Ride Along


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It was stupid to take such a risk at the office, I knew that. And I just plum forgot it was Delia's day to clean the house. But God, what a rush it was. I get chills just thinking about it. This kid is under my skin now and I don't know if I could get him out even if I wanted to. He's inside me in many different ways.


Fucking Bernie is like a narcotic. First time I saw her I thought she was hot, and the more time I spent with her the hotter she became. Of course I thought about what it would be like to fuck her-what guy wouldn't?-but she was my boss, she was older, she was married, and there didn't seem like any way in hell it could ever happen. Until it did.

At first I thought, Wow, I'm fucking my boss. But then I realized we are a man and a woman...a fucking hot and sexy woman...and she wanted to fuck me too. She started it, thankfully, because I don't know if I would of had the nerve. Every time I put my cock into her is like taking a trip.

Then it got even crazier, better. The night of the regional meeting I fucked her on her desk, right in her office. I threw that idea out there as a joke and I couldn't believe we did that, that she would do that.

But it made us closer somehow, even more intimate. It was intense enough already. For two months she couldn't get enough and I don't know how many times we fucked or how many times my dick was inside her, in her mouth, in her pussy. And now I've been in her house, and in her pool, and in her bed, and in her ass. I think I'm in her head too; I know she's in mine.


They started hooking up even more often. Bernie would drive the two hours, ride along with Jayden, then they'd go to the hotel and fuck. Sometimes they would each drive an hour and shack up at a hotel midway between. Jayden even drove to Bernie's house a couple times, arriving late and leaving early, careful to avoid the days Delia was scheduled to clean. Bernie felt safe if they were out of town because there would be little chance of being found out.

There was a close call at the house one time. Bernie was on the sofa getting her pussy licked when her cell phone rang. It was her daughter Tina so she answered the phone while Jayden was going at it. Tina was moving in with her fiance and said she wanted to come over to the house and pick up a couple of chairs that Bernie had said they could have. As they talked Jayden didn't let up and Bernie was hoping Tina couldn't hear him chomping away. Fortunately Bernie was able to convince her to pick up the chairs the following day and just as she was hanging up the phone she came in Jayden's face.

"It's a good thing I picked up the phone," Bernie said a minute later. "Or Tina and her fiance could have walked right in on us."

That was all she said, though. She couldn't keep talking with a dick in her mouth.


It came time for the next regional meeting. In the days leading up to it Jayden teased Bernie that he was looking forward to the meeting because he'd finally get to do her on the sofa in her office.

The meeting was much like the previous one, with motivational speakers, new promotions, training and awards, one of which Jayden received. When he walked on stage to receive his award from Bernie, they shook hands and her eyes were searing into his. She said 'Congratulations', then leaned closer and added softly, 'There may be another award later'.

That evening after the meeting he went to her office. Bernie was seated behind her desk talking on the phone and she pointed at a chair for him to sit. A minute later there was a knock on the door. It was Beverly and Bernie waved her in. When she ended her call she made introductions.

"Beverly, this is Jayden. Jayden, this is my assistant Beverly."

Jayden rose and said, "Nice to meet you Beverly," as they shook hands.

"Likewise, Jayden," she said. "Congratulations on your award. You are off to a very impressive start with our company."

"Thank you. Bernie has been a lot of help."

"Oh, I know she has." She turned back to Bernie and handed her a file. "Here's the report. Do you need anything else?"

"No, that should do it. Thank you. Have a nice night."

Beverly walked away and when she reached the door she turned around, gave Bernie the thumbs-up sign and silently mouthed 'Have Fun'. She walked out closing the door behind her.

Bernie and Jayden looked at each other and didn't say anything for a moment.

"What are you thinking?" Bernie asked.

"You know what I'm thinking," he said.

"You want us to get horizontal on that, don't you," nodding at the sofa.

"It'd be a good start."

"Jayden, I have to get out of here tonight. I'm afraid the CFO will call again. And there is a strange vibe around here, it feels weird somehow, I've felt it for days. Let's go find another sofa."

