Sylvan Courtyard 9: Crossed Wires


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Becky laughed again, but of course only smacked her lips and wiped a strand of my jizz from her own face into her mouth. "No thanks! I've got plenty!"

They both laughed again, as Susan cleared her mouth.

"Seriously, Dude," Susan said after a long swallow. "That was too much fucking cum." She shook her head. "Either you go get us some towels, or Becky and I are going to have to lick this off each other!"

Becky laughed again, while imperiously pointing toward my kitchen.

Nicely played, Susan. Always worth a try, I guess.

My legs were something resembling self-supporting by now, and I went to get the towels. I opened the drawer and almost grabbed two from the rag side before I wised up. I grabbed two of my brand-new, soft, white hand towels instead, and returned with them. Both girls stood and took them, cleaning their faces. I just stood and watched, my cock deflating despite the incredible vista in my apartment.

I just shook my head and muttered, "Oh, my God..."

"Problem, Ken?" Susan asked in amusement.

"No problem," I said in the most obvious comment ever. "I am just trying to figure out how I am going to manage to bring the two of you to such a series of screaming orgasms that Jesse comes running to see what's the matter!"

Becky reacted with widened eyes. Susan smirked, however. "Jesse, huh? Hoping he'd join in?"

Becky barked at that. But then she teased, "Oh, I think in that case, Ken'd rather it was Josie who came to see what's the matter."

That image fleeted through my mind before I could suppress it. I only growled, "Neither of them would join in," I declared. "But," I added almost wistfully, "if Jesse saw this, he'd worship the ground I walk on for all eternity."

With that, I swiftly snaked an arm around each of them and pulled them hard against my body, four lovely tits smashing suddenly into me from both sides. I slid my hands down to each cup a delicious but different backside, and I twisted my face to kiss Susan deeply. I let my tongue probe her mouth for too short a moment, then I turned to kiss Becky as deeply.

The three of us made out like that, plastered against each other, my mouth on an odyssey of lips and tongues, for a delightful interlude before I realized that my hands were full of clothed asses, while my own backside was bare. I disengaged and stood back.

"Hey," I said puckishly. "I am bare-assed here, and you both still have pants on." I narrowed my eyes. "The first one naked gets to start making all the noise!"

"Oh we are to compete, are..." Susan began to scoff, before she realized that Becky was already ripping her shorts off. Even if she hadn't delayed, Susan had no chance of beating Becky, whose loose elastic shorts slid right off with her panties in a single, easy motion. Susan's painted-on jeans were going to take some effort.

She barely had her fly unzipped, revealing a lime-green scrap of lace that looked as if it had aspirations of being a thong when it grew up, when Susan conceded. "You win, girl," she said, waving at Becky. "I'll watch while I get ready for my turn."

Gleefully, I pounced on Becky, lifting her and carrying her little form easily to my dinette table. I kissed her as I set her down, and I could see in her eyes curiosity about whether I was going to fuck her or eat her. The idea of just burying myself in her definitely occurred to me too, but my cock was only barely back to half-mast. Besides, if the three of us started in on the fucking already, I'd probably not get the chance to lick any pussy, and I was not missing out on that with either of them.

We kissed a moment longer, as I rested my hands on the tops of her legs, my thumbs softly caressing the firm flesh of her inner thighs. Then I bent down to kiss briefly each incredibly perky nipple. I wanted to linger there longer, but I had a need to thank these women viscerally for what I had just received, and the road to a thousand orgasms starts with the first.

I sank to my knees before her and slid my hands around and back to squeeze the top of her ass. I leaned in and began to kiss an inner thigh, right where my thumb had been. Then I moved higher in a little series of licks, kisses, and even a nibble here and there.

Here, at least, I forced myself to be patient and tease her properly. I moved around her shaven area, arching up and over it across her lower belly, and beside and around it on her hips and legs. I let myself take a few tiny licks and plant a few kisses on her slit here and there, but always retreated immediately.

I looked up at Becky as she looked down on my efforts. Her face was deeply flushed already, and she begged eagerly, "Just get on with it!" I only grinned and moved up to lick her belly button.

"Yeah, Ken. Get on with it," Susan breathed, suddenly beside us. She ran her fingers through my hair and grinned at Becky. "The girl needs it bad by now."

Becky looked taken aback at how close Susan had gotten so as to watch us, but I also saw her inner exhibitionist wanting to show off.

