Save Maddie's Cherry for Me


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"Father Auyeung's right about you, Maddie," my father whispers as he leans over to kiss me goodnight, and his hand is wiping his cum over my boobs, smearing it across my skin.

"Right about what, Daddy," I whisper, glowing, limp, and I want my Daddy to hold me and do things to me. Things that he wants to do to me. Any things.

"You're ready," my Dad kisses my lips, not my forehead. He kisses my lips that taste of his cum.

"I'll tell you tomorrow, Maddie," he whispers, before he kisses me again, and this time he kisses me the way a date would kiss me, and I kiss him back the same way, and his tongue's deep in my mouth. I'm sucking on his tongue, and he's sucking mine into his mouth, and I know he's tasting himself.

"It's the Church Halloween Ball tomorrow, Dad," I say at last.

"Yes," he says. "It is." He smiles and he's gone, and when I wake up in the morning, I can smell him on me and I can taste him in my mouth.

* * *

"Have you decided what you're going to wear to the Halloween Ball tonight, Maddie," my Dad calls out, and it's easy for him. Tux.

"Almost," I say, eyeing the three dresses laid out on my bed. Little black dresses, every one of them. The sort of little black dress I remember my Mom wearing, back before she left Dad and me.

I'm not sure that Father Auyeung would approve of these dresses. Father Auyeung thinks we should all be shielded and protected from the sinful ways of the secular world and a Church Halloween Dance is the way to do it. Halloween is apparently an evil pagan western cultural practice designed especially to corrupt innocent Chinese girls. Innocent Chinese girls like me.

Father Auyeung is always looking for evil western influences on well brought up Catholic Chinese girls. He goes on and on about those evil influences in his sermons, and once he even called every girl at Mass up to the dais and talked about how we dressed, and the sins of modern fashion, and how sinful it is to wear tights or short skirts like most of were, which was actually what I was wearing that Sunday. A really short skirt, and I did blush when Father Auyeung pointedly comment on how a skirt like mine exposed my legs and created lustful thoughts in men.

Father Auyeung does love talking about evil influences on innocent Chinese girls and it was actually quite exciting to know I inspired lustful thoughts in men, and all the men in the Church were looking, and they actually did look rather lustful. I almost climaxed on the dais in front of everyone, and I was all weak and shivery when I got back to our pew, and I was sure that every man I squeezed past to get back to my seat besides Dad was looking at my butt.

We all wore even shorter skirts the next Sunday, and there were lots of lustful looks.

Father Auyueng gets quite detailed sometimes, wallowing in those words. He does get a little too detailed sometimes, especially about the sinful ways of some Chinese girls and the evil influences that, well, influence them. It's quite eye-opening at times. Which always makes me wonder why he organized this Ball for us girls and our fathers, every year.

I'm hesitating over those dresses. Dad bought them for me last year, and they all fit because I'm still slender, and my boobs aren't any larger than they were when I was seventeen, except I'm a lot taller, my legs are longer, and those hems are a lot higher on me than they were twelve months ago. My boobs are still the same. Small. Not like Aimee's, and I do wish I had boobs like hers, but her Dad was a gweilo, even if her Mom was Chinese, so she probably gets those boobs from her Dad's family genes.

Those gweipo big boob genes. Oh well. Father Auyeung didn't check mine out the way he checked out Aimee's, but he looked at my legs last year. Actually, I know he's watched my legs the last three Dances. Probably to check that they've been protected from evil influences, that's what I said to Aimee last year.

Well, tonight he's going to get a lot of my legs to look at tonight, because I'm going to wear one of these dresses for sure, and they're definitely western-style dresses, and they certainly the sort of fashion that does get Father Auyeung worked up. I wonder what Aimee's going to wear. I know she's going with her Dad.

Her Dad's like mine. He always takes her to our Chinese Catholic Church's Father and Daughter Halloween Ball. She always looks hot, too. She's only half-chinese, her Dad's a gweilo, but her Mom was Chinese and her Mom passed away a couple of years ago. Her Mom passed away, mine left Dad and me, after they had a huge argument about something, and now I look after my Dad.

I smile, thinking about how I looked after my Dad last night.

That smile fades, and I feel all hot and tingly thinking about tonight.

The dance? It's tonight, we're leaving in half an hour and I'm still trying to decide.

