S'wrong Son Ch. 02


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"Well, tell me what did you do then?" I thought that I knew the answer, and wanted to push her to admit it.

Her eyes dropped and she said, "I can't believe that I'm going to do this in front of my son." With that she raised the front of her skirt, put her hand down those sexy white cotton panties, appeared to use her fingers to adjust herself, and then placed her clitoris carefully against the vibrating corner of the machine.

She then reached across to the far corner of the washer and pulled herself up, so that when her feet were completely off the ground, her entire body was lying along the top of the washer and she was shaking violently.

Mum turned her face towards me, and I could see it in her eyes, she was 'gone' already. Her mouth was slightly open, her tongue showed, and a small amount of saliva was collecting on the lid already, as it came from her mouth.

As for me, well I was just as into what was happening to her as she was, so I moved behind her, raised the now totally inadequate denim skirt, pulled down those white cotton panties that I loved so. And there she was, completely exposed, her lips were wet, open, and fluttering wildly, even her pubic hair was moving like an insects antennae.

I touched her, this served to intensify the feeling for her and she moaned in appreciation. In an instant my shorts were around my ankles and my cock was as far inside her as it would go.

The feeling, oh the feeling of being inside her as the spin cycle did what it wasn't really designed to do, but what it did so very well.

Neither my mother nor I were going to last very long at all in this situation. The feelings were the most exquisite that you can imagine. Neither of us were moving at all, the old washing machine was banging and clattering away, doing all the work for us.

I briefly thought about my father, and realised that we'd given him no thought at all, in fact, If he were to come home now, I'm not sure that I would have been able to pull out until after I'd finished with his wife.

As it was that didn't take long, I don't know who came first or if in fact anyone did, maybe it was a dead heat, the only thing I did know was that my mother made more noise than I did, she was awesome. It was a good thing that the door was closed or the neighbours would certainly have heard us.

Who knows, maybe they did anyway, but at that point, I really didn't care.

As I'd then finished I pulled out, but Mum of course was able to continue riding her mechanical lover, looking for even more relief. I stood behind her, just enjoying the view of her complete abandonment. As she shook and vibrated away, I saw the first signs of my semen being shaken out of her, there wasn't much, as I hadn't had much to give her, but there it was slowly snaking its way to freedom. Proof, if I needed any, that I'd come inside my mother once again.

My mother was just about to come again when the spin cycle came to a shuddering abrupt end. The silence was deafening, but the look of sheer frustration on her face quickly turned to one of sheer horror, as the next sound we heard after the machine stopped, was the front door closing.

My father was home.

Mum was in no condition to go and meet him, as she was still shaking, so it was up to me to quickly haul up my shorts, leaving my shirt out, and with Mum still draped across the top of the machine, trying to collect herself, I made my way out to intercept him.

"Hi Dad, how are you?" I sounded cheerful and hoped, sincere.


"Anything you want?"

"No, I haven't slept much, I'm having a shower and going to bed," and that was the last time I saw him for over two hours.

Mum then put her head around the corner, it was a good job that Dad didn't see her, as she was spaced out. Her eyes were wild, and she looked as if she were from another planet.

"I can't believe that I did that for you," she seemed to be in total shock.

"I'm glad you did, it was different."

"I don't know what came over me, you know, I really think that this is going a bit fast for me."

"Have you done that on the washer often?"

She looked slightly embarrassed, "for years just about every wash day, and some days I washed when there was no need to. It was also a way for me to have sex when your father couldn't have sex, if you know what I mean. At that time of the month, I used to get even hornier than ever, so I did a lot of washing. But do you know what the best thing about that machine is?"

"No Mum, what?"

"I don't have to pretend to be interested in talking about some bullshit nonsense afterwards." She walked away laughing uproariously, she was getting back to her normal self.

When my father finally surfaced we were on the patio having a late lunch, he didn't seem to be interested in us, or what we were doing, although he did take a second look at the legs on show.