I placed my face right between her legs and slowly, firmly dragged my wet tongue up the length of her slit. At the top, I slid back down and at last began to work my taster inside her. She was every bit as delicious as I remembered as I delved in. Becky squealed happily as I pressed in, then whooped as I slid my tongue upward to lash at her so far untouched clit.

I worked a finger up inside of Becky, then began working on getting a second in there to help. My tongue just kept gently lashing her bean as I worked. "Ohhhhh!" Becky moaned, then her voice soared upward and her head lolled back as I started finger fucking her with my fingers curled to caress what I already knew was her gee.

"Damn, girl!" Susan breathed. "He's good, isn't he?" she asked almost rhetorically.

"Mmm hmm," Becky answered anyway, in a high-pitched whine. She still seemed weirded out by Susan looking over us... looming over her, but I could tell that putting on a show was winning over being uncomfortable.

"Does she taste good?" Susan asked me almost breathlessly. "Does she taste as good as me?"

I kept pulsing my fingers in and out of Becky, but lifted my head to grin up at Susan. "She's fucking delicious."

"Shut! Up!" Becky wailed, in disbelief that I was about to get into a conversation with Susan.

Susan just laughed and pushed my head back down between Becky's legs, not that I fought her. "You can tell me who tastes better after you have a current sample from each of us." The fact that she left her hand resting on the back of my head, right between Becky's thighs, was not lost on me, but it was on Becky.

Of course, what I was doing might have distracted Tinker Belle just a hair.

She was delicious. And the sensation of feeling her body wind itself into knots from what my tongue was doing had my body and ego alike getting wound up as well.

"Oh fuuuuuuuck," Becky gasped. "That's... shiiiiiiiiiiiiit! Yeeeee... eeeeee... eeeeesssssss!" she screamed, that last 'yes' lasting what had to be twenty seconds as her hips bounced up and down so fast as to be more of a vibration.

"So. Fucking. Hot... watching her scream like that," Susan murmured, staring down at Becky, whose brow had broken out in a sweat, and was panting hard, her naked chest heaving. I was sure enjoying the sight as I rose slowly from her pussy, and I got the feeling that Susan was enjoying it too.

She was enjoying it so much, she turned my head to her and laid a deep, hungry kiss on me with massive amounts of tongue in and around my mouth.

"Eww. Bet you're wishing you made him wipe his face first," Becky said, in her first coherent sound in a while.

Susan laughed. I did too. "I gotta be honest," she said slowly to Becky, "You don't taste bad at all..."

"Ahhh!" Becky laughed. "Perv! People will say things, girl." Then she slapped the table beside her. "Now, your turn in the target zone, Susan. I want to watch you freak out next."

I suspected that Susan was not going to get out of this evening experience as a whole all that she wanted. Becky was not drinking in Susan's nudity the way Susan was drinking in hers. But Becky did want to watch. Susan might be a natural exhibitionist while I am a natural voyeur. But Becky seemed to have both streaks in her in equal measure.

I was winning here, regardless. As meaningless sex went, things were going great lately. I had better make sure Susan put on a show for Becky!

I grabbed Susan, half manhandling her boobs, and half tickling her under the armpits. She squirmed against me happily, and I twisted her back against the table. Before I could lift her up, she hopped up herself.

I did not tease Susan. I could tell she was already fit to be tied, and my by now well-resurgent cock was urging me to get on with... everything. I bent right down and gave her a long, deep lick, sliding a finger inside her in the wake of my tongue's passage up her furrow.

Within what felt like just a minute, I had Susan sweating as well. "So, does she taste as good as me?" Becky stage-whispered in my ear. Susan did not mind having Becky's face resting aside her thigh as Becky spoke.

She did mind when I raised my head to tell Becky, "I think I need to finish my entire meal before I pass judgment, and then I'm going to refuse to tell either of you."

"No fair!" Becky protested.

"Just fucking get on with it," Susan protested. Becky laughed and returned Susan's favor by pushing my head back between her legs.

Susan looked at Becky. "Don't worry. We will tickle it out of him here in a... Oh God!" she interrupted herself as I pressed hard on her clit with my tongue. It took only a few seconds of that gentle undulation, and the addition of a second finger to her insides, before Susan was moaning loudly.

"Hold... Hold my hand," she begged Becky suddenly. "I'm gonna lose it here."

