Save Maddie's Cherry for Me


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Father Auyeung smiles. "You're right, Kurt. Maddie's going to be just like her Mom." He chuckles. "Her and Aimee and that delightful little Mimi Wong. It's so rewarding to see our little girls growing up to be just like their Mom's."

"Ohhhhhh." I moan again as that cock with the Chinese character on it plunges into that woman's ass, and the guy rolls with her so that she's on her back, lying on him and another of those guys is on her, easing his cock into her sex and he's fucking her. Fucking her hard.

"It was Cerine that wanted you to get that tattoo, wasn't it?" Father Auyeung asks.

Cerine? That's my Mom's name, and my heart really does jolt.

"Dad?" I gasp.

My Dad chuckles. "You recognize it now, don't you Maddie?"

"Is that you, Dad?" I gasp, watching those Chinese characters as they disappear from sight, emerge, disappear. Oh my god. It must be. Dad, and who else? Who is she?

"Yes, and it was your Mom that wanted me to get that tattoo," my Dad says.

Father Auyeung smiles. "Cerine always did have a sense of humor."

My Dad smiles, his fingers brushing my inner thigh. On and on and I'm melting, I really am, and I can't move. "You like watching this one, don't you Maddie?" he says, and it's almost a whisper. "You've watched it almost every night since you found it."

"How did you know?" I gasp.

My Dad smiles. "I track who uses files on my laptop," he says. "You and Aimee, you're both delightfully naughty girls. Just like your Mom's were, both of you."

"Oh," I gasp, embarrassed. My Dad always knew? He knows everything I've watched? My cheeks burn as I look at him, wide-eyed, and I swallow, because I remember some of the other clips I've watched.

"Show her the tattoo, Kurt," Father Auyeung says, freezing the display as those Chinese characters become visible, zooming in for a closeup.

"Slide down onto your knees, Maddie," Dad says, easing me off his lap and turning me so that I slide down onto my knees in front of him. "Like that."

I kneel there, my hands on his knees as he unfastens his belt, unzips his trousers and eases his cock out through the opening guys have there. His cock's hard. It stands upright, held lightly by his fingers and yes, there's those Chinese characters, and when I glance at the screen and back, they match.


"Daddy?" I gasp, looking at the display as Father Auyeung zooms back out. "Is that you?"

"Yes," my Dad says, brushing my cheek with one hand as my hands rest on his knees, balancing myself. "Yes, Maddie, that's me."

His cock is standing there, erect, right in front of me. Father Auyeung's sitting there, watching me. Smiling. He's smiling, and I look from him, to my Dad's cock, to him. Father Auyeung told my Dad to show me his tattoo. The one on his cock. My Dad's cock.

They both look at my face. They both chuckle.

"Sometimes you look just like your Mom, Maddie," Father Auyeung says.

"Mom wanted you to get that tattoo, Dad?" I say. "Why?"

I'm looking at it. Close up. I'm panting, and my mouth's flooding with saliva so I have to swallow, and my mouth's half open.

"She wants it," Father Auyeung says.

"She does," my Dad says, smiling.

Father Auyueng smiles. "Watch the movie for a couple more minutes, Maddie," he says. He starts it playing again. Yeah, those Chinese characters. That's my Dad's cock easing in and out. My Dad moves around, his cock's in her mouth, she's blowing him as another guy fucks her, and he's really doing her hard.

"They're taking turns to finish in her mouth, Maddie," Father Auyeung says, and one of the other guys takes Dad's place, and he's cumming in her mouth while she's being fucked and then they're moving her and there's three of them again, except this time she's on top of the guy with his cock in her pussy, and the guy doing her ass is behind her, and my Dad's holding her head up as her ass gets pumped hard, he's talking to her and then he slides around and she's blowing him.

"Cerine always did like a good hard ass-fuck," Father Auyeung says.


That's my Mom?

"Yeah, she sure did," Dad says.

Oh my god. Oh my god. That's my Mom?

My Mom and five guys? Well, four and my Dad.

"That's why she wanted that tattoo on my cock," Dad says.

"So she knew it was your Dad's cock when she was blowing him."

Father Auyeung chuckles as he watches my Dad cum in my Mom's mouth.

Dad slips one finger under my chin and turns my face towards him. He's half-smiling now, half serious. "Maddie," he says. "Last night? Did you really enjoy that?"

"Last night?" Father Auyeung asks. "What happened last night, Kurt?"

My Dad smiles. "Do you want to tell Father Auyeung, or shall I tell him, Maddie."

"Uh..." I gasp, and my cheeks are burning. "I... uh... you tell him, Dad." It bursts out, and I want to look anywhere but at my Dad. His finger under my chin insists I look at him.