As we were all pretty tired we were in bed early that night, Dad went up first, Mum followed after a few moments, but then came back about two minutes later. She went to the place on the bench top were this whole episode had started, put her elbows on it, closed her eyes and waited.

I needed no second urging, I was there in a flash, she never opened her eyes even when our lips touched and our tongues crossed, it was however quite difficult kissing a woman who was grinning broadly.

I pulled away, "Mum."

She pulled back herself, looking annoyed, "what!!?"

"Nothing," and moved my mouth back towards hers, puzzled she moved to meet it, when she realised what it was that I'd made her move for. Her breasts had landed on the backs of my hands, and my thumbs were massaging her nipples, just as they had last week. Press and release, press and release, press and release. But this time there were no complaints from her about it, none at all.

We kissed, just as we had last week, this kiss, as the other one had, went on for several minutes, when Mum pulled back and then moved away shaking her head slowly.

"Something wrong?"

"It's been a big eight days."

I nodded.

She walked further away, and again as she had last week steadied herself on the furniture as she passed. A half way across the room she turned looking pensive. "There's a lot to think about Alex."

Again I nodded.

She stood there standing still, choosing her words carefully before speaking, before finally looking at me and saying, "I love you Alex."

"I love you too Mum."

"No Alex, I love you, do you know what I mean by that?"

I froze, not sure what I was supposed to say to that, so I went into my fallback mode of just nodding, as if I did understand.

Her eyes were piercing as she said, "I don't think that you do son, I don't think that you really do."

When she got to the stairs, she turned looking very seriously at me, "no I don't think you know what this weekend has done to me, you see, a man only needs a place to make love, a woman needs a reason, and you've given me that reason."

I was beginning to realise that there was more to this than just a good weekend of great sex. I then understood what she meant when she said, "I love you Alex," in that instant, I knew that there was more to this than either of us had intended. Neither of us had thought it through beyond last night, and neither she nor I knew where it was going to end.

After locking up and saying good night to Bozo, I went to bed also. As I pulled down the sheets, I saw that Mum had left me a little present, the white cotton panties that she'd been wearing today. She'd placed them so that I could see that, as she put it, "some of mine had mixed with some of hers."

This was too good an opportunity to miss, so I slept in them, and in the morning, added a lot more of mine to hers. Then as Dad was still getting ready for work, made a great production of walking past Mum in the kitchen saying, "I'll put my dirty clothes in the basket." Her eyes flicked down to the bundle that I was carrying, and saw that her underwear was placed on the top, spread open for her to see just how much of mine I'd added to hers.

That night when Dad came home from work he was very subdued, saying very little at all, and not eating much of his dinner. There was clearly something bothering him, so mum gave me the nod to go out. When I returned over an hour later, Dad was in bed. Mum then told me that Dad's boss Jason, who'd been at the party on Saturday night, had called him into the office and given him a warning that his performance wasn't up to standard.

Apparently Dad was going into work every Monday worse for wear, and then not doing much at all, often making mistakes. When Jason had seen how drunk Dad got at the party, he knew what the problem was, and told him that if he showed up hung over again, they'd let him go.

This had Dad worried, as he was now forty six, and wasn't sure that he'd be able to get another job, and certainly not one as good as he had now. Mum had talked with him about it, and they'd decided that the best thing for him was to try to give up alcohol, by cutting down significantly, starting now.

He knew that this was going to be hard, as even though he'd said for many years that his drinking wasn't a problem, he knew deep down that it was, and he was now faced with that reality, and it was going to be hard for him.

After Mum and I'd talked, it was almost ten thirty, she went up to check on Dad then came back and sat next to me. I put my arm around her, she put her legs over mine, and then her arm across my waist. This allowed me to cup her breast in my left hand, and then slide my right one along her leg to go under her skirt. finally resting it on her bare buttocks inside her underwear.

"Alex we really needed for you and I to talk about us tonight, the weekend was so intense, but it's incest, no matter how much love there is in it, it's incest, and that's wrong"

I looked at her curled up in my arms and shook my head, "no Mum, there's nothing wrong between a mother and her son."

