Silvertree Chronicles Bk. 01 Ch. 23


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We will not be riding side by side but you will be to the right because of the line of horse we want to give her a little space; we will put our riders to the outside and the Queen's nephew in the middle."

He rode over to the inn, "I have a few that are waiting for a guest. Take this..." He set 50 platinum on the bar. "Charge the rooms and food to this account, that is for you and your service."

He smiled. The Royal Guards showed up with Apprentice Goldeagle. Eldar nodded to them, "Thought you might have gotten lost in the crowd."

He shook his head, "About how many wagons you got going?"

Eldar shrugged, "My guess is just over 100 with another 30-50 we sent through yesterday. My detail will be riding the left side, the Queen's nephew will be in the middle next to this wagon. In this group, we have 3 active Moon Blades. The wagon just ahead is being driven by my wife Commander Charlie. In front of her is a wagon we have 30 more Gray Blades. We are driving down two abreast and 10 wagons 5 on each side.

They will be followed by another 50 Gray Blades. We have close to 150 members on this road at the moment. Is our protection adequate?"

The Royal Guard nodded, "I will report this back to the Palace they should be pleased. Very pleased in fact."

Eldar nodded. "Apprentice Goldeagle, you will ride behind my apprentice. I will be beside him. Keyno and Tiger will follow me and instructor Moon Bow will be behind you. This is a 3-4 day journey depending on if we run into any complications. We will be going to my home village of Misora first; we will drop off most of our troops when we do.

We are in the heart of Wood Elf territory and the risks are greatly decreased as we will be monitored the entire way. With archers on both sides of the road. My Grandmother is an Elder in that village. The one we will be staying at is called Porcoza and we will take the back way past Silent Falls. The site of my wedding and where we will work to activate these weapons.

Do not be shocked if we have another group of riders coming up behind us, the fourth Moon Blade is coming. I left an escort for her."

They rode on for hours with no delays. He had his apprentice doing sword training on horseback left hand, right hand, and repeat for four hours. Then Eldar told him to ride up and get in the wagon. He needed to read until it was dark.

Eldar looked over at Chalius'Vesa, Goldeagle, "Did your Master have you doing that on your first full day?"

He chuckled, "You found him since your ceremony?"

Eldar nodded, "Divine direction. He needs a lot of work but I can get him to where he will be a force of nature."

He sighed, "So he is ambidextrous like you?"

Eldar shook his head, "No he is right-handed but his father handicapped his sword training by bringing in so many different instructors. I found him chopping into a training dummy with a junk sword for all he was worth. His anger was out of control."

He laughed, "How did you correct it?"

Eldar smirked at him, "I spanked his ass with 5 swats from that sword then did the same to his father for 20. Until the sword broke. I was going for a 100."

Chalius laughed, "You're shitting me?"

Eldar shook his head, "Goldbar is his father's name. Then I hit him where it hurt. His bank accounts. The kid is geared out for an apprentice. I will be taking my apprentices into hostile areas so they have to be protected."

Chalius gasped, "You are taking them into the field with you?"

Eldar nodded, "They will learn blade song and the methods my instructor taught. Along with tactics and strategy from the first-hand experiences they will see. They will be trained and hardened for the war that is coming. One of my next students will be my daughter and she will be at my side during the war."

Chalius shook his head, "You are going to take your daughter into war with you? How old will she be by then."

Eldar sighed, "She will be 40 with 10-12 years of training under her belt. It is part of her predetermined destiny."

Chalius shook his head, "She will be a child!"

Eldar nodded, "I know but she will be a great warrior and I cannot change her destiny even if I wanted to try. The Elven race would suffer for it. I tried arguing with a deity once and I was still named Knight Champion. Now I have this destiny to try and save the Elven people. I am putting everything I have in the way of an invasion that is just over 40 years away."

Chalius shook his head, "I thought being a member of the royal family was a pain."

Eldar nodded, "I have a spot for you when you graduate if you want it. I would bring you in as a lieutenant if you did. I know it is a long shot, given your family. I figured I would throw that out at you. It would be good to see that blade get some use."

He chuckled, "The Queen would shit if I did that. I will probably be with the Army when the time comes. I will be there one way or another."

