Rosa's Plight


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It wasn't love-making, because, it had nothing to do with love or anything near it. It was pure unbridled sex. Her a Jew and him a Nazi. So appropriate in current circumstances, with him on top with his huge cock and her below with her legs spread in submission and taking it. He had nailed her twice now in no time at all, once after the rat incident and once after the graffiti on their front door. She had called for his help and he had fucked her in payment.

She lay on the bed afterwards curled up in a ball, her body still throbbing in the after-sex. She had never been fucked like that in her entire life, despite a husband of many years. So comprehensively had he taken her, like an animal in lust. She couldn't think, she couldn't rationalize and there was so much to think about given their worsening situation. The message on the door being just another sign of impending doom. Yet all that was in her pretty head was the size of Sauer's cock and all that fucking. His open mouthed kissing and eager hands all over her body, building up once again, to an earth shattering orgasm. What had she been missing all these years? All those fake orgasms she had done to please her husband, to convince him that he was an adequate lover. All she knew, was that she would have to enjoy that sexual experience again...and soon. She felt that she deserved that.


A few days later, Rosa decided to visit her Aunt again and take her some items of food and drink. The older woman was finding it difficult to obtain more than basic supplies these days, as more shops decided to ban Jews from their premises. Rosa, herself, had experienced this, but so far, had not found shopping a problem. Today, was sunny and warm and she put on her light summer dress.

She made her way down the stairs and out onto the street. There she found Rudi Sauer loading some items into the back of a van. "Guten morgen" he hailed her and she acknowledged this with a nod. "I can give you a lift," he offered...

"No, I'm going to Zoo Station" she replied.

"But that's very near to where I'm going," he lied. "I can drop you off there."

Rosa hesitated, she hadn't want to encourage the man, not so soon after their...torrid liaison... but, the sensible part of her brain told her that his offer would be very useful. Better than changing 2 buses and waiting in long queues to get there. "Very well, thank you," she conceded and Rudi ushered her into the passenger seat. He drove quickly and arrogantly, but, she sat back and tried to relax. Her heart was thudding knowing she was in the company of her sexual violator. He would know that she had not reported him to the police and he would gain confidence from that. Five minutes into the ride and they stopped at a red light. He started to push his hand up her dress. How typical of the man, she thought, he can't keep his hands off me.

"No, don't do that...not here..." she said, pushing his hand away.

Rudi grinned. O.K. he would find a place alright. And give her a right seeing to, the sexy bitch. She could depend on that. In fact, It had all worked out perfectly this morning. He couldn't have planned it better. He was on his way to see Max Muller, his weird friend. The one who kept rats. Max had wanted to know all the details of how he used his rat to trick the "Jewish woman" and get into her knickers. He had planned to give Max full details of his sexual exploits over a beer, but, now he could go one better. He would get her to strip for the two of them. It would blow his friend's mind.

Another ten minutes and he pulls into a semi-derelict street in an area she barely knew. He stopped the van outside an old house. "Shouldn't be long" he said as he got out and opened the rear doors to the van. Then he sorted out what he wanted and took it inside.

After a minute or two, he re-emerged "He wants me to have a beer with him" he says. "Would you come inside with me, because, if he sees I've got a passenger, we would get away quicker."

Reluctantly, Rosa got out of the van and walked behind Rudi, as he walked down the path to the house. There to meet them was a unkempt older man with a beer gut and stained teeth. At first, he seemed stunned to see her at his doorstep, and, she felt overdressed, and, out of place. All the same, she moved forward in her flower coloured dress and high heels.

He stared at Sauer and said "Is this the lady who..."

Sauer immediately said "Yes" and added "she lives at the building I look after."

She saw a knowing grin spread across the man's features, before he turned back to her and said. "I'm very pleased to meet you my dear"

Rudi said "we can only come in for a minute. Mrs Alterman has a train to catch and we need to get to the railway station."

"Ah" said Max catching something in Sauer's facial expression. "It's just through here then. I'll get you your money."

Rosa followed them into a dark passageway, halfway along, she heard a rustling noise and to her horror saw a cage with 2 or 3 rats scuttling around in it.

