Rosa's Plight


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He was there for over an hour.


And so the following Friday, she walked through a drizzle and several dark streets to the door of their meeting place. Her fears that others may spy on her were quickly abated. This was the sort of place where nobody in their right minds would come on a dismal afternoon.

Rolf appeared out of the shadows and escorted her inside a cranky metal door. "They are all inside," he informed her. "There's 5 plus me." Rolf, obviously, had no intention of missing the show.

A radio had been provided by one of the boys and tuned into an appropriate music channel.

Extra lighting had been added, so that the group would be able to see everything in great detail.

"We want to see everything" they had demanded when Rolf told them that the lady had agreed to participate.

They sat on wooden chairs and stools in a long line at the front. Nobody wanted to have an inferior view.

"If I do this, you must agree to continue to leave my husband alone," pleaded Rosa before she started.

"Yes, Yes, just get on with it," they demanded. "But it better be good."

The crackling tune filled the small room as Rosa took off her coat and put it on the chair provided. Everything else she took off would have to go on top of it, she reasoned. Facilities here were very spartan. "So here goes," she told herself.

First, her dress came off and the boys whistled excitedly. They could tell immediately, that the pretty Jewish lady had a superb figure with a lovely pair of legs.

Then reaching back she unclipped her bra and waited as her big breasts tumbled out. "Wow!" Someone shrieked and the rest of her small audience burst into spontaneous applause.

Then, taking her time, she used one of the chairs and started to unclip her suspenders and roll the stockings down her legs. The audience seemed stunned into silence. But, they were staring with mouths open. First one leg, then the other. She kept looking at them and smiling even though she had to make herself do it.

That left the blue lace panties and she took her time before easing her thumbs into the elastic and tugged them down. Chairs fell over in their rush to get closer. They wanted to get as close as possible to see the woman's shaven pussy. And she was naked, standing there in just a pair of black high heels. Obviously, they had never seen anything like it in their young lives.

Rosa stood posing for them for a couple of minutes. She wanted them on her side so she had to please them. And if that meant standing there naked to protect her husband, she was willing to do it. But, deep down, she knew that she was also enjoying it, enjoying having six pairs of young male eyes focussing hard on her newly shaven vagina.

In fact, she decided to go further. Give them a night they wouldn't forget in a hurry. "I'll come round and sit on your knees, one at a time," she announced "You can kiss me and have a little feel."

The cheer that went up might have been heard in the street. Oh yes, her suggestion had gone down well alright. The boys couldn't believe it.

But true to her word, Rosa started with the boy at the extreme left. She sat on his knee and turned her head so that he could kiss her. Then she put his hand onto her breast encouraging him to feel them. As the others waited their turn, including Rolf, the first boy squeezed and fondled her breasts. "They're soft, but also quite firm" he garbled out between kisses. All the guys laughed, they were having a great time. So every five minutes Rosa eased herself across to the next boy...and so on. Lots of kisses and lots of hands rubbing her bare thighs and feeling her tits.

In the end, she had stayed a lot longer than the boys expected. They all sighed, as eventually, she slipped her clothes back on. Then, before going she reminded them of their promise to be kind to her husband. She needn't have worried, they were all firmly on her side now.

Rolf escorted her home and in a dark alcove under the building, she let him have more kisses and a quick feel under her dress. As his fingers got inside her panties and toyed with her pussy, she suddenly realised she was horny and wet. All those inquisitive young hands on her body had worked her up. Rolf did not relent on his advances as he realised that he was onto a good thing.

"Come up to the flat," she urged him. "It will be better up there." Rolf just stood there stupefied by this new development. "Come on" she hissed and this time he sprang into action. They sneaked up the back way and in a couple of minutes, Rosa had opened her flat door and switched on the lights. She knew Joseph out of habit would be in around six o clock, so, they had plenty of time for sex.

She undressed straightaway and led him into the bedroom. Rolf struggled as he tore off his clothes, while, at the same time, staring at her incredible naked body. It seemed the beautiful Mrs Alterman was offering her body to him for sex. His cock was at full erection. It was time for this 18 year old youth to become a man. But he was determined not to rush things.

