Rosa's Plight


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" What a disgusting woman you are Rosa Alterman" she shouted out loud. Annoyed and ashamed of herself for even thinking such thoughts.

By the time Joseph came home a couple of hours later, looking weary and shattered, she had recovered sufficiently to make their meal and ask about his day. She did not mention Sauer's attack on her, or the rat she had found in the room. It was pointless to even think about reporting such an incident. She would not be believed. Her word, against even a minor a Nazi Official as Sauer, would count for nothing. And oh, the details they would want to know. She would be questioned relentlessly. They would want to know about her running around virtually naked and clutching that little towel. It would be so embarrassing. He would claim that she led him on and submitted to him so easily. And then there was her climax!...would she be able to deny it with their lights shining on her face. God, she would just die if that came up. Her ultimate shame. And her husband might even be there to hear about it.

No, reporting it was unthinkable. She was a Jewess after all and a second class citizen. Perhaps, not even a citizen at all, to be legally correct. She might even be punished and jailed herself rather than Rudi Sauer. From every point of view it was a non-starter. She would just have to avoid the man in future that was all. He hadn't really hurt her so she had just better to get on with things. And she knew it was now time to carry out the little plan she had in mind to improve Joseph's life.


Two days later, Rolf Weber was surprised when Mrs Alterman called over to him in the foyer of the apartment block. She was carrying what looked like a heavy parcel and clearly needed assistance. If it had been any other Jewish lady, he would have turned his back and walked away, but for her...

He quickly was at her side and taking the heavy package responded to her request of "Would you mind carrying this up to my apartment for me?"

Would he? You bet he would.

She chatted pleasantly to him on the way up, his only regret being that he didn't get his normal opportunity to watch her climb up the stairs.

Rosa opened her door then issued an invitation. "Would you like to come in for a glass of lemonade? "You deserve some reward for your efforts,"

"Oh, yes please," replied Rolf, eagerly.

As she made his drink, she watched him as he sat in a chair. Could this young blue eyed boy really be as cruel and vindictive to fellow human beings as fellow Jews said he was.

For his part Rolf felt uncomfortable. What was he doing in a Jewish apartment and especially the Alterman's home knowing he had beaten up her husband only a few days ago.

As he sipped his drink, he was stunned to see Rosa Alterman put her leg up on an adjoining chair, pull up her skirt and proceed to adjust her nylons. His eyes lit up, as he saw the superb shape of nyloned leg. The skirt was pulled back further and he gasped in awe as bare flesh at the stocking tops was displayed. He looked on in wonder at her superb legs ...

"Do you like my legs, Rolf?" she purred seductively.

"Oh ...yes..." he managed to say with difficulty. "They're quite beautiful."

After a minute, she stood up straight and let her skirt fall.

"There now" she said. "I'm glad you enjoyed that little show."

"Rolf,... I did that because I am about to ask a favour of you," she said sitting down next to him.

"Well. Yes Fraulein, of course," said Rolf still reeling from a leg show that had just about blown his mind.

She went on. "As you probably know, my husband has a clothing shop just off the high street, but, has suffered greatly from a series of attacks by a local gang."

"I was thinking that perhaps you might find out who are behind these attacks and perhaps persuade them to leave my husband alone."

Rolf nodded, but, said nothing. He was still drooling about her leg display and weighing that up with what she had just said about her husband.

When he left a minute or two later, he made no promises about helping Joseph. And apart from being polite and courteous he had actually made no comment on what she had asked of him. However, as a further incentive she had hinted that further displays like the one he had witnessed that afternoon would be available for him, if progress was made.

From the window, she watched him emerge from the building and make his way across the open space below. Had she done the right thing? Only time would tell, but, her instincts had told her that she had made a significant impression on him.


In the next few days, Rosa was pleased to learn from Joseph that he was no longer being abused or attacked by local youths. She sighed with relief seeing a significant improvement in Joseph's general disposition. Also, he had received a couple of orders for work which also had lifted his spirits.