They left separately and went out to dinner, at a small cafe not too close to the office and not to close to home. Then Jayden followed Bernie home and parked his car in the garage next to hers.

They went inside and fucked on the couch.


About a week later Bernie found out that the weird vibe she'd been feeling at the office was not a figment of her imagination. Very soon the life she knew was to drastically change in a number of ways.

They were in the hotel midway between the office and Jayden's territory. They thought it was going to be another rapturous night of lovemaking, and it did start out that way, but things soon went south.

Bernie had just gotten out of the shower when Jayden arrived. She wore nothing but a towel. They embraced, kissed for a moment and the towel fell away. Jayden slowly backed her up until Bernie was sitting on the arm of the sofa. The back of the sofa was against the wall, so he told her to sit up there. Then he knelt on the sofa and buried his face into her pussy. A few minutes later Bernie came in a screaming rush. Jayden stood and took off his pants, then he climbed up and fucked her up against the wall.

A little while later they were on the bed naked and Bernie sucked his cock until it was at high alert. Then she slathered it with lubricant because Jayden had said he wanted to fuck her up the old dirt road. Jayden was lubing Bernie's asshole when her cell phone started ringing in the bathroom, but she didn't answer. He placed a pillow under Bernie's butt and she raised her legs. She spread her buttocks for him and he put the head of his dick against the rim of her asshole. He entered her and soon his cock was fucking her ass, his tongue was fucking her mouth, and Bernie's finger was plucking her clit like it was a Jews Harp.

They went at it for a few hard minutes until they both came, Jayden first and Bernie next. They collapsed on the bed for a while before Bernie got up and went to check her phone.

"Uh, oh," she said. "This can't be good."

"What's the matter?" Jayden asked.

"It's the Human Resources Director. Why's he calling me after hours?"

Bernie sat on the bed and returned the call. He answered on the second ring.

"Hello, it's Bernie. You needed to talk to me?...Okay...Yes, I could...Jayden?...Yes...Okay...Goodbye."

Bernie ended the call and sat quietly for a moment. She could feel Jayden's cum seeping out of her ass.

"I think we're in trouble, Hon."

"Why? What's up?"

"I have to go to the HR office tomorrow morning at ten o'clock. And so do you."



I couldn't believe what was happening. There I was sitting at a conference table across from the HR director and the chief of security. They didn't look happy. They knew all about my affair with Jayden and said that it is a definite no-no and I knew it, it's in the management handbook. They had photos of both of us entering and leaving the hotels with dates and times, and of our cars parked in the hotel lot. They had hotel records, some phone records, they had me dead in the water.

They asked me to answer a simple yes-no question and said if I answer yes there will be a simple solution and if I answer no things could get drawn-out and ugly. They asked: Are you having an affair and sexual relationship with our employee Jayden ____."

I couldn't lie, they knew the truth. I said I was. They told me they were very sorry but they were only doing what they had to do. They said I was being terminated and put some papers in front of me to sign, which I did.

It was humiliating of course, but it all was over in twenty minutes. One good result of it was that by signing I was agreeing to accept the termination without reciprocation, and would receive a good chunk of change to go away quietly. I wouldn't call it a golden parachute, but maybe a silver or bronze one. With severance, unused leave and my 401K I'd be walking out with over a million dollars.

Beverly called me later in the day to tell me how sorry she was. She said the security guy had come snooping around but she swore she hadn't told anyone a thing. I believe her.


I had to cancel my appointments for the day. I drove to the office afraid that I knew what was coming. Bernie and I went separately of course, and they had me wait in an office for a half-hour before they summoned me. They led me into a room with a big long table and the HR guy and some security jarhead sat across from me. They asked me if I was having sex with Bernie and said not to lie because they already knew the answer. I said I was.

I got the feeling they were both jealous of me. Bernie had told me about a few times when men around the office had put the moves on her and said a couple were still around and had hard feelings.

They told me I was fired but that I would get a nice severance package if I agreed not to try and sue anybody. It was a fair amount of dough, more than I would have expected. I took the money. I didn't want to work there any more anyway if Bernie was out.