His hands were all over her curvaceous body, so smooth, so sexy. "What a pair of tits, you have," he said, as he caressed and fondled them. Her nipples were hard so he bent over and nibbled at them. That drew a moan from her lips. She had never looked so desirable.

Then his hands stroked her thighs. He loved her long shapely legs which he had admired every chance he got. Then, Rosa, reached over and held his cock. She looked at him seductively through half open eyes. He guessed that she must be very aroused.

"Let's make love, Rolf" she whispered, opening up her legs in readiness.

"Oh yes," he grunted as he manoeuvred his cock up and into a now squelching vagina. Then they fucked, slowly at first then with increasing passion. Rolf drove into her over and over again. "Yes, Yes, good boy," she sighed. "Keep going, keep going." Suitably encouraged, Rolf kept up the thrusts into her married pussy, going ever deeper and drawing ecstatic gasps and moans from his sexual partner. Only his youth and vigour kept him going so long.

"Oh Rolf, baby you did me did me so good" enthused Rosa, after their passionate sex had come so delightfully to a close. They lay in each other's arms until Rosa realised that time had caught up with her. Now she needed to say goodbye to her young lover and get ready for her husband coming in from his shop.

It only took her half an hour to shower, get ready and put out the meal. Then she heard the key in the door. Joseph was back.


Rosa had never seen her husband as happy. The Nazi youth had left him alone for weeks now. In fact had they been unusually civil and helpful towards him. He couldn't understand it, but, just shrugged his shoulders and got on with things. He even got some new business now that the signs and graffiti had been removed outside.

They had just had their evening meal and were relaxing in their apartment when the telephone rang. Joseph was reading a newspaper so she walked across and picked up the receiver. It was Sauer and she wanted to see her downstairs. "It's very important," he stressed knowing that she would be dubious and reluctant to meet him. Eventually, however, he persuaded her.

"Give me ten minutes," she said.

That gave her time to change into something more alluring and fix her make-up. She chose her short black dress and put on a fresh pair of panties. Was it pride in her appearance or something else that was making her do this, she wondered. After all, it was just her sexual tormentor, Rudi Sauer, that she was going to see.

"I have to go downstairs for a few minutes," she told Joseph. He was still engrossed in his paper and just grunted acknowledgement.

She found herself checking her face in the elevator mirror. It was a very pretty face and her lipstick and eyeshadow were perfect.

She knocked lightly on his office door and he ushered her in. "I wanted to show you this," he said opening up a folder on his desk. It was notice of a decree soon to become law. And the essence of it was that Jews were going to be "required" to sell their businesses to non-Jews at prices to be determined by the State. In other words for a pittance.

"Bad news, eh," sympathised Sauer.

"Yes," confirmed Rosa. "Joseph will be shattered. When will this happen?"

"A few weeks, maybe. You're not supposed to see this by the way. It's a favour...maybe give you some room to manoeuvre."

"I don't know how," she said, shrugging her shoulders, but, thanks anyway.

"How about doing me a favour," he asked, putting his hand on her ass.

"What?" she pouted, folding her arms.

"Come outside," he requested "just for a few minutes."

They walked out into the darkness. It was quiet and the moon was out. He led her down a little alleyway into an alcove which she never knew existed.

"Five minutes," only she insisted. But her heart was thudding, out of control. Next thing, his hand was up her dress, feeling past nylon onto bare thigh. She allowed him to enjoy himself as he felt around...

"Uuugh, Rosa," he growled, "you are such a sexy bitch."

He went to kiss her lips, but, she declined and moved her face away. "I don't want to smudge my lipstick," she said in excuse.

Immediately, Rudi unzipped and produced his cock, with every passing second becoming stiffer and thicker. "Here, hold this, instead," he grunted.

She closed her eyes and felt her heart still beating hard. Why did this man have such an effect on her?

Then she just reached out and gripped his big cock. It was now fully erect, a penis becoming as familiar to her as her husbands. But she knew that there was no comparison, because, this beast was the real thing.

"Come on Rosa, suck that cock, you know you want to" he urged.

Rosa wet her lips with her tongue. Yes, Rudi was right. She did want to have that cock in her mouth. Also, there was a favour to repay. A good excuse to do what she wanted to do anyway.