She had tried to keep out of Sauer's way as best she could, but, avoiding him was easier said than done. And she didn't want to make an enemy out of him, that would be most unwise. However, the man seemed to be everywhere. A few days later, she was standing at the bus stop when his van drew up and he offered her a lift home. She wanted to refuse, but, that would have looked very odd to people around. Stuck up, arrogant, Jew, they would be thinking. Besides, her feet were aching and she was carrying heavy shopping. So, she manufactured a smile and got into the passenger seat beside him.

He didn't drive straight back to the block of flats, but, deviated to a rundown area near a disused factory. Rosa wasn't surprised. She had half expected him to try something. And driving to a place like this was just like him.

First thing he did was sneak his hand under her dress. "Don't do that, Rudi," she said, but, he just grinned and persisted. "You liked it the other day Rosa" I know you did."

"Look, be nice for once, just drive me back," she asked

"O.K. will do, but first, pull your dress up. Let me see those lovely legs of yours, again."

Rosa looked out of the window while she thought. I'll have to do something for him otherwise we might be sitting here all night. "All right," she said, eventually, "I'll do what you ask, but, that's all I'll show you...agreed?"

As soon as he nodded, she lifted up her dress. It was awkward in the van but she got it way up.

"Oooooh that's nice" he growled. "And wearing white panties today, I see, how very sexy. I don't suppose you'd take them off for me?"

"Certainly not," she spat out. "I'm a respectable married lady and don't you forget that."

Rudi just grinned, he was enjoying himself immensely talking sex with this delectable beauty. The object of his lust these days. Now, he cheekily moved his hand across her bare thighs. "Oh Rosa, your legs are so smooth and sexy. I could play with them all night."

"Well you're not going to," she said, finally pulling her dress firmly back down. "Now can we go back?"

"Not quite," he grinned, "cos I want your hand around this." And that's when he pulled out a very erect cock.

"Look you agreed that..."

"Yes, but that was you showing me your legs. Now, this is me showing you my cock."

"Put it away, please."

"I will, when you've had a feel of it."

Rosa sighed. The man was incorrigible and he had the upper hand again. She should have just waited for the bus.

Feigning reluctance and irritation, she reached across and took it in her hand. Once again, she marvelled how big it was. She couldn't help giving it a little squeeze to gauge thickness and hardness. "Hmmm" she muttered, non-committaly, but, It was impressive, she had to admit. Then, she thought back to when this very same cock had fucked her in her own bed. It had done a devastating job.

Just then, a lorry came up use the factory car park and Sauer, with difficulty, put his cock away. He switched on the engine to go and Rosa breathed a sigh of relief.

"Next time you can suck it," he told her.

Rosa was horrified at the very idea. "No I will not," she said firmly.

Sauer just laughed, but, he was thinking about her pretty mouth wrapped around his cock. It got him hard again.


A few days later, Rosa decided to visit her Aunt who lived in the northern suburbs of the City. For this, it was necessary for her to go to the train station and travel along several stops. Thankfully, this was not too expensive thanks to low rail fares. When she arrived, she found her Aunt with Jewish acquaintances from the neighbourhood. Rosa found their conversations and discussions entirely pessimistic. The general synopsis was that things were bad for Jews in Berlin and would not get any better. Despite the air of gloom, she stuck it out for a couple of hours before setting off home.

Before leaving, her Aunt gave her some advice. "Leave Germany, Rosa...get out while it's still possible. Go to London, we have relatives there. You could start again..."

"Aunt what you are proposing is out of the question. Joseph has his business. He can't just leave it. And getting travel visas is so difficult I'm told. Besides we haven't got enough money ..."

"And the longer you leave it, the harder it will be. And, officials can be bribed, you should know that. So at least think about it. Think about it very hard."

She made her way back to the train stop and thought about what her Aunt had said. It was certainly an option to try and get to England. They would lose out financially that was certain, but then, it would be a lot safer once they got out of Germany. Should she try and persuade Joseph to go?

Then, all the way back, she looked out of the window and thought about Sauer. She knew he would be coming after her again and her mind was in turmoil thinking about the sexual feelings the man had somehow aroused in her with his rough and dominating approach. She didn't really want to risk another encounter, but, at the same time it would be unwise to antagonise him, given the connections he had with the Nazi apparatus.