"Uh," Becky temporized, then she shrugged and clasped hands with Susan.

"Thanks... oh shit... thanks," Susan cried, clinging to Becky's hand, pulling it toward her, and incidentally toward her tits.

For Becky's part, I could see that she was simply too enthralled to notice yet the back of her hand touching Susan's breast. "You guys, this is better than the best porno," she murmured, eyes riveted to my face, half-buried as it was in Susan's twat.

"Really?" Susan asked, the words helping her bear down and not lose it entirely already. I had found exactly what revved her engine, and she was bordering redline. "I... don't watch porn."

"Really?" Becky said, surprised, absently trying to pull her hand away from Susan's bust. "You don't know what you are missing."

"Neither do you, girl," Susan panted hoarsely.

"What? What am I..."

"Fucking hell! Yes!" Syuan interrupted. The redline had happened. My face was being drenched with free-flowing juices, and I had to grab a thigh to keep her still enough to press the torture home as she came. She rapidly could take no more, and batted at my head, then shoved me away.

Becky sat still on the edge of the table, but she retrieved her hand from Susan's grasp, and from her tits, and clapped happily. "What a show, you two!"

I grinned, then leaned forward to kiss Becky. Hard. Her eyes shot open and the inevitable flavor experience hit her. She tried to pull away instinctively, but my hand on the back of her head held her tight. She wasn't grossed out so much as surprised, and kissed me back somewhat happily. But she only gave me a little tongue. So I gave her a lot. A lot of Susan-flavored tongue.

You are welcome, Susan.

Becky at last shoved me away. "Well, that happened," she muttered. But then she added, "All right, Ken, time to tell us who tastes better. And fair warning, we both know what the other tastes like now," she laughed.

"I see no percentage in giving an answer to that question," I said, wiping Susan and a shit-eating grin off my face.

The two looked at each other, then as one they turned back to me and raised their hands making threatening tickling motions in my direction.

"Oh no!" I said holding up my hands. But I was feeling my oats by this point. "You want an answer, you are going to have to fuck it out of me!"

The answer to their question was actually Susan, but by the barest of margins. Not that I was ever going to say that out loud to anyone, much less the two of them.

The girls looked at each other. "Fucking does sound more fun than tickling..." Susan mused, talking to Becky, but looking at me from where she was righting herself on my table.

"Truly," Becky nodded beside her, looking at me as well.

But then they looked at each other and grinned. "But tickling sounds fun too," Becky giggled.

I retreated rapidly, but they were both off the dinette in a flash, and where the hell was I supposed to run away to in a one-bedroom apartment?

I let them catch up to me back by my big, living room sofa. I felt both their hands on me at the same time, and they indeed began tickling me under my armpits and up my sides.

How the fuck they both sensed that I am unpleasantly ticklish, I'll never know. But I had developed good instincts over the years about how to handle a naked woman who wanted to tickle me. I was about to find out if those instincts worked with two naked women.

I spun around in their grasp to face away from the couch, and reached around them both to tickle them in turn under their arms. It made me very vulnerable to both their tickling, but giggles are contagious, especially while tickling, and we were all losing it in an instant. Then I shifted my arms and pulled both of them hard against me while I let myself fall backward onto the couch. I thus pulled them with me, and even Becky, in the heat of the moment, did not seem to mind that her naked body landed half-lying atop Susan's. Susan, I was sure, did not mind at all.

The three of us wrestled around for a bit. Both girls were considerate enough to ensure that neither kneed me in the balls, but otherwise, it was pretty much a free-for-all all for a minute. But Becky almost instinctively wriggled herself to one side, mostly disengaging herself from Susan. Unfortunately, she didn't disengage from me, and the tickling continued.

I went for my next trick for when tickling back doesn't stop things. I bent my neck and clamped my lips around one of Susan's nipples. I sucked loudly and Susan shrieked in happy surprise. But the very second I felt her body slow and her breast push forward against my face, I whipped my head around and away and began to devour one of Becky's miniaturely massive mams instead.

Becky's nipple was already a hard little pea before I went for it, and it rolled around marvelously against my questing tongue. "Oh, fuck yeah," she groaned. Both, as I hoped, were getting distracted from the fucking tickling.

"Hey!" Susan protested. "This isn't fair. She's getting a longer turn!" In her indignation, she leaned over her and drooped a breast over against the side of my face. "Me me me!" she added. She did not press her breast actually against Becky's, but it was less than an inch away.

