Revelations and Revolutions


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After I hung up and without work to occupy my mind, I felt the grave responsibility of informing JoAnn of her husband's infidelity and being the harbinger of the news that would result in her entire world imploding before my eyes. I now knew how the grim reaper must feel every time he takes a soul. For me personally, the loss and the pain felt like the passing of a loved one. I stopped at a local chain drug store and picked up a couple of boxes of tissues. I thought the world of JoJo and I didn't want to hurt her but, once the truth came out in the divorce, there was no hiding it and she deserved to be forewarned. I felt gut punched.

I arrived at Stefanos and saw that JoAnn was already there. I went inside and saw her at her favorite table by the window. I walked over, leaned in, and kissed her lightly on the cheek as I had at least a thousand times before. I wondered if, after today, I'd still be a welcome part of her life. Following the kiss, I sat down. "Hi JoJo! How've you been? It's been ages!" I avoided as many social situations as possible with Carrie over the last six months as I didn't want to face the embarrassment of her ridicule and her disparaging, sardonic, and condescending attitude toward me.

Hi John, its so good to see you! Yes, it has been a while and I was so surprised to get your call out of the blue. Carrie has been crying non-stop since you left her. She said you've refused to talk with her at all."

"Well JoJo, I don't want to spoil our lunch talking about the current unpleasantness in my life and would rather wait until after we eat to discuss it. I promise to appease your curiosity after I sate my appetite, deal?" She looked at me curiously and wondered if I was trying to evade the subject.

She replied, "Okay, but John, I want everything after we eat! I didn't believe you to be the type of man as to be so cruel to your wife no matter how she's treated you." I took the liberty and ordered us the veal scallopini with a bottle of pinot noir since it was light. I suspected that poor JoJo wouldn't have it on her stomach long. We made small talk as we sipped the wine waiting for the food to be prepared. We were lost in conversation when the meal arrived and was served.

I thought about how nice it was to have a relaxed conversation with a woman who treated me with civility and respected me as an equal. It had been some time. We ate and finished our wine and thankfully, we both waived having dessert. I paid the check. I told Joann that I didn't want to talk inside and asked her if she sit in my car for more privacy as I promised to tell her everything and luckily, she agreed.

I started the car to cool it as it sat in the mid-afternoon sun. I looked her in the eyes where I saw her angst with me because she believed that I caused her best friend so much pain. I felt bad that she would soon feel the amount of pain and the feeling of betrayal that I've dealt with these past few weeks. I hoped that William treated her better than Carrie treated me. "JoJo, I'm sorry for all the subversion but I need to tell you something deeply painful about Carrie and me and it involves you and Bill William (my nickname for him) since I always called him Bill and Joann always called him William. She gave me a worried look as she looked directly into my eyes as if she hung on every word I spoke.

"JoJo, there is no easy way to tell you this but Carrie and William are having an affair and it has gone on for quite some time."

Suddenly, a look of disbelief showed in her eyes and I saw her face redden with anger as she replied, "John you are lying! There is no way, no way William would ever betray me nor would your wife, my best friend in this whole entire world!! No, not possible, you hear me mister!"

JoAnn tried to get out but I had engaged the child locks and I hit the lock button on my door panel so she couldn't escape. "John, let me out of this car this second!" She screamed and pounded me with her fists. I hit the button on my tablet and the first of three videos cued up and I played it. It was a video of William and Carrie entering the Hilton hand in hand then kissing in the restaurant after their lunch. Then it showed them hand in hand by the elevators where they kissed a second time before they entered and disappeared for three plus hours. Finally, came the video of Carrie exiting the elevator car freshly showered, in a new change of clothes and carrying an overnight bag. It finished when William exited another car minutes later, freshly showered.

As I was about to queue for the second video to play, I received a facetime call. It was Erin. In tears, her voice crackled as she said, "Aunt JoJo, I'm so sorry to tell you that it was me that shot that video and that I personally witnessed them coming and leaving the Hilton. I just couldn't bring myself to tell anyone! I'm so, so very sorry. Please know and believe that I love you like a second mom!" The video ended. JoJo was shocked by the first video and I saw tears start to stream down her cheeks. I played her the second and third videos before the second facetime call, this time it was her son Jon who appeared on the screen.