Then there was young Rolf. What had she started with him? The beatings and abuse of Joseph had mercifully stopped, but, how far would she have to go to keep Rolf sweet? Deep down, she knew she would have to do whatever was necessary to help and protect her husband.


And, It wasn't long before Rolf was back knocking on her door. Just 3 days later, in fact. The boy couldn't wait to tell her about his success in keeping the boys away from Joseph. And she could tell by his excitement that for this he expected some kind of sexual reward.

"Come in," she told him.

Maybe I have made a mistake with this sexual reward thing, she acknowledged to herself as she bade him to sit down in her home. But, having started it, she knew she would have to go on.

"This time take your skirt off", said Rolf with a surprising tone of authority in his voice. "I want to see more."

With a sigh, Rosa did as he asked. She felt tired today and didn't want an argument, not when she had got him on her side. So, casually, she unzipped the skirt. Rolf gulped as he watched it come off, sliding down her legs to reveal stockings, panties and a delightful expanse of bare thighs.

Rolf leaned forward in his chair. "Come here," he ordered, using finger to gesture. Rosa blinked, she was a mature woman and at 34, nearly twice the boy's age, and yet, he was telling her what to do. This was not lost on her, but, she couldn't go back now, not if she wanted to protect Joseph. So, she slowly walked forward...into his grasp.

Without getting up Rolf reached forward and held her by the hips. Then he tugged her panties down.

Rosa, opened her mouth and gasped at his effrontery, but the panties were down now and so she said nothing. What would be the point? She just watched Rolf staring at her hairy pussy and for some reason she felt strangely excited...Then his young hands started to explore her legs and bare thighs. From nylon to bare thigh over and over. He liked doing that. Liked the contrasting feel of it. He also stared at her hairy pussy. She stroked his hair. Poor boy, she thought. One day, I will have to take him to bed...


As Rosa walked down the street the next morning she felt alive and in good spirits. She also was somehow more aware of her own femininity. She proudly swung her hips and strode on. She got a wolf whistle on one corner and an admiring look and smile from a businessman on another. Why did she feel like this? Was it the sexual incidents that had recently occurred in her life? Whatever it was, she certainly felt different and was up for changes in her life in all sorts of ways.

Two hours later, she arrived back at the building. She had spent an hour at the shops and the rest of the time at a friend's house. Together, they had discussed the situation of the Jews in Germany. Her friend, Mrs Weinbeck had many contacts in Berlin and elsewhere and it had not been a happy discussion. Everywhere, things were looking desperate for the Jewish people and there were signs it could get worse. Rosa wanted to tap into her knowledge about the possibility of obtaining travel visas.

"Oh my dear, those things are very difficult to obtain. The Nazis are making it more and more awkward for Jews to travel. The normal way is to queue in a never ending line which goes round and round this particular Government building. Even then, the visa booth can be shut for hours on end, or, some discrepancy is found in your papers to send you away with nothing."

"However, all is not lost, because, some officials can be bribed. I don't know what the current bribe rate is, but, you can be sure it will be a lot. If you are serious about this I can get a name for you. But, don't leave it too late, if you are serious, because, my husband and I might just leave ahead of you."

They left it there and after another coffee and more small talk. Rosa bid her farewell.

She got back to her apartment block and found Rudi Sauer talking to someone in the foyer. An old lady who lived somewhere on the ground floor. He saw her and as she walked past, but, she was able to otherwise avoid him because of his preoccupation.

On the second floor, she walked quickly to her front door but stopped short in horror. The door had been daubed up with graffiti. "Death to Jews" was scrawled out in red paint. She put her hand to her mouth in shock. It was grotesque. Who would be so hateful as to do that to a neighbour, a fellow resident? Or who?... And what could she do? She was in a panic. Then, as she began to calm down she had two thoughts. One was to have the mess cleaned off as quickly as possible, but, she knew she would have to have help with that because she didn't have the materials or, in fact, the know how to do it. Secondly, she didn't want Joseph to arrive home and see it in a couple of hours' time. It would devastate him and he had suffered enough recently.