"Oh" she gasped in horror. "Rats!"

"Nothing to be alarmed about lady" grunted Max. "Just come in here and we can close the door." Rosa, visibly disturbed, went into the room which was obviously the man's main sitting room. There was a kitchen to the right and stairs at the rear, obviously leading to the bedrooms. By now, Rosa was regretting getting out of the van.

She turned and saw the men whispering behind her. Whatever was said, Max started chuckling with delight. Rudi said, "We'd like you to do a striptease...take all your clothes off. Max wants to see your lovely body. He doesn't believe me when I tell him how beautiful it is."

Rosa's mouth opened wide in shock. "You can't be serious" she said.

"Oh yes we are sweetheart. We are going to have a beer while we sit on this sofa and watch you."

"I have a train to catch," she whined.

"Plenty of time for that" replied Rudi," just get on with it."

Rosa realised she had been tricked and was furious. What a fool she had been to get into that van with this monster. Why had she trusted him. "I won't do it," she said firmly. "Now, take me where I want to go."

"You will do It, Rosa," said Sauer coldly, "otherwise, Max and I will take you to a room upstairs, put the rats in with you and lock the door."

Rosa's blood ran cold. He had just described her worst nightmare. She closed her eyes and visualised the horror they had planned for her if she refused. That's when she knew she would be taking off her clothes for these horrible men. Anything, would be better than being alone with those rats.

Rudi switched on the radio and got some music going. "If I do what you ask, will you promise to take me to the station immediately afterwards?"

"Whatever you want, baby," he growled. "Now just get on and strip."

Rosa's fingers were trembling, as she reached back and unzipped her dress. Seconds later, it slid down her body and cascaded at her feet. She picked it up and put it on a nearby chair. "Very nice" said a leering Max, admiring her figure "but, we want more. So first the bra and then the panties."

Reluctantly, Rosa obeyed his order. First displaying her breasts and then easing down her pale blue panties to watch them slide effortlessly down her silky smooth legs. Both men had their cocks out now and Rosa saw with alarm that both were dangerously erect. They were stoking them in unison, their lustful eyes on her. She had never before felt so naked and exposed.

Then, they made her stand with her legs apart and thrust forward her vagina. Rosa closed her eyes and blushed with shame at how brazen and provocative this was. Max leaned forward "Lady, you are going to have to shave that hairy pussy, so we can have a decent look at your juicy cunt. There's a shaving kit in the bathroom, upstairs, so, go to it...and be quick about it. Otherwise, we'll be putting you in with the rats after all."

Rosa left the room for the stairs, which were behind her to the left. She was glad to be out of their control and their lustful stares, even temporarily. Was there another way out of here? she wondered. But, there wasn't. She found this out after a quick look around, carrying her high heels in her hand. They had resonated loudly on the wooden stairs, so she had taken them off at the top.

She saw the bathroom, which was grimy and in need of a damn good clean. There were also two other rooms. One, had a couple of empty rat cages with bits of food strewn about the floor. She shuddered and moved on quickly to the last room. It was a bedroom, with a large bed and some items of furniture. Also, pictures and photographs of naked women on the wall. Rosa, looking around, saw that the windows in both upstairs rooms had bars on them, as had the bathroom. There was no escape and she supposed that was why she was allowed up here on her own.

She walked into the bathroom and searched for shaving items. There were scissors and what looked like a woman's razor. Taking a deep sigh, she started to snip away at the hairs down below. She soon had a small pile at her feet. Then, sitting on the edge of the bath she used the small razor to remove most of the remaining hair. It took her another ten minutes before she was finished and reasonably happy with how it looked. Biting her lip, she picked up a small hand mirror and examined her handiwork. It was the best she could do and she had never felt so naked and humiliated. How she would explain this to Joseph, her husband, she did not know. He wouldn't understand. Nor could she understand, at that moment, why her vagina was wet. She felt so ashamed.

She put her high heel shoes back on and clip clopped her way down the stairs. The men were waiting for her, still sitting on the sofa and sipping beer from the bottles. "About time too," muttered Max.