JoAnn listened as Jon spoke to her. "Mom, I'm so sorry to tell you this. I saw William and Carrie the other night at The Dugout, it's a sports bar on the other side of town. Uncle J called and told me I needed to get there and see something with my own eyes. He knew I'd need to deal with it so he made sure that I saw it so I'd know and believe the truth and secondly, to give me time to process my feelings as to what I witnessed. I'm sorry Mom but I saw William and Carrie kissing, hugging, and frolicking at the bar in a secluded booth. I confronted him and he begged me not to tell you. I told him I wouldn't if he broke it off with Carrie immediately. He promised he would and he lied. I know for a fact that he spent the rest of the night with her at her house. Uncle J's PI verified it."

He paused a second before he continued, saying to his mother, "Uncle J volunteered to break the news to you so I wouldn't have that horrible task. Mom, I've instructed Uncle J to drive you to our house. Jenny knows what happened and she will be with you until I make it home. I'll take care of getting your car to my place. I've retained the services of Ms. Virginia Stevens, she is a family attorney with Stanley, Morgan, and Myers. She will take you on as a client if you want a divorce and she is handling Uncle J's divorce as well."

"Mom, as I speak, I'm having all the locks changed at your house and I filed a restraining order against William to stay one thousand feet away from you and the house. Jenny has filled a bag with some of your clothes and your personal items as well as some hanging clothes from the closet. You can stay with us as long as you wish to. She just left and will be home when you arrive. He'll need to get a deputy to enter at a time that is convenient to you. I promise that either I or someone from Stanley, Morgan and Myers will be there to supervise. I also had Ms. Stevens freeze all your accounts and assets until things get sorted out by the courts. Don't worry, anything you need, Jenny and I've got it covered. I make plenty of money so don't worry. I'm so sorry this has happened to you, to us Mom. I love you and will see you soon."

As the call ended, her emotions overwhelmed her and the floodgates opened. She sobbed as I held her with her fists beating on my back. She screamed, "Oh, lord J, why? Why did they do this to us! I want to kill them both with my bare hands!! Please, this just can't be true but oh God it is, it is!!" She cried on and on as I held her. The console pressed into my hip and the pain was excruciating but I remained steadfast as I tried to comfort an old friend from the worst news a loving yet clueless spouse can endure short of the death of a parent, child, or spouse. I thought, it's like a death, because I had and still mourned the end of my marriage and I'm sure that eventually, JoAnn would too. When she stopped sobbing, I released her. "JoAnn," I asked, "are you ready to go to Jon and Jenny's now?"

She looked at me, her eyes full of pain and sorrow for the both of us as she answered, "Yes J, I'm ready. I'm so sorry for what William has done to you, to us both. I sincerely hope that you can find it in your heart to forgive me and that we remain friends. You're my only true friend in this world!"

I gazed into her bloodshot eyes filled with unshed tears that were soon to fall and I told her, "First JoJo, you have nothing to apologize for. It was Carrie and William who betrayed us! They're two adults and they willfully and intentionally hurt us with their unfaithfulness, their lies and betrayal, Second, you are one of my oldest and dearest friends and I'll be there for you when you need me, okay?"

She just nodded in the affirmative and we rode silently to Jon's. Jenny met us at the door. JoAnn thanked me profusely and gave me a bear hug before she entered the house and, as the door closed, I heard her wailing, with Jenny trying to soothe her. I walked away as my heart broke a second time and the anger returned toward the cheaters. I hoped they were happy while their families were devastated and destroyed.

The very next morning Virginia phoned and told me that the restraining order against William had been issued. She told me that his prior arrest and conviction for misdemeanor battery helped garner a quick decision in my favor. She added that Carrie had acquired legal counsel and decided to contest the divorce. She is demanding marital counseling and that she doesn't want a divorce. She claimed it's all a misunderstanding. Her lawyer is Samuel Jerome. He's new to the family law game but he has filed a counterclaim asking for a 70/30 split of the assets, half your 401k, spousal maintenance of $2000 per month as well as the house. I encourage you to agree to counseling as the judges in family court order it in over 98% of the petitions that come before them. By not fighting it demonstrates that you are acting in good faith."