"We're leaving soon, Maddie," my Dad calls out from his bedroom, and I know he's going to look great. He always does, and I think about last night and tonight, after we get back from the Ball, I want him to do that again. On me. I think he will.

It's weird that I want my Dad to do that.

I don't have a crush on any guys I know, not like Aimee and her boyfriend, Brad, whose kind of hunky. My Dad's hunky in a fifty year old guy kind of way, and I know he enjoys the Church Halloween Ball. I'm sure he thinks it's fun coz he's going to get to perv at a gazillion pretty Chinese girls all dressed up and looking hot, even though they're with their Dad's and unavailable for the secular corruption and defilement Father Auyeung is so afraid of.

Actually, I'm pretty sure my Dad's going to perv over Aimee at the Ball. He always says she's really hot, and I catch him looking at her a lot when she comes over and swims in our pool or we sit in the tub together. My Dad and her Dad are good friends, so we see each other a lot, and I know Dad looks at Aimee. She says it's the same way her Dad looks at me, and we both giggle about that, because we both agree.

Both our Dad's are hot.

I don't think her Dad jerks off while he's looking at her naked though. I don't think her Dad jerks off onto her boobs and her face and into her mouth either. Not like my Dad.

"Ready, Maddie," Dad says, and my door's open so he looks in.

I'm wearing a bra and panties, not that I think it matters now. He's been jerking off looking at me naked on my bed for over a week now.

"Wear this one," he says, pointing, and it's the one I want to wear but I've been hesitating, because the hem is also the highest. He grins. "It's backless, Maddie, you can't wear a bra with it."

"I don't think I can wear these panties with it either," I say, holding that dress up, and I've grown. It has a very low back and it's slit almost to the hip at the sides.

"Here," he says, handing me a small package. "I thought you might have that problem."

I take the package and open it right away. My cheeks burn. My Dad's bought me panties. Sexy panties. G-string panties, Black, white, red, different colors and different sizes. Some of them are tiny. Just a tiny little triangle and my cheeks aren't just burning. They're on fire.

"Dad?" I say.

"Wear these, they're cute." He points. He points to the tiniest G-string panties there, and they're bright red. Like my cheeks.

"Okay," I say, and I drop the rest on my bed. He grins and watches me as I unhook my bra, pull it off, peel off my panties and turn to face him as I step into those G-string panties. Wiggle into them while he watches, because they're small and they're tight and they don't cover very much at all. I'm glad Aimee persuaded me to shave everything last summer, when we bought those new bikinis together, and that I've shaved myself there ever since. Not that Aimee or I have much to shave, but still. I slip that dress on and it fits perfectly. It's short though. Really short, and tugging at the hem makes no difference.

Revealing? Yes, it is.

That hemline is a couple of inches below my panties, and I'm barefoot. We're talking micro-miniskirt short here, even without heels. That hemline is high. High enough that I'd blush if I was wearing that dress. Except I am wearing it, and I do blush when I confirm there really is only a couple of inches or so between the hem and my panties.

"Very nice," my Dad says, really appreciatively, and my heart jumps. "You've got gorgeous legs, Maddie."

"Thanks, Dad," I smile, and the way he says it makes my heart thump, because I do like my Dad looking at me that way that he does. It gets me all hot, and I wish I could find a guy to date who's like my Dad. The way Aimee's Dad looks at me makes me feel almost the same way, but not like my Dad does.

"Let's go," my Dad says, glancing at his watch and he looks totally hunky in that tuxedo, and I can't stop thinking that he picked my panties for me and he knows exactly what I'm wearing under this dress. Those little red g-string panties, and absolutely nothing else.

I have one pair of strappy black high heels and I slip them on, then check. That two inches between the hem and my panties has just about ceased to exist, it's one inch now, and all I have to do is bend a little and my panties are going to be on display to anyone who's looking. I swallow, nervously, then slip on a coat. I'm really not that used to walking in heels. I make my way to the car, really carefully, and we're on our way.

* * *

"Looking forward to the Dance?" Dad asks me.

He's smiling as he drives and when he glances down, I'm so conscious that I didn't fasten my coat, and my dress has ridden up to expose half my butt and a flash of red. My Dad's looking. There. God, I'm instantly hot and slippery.

"As long as you're coming with me," I smile back, a little breathlessly. "And Aimee and Jim are going to be there." Jim is Aimee's Dad, and I like dancing with him, He doesn't treat me like a little girl either, and I like that too.

"We should do this more often, Maddie," my Dad says. "You and me."