She stood away from them, at first, but Rudi beckoned her nearer. "We want a close look," he told her, "a really close look." Reluctantly, Rosa sidled forward, until she was within a couple of feet of them. "Umm, nice, what do you think, Max?"

"Yeah, at least we can see her cunt, now,... the bitch"

Rosa felt tears slide down her cheek. She felt both shame and humiliation as she stood, submissively, not more than a yard away, with hands behind her back and legs apart. Her face blushed red as both of them leered and stared at her exposed vagina. They just grinned at her intense embarrassment and discomfort, as they feasted their lustful eyes on her exquisite female body.

And despite herself, Rosa felt strangely excited by what the men were forcing her to do. She had never before experienced anything quite like it.

"And now let the fucking begin" roared Max as he stood up meaningfully, his large erection poking out from his trousers.

"Oh no," screeched Rosa in her panic. She evaded his lunge but had nowhere to go but up the stairs. Quickly, she turned and ran towards them. Max grinned as, taking his time, he followed her shapely bare ass up the stairs. Man, what a fucking he was about to give to this bitch. There was no escape for her.

And, sure enough, he cornered her in the bedroom, as she whimpered and pleaded with him to let her go. But there was no mercy in his blazing lustful eyes...

Max's cock was so hard now. The Jewish bitch was going to get it...and good. He would make sure of that. But, first he slid off his leather belt and swished it hard across her bottom. Rosa screamed, more with the shock of it than the pain. then he caught her with another...ouch!

It wasn't long before she was lying back on the bed, submissive and firmly under his control. Her long legs were spread wide and she was ready to obey his every whim and command.

For ten long minutes he explored, kissed and licked every inch of her naked body, as she groaned and fought desperately NOT to enjoy his attentions. However, she knew, deep down it was a losing battle. She had become a different person in the last few weeks...Rudi, Rolf and now this loathsome individual...Max...

She knew that once again, she was going to be comprehensively fucked and her cunt was already moist in expectation.

Max's thick meaty manhood slid into her wet love hole easily filling and stretching the flesh walls of her vagina as he thrust it all the way in. Rosa, closed her eyes and moaned at the sheer fulfilling sensation of it.

Then he proceeded to fuck her over and over again, as he thrust his cock in and out, in and out, filling her sex completely as it did so. How could anyone so hateful, give her such sexual pleasure? she wondered And how was it possible for her to get more pleasure and excitement from these low life Nazis and their big cocks, than she ever could from her own husband?

She moaned as Max continued to shag her, relentlessly. He had so much sexual energy it was unbelievable. But then again Rosa's experience in such matters had been very limited. She realised that now. This was real fucking...and she liked it, even getting it from a low-life like Max.

As she felt passions grow, she got into the rhythm of it, responding and bucking to his every thrust. In turn, Max redoubled his efforts, fucking her to the very limit. His reward was to feel her shudder beneath him and scream in ecstasy.

Then, afterwards, Sauer came for her, showing her his massive erection as he joined her on the bed. A familiar ritual ensued as first he bade her hold and play with his cock. She needed no persuasion to do just that. After the initial squeezing and handling she was keen to lick the head and let her tongue drift down the shaft. She was starting to love his big cock more than she loved her husband's.

Then Rudi started to kiss and feel her tits, revelling in their generous size and making her nipples go hard.

"What a delightful handful you've got here, Rosa," he growled. As he continued to squeeze and maul her breasts.

Rudi then started to French kiss. She didn't object to that, in fact, she had got to like it since he had introduced her to it during his first conquest. She liked the excitement and thrill of tongues jousting and the rising passion that it led to. At the same time she realised that it was actually a prequel to sex.

After that, he progressed to her shapely legs and ass, his hands continually ravaging her beautiful body. Like the kissing, it went on for some time. Then, inevitably, he wanted to fuck her. That's why she was here and what she was expecting. He fingered her first, one finger then two invading the slippery depths of her cunt. It was his favourite activity; seducing, shaming and humiliating, the lovely Mrs Alterman.

As she got wetter and wetter he introduced his raging erection to proceedings. He wanted to fuck his favourite woman and in no time at all he manoeuvred it into her receptive love channel, stretching and dominating her sex as he slowly pushed it all the way in. Then he really went at her as he powered in and out like a piston, shagging her for all he was worth.