"Virginia, I knew that sooner or later that I'd have to face her. I have a stipulation that is non-negotiable. I'll attend if and only if she comes alone and drives herself. I don't want to see William Kincaid, ever! I've still got the active restraining order on both Carrie and William and I'll only waive it for her in the presence of the therapist and only within her office for as long as the session lasts, understand?"

Virginia responded, "I've got it John. I know Sam and he'll agree because he'll believe he's won on this point as he figured you would outright reject it and he'd curry favor with the judge. Besides, by agreeing from the outset you'll be in the judge's good graces and it will make Carrie believe that she's getting what she wanted, that's you in the flesh and face to face. Consider your wishes a done deal. Oh, by the way I'll also stipulate that we choose the therapist. I'll recommend Amanda Fuller. She is tough but fair. By tough, I mean on the cheating party. She does her level best to hold them accountable for their transgressions. Consider this done as well."

I also instructed her to change my petition from irreconcilable differences to adultery and to name William Kincaid as co-respondent and have both Carrie and William re-served as soon as it is favorable after the counseling sessions begin. I left the timing at her discretion. I knew that adultery is not a factor in the judge's decision when issuing the decree but having the adultery stated in open court and as part of public record would likely prove extremely embarrassing to them both. I told her that I planned to file a civil suit against William once the divorce decree is issued and moving through the courts.

I made sure that the counseling sessions were scheduled at the end of the day so I could attend and to assure that either I or Carrie was inside the office beforehand. I didn't want any type of interaction outside of the actual session and I when I scheduled the appointment I stipulated that they make sure she remained the building until I had the chance to leave. So, our first 5pm appointment rapidly approached and I felt a great deal of apprehension as I neared the professional building where Dr. Fuller had her office. I made sure Carrie was out of her car. I phoned the receptionist and gave her my number and had her call me when Carrie was in with the doctor. I slowly made my way to the office once I received her call and she told me to go right in when I entered the lobby. She took me to the door and I took a deep breath before I opened the door.

I walked in and quickly glanced around the room. It was what you'd expect a psychologist's office to look like. Three bookshelves held untold volumes and were situated behind an antique wooden desk. The exposed walls were painted in a soothing light blue and the office was adorned with several green plants and a potted tree with shiny green leaves sat in the corner. The doctor's chair was covered with white colored leather. The patient's chairs were sported a soft blue cloth. Small tables equipped with bottles of water and boxes of tissues sat beside the chairs. The water bottles had begun to sweat with condensation but were placed on a cloth mat to absorb it and protect the surface. I sat and turned my chair slightly so I could face Dr. Fuller and when necessary, look directly at Carrie.

"Hello, Mr. Roberts, welcome. I'm Dr. Fuller but please call me Amanda, as we are all adults. May I use your given name?"

I could tell that Dr. Amanda Fuller was a no-nonsense type of person and I asked her to please feel free to refer to me as John. I made a quick assessment of the woman. She was about my age and had auburn hair that was long but put up in a stylish bun. She wore reading glasses but her eyes were a shade of pale green. She was dressed professionally but attractively in a beige blouse, pencil skirt and sensible black shoes. Her wedding band told me she was married. I liked what I saw and believed that she'd understand issues that plagued marriages such as ours. Hopefully, she would know sooner rather than later that our union was unsalvageable.

I looked over at Carrie and noticed that she seemed a bit more reserved at the outset than I had believed she would be. I guess I expected her to be ranting and raving like a lunatic and would've attempted to chide and humiliate me as she had the past six months running, all toward the goal of getting the upper hand with our therapist. She remained, curiously silent. Otherwise, she dressed down and looked like the dowdy shrew of a woman with whom I had co-existed with the past six months.

I'm not sure what the entire end game is as I'd thought that a divorce is what she wanted and had been working toward the past six months. So why is she contesting the divorce and why are we sitting here in counseling? I doubt any real truths are forthcoming nor will I ever receive any real answers to my questions, but then again, I'm beyond caring why and focused on being done with her forever.