So, kneeling lower, she opened her mouth and took in the head of Sauer's cock. It was what she had secretly wished for before she had even descended down in the escalator. In fact, she couldn't stop thinking about it from the moment he had shown it to her in the factory car park. Now her tongue snaked out, joyfully, and licked it, then ran the length of his shaft.

"Ohhhh," groaned the Caretaker, his fantasy becoming reality.

Rosa got more cock into her mouth and started to suck. What a beautiful specimen of manhood it was. "I love it," she sighed. Then she warmed to her task in the silent sordid alleyway, forgetting about her husband, the Nazi's and everything else, as she slowly and tantalisingly made love to his cock and brought him to a crescendo.

"Aaaaggh," he moaned as his cock spurted uncontrollably, most of it went down Rosa's throat some against the wall as she reluctantly withdrew her mouth.

"Jesus, Rosa, that was incredible," he enthused. "You have hidden talents. We'll have to do this more often."

"We'll see, she said. "But, that was for what you told me was in that confidential document."

"Oh, right," he said momentarily disappointed. "Still, you enjoyed it, didn't you?"

But Rosa was walking away, a smile on her face.

In the elevator going back up, she checked her face in the mirror. "So much for not smudging my lipstick," she mused, "half of it will be around Sauer's cock. "Anyway, you look like a slut," she chastised her image. "A cock loving slut. What will your husband think?"

As it happened, Joseph didn't see her messed up appearance, as she quickly disappeared into the bathroom. A quick shower, a repair of her make-up and a cigarette put her back on an even keel. Then she poured herself a gin and tonic and sat back to listen to a radio programme. She thought about what she had learned about Jewish businesses. What could we do? Probably nothing. After thinking more about it, she resolved not to tell Joseph, not yet anyway, it would burst his bubble, just when he was feeling happy again.


A few weeks later, a tragedy occurred. Her husband had a heart attack working on a suit in his shop. Rolf found him after he had called in to check that everything was O.K. And despite frantic efforts from the people he summoned for help, and, also calling an ambulance to the scene, it was too late. Joseph was gone.

Rolf was frantic and so upset when he went to inform Rosa. That was a black day indeed and she cried non-stop for 2 days. Then of course she knew that relations had to be informed as well as arrangements made to a funeral.

Two week later, when she was still mourning for his loss, she had a visitor. It was her Aunt.

"It's more vital than ever for you leave Germany," she advised. "You must go to England it's the only safe destination as well as having family there. You no longer have a choice my dear. It is the evil intention of this regime to destroy all Jews in Germany. They are doing this as we speak. They have plans to round up people in the ghettoes and after that soon they will come to places like this. So, get a visa and go by train. It's still possible."

Then, she sighed in sadness. "In a way, Joseph was lucky. He will miss it all. But you my dear are still young and healthy. It's time for you to start a new life away from here. So go."

Rosa decided to take her Aunt's advice. She was on her own now and had to take her own decisions. She needed a visa and found out where the offices to obtain one were. However, when she turned up the next morning she was shocked by the length of the queue. It was so long that people were actually camped out.

"Officials can be bribed," that was what her Aunt had told her a long time ago, and, she supposed that still held. The only trouble was she only had a small amount of money at hand and she'd need that for train fares and other costs to get to England. However, she knew she had one thing that men might like. Her body.

So she waited outside the building and concentrated on the officials coming and going. She had been given a name and knew who to approach. She decided to concentrate on an official called Otto, a short, unattractive overweight man, who lunched at a café on the corner of the block. She also knew from enquiries that he lived on his own in an apartment block a few miles away.

She caught him stuffing himself with sausage in a corner booth and it was clear to her that he was not pleased to be interrupted.

"I need a visa to leave the country, Otto," she told him as she slid into the seat next to him.

"Then join the queue, madam," he replied, contemptuously, dismissing her request.

"But, I can't wait that long Otto. I need your help. Also, I have something to trade."

"Oh" Otto said as he delayed a bite of his sausage. He smelled a bribe and now he was all interest. "And what would that be"

"I have this," said Rosa tugging up her skirt and showing her lovely legs all the way to her waist. Also, she wasn't wearing panties.