Eldar nodded, "I figured as much, but remember what I said about strategy and real-world tactics. You will not get that in the army until you are thrown into battle. Here you could learn it beforehand. If you wanted you could spend 20 years with us. Then go to the army and be a general by the time the war comes."

Chalius stopped and thought on that a moment, "That is something to consider."

Eldar smiled, "I could put you in my personal detail if you wanted. To see how I lead what works and what does not. Give it 15 years then go after your Grand Master status.

That would give you two apprentices with 25 years of training under their belt. If they are 50 or older when they start then they will be adults when they go into combat. My apprentice agreed to the 30 years of training and 30 years with my group afterward. He is far behind in many areas. He will succeed because I know what he needs.

A firm hand was just the start. Occupying every waking hour with tasks in the next 30 years. We will have cold camps during this trip eating rations. Things will improve when we get to the villages. For most of us here, as I have a home already."

The night passed peacefully on the Wagon trail.


Corellon had a meeting with the other Elven Gods to update them, "We will soon have 10 Moon Blades active and reclaimed. There will be a second ceremony where the last of the powerful blades will be cleansed and 3 more unassigned blades will be allocated.

In honor of Aerdrie Faenya and my daughter, one will go to the Champion as she forms a new house to do so. Without Aerdrie's sacrifice in the 5th Age, we would not have the blades. That Champion will give birth to her pre-ordained Grand Cleric.

Another will go to the Moon Ray line. There are descendants of many great lines who merged into that house, but they are much smaller and weaker now in size; like our people. Now we had 2 in the 5th Age in Wood Elf hands, one of those is moving to Moon Elf hands and it was the Champion's call.

Not knowing of the history which we allowed to be changed. In regards to your previous arguments Solonar, Erevan Ilesere, and Rillifane Rallathil over its loss; the other will go to the Strong Oak line that Eldar's apprentice will rebuild.

Yes, he is a Mixed race Elf, like my champion. Both will be Blade Singers under him and trained by him. Eldar is getting these remaining blades from the Dragons without guidance from us. Including the 2 he captured in the Palace which we did not foresee as they were in a bag of holding and unassigned.

He did not know about the agreements in place with Bahamut to request them for services. He simply is acting on his instincts in this matter and I will reward him for his actions. Strong Oak had many strong Champions for all 3 and heroes to all three of you in the 5th Age. To lose that rebuilt line again after it got destroyed, would be a shame.

We are working to prevent it from happening again and putting one of the Blades back into a Wood Elf's hands. Eldar is taking us back to 14 Active Moon Blades without our guidance! From 4! One in Gold Elf, one in Wood Elf, and 12 into Moon Elf hands. Though there will be some of the Mixed and Elf-Blooded wielders throughout the coming years who will wield them.

We are providing guidance on the allocation of the 3 unassigned blades to ensure this happens. Tallion and Eldar are both showing us how shortsighted we have been, especially in this world, in regards to acceptance. Hence why I am using the new terms he proposed.

We are working to save the Elves on Tildar. We lost 10 Moon Blades, including a couple we were forced to destroy. One of them being the other short sword in a Wood Elf's hands. I won't relive history here."

Solonar nodded, "My first champion of the 5th Age is happy to see it save his family line after we worked to rebuild it from his female descendants. He still felt for the loss of the sword. He is appeased as are we.

We know we won't have the power to go beyond 2 champions and you will keep them between your Daughter and yourself for the wars and fights ahead. We should work to make every blade Wielder a hero of the people."

The others all nodded and Corellon nodded as he knew he had appeased them all for now, "That is why we are removing the House corruption from the Blades that Eldar spoke about. The original Spirit was getting overruled in favor of Houses over the Elves.

We may look to do this in the other worlds we are working as well. To keep a better grip on the focus being the Elves in totality before House. We will see how it progresses and what changes might occur to address any problems in this approach."


Teresana'Via Silver Moon got in the Market district on Shinto as most stores were closing. She banged on the door of the shop and the owner opened the door, "We are closed." She sighed, "I am here for the portal."

He shook his head, "We have no portal."

She drew her sword, "I was told to show you my sword and the portal would get me home."

The man looked at her. He sighed, "We don't normally let horses in here. Move before someone notices you."