Once more Rosa was devastated by his all-conquering cock as it ravaged her vagina. And, as before, she could not help responding passionately to his rough love-making. "Oh Rudi" she moaned, "you're driving me crazy!"

And she kept on moaning as Rudi kept up the intensity of his fucking. On and on he went, driving into her sopping pussy.

"Oh, Oh," she gasped, "please...don't stop..."

She came after that, her orgasm crashing through her like a tidal wave. Then Rudi came too, grunting and shuddering as he spurted his load of spunk deep inside her vagina.

They let her shower and rest after that. The atmosphere had changed considerably. Now she no longer felt like a prisoner in Max's house; now she was just a randy housewife getting a bit on the side from two low-lifes. She accepted a drink, laughed at their jokes. Then, afterwards, they asked her what kind of sex she would prefer. "I would like to suck your cocks," she informed them. Much to their delight.

So, Rosa had two fully erect cocks to go at and she gave them equal loving attention, holding and squeezing one, as she wrapped her lips around the other. Then wanking and sucking, licking and kissing she had them moaning with pleasure. The size, length and thickness of their manhood's fascinated her and she carried on teasing and playing with them until finally one after the other they erupted in ecstasy.

Then later, they took turns to fuck after the other, all afternoon. In every conceivable position. Missionary, Doggy style, then with her on top, facing one way then the other. All the time her abusers were laughing at the how things had turned around. From being frightened and reluctant, Rosa had become their willing sexual plaything. She had admitted that had experienced more sexual pleasure than she had ever had in her life. She had revelled in it.

Rosa was completely shattered, when they finally stopped and allowed her to have a shower.

In the bathroom, she put her dress back on and combed her hair. As she looked at herself in the mirror, she realised that she had never felt so sexually alive. "I can't go back to how things were," she told herself.

Max watched her walk away. What an alluring sexy woman she was. A fantasy come true.

Then Sauer drove her to the station, with one hand on the wheel and the other continuously sliding up her dress. She didn't object...she was in another world. She never realised that raw sex could be so exciting and fulfilling.


In the days that followed, Rosa got into the habit walking around the apartment, either totally naked, or, wearing just stockings and high heels. She tried to do some work, but, found herself lying on the bed at every opportunity, playing with her newly shaved pussy or admiring her lithe curvaceous figure and firm round arse in the dressing table mirrors. It wasn't Joseph that she fantasied about as she masturbated more and more on those lazy afternoons. It was Sauer, or Max, or even young Rolf...

Then, as if on cue, Rolf came knocking on her door. She knew before she answered that he would be pleased to see her half dressed in seductive lingerie. And so he was. His eyes staring hard looking her up and down. He was here for his reward for keeping her husband safe. Only this time, she was glad he had come.

But, something was wrong and it took her a few minutes before she was able to find out. It seemed that his Hitler Youth Group had wanted to know why they had suddenly gone soft on Mr Alterman in his clothing shop? Why should he get special treatment out of all the hated Jews who had business in the high street. Was Rolf being bribed?

"I had to tell them," he confessed "and now they want in on the action. They want to see you strip."

Rosa wondered how many young men were involved. But it didn't really matter. She would have to do this, otherwise, all bets were off in respect of her husband. He could get beaten up or his shop set on fire. She had no choice.

So, "where and when?" was the only question she asked Rolf. It would have to be somewhere secure, she stressed, she didn't want any Tom, Dick or Harry wandering in and seeing her naked.

"There is a place, said Rolf. It's our meeting room where we can lock the door and not be disturbed. But, you would have to put on a good show and please the boys, otherwise we could have trouble."

And, so it was arranged for the Friday afternoon at 2.00 p.m., two days from now.

As she thought about what she would wear and how she would go about stripping for six eighteen year old boys, she parted her lace body cover and treated Rolf to a full view of her breasts, legs and pussy. This was because she needed him on her side like never before, and, if that meant stepping up the sexual be it.

But he didn't just want to look. He was desperate to touch, feel, fondle and kiss her...everywhere. And so she let him. What else could she do?