Sylvan Courtyard 9: Crossed Wires


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"Now you press in from the other side, and we blow his mind," Susan said with a grin.

Becky just looked at her. She was utterly turned on by everything else that had happened so far. Those nipples were steel. Her nostrils were flared. Her breathing was shallow. But was she going to mash her tits against Susan's, even with my cock in between?

She just grinned, and not seeming to dare to speak about it, Becky leaned forward as well. She tilted her head as she moved, so as not to be totally face-to-face with Susan, but she grabbed her own scrumptious tits, pressed them together, and mashed them against Susan's, trapping my cock in fucking Wonderland.

Yes her tits were not as big as Susan's, but the enclosure was complete and incredible.

"Oh... thank you thank you thank you," I babbled, unable to remain shut up.

Susan and Becky giggled a little, then Susan began to slide up and down. Becky instantly tried to follow along, and my thank yous increased in volume, pitch, and frequency.

But they had a hard time moving in unison, and they found their tits often just sliding along against each other around me, rather than together along me.

I did not care. I suspected Susan liked it. Even Becky didn't seem to mind in the moment. She actually seemed to be enjoying herself as much as the rest of us, but she still started frowning as they continued to be out of sync.

"Damn it, Susan," she growled happily. "How do we get it together? Calling out a cadence seems stupid!"

"Tit, two, three, four?" Susan panted with exertion. Neither slowed their still disjointed efforts while they spoke.

"See? Stupid."

Then Susan got a huge grin on her face. "Grab my tits," she said to Becky.


"Grab my tits. I'll grab yours. He stays mashed in there, and we will be able to sense each other's moves much better," Susan said brightly. She pulled her hands away from her tits as if things were settled. She kept them pressed forward against Becky's, but they drooped softly around me.

Becky, almost automatically reached out to Susan's boobs and pressed them back together. Susan in turn quite eagerly reached out and mashed Becky's back together against me and herself.

Damned if Susan's little ploy didn't work! She finally got her hands on Becky's tits, and as a bonus, got Becky's hands on hers. As for me, darned if the trick didn't actually get them almost instantly into perfect sync.

Holy fuck, was this amazing. I mean, it was awkward as hell, and it was slightly amusing watching Becky mashing her nipples right against Susan's, while simultaneously trying to keep her face away from Susan's, though both were grinning madly that they had this working. The whole act was more novelty than sustainable sexual activity. I was fleetingly sure that if we were to try this on merely three or four... hundred more occasions, I might find it starting to become more trouble than it was worth.

But right now, my brains were leaking out of my ears. My cock was slickly sliding through a mass of boobflesh that not only was aimed at me from all four cardinal directions, but came in two separate amounts of firmness and flexibility.

"Oh, so help me, guys! This is the best," I groaned, beginning to issue another string of thankyous.

"Are you ready to come for us?" Susan encouraged me. "Ready to paint our tits? Ready to glaze us up?"

"Are we sure we want him to do that?" Becky said almost breathlessly, not slacking whatsoever in her grip on Susan's tits, or their synchronized movements. "I for one still want to fuck him traditionally."

"I swear on all that is holy that I will still fuck you both silly," I growled in desperation. "But please, don't stop!"

I was so close. Close to something that might turn me inside out.

They didn't stop. They had faith in me and my recuperative powers.

Such good buddies, both of them.

The two of them were laughing at each other now as they humped my shaft. I wanted to laugh with them, but I was not so quietly dying here. My teeth actually ached as nerves started shooting off random messages to my brain while my central switchboard started getting overwhelmed.

My eyes wanted to focus down on four wonderful tits stroking my cock in now perfect unison, but my vision had gone soft-focus a while ago. The best I could keep track of was the overall position of everyone.

Because of this, I missed seeing in detail the titanic, single gout of cum that suddenly rushed up and out of my cock. It was no more in total volume than any of my most powerful, multi-stream efforts lately, but it was all at once. And it takes time to pour forth that much jizz through the narrow channel. I was lucky my heart didn't stop at the pleasure overload.

Becky and Susan burst out into even louder laughter at how massively I had spooged on them both. Through my haze, I felt them let go of me and of each other. And I even felt the extra beat that Susan held on to Becky before she let go of those Tinker Belle titties.