Bernie and Jayden went to lunch and then said goodbye, and they wouldn't be in touch for several days because her husband Fred was due home that afternoon. Bernie was bummed out and stressing about how she would break the news to him.

Tina and her fiance Jim came over for dinner the following night. Tina thought something was troubling Bernie and asked her about it but Bernie said everything was fine, just the normal headaches of the corporate world.

Late Saturday night she and Fred were having sex but Bernie's mind was elsewhere. She was thinking about different things. She was thinking about how to tell Fred she'd lost her job, and could she tell him and leave out the real reason why? No, because he knew people she worked with and would be bound to learn the truth anyway. She was thinking about how they had found out about the affair, and where she had screwed up. And as Fred mindlessly pounded away on top of her, she was thinking about Jayden, and their night in the hotel when the HR director called, and how he'd pinned her up against the wall on the back of the sofa and fucked the hell out of her.

She chickened out. She decided she would tell him the next week.

But next week never came.


It was Tuesday night. Bernie and Jayden were sitting by the pool sipping iced tea and talking. Jayden was actually not too upset by the firing, but of course he didn't have all of the associated baggage that a husband and family brought into it. Bernie was addicted to the sex with Jayden, but the thought of a future with him she had only just begun to consider.

"At least now we only have to keep a few people in the dark about us instead of a whole corporation," he said.

"I can't. They're going to find out. It's my family. I have to tell them."

"Let's run away together."

"If I was single I probably would. Where would we go?"

"Where would you want to go?"

"Curacao," she said. "You've told me how nice it is and how you figure you will go back someday. I think that is the 'where' for you. And working with your father might be the 'what'.

"And are you the 'who'?"

"I don't know. But two out of three ain't bad."

"Ah, there is this beautiful spot. It is called Paliaw Cove in the south on the leeward side. My father and I have talked about it, it would be perfect for his small fleet. There is a small beach and marinas and an inn on the hillside that changes hands every few years. We've talked about buying it and expanding it. It's an ideal location for a quiet getaway, fishing, scuba diving and snorkeling, and sight-seeing trips."

"Sounds wonderful," Bernie said.

"It is," he said. "But I'll have to keep you away from my old man. He loves the ladies. Especially pretty ones."

They smiled at each other and kissed. The doorbell interrupted them.

Bernie looked at her watch. It was a little late for a social call. Jayden got out of sight and Bernie went to the door. She turned on the porch light and looked through the peephole. There were two men, one in a suit and one in a uniform.

She opened the door into a private hell. The man in the uniform was a deputy sheriff. The man in the suit was from the airline.

"Oh, no," Bernie said, and covered her mouth with her hands. It must be a plane crash. She always knew there was a possibility of this.

But it wasn't a crash. Fred had had a heart attack during his layover in Hong Kong. He died before the ambulance got to the condo where he was staying.

Bernie wept in the doorway. The men tried to comfort her but she said no, thanked them, said she needed to be alone. The suit said she would be hearing from them again tomorrow. She called Tina, who said she and Jim would be right over.

She fell into Jayden's arms. She fought back her tears. She knew she had to get him out of there pretty quick, and he understood. This would not be the time to introduce him. She promised to call him the next day. He kissed her, told her how sorry he was, said goodbye and made a quick exit.

She found out two days later that when Fred had his heart attack he was in bed sticking his dick into a flight attendant named Henrietta. Bernie remembered meeting her and her husband at a Christmas party. She guessed it must have been going on for some time.


Death fucks up everything. Bernie would never have to tell her husband about why she got fired, but she would have to explain it all to Tina, and everybody else would find out anyway. Now she was a widow and would have to deal with all the shit widows have to deal with: funeral homes, burials, death certificates, insurance. And the embarrassment.

Bernie decided that there would be no big funeral, no viewings, no limos, no wake. Just a private memorial service and burial for family and a few close friends.

Bernie arranged everything at the cemetery so that when the body finally arrived things were all set. There would be a service in the small chapel and then everyone would hike a hundred yards to the burial site.