"Let's," I say, smiling, and I reach over to hold his hand, and it's almost like he's my boyfriend, not my Dad, and I know I'm going to enjoy this year's Halloween Dance, despite all Father Auyeung's thundering about the sins of secular society. This dance, it's almost like a date, except it's with my Dad and I do love my Dad. He's the best and I'm so lucky to have a Dad like him, and I make my Halloween resolution.

Not that there is such a thing, but I'm making one anyhow.

Spend a lot more time with my Dad. And maybe, just maybe, after we get home tonight, I'll do what I've been thinking about, and kiss his cock. I sort of wonder about a blowjob, but really, he's my Dad and I'm tempted, but blowing my Dad? Eeeewwwww. He did taste nice though, so maybe I can ask him to cum on my face and I'll open my mouth. That's not giving my Dad a blowjob.

That'd be okay.

"We're going to have a good time tonight, Maddie." Dad smiles at me. "A very special time together."

He looks great in that tuxedo. Even as old as he is, if he wasn't my Dad and he asked me out on a date, I think I'd date him. He's a hunk, really, even if he is way older.

"We will, Dad," I say, and I know my Dad likes it when I dress up and look hot, like I am tonight. I do hope Father Auyeung doesn't object, although now that I think about it, he does go on and on at Mass, but he never objects to anything any of us wear to the Church's Father and Daughter Halloween Ball. He even smiled and complimented me on my dress last year.

Aimee and her Dad arrive just before us, they don't see us right behind them, and Aimee's dress is hot, the hem is as high as mine and half her butt is showing, it's got a plunging V-front that shows off side-boob, and she's so lucky. She has lots of side-boob to show, and her Dad's bugged with her. I can tell, because I can hear him.

"What the ... what do you think you're wearing, Aimee?" Even though he's kept it to a whisper I can tell her Dad's furious, but wow. That dress.

"I wish I had a dress like that, Dad," I whisper.

He smiles and squeezes my hand. "If you'd like one like that, I'll take you shopping tomorrow."

"Okay," I say, holding my Dad's hand tight as we make our way down the stairs to the basement hall, following Aimee and her Dad, and it's already crowded. Lots of Chinese girls of course, because this >i>is the Chinese Catholic Church Fathers and Daughters Halloween Ball, after all. Lots of Chinese dads of course. Lots of men's eyes looking first at Aimee, and then at me as I walk in very casually, very slowly. Slowly because I have to be careful. I'm not used to high heels.

Those high heels push me up on my toes and give my legs a couple more inches. They make that high hemline a little higher and I just know I better not bend over or everyone behind me will be looking at my butt, and it's not like those G-string panties actually cover it. There're a lot of eyes on my butt already, I can feel them. Lots of Dad's eyes. Lustful eyes.

Mimi Wong's already here, she's in the same class as Aimee and I, and okay, she looks hot and everything too, but her little black dress isn't anything like as short as mine, and nowhere near as hot as Aimee's, and I can just about read her mind as she eyes Aimee. I guess Aimee can read Mimi Wong's mind too, because she moves in right away.

I'm smiling as Aimee makes her move on that snooty little bitch's Dad.

"Hi, Mr. Wong," I hear her say. "Would you like to dance?"

Mr. Wong seems hypnotized by her boobs, and obviously it works.

I giggle as I watch Aimee waltz away with Mr. Wong, leaving Mimi standing there gaping like a fish. Aimee sees me and smiles. It's one of those slow dances where the guy has one hand on your waist and the other holding yours, and my Dad sweeps me away, and Aimee's Dad takes pity on Mimi Wong, and sweeps her into his arms and dances away with her.

My Dad's smiling down at me, and I'm gazing up at him, smiling back and I move into my Dad's arms, because I'm totally shaky dancing in high heels and I'm pressed against him. Very firmly and I know he can feel my boobs through his shirt, because it's a thin shirt and my little black dress is thin and no bra, and even though my boobs are small, at least they exist. I feel something else, too.

Something hard.

His erection. It's pressed up against me. I don't move away. I mean, I know what an erection is, and I've felt one pressed up against me before. I've seen my Dad's, but this is my Dad's and it's pressed up firmly against me. I kind of blink as it prods at me and he doesn't even look embarrassed, and he doesn't draw away from me either and I can tell from his breathing that he's enjoying this. I think of last night, and him standing right next to me, jerking himself off onto me, and I'm weak and shivery and if he's enjoying this, well...

