, her dress had dropped back down but some folds were still trapped by Yousephs arm; he called Werner over saying that his cuff buttons were caught up in Anita's dress and that he needed some help.

Anita was more than a little drunk as well as dizzy and breathless and clearly didn't notice what the rest of us clearly saw. As Werner and Youseph dealt with the fictitious tangle they managed to unbutton a couple of the lower buttons of Anita's dress so that the first fastened button was now well above her knee. The captain, Jan, was there, stood a little back and apart from everyone else, he was watching everything intently but said nothing and just glanced in my direction. Anita was saying that she needed a rest and a drink as Sandy asked me whether I was still happy about things. I just said that Anita was fine and enjoying herself and he said very well, if that was my view and not to say later that I hadn't been warned.

There were a few chairs scattered about the deck and Berndt took one over for Anita to sit on as Werner got her another drink, he got her the soft drink she had asked for but also brought over another large glass of wine, Anita sipped them both. There was something sleazy about the way Berndt stood by her chair and he actually started stroking her hair back from her face, to help her cool down he said. She didn't seem to notice. JJ had re-appeared and I joined him as we walked over to the group round my wife. Hello, he said, I'm glad you decided to dance, everybody enjoyed that, it was very entertaining. Thank you, she said, I didn't have much choice, where did you 2 get to anyway? JJ said that he had started giving my tour by showing me their trophy room. Anita asked what trophies and he said that he might show her later whereupon she said that if I had started my tour she wanted hers and that Margaret had told her to visit the engine room as other visitors had only seen the holds and the bridge deck and the engineering staff often felt left out.

JJ said that Sandy would need a couple of minutes to get things tidy and that in the meantime he was claiming a dance. He held out his hand while calling to Sandy that Anita wanted to visit the engine room and that if it was ok with him they would be down in a minute. I saw the engine room crew exchange glances as they went off with Sandy towards the stern of the ship. JJ asked Werner to replay the last piece of music as he escorted Anita onto the dance area. Youseph looked like he might be going to join in again but JJ gave a slight but stern shake of his head and he stopped at the edge of the area to watch. JJ was a big guy but he was a good dancer and he twirled and spun Anita much more assuredly and with greater ease and every time that he did all of us watching were treated to a fantastic view of Anita's stocking tops, the dress now swirling much higher with so many buttons undone. We didn't see her panties but I could see the straps of her suspenders much more clearly and I didn't recognise them. They appeared to be pale lemon, matching her dress and they had to be new so presumably she was wearing a completely new set of underwear bought for the occasion.

The clapping, cheering and whistling was even louder when the dance came to a close and everyone had been treated to a prolonged view of Anita's lovely smooth shapely legs and the erotic sight of the stockings topped by her bare thighs, and again Anita showed no signs of being aware why she was getting such a great reception. As the music ended JJ spun her in close and briefly held her tight, one hand just resting on the top of her bottom, pulling her in to him. It didn't last long but I could see the size of the bulge in his trousers and wondered if Anita had felt it pressing against her.

Anita was very flushed and giggly. She had a quick drink and said that it was now time for her to have her tour starting with the engine room. JJ said that was fine and suggested that I accompany them together with Werner but that everybody else should stay on deck as it would be a bit cramped getting down to the engine room. Youseph looked like he wanted to argue but said nothing as we set off along the deck towards the aft superstructure. JJ opened a metal door and we found ourselves on a small platform above a steep flight of metal steps. In fact they were so steep they were almost like a ladder. JJ pointed out that Anita was not ideally dressed for this and that they would have to be careful not to tear or get grease on her lovely dress. He said that he thought it would be best to give her legs a little more freedom to manage the stairs as there were several flights of them and as he was saying this he just bent down and unfastened another button. The dress was now unfastened to mid-thigh. The steps were quite dark but the platforms were well lit and I looked down to see that Sandy and one of his engineers were stood on the next platform down. JJ pointed out that Anita would need go down backwards and as she started to hesitantly descend the two guys below moved out of her way so as not to obstruct the platform. I couldn't help but be aware that JJ and Werner were smiling and exchanging glances and as I looked at them they nodded for me to look down. Sandy and his crew member had moved to stand under the steps and were trying not to be obvious about the fact that they were looking straight up my wife's dress. Who would have thought it would be the dour Sandy and an unknown stoker who would get first sight of Anita's new panties, the view must have been quite something.

Sandy looked very guilty when he saw me watching him but I just smiled and raised an eyebrow. For the next flight I went down first with Sandy and the stoker and said that I had just seen where we should stand to be out of the way. Sandy looked very disconcerted but nodded whilst the other guy gave me a big unashamed smile. We all looked up as Anita started to descend and as I had expected the view was lovely. We had a clear view straight up my wife's dress as she negotiated the steps. We could see the whole of the length of her tapered slim legs, the stocking tops and suspenders. The upper reaches were shadowy but the panties were clearly new. Like the suspender belt they were pale lemon and very sheer. The clearest view was of her beautifully rounded tight little bottom as the rear panel of the panties was transparent, the front was lacy but I couldn't see clearly. Sandy was easily old enough to be her father and yet I was excited that he had taken the opportunity to look up Anita's dress.