This was perfect. It could have been creepy, but it was not. Susan clearly wanted to play with Becky if it happened, but she wanted to play with me even if it didn't. She might present every opportunity she could to Becky for a little experimentation, but she was clearly committed to ensuring that Becky would have to make any choices on her own. Three different people, three different agendas. All were going to be more-or-less satisfied. And I was going to have all kinds of fun finding out which ones were satisfied how.

I shifted my face back to Susan's chest and took her larger, more heavy breast back between my lips. Her nipples were deliciously erect, but I doubted they ever got as hard as Becky's did. As with how differently these two women tasted, I just didn't care.

Becky pulled back as I changed targets. She wasn't shying away from proximity to Susan this time, she just seemed to want a better vantage to watch me try to inhale the tit I was attending to.

"Yesssss," Susan sighed. "Becky, I don't think the tickling worked," she added softly.

"Yeah," Becky snorted. "He did say we'd have to fuck it out of him..." I suddenly felt what had to be Becky's tiny hand fondling my cock gently. But then she pulled it away cruelly after a single caress.

"Ah well," Susan sighed exaggeratedly. "I hate to give a whiny baby what he wants, but... who shall interrogate him first?" Her hand now gave my cock the gentlest, and unfortunately briefest, of tugs.

I wanted to object to being called a baby, despite actively nursing on Susan at that moment. I also wanted to try nursing on Becky a little as well. But I really, really liked the way this conversation between them was going, so I stood pat, suffering through the agony of Susan's awesome nipple in my face while two gorgeous women negotiated who would get my dick first.

Oh, woe is me.

"It's too bad we can't both fuck him at once," Becky joked, taking another turn at exploring my single fucking stick with her fingertips.

"Mmm..." Susan murmured. Then suddenly she exclaimed, "Oooh!" and leaned away from me, my lips losing their grip with a pop. "I know," she added excitedly. She leaned down to kiss me briefly and excitedly, but distractedly, then climbed up fully onto the couch with her legs folded up underneath herself like she was settling in for a chat.

"What?" Becky asked, confused.

"Okay, we..." Susan started to say, then paused. "Don't get bored," she instructed me, who was in no danger of boredom, and pushed my head down toward Becky's chest. I quite happily got down to nursing on her, supplementing my lips' efforts now with my hands.

"We can definitely both fuck him at once... sort of," Susan said. Becky had let go of my cock once more to run her fingers through my hair, and Susan took over keeping things happy below.

I really did not want to derail whatever these two were cooking up, but I could not help but bite Becky's nipple, just a bit.

"Whoah!" Becky yelped. "Do that some more. But Susan, we can lay him out on this couch or his bed, and I'm sure his tongue will be up to keeping one of us happy. But, um, who gets the dick first? Don't think that just because you are holding it right now, that means you automatically go first."

Susan chuckled easily. "I said, 'sort of.'" She leaned forward to press her breasts around the back of my head as I suckled on Becky. "We titfuck him."

"Oh, wow. I've never much... Yeah. But still who..."

"At the same time," Susan purred. "Come on," she added, sliding off the couch to kneel beside my legs on the floor, lifting my cock up and waving it at Becky.

I very definitely let go of Becky with both my hands and my mouth, trying desperately not to look like I was too eager. She bit her lip, but at least was willing to slide down opposite my lap from Susan.

"I'm not sure how we... I mean we'd have to..." Becky said uncertainly.

"Get him good and wet. We need him slick," Susan instructed, all business. She tilted my dick toward Becky.

Becky grinned, certainly not hesitant about that, and bent to wonderfully start sucking on me again.

"Hey! I didn't say blow him," Susan said with a laugh. "I meant slobber on him. We need him totally slick."

"Ohh!" Becky realized, getting drawn into Susan's game. She bent again, and I felt her mouth working up saliva around my cock. She lifted off me again, and I was indeed slick and wet. Susan bent down and let a huge string of drool drip from her own mouth and slide down onto my head and then along my now sopping shaft.

With no further ado, Susan leaned over my lap and pressed her tits against my cock.

She could easily have wrapped her boobs around my shaft completely. After all, doing so had been at least a feature act both times she and I had gotten together before. But she just squished her tits together, barely keeping my dick upright in the cleavage.