So am I.

It's not like he can do anything else in the middle of the dance floor. I don't even try to ease us apart. I like it. It's really bad of me, but I like feeling my Dad's erection pressed against me, just like I've been enjoying him jerking off while he looks at me. Just like I enjoyed him cumming on me last night, and my lips part at the thought, and I can almost taste him.

The song ends, and Aimee's Dad is there with Mimi. They're swapping with Mr. Wong and Aimee. I stifle a giggle, because Mr. Wong has an erection, a big one, and I see a surprised, then slightly horrified look on Mimi's face as she realizes what's pressed against her as she begins to dance with her Dad.

"I think Mr. Wong likes Aimee," I say, not quite giggling.

Dad looks down at me, looks back at Mr. Wong and Mimi and she's still glaring at Aimee and doing her best to hold her Dad at arm's length. Guess she's not into her Dad rubbing himself up against her like I am, and that reminds me that my Dad's erection is still pressing hard against me, and my nipples are tingling and swelling and hardening and pushing against the thin black material of my dress and I'm sure that'd be obvious if I looked, but I don't.

"I think he does," my Dad says and he's smiling now, and yeah, hard. Really hard, and I'm breathless, and he must know I know, because I'm not just in his arms, I'm pressed up firmly against him. "I think Aimee does something for him."

"Dad," I gasp, after a long pause as we move together, and he feels even harder, "Am I doing something for you?" My cheeks burn, but I can't look away from my Dad's face. Is he hard because of me? Like Mr. Wong is because of Aimee? He's been jerking off into my panties. Last night he jerked off onto me.

"You're really hot-looking in that dress, Maddie," my Dad says softly, and he's smiling down at me as we move slowly on the dance floor, and I'm smiling up at him and he's so handsome and rugged. And hard. He's so hard and it's pressing very firmly against me and oh my god, I want to squirm against it because the feel of it is just sending little shivers through me and that's so bad of me.

"I am?" I say, smiling.

He chuckles. "Really," Dad says. "You do look hot in that dress, Maddie. Your Mom used to have a dress like that, and I loved it when she wore it." His expression changes, he's remembering Mom, I know, and I'm kind of sad for Dad that she left the way she did. I remember the arguments, and then she came into my room to say goodbye, and I cried because she was leaving me. She writes, she sends me a card for my birthday, and another for Christmas, but it's not the same, and I know Dad loved her.

I remember Mom, and my Dad, and Aimee's Mom and Dad all going out together, leaving Aimee and me with our babysitter. They always looked like they were enjoying themselves together, and I loved the way Mom smelled when she came home. Except? Oh my god! I remember that smell now, and it's that same smell that was on me last night. On my panties for the last week. That slightly bitter smell. My Dad's cum. That smell.

That was what my Mom smelt of when she came home late at night, and I'd listen and listen and even if I was asleep I'd hear her and Dad come home, and I'd run out and hug her, and she always smelt so nice. Perfume and sweat and that bitter smell that I'd liked so much that I'd rub my face against her and inhale again and again, and she'd smile and hug me and tuck me back into bed before her and Dad went to sleep, and I remember now.

She used to wear dresses like this when she went out and came back smelling like that. Her and Dad? They must've been, you know, having sex when they were out or something, except now, when I think back, sometimes she went out by herself and Dad would look after me and she'd come back smelling like that, and I'm sort of puzzled and confused, but I'm not sure what to ask, and I don't want to ask.

"Mom always looked so good, Dad," I say, resting my head against my Dad's shoulder.

"She nearly gave me a heart attack the first time she wore a dress like that," he says, almost wistfully.

I giggle. "Am I almost giving you a heart attack tonight, Dad?" I'm smiling up at Dad and he's smiling back at me and I'm so excited now, because he's still hard and he hasn't eased away either, he's holding me close and I'm just enjoying dancing with him and feeling him like that.

"You're almost giving me a heart attack now, Maddie," my Dad says, and his hands are holding me as we dance, and somehow I'm more than a lot closer to him.

I'm in his arms and just pressing up against him so tight, and my nipples are so hard and swollen they hurt like they want to burst or something and now he's hard. I can feel him, feel that bulging length brushing against me and he's as hard as that guy I sneaked out on a date with once was, but much much bigger, and I'm in my Dad's arms, close, like he was my boyfriend. That close.