My vision cleared as I took in the two of them, still kneeling before me, both staring down in bemusement at how thoroughly I had coated them. It had been more like a lava flow than a violent eruption, and the whole, massive load was confined to the upper slopes of their suddenly now even more spectacular racks. Those tits were not spattered, they were covered in sheets and rivulets of creamy residue.

With a snort, Susan complained, "No fair, you got more than I did!"

With that, she reached out and wiped a finger across Becky's sweet left boob, collecting a glob of jizz on her index fingertip. She swiftly sucked it into her mouth. That drew the eye...

"Hey!" Becky shouted. "That was mine! You got as much as me to begin with, liar!" Then she playfully dragged three fingers through a sheet of goo on Susan's right boob, and sucked it into her mouth. I felt Susan shiver against my shin.

Now she was rolling. "Three fingers worth, girl? And you got at least as much as me. I'm serious!" She shot out her hand toward Becky's tits again, to harvest more of my spume.

I was ready, and caught her hand before she reached Becky. Susan shot me a look that said she did not think she was going too far, but would back off if I thought she was.

I just smiled back at her.

"No, no, no, Susan," I scolded playfully. "I think you are pretty even up. If you are so sure you got gypped, then you need to just lean in there and lick off your share!"

You are welcome, Susan.

Becky thought this was hilarious. "Ha! Yeah! If you are so sure, you have to lick it off," she taunted, certain that she was winning this argument right there.

Susan glared at her, and Becky, unwisely perhaps, just shook her tits at Susan.

"Fine," Susan snapped, like she was losing a bet. Then she just leaned forward smoothly and licked a broad swathe of my cum right off the inside curve of Becky's breast.

"Fuck!" Becky enounced, more outraged in the moment about being called on her bluff than at being licked. Susan just licked her lips at her, as if in triumph.

Becky grimaced, then grinned evilly. She swiftly leaned forward and literally put her lips in a big circle around the stickier of Susan's two nipples and suckled it clean. She even rubbed her face against that breast before she pulled away. When she did, she grinned at the way her whole face was now visibly sticky.

Susan just stared at her. I stared at Becky too, but not as agonizedly. "That's hot," Susan sighed. "I just want to lick all that off your face."

"Mine!" Becky said, licking a little bit from her upper lip. Then she bantered easily, "But that would sure have Ken ready to go and fuck us in no time, wouldn't it?"

Susan laughed, then looked down at my eager but still recovering cock. "Oh yeah," she nodded. "It would be chromium steel by the time I was done."

Okay, my face was certainly betraying a serious desire to watch these two keep goading each other, each with their own, quite different agenda. They both looked at me and laughed.

Becky just looked at Susan and whispered, "Do it." She didn't quite scrunch up her face, but she did close her eyes as she leaned toward Susan.

When she closed her eyes, Susan shot a look at me, as if imploring me to give her permission. I just shrugged and grinned. Becky had asked, after all.

And Susan certainly would know how to back off if asked.

I hoped.

She almost moaned out loud as she leaned in toward Becky's upturned, elfin visage. She licked Becky's cheek tentatively, her eyes rolling with arousal. Becky only giggled. "Ready to wake the dead?" Susan asked, her voice aquiver. She shot the briefest of glances at my already hardening cock.

"Do it," Becky whispered again, a little more relaxed already having felt Susan's tongue.

And Susan just went to town like a maniac. She grabbed Becky's chin gently but firmly, and just licked like a three year-old encountering their first chocolate fudge pop. They both laughed as she sort of made an ass out of herself as she kept licking long after my jizz had to have been consumed. They were both clowning about it.

But while Susan's nipples were crazy proud and hard, Becky's nipples were not at their diamond hardest.

But they weren't soft either. She wasn't really all that turned on, but she was not at all turned off either...

"Oh... you are so hot," Susan breathed softly as she stopped clowning at last and sat back on her heels, still looking at Becky.

She looked back at Susan in surprise. Not upset, just curious. "So that really turned you on?"

Susan shrugged ruefully. "Yeah. A little," she said, then, more truthfully, "Maybe a little more than a little."

Becky seemed to consider that. "I can sort of... I mean, it didn't make me want to jump your bones or anything, but it was fun." She looked at me, and my presently insanely horny body language, and laughed. "Look at you, Ken! We sort of lez out for ten seconds, and your cock is ready to tear a hole in the Ozone Layer again already!"

Susan laughed at that and Becky winked at her.