"It doesn't matter which way that you look at it, it's still wrong."

We talked around the subject for a few minutes, and then she started to yawn as it was time for bed, we kissed for a while and then she got up and went up the stairs, only to reappear a minute later, with her briefs in her hand. She used her thumb, and two fingers of the other hand to fire them across to me, "They're not white, and they're not cotton, but I'm sure they'll do the job for you, and if you look at them closely you'll find out how much time I've spent thinking about you today." She turned and was gone.

As she said, they weren't white and they weren't cotton, but they were bright red satin, which were my second favourite pair. I didn't have to look closely at them at all to see how much she'd been thinking about me, the evidence was clear to see, and sticky.

I of course wore them that night, and again in the morning drew attention to the fact that I was putting my laundry into the basket, with her present to me on the top, so that she could see what value I'd got from them, and what the return on her investment was.

For the next two nights Dad only had one beer after his dinner, and seemed to not know what to do with himself, and on both nights when he went to bed, he made it clear that as he was going, he thought Mum should go as well.

Then it hit me, jealousy, I was jealous of Mum sleeping with Dad in case they had sex, I thought that his going without his beer may turn his mind to other 'vices'. Mum told me the next morning that she'd had the same thought, but he just rolled over and went to sleep without even saying goodnight. She then made the obvious point that at some time, he would want sex, and she'd eventually have to give it to him, as she said, "how many headaches can a girl have and still be believed?"

The only positive at this time was that Mum was leaving me a 'present' every night in my bed, and I of course was putting my laundry into the basket for her every morning.

On Thursday morning I overheard Mum telling Dad that she'd swapped shifts with someone for that day, and as she'd be starting work late, would be home late also, so she'd be doing the washing before she went to work.

Dad and I drove out together, and I followed him to the end of the street, before pulling over and phoning the office saying that I'd be late as I'd got a puncture and the spare was flat too. I then did four left turns and parked the car in front of next door, walked up our drive, through the side gate, and sat on the bench on the back porch, under the laundry window and waited.

Ten minutes later Mum started the washing, and was moving around inside the house singing to herself, right until the spin cycle started, when she came back into the laundry. At this point, I knew exactly what she was doing, and exactly what I had to do.

I ducked under the laundry window, slid open the patio door, and moved into the kitchen, from where I could see the laundry door. It was only open a fraction, but enough for me to see the top of Mums head as she lay on the washing machine. She was shaking noticeably by now, and the machine was banging away loudly.

Quickly I shed my clothes, moved to the door, listened to the machine for a brief moment, and then slowly pushed it open. She saw the movement and her face registered her shock.

"Holy fuck," she said as she went to get up and then seeing that it was me, looked slightly embarrassed, but went back to enjoying the feelings that she was receiving.

As the door opened fully, I saw that she was totally naked, having put a small towel over that important corner to make it more comfortable for her lips. Her eyes flicked down to my erection, and she smiled.

"How did you know?" Her voice sounded strange with the vibrations affecting her throat.

"I just knew, and that's all you need to know." I moved behind her and stood watching as the pressure built up inside her.

"Are you looking at me, Alex?"

"Of course, your lips are open, wet, and fluttering with the vibrations."

She moaned and said, "I love you looking at me there, that's such a special place for us both, it doesn't belong to anyone else now."

I looked at my erection, "yes, and I like to look at you, as much as you like being looked at."

I saw the muscles start to tense as she pushed forward against the corner, I put my long finger inside of her, and felt the muscles grab at it, and then as I moved that finger around the perimeter of her opening, the little brown hole started to wink at me. She was on the way now, soon she was calling out those cries that cannot be misinterpreted as any thing other than a climax ravaging someone's body. I knew that the machine had done it's work as she ground her hips hard against the corner, as I might grind my hips as I came inside her.

A moment or so after she'd finished, just for a few seconds she moved away from the corner, repositioned herself back against it, lay again on the top, and recommenced her enjoyment. This was then my moment to enter into her, I stood there, not moving as before, but letting the vibes take care of me, as they were of her.