He gaped with half chewed food in his open mouth, until twenty seconds later, she thought he had seen enough and pushed down her skirt. He'd either want what she was offering or not.

He was interested alright and desperate to get his hands on her. So, she agreed to visit him in his flat that very evening and stay one night, on condition that she would walk away the next morning with a visa.

Thinking it over briefly, he agreed. A case of lust overtaking any risks and difficulties he might have. So, after paying his bill at the café, he led her into his office in the government building where he worked. There he took a photograph for the visa and wrote down her personal details.

"Now it's up to you, Mrs Alterman," he grinned. "You get the visa only if you make good on your promise of all night sex. In other words, no visa."

Rosa was there promptly at the agreed time, 8.00p.m. She got the lift up to the 3rd floor and sought out his flat, no 19. She knocked on the door and he answered straight away. "Good, you've come" he drooled.

He had a drink waiting for her as he took her coat and threw it over a chair. Then they sat there, formally chatting, while his eyes kept looking her over, assessing her figure and her black stockinged legs, so delightfully splayed out to show the quality of what she was bringing to him.

"You have the visa?" She asked, finishing off her drink. He tore his eyes away from her legs and picked it up from the coffee table. "Yes, it's all here," he said holding it up for her.

"May I see?" she politely asked.

Grudgingly, he let her look. To Rosa, everything seemed in order. Her photo was in place and there were official stamps and signatures in all the right places.

"It's genuine," he assured her. "And, believe me, you've saved yourself several days of waiting in queues and checking in at government offices. Even then, this may well have been denied you."

Then, taking it from her, his tone became harsh. "But, before I hand this over to you, I want to enjoy you're part of our bargain."

"Now strip, I want to see you naked."

Rosa watched him slide the visa into a drawer in a cabinet, then proceeded to take off her dress.

Otto slumped back into his chair to watch her progress. He was seriously overweight and she could hear his laboured breathing as she concentrated on making her strip as alluring as possible.

After unclipping her bra and shaking her ample sized breasts free, she put her foot up on a chair, and, seductively, set about rolling down each of her stockings in turn. She could see his wide-eyed reaction, as she teased him with a leg display he wouldn't forget in a hurry.

Then she teased down her blue lace panties, watching him get ever more excited. But was he capable of physical sex? She was yet to find out.

By now, Otto had his cock out and was stroking it as he watched her.

"I can smell your pussy, bitch, come and sit on my lap." Rosa knew that she had no choice, but to obey his request. So, holding her panties in one hand, she advanced towards him, slowly, then eventually lowered herself down. First, he grabbed her panties and sniffed them eagerly, then his hands were all over her, feeling tits and bare thighs.

"Oh you gorgeous fucking beauty," he growled. "This is my lucky day." Rosa bit her lip in shame, this was going to be a very long night.

Soon after that, he made her stand up, place her hands on his dining table and bend over, as he greedily felt up her ass and bare thighs from behind. Then his mouth seemed to be kissing and slavering all over her naked flesh. He turned her round and honed in towards her vagina. He licked and kissed her pussy lips and then her clit; his fingers probing her there. It just went on and on as he handled and used her body. She looked at the clock, and, unfortunately calculated, that there were hours and hours to go.

"Oh," she sighed, thinking, I'm paying a high price indeed for my visa.

Then taking her by the wrist, he hauled her through to the bedroom. "We'll have such fun in here," promised her. Then he laid her down, naked and proceeded to kiss lick and slaver over every inch of her naked body.

It seemed hours before Otto finally fucked her, and, when he did, it was over in a couple of minutes. "Shit" he cursed as his sperm spurted over her belly. But, Rosa got a much need break. She even managed to get up and have a shower.

Then it was back to business as Otto came at her with renewed determination and another hard-on. This time he lasted much longer, spearing his more than adequate cock into her vagina. "Fuck, fuck, fuck" he kept repeating as he rutted in and out. "I'll give you a fucking, bitch," he growled. And, true to his word, he kept on and on thrusting into her, before he finally succumbed to an inevitable orgasm.