"Maddie's been going to bed naked, and lying there with her door open and the duvet pushed down so I see her when I come to bed," my Dad says. "She's been doing that ever since I saw her watching this movie with Aimee." He smiles. "She left her panties out for me to jerk off into." He smiles. "What did you do the night before last, Maddie."

It comes out of me slowly, a whisper. "I gave you my panties, Dad."

"What for, Maddie?"

"For you to jerk off into."

"Oh, good girl, Maddie," Father Auyeung says, shocking me. "And last night, Kurt?"

Dad grins. "Last night she took me up to her bedroom and undressed me, and asked me to jerk off onto her."

"Did you?" Father Auyeung asks, and he's not upset or angry. He's interested.

"Yes," Dad says.

"Where did he cum on you, Maddie?" Father Auyeung asks.

"Uh... uh... uh..." I gasp, trembling.

"She's nervous," Father Auyeung says, smiling. "It's alright, Maddie. I know I do pontificate about the corrupting influences of western society on good Chinese girls, but this is different."

"It is?" I gasp, and my face is burning. I'm burning. Everywhere.

"It is," Father Auyeung says. "There are some things that are a sin in one context, and an act of love that Holy Mother Church permits, and indeed, condones, under different circumstances."

He smiles. "Did you want your Dad to jerk off onto you, Maddie?"

"Yes," I gasp, and I want to moan out loud.

"Did you like your Dad seeing you naked?" Father Auyeung asks.

"Yes," I gasp.

Oh my god, Father Auyeung is really going to foam at the mouth over this, I just know it. But why does he have those movie clips? How come he knows about my Dad and everything? This is just weird. What about my Mom? My Mom with five guys, in a hotel room.

Oh my god! Mom!

"Would you do that again, for your Dad?" Father Auyeung asks.

"Yes," I gasp.

"Show me," Father Auyeung says.

"Show you?" I gasp, stunned.

"Standup, undress your father. Take your dress off, lie down on the other couch, and ask your father to jerk off onto you, Maddie," Father Auyeung says.

He makes the sign of the cross on my forehead. "It is a sin, Maddie, but you are already forgiven, for it as sin of love, and our Father is the god of love."

I look at him, stunned. I look at my Dad, stunned. I look at my Dad's cock, hard.

My heart pounds, I swallow, I lick my lips. My Dad smiles as I stand up. He stands up, and hesitantly, glancing at Father Auyeung, I ease his jacket off. He removes his bow tie and his cummerbund as I unfasten his shirt. His trousers are half undone, but I kneel and remove them, taking them off his legs as he raises each foot in turn.

"You don't need to remove his socks, Maddie," Father Auyeung says.

I hesitate, my hands on the waistband of my Dad's boxers.

"Take them off him, Maddie," Father Auyeung says, very gently.

I swallow, heart thumping, and peel them down. He helps me with his cock, because he has to ease it back inside his boxers, and he steps out of then, and my Dad's naked and his cock is jutting upwards and outwards, stiff and hard and he's naked. His cock has those Chinese characters.

"Take your dress of, Maddie," Father Auyeung says.

He's watching me as I unzip my dress, unfasten the halter neck and let it slip down to my hips, exposing my boobs. I'm naked from the waist up, and Father Auyeung is looking at me.

I look back. I look down. His cock is so hard.

"Dad?" I whisper.

"Yes, Maddie?" my Dad says, and he reaches out and tugs at my dress, sliding it down over my hips to fall around my ankles, leaving me in my high heels and those tiny little red G-string panties.

"Those panties are gorgeous," Father Auyeung says, after a moment. "May I keep them as a souvenir, Kurt." He smiles. "A memory of a special moment in Maddie's life."

"Give your panties to Father Auyeung, Maddie," my Dad says.

Heart beating wildly, panting, just about moaning out loud, I peel my panties down, step out of them and hold them out to Father Auyueng. He takes them from me, and I'm naked but for my shoes.

"Lie down on the couch, Maddie," Dad says.

I turn and take those two or three steps to the couch, and they're both watching me as I turn, seat myself on it, then lie back, and I'm shivering with wild excitement as I lie there. This is so weird. So crazy, and I can't believe what I'm doing.

The clip starts to play. My Mom, she's being fucked by some guy. Four other guys are there, and they're all big gweilo guys, all except for my Dad.

"Watch your Mom and play with yourself, Maddie," Father Auyueng says.

I look at him, and I slide one hand down over my stomach, fingers kneading my flesh as I work my hand down while my other hand cups one boob, my thumb running backwards and forwards over my nipple, and I want to moan out loud, I really do.

Mom's on her knees, kneeling, and they're taking turns with her, one after the other, and I can't stop watching, and my fingers are teasing my sex, my clitoris, and I raise one knee, ease my knees apart and I know my Dad and Father Auyeung are looking at me. Watching me.