The day was gray and cloudy with a light steady rain. 'Showers of blessing', the preacher said. There were only about 25 people there. Jayden skipped the service and burial but was at the house afterward. Bernie wanted him there. She said they all knew about him anyway so they'd probably want to get a closeup look at the handsome young man she was fucking.

Most of the people came back to the house, where food and drink were served. Jayden noticed everybody checking him out. A couple people introduced themselves to him, and Bernie introduced him to others, including Tina and Jim. Tina greeted him rather coolly; Bernie had told her all about her affair with him but she was still not over the shock.

Tina was a younger, darker-haired version of her mother. Lean, shapely body, sleek good looks and a sexy smile.

"I'm sorry about your father, Tina," Jayden said. "I know this is awkward for both of us, but I am sincere. I am close to my father, although I don't see him as much as I'd like, and I couldn't imagine losing him so suddenly. You have my sympathies." This disarmed Tina a bit.

Later she cornered him. "So how did it happen?" she asked him.

"What do you mean?" he said.

"You know what I mean. You and my mother. How did it start?"

"I don't know, it just did. She was training me, I don't know. We liked each other."

"You liked each other? That's it? Men have been hitting on her for twenty-some years and she beat them off like she was swatting flies. Why you?"

"Tina, I don't know..."

"Did you seduce her? Or did she seduce you?"

"You should ask your mother that question... Let's just say it was mutual."

Tina smiled subtly for the first time.

"Well, you must be okay. My mother wouldn't waste her time with a loser."

"Thank you," he said.

"Take care of her."


The next couple of months were busy ones for Bernie. She had to deal with the life insurance companies. Between their personal policies and those of the airline she would net almost a million dollars. And she had to get the house ready to sell. If the appraisal was even close she should net another half-million on the sale. She knew she had to get out. She didn't know where she was going or what she was going to do next, but when she figured it out she would have the cash.

She didn't want Jayden to move in with her at first because she knew it wouldn't look good. But after a couple weeks she didn't care. She knew she would be leaving, even though she hadn't discussed it with anyone yet, so she didn't really care what anybody thought. And she wanted the sex, as much as possible. She wondered if she had a sickness, and wondered what Tina would think if she knew her mother was such a nympho. She just wanted to come, and make Jayden come, in her mouth, in her pussy, on her tits, up her ass, she didn't care. The only times she wasn't thinking about everything else was when they were fucking. And she wasn't sure how healthy that was. Yet as much as she craved it, she knew she would have to give it up for a while. She had to be by herself for a while to figure out where she was going from here.

One day Bernie was on-line and she thought she had found what she was looking for, or at least something that could be a bridge to the next phase of her life. It would also be an adventure, a vacation, and would give her plenty of time to think. A nice, long cruise.

She checked numerous cruise lines and looked at dozens and dozens of cruises of various duration and ports of call. They all ran together in her head. How would she know one from another and which ones were good or bad? And then one jumped out at her and her decision was made. It was a 145-day around-the-world cruise which started and ended in Miami. But what instantly clinched it was the port it sailed into on Day 119: Curacao.

For almost five months no one would know where she was. Solitude. No phones. Communication only by email and only when she felt like it. It would set sail in less than three weeks and there were still cabins available. She booked it.

The next three weeks were spent tying up all the loose ends that were still dangling. She and Jayden and Tina worked around the house getting it ready to sell. They got rid of a lot of stuff and Bernie signed the documents to put the house on the market effective the day she left. She hired an attorney to handle the transaction. She arranged to donate all of the furniture to a local charity. Jayden would stay and house-sit until the deal closed and see that all of the furniture and personal property was picked up before closing.

During those three weeks Bernie and Jayden fucked like rabbits on crystal meth. First thing in the morning, last thing at night and plenty times in between. In the bed, in the pool, on the floor, on the chair, backwards, forwards, sixty-nines. It was like Bernie was a 117-pound sponge trying to soak up enough orgasms to last her 145 days. Her jaws, pussy and asshole were abraded and sore when the day finally came for her to leave.