There was absolutely no way that I could hold off, or deny the feelings that were flowing into my body, and I wasn't even going to try, so that in less than ten seconds I was thrusting into her, depositing millions of little tadpoles, which of course would die in that special place of ours, as my mother was on the pill.

At least I hoped that she was, the thought hit me that I might just want to check that, but of course, it was a bit late to start worrying about it now.

I pulled out and once again watched as the first evidence of my deposit started to flow from her. Then she called out, "are you watching me Alex, because I'm coming now?"

"I'm watching Mum."

She had this thing about me looking at her, just the thought of it sent her off into a greater frenzy than before. She was grinding her pelvis into the corner of the machine, so hard that it seemed to me that she was at that point where pain becomes pleasure.

Finally she was spent, and as the cycle wasn't finished yet, she almost fell down onto legs shaking so badly, that she had to put her hand onto the laundry trough to steady herself. Her eyes were glazed, her skin bright red from the blood running to it, and she was panting as if she'd just run a marathon in record time.

Eventually she got a level of composure. "I was thinking about you and what we'd done in here on Sunday when the door opened, it was a shock, I didn't know if I was imagining it, was it a dream, or were you really here?"

Mum then came into my arms and we shared a few moments together before I knew that I'd have to go to work. She wanted to clean my cock for me, but I wanted it left as it was with her still on it. I did however need to empty my bladder, so she came to watch me. The look on her face was one of pure anticipation, I asked her, "do you want to hold it?"

She nodded eagerly, I slid down my zip, and then let my arms drop to my sides. Mum reached in and took my cock from out of my slacks. Her eyes were alive, and as the flow started, she made two figures of eight, and then splashed it up and down the bowl until the flow slowed, and finally spluttered to a stop.

She looked disappointed, "is that it?"

"Until the next time." That seemed to satisfy her.

"So what are you going to do now Mum?"

"Oh, I'm sure there's more washing around somewhere, I'm just going to have to look hard and find it." Not having the time to help my mother rid our house of the health hazard present in unwashed laundry, I then went to work. Work which for some strange reason, was very difficult for me to concentrate on that day.

On Saturday afternoon I told Mum that I was going to have a coffee on the front porch, and would she like to join me. I chose the front porch because Dad was mowing the back lawns and it was quieter out there.

After five minutes or so, a large German Shepherd came bounding up the street, and seeing us turned up the drive. Mum was wary at first but it seemed friendly enough, and was more interested in playing, 'you sniff mine, and I'll sniff yours,' with Bozo.

"I wonder who it belongs to, it's too nice a dog to be running around loose," said Mum.

At that point a rather attractive middle aged woman came running up, the first thing that I noticed were that her large breasts were bouncing, there's a theory that big breasted women shouldn't run, but I don't subscribe to that at all.

Our eyes met for a moment, she paused, her eyebrows raised, she then smiled, looked at the Shepherd and said "there you are you bitch, I'm sick of you getting out." The dog only sat there with its tongue out, dribbling, and wagging its tail at her. "Sorry folks," she said laughing, "she's a real Houdini, I just can't seem to keep her in... Her voice trailed off when she looked at Mum, "I know you, you're Mary Wilson, aren't you?"

Mum looked surprised, "well I used to be, but now I'm Mary Martin, I'm sorry though, I don't recognise you."

The woman stuck out her hand, "I'm Jane Clark, but you knew me as Jane Norman, we had the furniture shop in High Street, and you went to school with my brother Peter."

Mum introduced me to her long lost friend, we smiled at each other, shook hands, and from then on I was as much use as sun block in a snow storm, they just ignored me. Then followed the normal shrieks of laughter as they played, "hey do you remember this, and what happened to the red haired girl with freckles?"

Dad hearing the commotion came out and asked, "what's going on?" I told him, "you don't want to know," so he went away, just in time to miss Jane saying, "unless I'm mistaken, didn't my brother get your cherry?" This was met with more shrieks of laughter, as Mum punched her in the shoulder looking red faced at me.