"You do like this one, don't you, Maddie?" Father Auyeung says, and he's watching that display. Watching my Mom. Watching me.

"Yes," I moan, wondering what that'd be like.

"Where would you like your Dad to cum on you when he jerks off, Maddie?" Father Auyeung asks.

"In my mouth," I say without even thinking, and my mouth half opens in anticipation as I tease myself, and I'm so shameless. So excited.

Father Auyeung smiles. Stands. Crosses himself. "You were right, Kurt," he says. "Maddie's ready." He steps to me, reaches out his hand to me.

"Come," Father Auyeung says, standing, and he takes my hand, the one that's wet from my sex, and he guides me to my feet, and then Dad's there with me, and we're standing before the altar.

"Kneel for your blessing and absolution," Father Auyeung says, and when we are on our knees before him, both of us naked, he makes the sign of the cross over us.

"Maddie Lui," he says. "Tonight, you kneel before the altar of the Loving God, brought here by your father, Kurt Lui, as a potential candidate for admission to the Order of the Society of Loving Devotion to the Magdalene."

I glance at my Dad. He smiles.

"Maddie Lui," Father Auyueng says. "You are a beloved daughter of holy catholic Church, and you have shown yourself willing to participate in the celebration of love with your Father in this House of Our Lord, whose name is Love. In the presence of your Father and of myself, you have confessed to a love that knows no boundaries, and while you are a Virgin, as is fitting for a daughter of the Church, you show a devotion and love for your father that is admirable and in the best traditions of candidates for probationary membership in the Order of the Society of Loving Devotion to the Magdalene."

Father Auyeng pauses.

"You, Maddie Lui, kneel before me, naked and willing, in obedience to your desire for love. While you have no knowledge of the Order, you have shown the necessary spirit required for admission as a probationary candidate to the Order. Your father will explain more to you tonight, and when he feels it is appropriate, he will approach me to talk more with you of this."

His hand reaches down, tilts my face to look up at his.

"Know, Maddie Liu, that in your willingness to offer yourself to your Father in this act of love, you signify your obedience and devotion to the Church and to the Spirit of Love on which the foundations of the Church are built. Know then, that God, the Father of mercies, through the death and resurrection of his Son, has reconciled the world to himself and sent the Holy Spirit among us for the forgiveness of sins; and through the ministry of the Church, God gives you pardon and peace, and I absolve you from any sins that you may commit with your Father this evening, and on any other evening, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

"Bless you, my child," he says, making the sign of the cross on my forehead. "Kurt Lui. Maddie Lui. I will leave you now, but know that whatever passes in this room, and, afterwards, between you, all is forgiven, and you are blessed by the Lord."

He smiles. "I must go to my flock now, others await me."

Almost before he's finished, he's moving, and I'm kneeling there, naked and more than a little stunned. What? What did Father Auyeung say?

My Dad takes my hand, stands, and I stand with him without thought. My Dad leads me to the couch, seats himself, draws me down onto his lap and he's naked. His cock is hot and hard against my thigh and I'm limp. His arm's around my waist. My head rests against his shoulder, and I'm looking at the display, and my Mom, paused.

"Is that really Mom?" I ask.

"Yes, that's your Mom," my Dad says, and he's naked. I'm naked. "She really enjoyed..."

I reach for the remote and hit play, and Mom, well, she's making a lot of noise.

"...Fucking?" I say.

"Yeah." My Dad smiles. "Fucking. She did like it, and she liked when I shared her with other men."

"You shared her with Jim too, didn't you?" I ask, heart pounding.

"Yes," he says. "We used to do a lot together." He smiles. "That's how we started, before you and Aimee were born. Jim and me, and your Mom and Elaine, and we all enjoyed it, and then, well, Father Auyeung introduced us to the Order, and all of us enjoyed that."

"That's why you and Jim said Aimee and me take after our Mom's," I gasp.

"Yes," Dad says, his hand cupping my boob. "And Maddie..."

"Yes," I gasp, and his thumb is teasing my nipple.

"Last night...?"

"I liked it last night," I gasp, my heart beating like a bird's. "What you did."

"Would you like me to do that again?"

"Yes," I gasp, my heart in my mouth, and his cock is so hard against my thigh.

Then, "Dad?"

"Yes, Maddie?"

"Did Mom really ask you to tattoo your cock so that she'd know it was yours?"

My Dad chuckles. "Yeah, she really did, Maddie. Do you want to know what it says?"

"Yes," I gasp. Then, "I want to see it."