"Okay!" she went on, getting up on her knees and pulling Susan up on her knees in turn to face her. "We'll kiss a little. Let's keep an eye on him and watch him freak out."

Susan was not about to object to this proposal. They placed their hands on each other's shoulders and leaned in to kiss. It was pretty chaste for a moment, then Susan could not resist and started trying to make it passionate. Her lips opened slightly and her head tilted. I don't think she tried any tongue. Becky was clearly not as responsive, but she rolled with it a bit, tilting her head the other way.

I did a quick nipple check to see how she felt, and because I wanted to look closely some more at those four amazing nipples, dangling right in front of me, agonizingly close. Becky's were perking up a bit more but were still not her diamond hardness. She wasn't turned off, but she also wasn't that turned on.

As if to illustrate this, Becky actually suddenly turned up the kiss a notch. If any tongue got into it as she pressed her face harder against Susan, it was Becky's. But then my Tinker Belle broke it off to look at me. "Listen, Ken. This is the part where us lezzing out makes you lose control, get down here on the floor, and fuck both our brains out. Do we have to spell it out for you?"

Susan laughed, and just winked at me.

I know how to do as I was told.

I also knew that I'd be doing Susan a solid if I fucked Becky first. The things I'm willing to do for friends...

With a hungry chuckle, I popped off the couch and knelt behind Becky, moving her legs wider so I could get between them. She looked over her shoulder at me with an expression that was smug, predatory, anticipatory, lustful, and still mostly smug. I ran both my hands up the petite curves of her ass, gave both cheeks a squeeze, then dropped my hand down between her legs to trace the outlines of her slit gently. Becky sighed quietly. I just reached up with my free hand and pushed her chin back around to face Susan.

Becky giggled. "I love it when a plan comes together," she said to Susan.

"So do I," she replied, meaning a variety of things beyond Becky's own intent.

They began to kiss again, and as my fingers stroked Becky's lips down below, parting them slowly, Becky parted her own up above and kissed Susan harder. I let my middle finger descend inside my blonde pixie and she moaned against Susan's mouth.

Suddenly, Becky straightened just a little bit. "You kiss really well, you know that?" she sighed to Susan. "A girl's mouth feels different. Weird, even. But you have some skills. Ohhh!" Becky cut herself off as I tucked my cock down under her ass and stroked my head along her wet, slowly parting vag.

She tilted her hips forward, leaning in against Susan once more in the process, and I had a much better angle to proceed. I was indeed losing some control over watching the two of them make out, and getting on with fucking Becky seemed like just the way to get myself back in order.

I slid into her slowly and shallowly, and we both groaned. Mine was clear and loud. Becky's was muffled because she was once more kissing Susan. I sank surprisingly easily into Becky this time. She was still as tight as always, and it was still work to delve my way fully into her, but she had never been this wet when I first entered her before.

Given our relative sizes, and our current positions, it was awkward thrusting into Becky. I could do it, but I had to go slow to manage it.

Slow felt amazing.

I could do slow... for the moment.

Becky continued to groan into Susan's mouth, and I sensed as Susan went for it and lifted a hand to cup one of Becky's sweet little-big tits.

Becky didn't say anything, but I felt her stiffen, and in a reluctant, not aroused fashion.

Swiftly, I leaned forward, swatted Susan's hand away from Becky's breast, and grasped both those wonderful tits in my own hands. "No, no, no, no," I chuckled. "No tits for you, Susan! These are mine!" I pinched Becky's nipples, which were indeed diamond-hard now.

Both of them giggled.

"You can play with Susan's tits for now," I generously told Becky. "Until I want them too."

She snorted and groaned as I slid slowly in and out of her. Susan chuckled too.

Then, damned if Becky didn't lift a hand and gently squeeze one of Susan's breasts! Then she lifted her other hand and mangled them both for a moment.

"Damn, girl! These are huge," Becky said, not quite letting her mouth free itself from Susan's.

"Thanns," Susan said back slightly incoherently, given the way her tongue was tracing Becky's lips. "Yourth are thweet too..."

"I am thuch a perv," Becky chuckled.

Susan looked at her a little archly, actually pulling away from her a little bit. "A perv? Lesbians are perverted?" she asked, her voice neutral.