She followed the man and he took her to a far wall and activated several hidden switches. He walked her down the narrow stairs and her horse managed to scrape by. She shook her head as they got to a large room at the bottom.

He pointed, "Stand in the circle. She got into the circle. He went over and activated a few levers and she found herself at house Silver Moon just outside the stable.


In the Alchemy shop the man prayed, "Bahamut, we sent the rider home as you requested." He heard nothing and he did not expect to hear anything. He was a silver dragon asset and distant cousin of the Silver Dragon Queen. In this part of the world, he worked to stay hidden and worked with a few locals who handled the customers. A Dragon part of the Knights but he was an 'off the books' asset.

He was there to gather intelligence on rogue Dragon activity in this part of the world. When he had been contacted about being a 'portal' to get her to the Silver Moon Estate. He was given the location in a dream and sent her on her way. The Gods were up to something.

Then he heard, "Travel to the Sun province, befriend the Warlord. Became his advisor for generations, changing forms and agings as needed. Cut off contact with the council and the Knights for now. I need a set of eyes in that part of the world, yes this means going rogue by divine direction. You will live in a human form for hundreds of years until needed."

Bahamut separated him from the Knights for now as he wanted what he gathered not reported back to the Council of Nine.


Closing in on mid-day in the Capital Teresana looked at the scratches on her horse and took it into the stable and put some salve on the wounds. She removed her saddle when a servant she did not know looked at her, "Who are you?"

She looked over, "Teresana'Via Silver Moon, please let my mother know I made it home and I am borrowing one of the house horses as mine is exhausted at the moment from the travel."

The elf ran into the house as she got one picked out and saddled. She rode out as her mother stared at her, "You made it."

Teresana nodded, "Yes Mother, Now I am going to see about this Champion and ritual. You told me to do this for the Elven people. That appears to be where the Champion is focusing on our people."

Her mother sighed, "Very well, you're not on the other side of the world now. That is a start at a chance to see if we can work to repair our relationship."

Teresana looked at her mother, "You ruined my relationship with a man I loved and killed his brother. Your guard/assassin who I can see from here still works for you. When he is gone, from this house, and your bed then we will see about talking about repairing relationships. Not before."

She rode out in a hurry and her mother silently cursed, "Damned it."

She loved her lover and she was infertile. She was not about to give him up for a chance to repair what her daughter did not wish to repair. She would have to see how things played out for her.

She at least knew that Lorian Moon Ray, Teresana's former lover, was dead. She did not tell her daughter that fact. Else she would be accused of doing it when she had nothing to do with his death on that caravan escort.

Teresana rode through the market and saw a guard, "Do you know which road they took to get to this new village?

The Guard pointed, "They went that way, But unless you are a Gray Blade that route is closed. There are a few in the inn over there." She turned and went into the inn, She looked around, "I am looking for some Gray Blade mercenaries?"

Cook perked up. She smiled, "Looking to join up, or are you the one we are waiting for with a Moon Blade?"

Teresana smiled and showed her blade to the woman, "I just got in from the Far East. How far ahead are they?"

Cook thought for a second, "Skinner go get the other 2 and the horses. The lady we are supposed to escort has arrived."

He went and got the others and they went outside. Cook turned back, "They had wagons. We should catch up with them about the time they hit Quatarsia. Don't worry we can catch them."

Teresana sighed, "I was told you had a couple of humans in your ranks when you went to the palace."

Cook nodded, "Yes Keyno and Tiger. Trick-shot and Ass-kicker. They have developed a bit of a reputation since they got here. Do you know them?"

Silver Moon looked at her, "We should get going. I heard they were from the Far East. I just came from there. My mother commented on them."

Cook laughed, "Well, they put on a good show at the Academy all-hands meeting. We are closing in on 150 Gray Blades and we have a lot of people wanting to learn from those 2."

She nodded, "I have seen the fighting skills from the Far East. I have been out there for, or on my way to there, for nearly 20 years. They thought my skills were exotic but it is a massive area. I cannot claim to know everyone."

She got up on her horse, and thought, 'Tiger, my lover, you made it. Thank the gods and your sister is safe.'

The Guards let them through and the 5 of them rode briskly toward Quatarsia.