Amanda looked directly at me and began. "John, in fair disclosure, Carrie made an appointment to see me during the last hour so she could give me her side of the of the story regarding the problems in your marriage, however, I'm unable to discuss what she disclosed ethically due to doctor patient confidentiality and legally under HIPPA. So, I'd like to hear your thoughts and goals for your marriage. Please begin when you're ready."

I took a few minutes while I stared daggers at Carrie. As the old cliché goes, 'if looks could kill' she'd be dead, buried, with nothing left but the bones. I then turned my attention to the good Dr. Fuller and gave her a glaring look of disapproval. I gathered my thoughts before I spoke and then I asked, "Dr. Fuller, what would you say are the two most important things in a healthy relationship?"

"First John, please call me Amanda. Second, that is something that varies from each individual and individual couple."

I replied, "Fair enough. Though in your many years of experience as a psychologist in counseling couples you must have heard some that are most often cited by the myriad of individuals and individual couples who have sat in these very seats. Dr. Fuller, I again ask, what are the most cited items needed in a healthy relationship?"

"John, I'd have to say, communication and trust are the most prevalent items cited along with love and respect." She looked curiously at me and wondered where this was all headed.

"Thank you doctor. You have listed what I deemed most important in a healthy relationship as well. My second question I'd like answered is this. Am I correct in assuming that the goal of couples counseling is to work out issues in hopes of saving or salvaging the marital relationship?"

"Well, yes John, that is ultimately the goal. A lot depends on the goals of the individuals involved as well." I glanced at Carrie and I saw her ire building yet she never uttered the slightest of sounds.

I said, "I liken a good relationship to a building or structure, it requires a strong and sturdy foundation. I surmise that communication, trust, love and respect and other factors in the right mixture bond to form a strong foundation like concrete. If the ratios are off or if one or more of the ingredients are missing the result is a very weak foundation or no foundation exists at all, is that a fair analogy Dr. Fuller?" Before the doctor could answer Carrie started to say something. I stopped her mid-sentence, "Carrie, you had an hour prior to be heard and now its my turn. You didn't feel the necessity to share your side of the story in my presence but now it's my turn, so kindly shut your pie hole!"

"John, there is no need for that! I ask that you remain respectful. We are trying to establish a dialog here and yes," Dr. Fuller added, "your analogy is a fair one."

"Well Dr. Fuller, there sure wasn't any attempt at establishing a dialog when Carrie came in early and said her piece without me present. If this is how the rest of this hour is going to go, I'm going to say what I need to say with minimal interruption from you and without any interruption from Carrie at all. If this is impossible than it's a dealbreaker and I'm out of here right this minute, understood?"

"John, I know your upset but it isn't helping in dealing with the issues before us by imposing ultimatums." I knew that the good doctor was trying to regain control of the room.

"Thus, that's the crux of the matter, there are no issues before us! Only you and Carrie. You confirmed that most patients you've dealt with believe that communication is essential. Yet, our issues are shrouded in secrecy and kept from me. It is plainly obvious that Carrie had no intention of sharing them with be and your barred by law and ethics to keep her thoughts on our marriage confidential."

I took a moment to compose myself before I continued, saying, "Since she has steadfastly refused on every occasion to open a dialog with me were met with silence, outright lies and hostility. Amanda I'm tired of the cruelty, the lies and the stonewalling. So, I guess that there is nothing more to say. Good afternoon! Oh, and cancel the remaining sessions, I'll be wasting no more of your time or mine!" I started for the door into the waiting area when I heard the doctor's voice.

"John, wait, please?" I stopped and turned around and faced Dr. Amanda Fuller. "John, your request is not unreasonable but this is my office and I must maintain a sense of control and decorum. So, I will let you speak your mind but if I have any questions they'll be asked and if I sense things breaking down and going off the rails, I will stop it. Do both of you understand?"

"Yes Dr. Fuller. I certainly meant you no disrespect. Respect is something you've earned and are most deserved of it. My apologies."