She sighed, as she realised that her best option, probably her only option, was to go back down as ask Rudi Sauer to see to it. The very man who had violated her a few days ago and who she had been trying to avoid. She stood in the corridor staring at the door. Then, taking a deep breathe she retraced her steps down the stairway to the foyer. Luckily, Sauer was back in his office.

She couldn't help sobbing, as she blurted out what someone had done to her door. Nor could she help pleading with him to remove the painted graffiti. "Please come and remove it, ...please."

He got her to describe the damage to the door, then said." I've got a list of jobs on at the moment. You're asking me to give you priority. I could get into trouble for doing that. So, the question is, what's in it for me if I do?"

She was taken aback..."well I can give you some money...I don't have much on me but..."

"I wasn't thinking of money," he responded. "More in the way of sexual favours."

She opened her mouth in shock, but, it was a feigned response, because, she had been expecting something like this from him. She had been thinking about it as she walked down to his office.

"Well, we'll have to see about that then won't we," she heard herself say. At the same time her heart was beating fast

His grunt of acknowledgement told her she had said just enough to galvanise him into action. "Let me get my tools and materials together then and I'll be right up."

Rosa went on ahead thinking that it was only the hint of sex that had got him moving. Otherwise, she would have had to wait days or weeks for him to work on the door. When she got into her flat, she decided to have a quick shower. Then, after she had stripped naked in the bathroom, she changed her mind and slipped on her dressing gown instead. She didn't want to be in the shower, if Sauer knocked on her door. I suppose I should leave the door open she thought, so he has no excuse to go and do something else.

He was there a couple of minutes later. He had come well prepared with all sorts of things with him to tackle the job. He scrubbed it down to get rid of most of the paint then painted it with an undercoat. He waited for that to dry before coming back to give it a gloss finish. Looking down from the end of the corridor, he was satisfied that once it dried out it would match all the other doors on the second floor. "Job done," he said to himself before glancing at his watch. Still plenty of time to shag Mrs Alterman before her husband got home.

He gathered all his tools, materials and paint and took them away. Then he had a wash and shave before heading back to number 27 and pressing the buzzer.

Rosa answered almost at once. She had been waiting for him and didn't want him to be hanging on the doorstep for the neighbours to see. The Alterman's did not want to attract any undue attention. One quick look at the state of the door and she closed it behind him. He had done a good job. Now she would have to pay him in kind. It was all she had been thinking about since she had made that half promise in his office. She could send him packing of course, but, they didn't want another enemy to contend with. After all, they had plenty of those. And she didn't want him just to grab her and force her into the bedroom like he had done the other day. No, hard as it was to swallow, she would have to make the first move. Show him that she was prepared to uphold her side of the bargain.

In the end, she did a simple thing as she lugged loose the belt of her dressing gown and watched it part to expose the front of her body.

Rudi saw this gesture and growled in appreciation. She was going to cooperate and play her part in bed. That was worth a lot. It was going to be even more enjoyable than the last time and that was saying something.

He walked her to the bed and got her to disrobe completely. Then, quickly, he got out of his own clothes. For a few moments, he stood and admired her. What a superb body this woman had. The best he had ever seen or had anything to do with. She was naked, except for shoes and a pair of nylons which stopped several inches past her knees. She was also wearing make-up. His cock hardened further at the realisation that she had made herself look good for him. Jesus, I'm going to enjoy this fuck, he thought.

After exploring her nakedness for a while, he took her hand and wrapped it round his erection. By now it was hard and swollen to nearly 8 inches long. Rosa couldn't help herself as once again, she squeezed to measure hardness and length. As she had observed before, it was twice as big as Joseph's penis. Soon, he would be plunging it inside her vagina, and, in her shame she realised that she couldn't wait for that to happen.

She didn't wait long, for after a few more minutes playing with her breasts and feeling up her thighs, he had her spread her legs and was in her. She gasped, as his cock slowly inched its way all the way up her love channel, filling her completely. This time, she did not feign disinterest, but, bucked and thrust up at him, as she got really wet and worked up. For the next 15 minutes they fucked hard like a normal couple of lovers, his hands enveloping her arse and pulling her in. On and on they fucked, until finally, she shouted out and shuddered into him. Only then did Rudi shoot his spunk deep inside her, jerking and bucking until he was spent.