"Fuck no," Becky snorted. "Like, Jane and Susan? Pervs? Please." She shook her head. "No, it is straight girls like you and me, making out like this and not hating it? We're the pervs. All just to make sure that Ken here, who is also a total perv in lots of ways, has enough steel for both of us... maybe more than once!" They both laughed at that, and looked at me, Becky over her shoulder.

I had paused my movements for a moment while they worked out Becky's thoughts. In answer, I just started slowly fucking her again.

"You aren't hating this... are you?" Becky suddenly asked Susan, as if she were the one making Susan uncomfortable.

"I'll survive," Susan giggled, then kissed Becky again. Becky giggled at herself, but didn't disengage.

Fucking Becky languorously like this, while she sort of made out with Susan (okay, fully made out with Susan), should have been perfect. But as I said before, the angle was... difficult. I could not fuck her any other way than languorously, and my body was feeling an urgent need to up the pace. I pulled out reluctantly.

Becky knew instinctively I had not just accidentally slipped free, and she turned again from Susan. "Huh?"

"Stand up, everybody," I said. "I can't work properly like that on the floor."

"Well, we can't have you doing improper work," Susan mused, rising. We both helped Becky to her feet. She looked a little confused, clearly feeling that my work had been plenty proper as far as she was concerned. But she was also quite eager for the work to continue, so she rose with us. Her hands didn't even, in her confusion, entirely release Susan's tits.

I took a moment to reach around and grab Becky's breasts one more time, before I released them to grab her petitely rounded little hips. I lifted her lithe form easily, and let my cock slip between her legs.

"Oh ho!" Becky exclaimed, figuring out where this was going. She released Susan's boobs and reached down to guide my cock back to her entrance. I tilted and pushed into her.

Now, I am in shape. I use that gym downstairs regularly. And Becky is a little Tinker Belle. But I am not the kind of weightlifter who could just hold Becky in front of him, her feet dangling well off the ground, and fuck her for a while, much as I wanted to. But both my playmates came to the rescue. Susan stepped in close, and Becky reached out to her, even as I was sinking deeper into her than I had managed in our first position, wrapped her arms around Susan's shoulder for support, and buried her face against Susan's neck. Susan just grinned at me like she couldn't believe this was happening. I just grinned back and kissed her right over Becky.

Becky's flailing right foot planted itself on my couch, and suddenly, our whole, unorthodox tripod was steady. Susan grabbed Becky's boobs between them, you know, to make sure the tripod remained structurally sound...

This was great. I could, with minimal difficulty and less than maximum effort, start sliding myself in and out of Becky, to my fullest extent, and I could go as slow or fast as I wanted. I let myself settle in for a nice long fuck, varying my pace, and enjoying how this angle clearly was hitting some spot or other inside Becky that had her moaning into Susan's neck loudly.

Yeah, about that whole thing lasting for a while...

My cock and hips, having been held back so long while we were all kneeling on the floor, and allied with my hands, who were none too sure about this whole, 'holding up Tinker Belle in mid-air indefinitely' program, were not holding back.

Swiftly, more and more of her weight was being taken by her one leg on the couch and her arms around Susan's shoulders, while my grip slipped as I just utterly plowed into Becky's wonderfully tight confines.

My cock figuratively screamed in pleasure.

Becky screamed literally, then began plastering kisses desperately over Susan's neck, cheek, and ear. Her body convulsed crazily around me, and I felt myself unload into her narrow depths.

I managed only a few more thrusts for good measure, before my grip and my ecstatically overloaded cock made me still myself inside Becky. The two of us were panting, and we all three stood still, Becky still impaled on me.

"Holy shit, Susan," Becky squeaked. "He does fill you up, doesn't he?"

Susan looked at me over Becky's shoulder. She looked very much like she wanted to offer to clean up the mess I'd made inside our tiny partner, but she sensed that would be several bridges too far. "I'm hoping he'll do that for me shortly," was all Susan drily replied.

My cock did not quite collapse, not possible in the current circumstances, but it did soften enough to slip free of Becky. With our precarious position no longer needed, Becky slid down to stand on her own feet on the floor. She immediately spun in my arms and pulled me down for a huge kiss. "Fuck yeah, Ken," she sighed. "That rocked. But you totally have to fuck Susan now!"

Susan laughed her thanks and reached around Becky, not so incidentally pressing her whole naked body against Becky, to caress my softened cock. "We have a little work to get our partner ready again, Becs."