"Slide down onto your knees." And on the display, that's where my Mom is. On her knees, blowing someone's cock. I hit pause, it's far too distracting, and then I do what my Dad wants me to do. I slide down onto my knees, between his, looking at his cock, and there's those Chinese characters tattooed down his length.


"What does it say?" I ask.

"Chī bīng qí lín... Eat Ice Cream," my Dad says.

"Huh?" I say.

"It's Chinese slang," my Dad says, brushing my cheeks with his fingers. "Eating icecream, it's slang for a blowjob. You know, and then you swallow."

"Oh," I say, and then I giggle. "That does sound like Mom."

"You're very much like your Mom in so many ways, Maddie," Dad says. "Seeing you in that dress tonight, and then looking at you here, on your knees, it just, you know, it reminds me of her in so many ways."

He smiles. "I mean, I look at your Mom in that clip..." We both look at Mom, kneeling, with that cock in her mouth. "...and I remember what I did last night and what you said just now." He hesitates. "What Father Auyeung told you to do, you were willing to do, weren't you, Maddie? I need to know that."

I look up at him, and I know I was. I am. I'm willing to do that. A lot more than that.

"Dad," I gasp. "Do you want to jerk off onto me? Like last night?"

His cock jerks in front of my eyes.

"You know I do," he says, hoarsely. "I'd like that. I'd like a lot more than that, Maddie." He glances at the LCD, at Mom, and I glance with him and my moth floods with saliva, and then I do what I thought about last night. I lean forward a little and, very delicately, I kiss the tip of his cock.

His hand brushes my hair, he's smiling, and I know what he wants, and in that moment, I know him, and Aimee's Dad, and Father Auyeung too, they're all right. I'm very much like my Mom. My hearts in my mouth, my lips part, they touch his cock, and I've never done this before. I've only kissed a boy a few times before and now I'm kissing a cock. My Dad's cock.

"Maddie," he groans.

My lips part, his cockhead slides into my mouth, my tongue moves against the underside of his cock, and I'm tasting him and inhaling his masculine sweaty acridity as I pause with my lips sealed around his shaft and his cockhead in my mouth, and I don't know really know what to do next, but then I think of those clips we watched, and what my Mom was doing to those cocks, and if I do what Mom was doing, I can't go wrong, so I do it.

I slide my lips down my Dad's shaft until the tip of his cock is all the way inside my mouth and then I go down a little but further, and his cockhead is touching the back of my mouth. I kind of make this little choking sound, and it sounds like my Mom sounds, and I figure I must be doing it right, but I have to swallow. Cock flavored saliva. My Dad's cock, and I swallow again, my tongue moving against my Dad's cockshaft, my lips sliding up his shaft, and I suck at the same time, kind of wondering why it's called a blowjob and not a suckjob.

"Oh fuck, yeah!" my Dad groans and the pleasure in his voice ripples through me so that I have to moan myself around his cock and now I'm caught up in what I'm doing, and I slide my mouth down as far as I can.

"Oh Jesus, Maddie," my Dad groans and I know he's enjoying this and his excitement is rising fast. So's mine. "Maddie!"

Dad's cock actually tastes rather nice, and knowing that it's my Dad's cock somehow makes it even more exciting, and I know my Dad's excited too. Jesus, my very first blowjob, and I'm blowing my own Dad. His hands are on my head, stroking my hair back, my hands are on his legs, balancing myself, and he's looking down at me, watching me while I suck on his cock.

My Dad's cock. I'm blowing my Dad in one of the back rooms of the Church and for a moment I just about choke, but then I just stop thinking about it because it's so exciting and I want to touch myself but I need my hands to stay where I am, and I wonder just how much like my Mom I am. Five guys? I moan softly around my Dad's cock, and all I want to do is lie back and have him do anything he wants to me.

I do. I want my Dad to do that to me, like he was doing it to my Mom, and I slide my mouth down his cock as far as I can and hold it there, swirling my tongue on him, sucking, swallowing, and I want more, and I wonder how much more of him can fit in my mouth, so I try. I breathe in a little, slide my lips down further, his cock pushing against the back of my mouth, and then I'm almost there, his cockhead is touching my throat, in my throat and I gag on him, and I slide my lips back up.

"Oh, very good, Maddie," my Dad groans, and he smiles. "Lick my balls."


"Slide your mouth of me, hold my cock with your hand, and lick my balls," Dad says.

I do as he tells me to, uncertainly. I slide my mouth of his cock, licking my lips, tasting cock, taking hold of his saliva-wet cock with one hand, and I smile when I see those Chinese characters. I can't read Chinese but I know what they say now. 吃冰淇淋. Chī bīng qí lín. Eat Ice Cream. I'm eating icecream, but I don't have time to giggle, because my Dad parts his legs wide, and I bury my face against him, cupping his balls and lifting them to I can lick them.