The next day and half the wagons made good time when they reached the turnoff to Eldar's home village. Eldar rode forward, "Charlemagne, fall in behind us as we go to my home village. Send a message to Tranosa that I needed two squads with their lieutenant to accompany me on this next leg of the journey."

As they got things organized, Cook, Skinner, and the other two Gray Blades he did not know yet arrived with the fourth active MoonBlade holder.

Karti'Ros responded, "The Silver Moon Blade has arrived, as you predicted."

She came riding up and the first thing she noticed was the 2 humans he had riding with him. She provided a greeting that was a native dialect that she must have picked up in her travels. He saw Tiger blush. She rode up to Eldar.

She looked at him, "You are the Knight Champion and Commander of this group?"

Eldar nodded, "The group is just getting started, we are only at about 25% percent strength at the moment. Welcome home. I am glad my message got to you. I am one of 2 commanders, my wife Charlemagne, aka Charlie, is the other one and driving that wagon."

Teressana nodded, "I went ahead and traveled north by land instead. A massive storm hit the coasts during that time. I spent almost 2 days in a cave waiting on the weather to calm enough and the roads were still treacherous from all the rain. I do not doubt that you probably saved my life. If there is something you need..."

Eldar nodded as he cut her off, "A couple of things, ride with me."

He looked at the Lieutenant, "I want you riding with my apprentice in the middle. You to the right and Moon Bow behind them. My wife is driving the wagon in the rear. Dame Silver Moon will ride beside me. Keep Goldeagle in the middle and sergeants next to Goldeagle. He is the Queen's nephew, Dame Silver Moon.

I want the rest of the squad to spread out evenly from the sergeants' locations and back. No weapons are to be drawn unless I call for it. You see any arrows call it out."

They rode in about 10 minutes then he yelled out, "Commander Eldar Silvertree with a member of the Royal family and other very important people to see your Elders. Do not be upset that I spotted your younger members."

They rode through unmolested and did not even have a Wood Elf patrol greeting. They rode straight into the village. The warriors were lining the side of the pathway. The Elders were in front in the shape of a semicircle. When Eldar ordered a halt and dismounted. He stepped forward, "Elders, I would like to introduce you to Chalius'Vesa Goldeagle, nephew of the Queen. The chosen sword-bearer for a dead Moon Blade that we will be activating at Silent Falls.

We have 3 with us that are looking to activate and 3 that the family has chosen someone to claim their family blade. We also have all 4 of the current Moon Blade holders that are active here to perform this ceremony. Our goal is to come in with 4 and leave with 10 activated and in active hands of those who will use them for the battles to come."

Elder Strong Oak looked at the crowd, "We are not equipped to deal with so many."

Eldar held up his hand, "They have accommodation already with myself and my wives' family. I wanted to make sure you are aware of their presence and introduce them to you first. Then we are planning on going by way of Silent Falls to the other village. I did need a private 10-minute conversation with you Elder if you would indulge me please."

She nodded and walked toward her house. Eldar looked at his apprentice Narius, "Follow me with your horse. Leave the colt at the door."

They walked into the Elder's home. He sighed, "Elder, a few things have changed and I want to make you aware. Your scouts have likely reported about the large contingency moving down the Southern trade road. The Gray Blades has been authorized to grow to 600.

Most of those will not be in the garrison here, which will be a training center. An area behind the lines if you will, to train and relax. They will rotate through. Second, I have picked up my first apprentice."

Eldar looked back at him, "Introduce yourself to the Elder and tell her your family name."

He nodded, "Yes, Grand Master. I am Apprentice Blade Singer Narius Strong Oak, son of Tisa Strong Oak."

He watched his grandmother's face during the exchange as she went from calm to shocked. Eldar sighed, "He has been raised in isolation in a Gold Elf household. He is a bit angry but his attitude has been improving under my watch."

She started to fall over. Eldar grabbed her and sat her down. She looked at him, "How did you find him?"

Eldar smiled, "I received a prophecy on finding him, not who he was. I would be approached at my ring ceremony to take on my first apprentice. That led to a very angry, undereducated, and spoiled child. I knew after hearing his story I was the logical person to get him introduced to his Wood Elf heritage.
