Talking It Up With Jill Ch. 04 Pt. 01


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As such, Jill had all but gone back into the shell of her former self, seemingly unaware of the looks of desire she drew after our visits to the cabin. But our sex life was never better, if not a little average. It had been a while since we'd really talked about the fantasy. Deep down I knew I would never entirely shake the sense of taboo lust I got from it. And that's where it stood.

As for life in general, it was otherwise front and center. Busy, but normal. The long slog of day in and day out business as usual contributed many things, but mostly a sense of security, with each other and where our lives were going, which included the ever increasing discussions of starting a family. It was no secret we both wanted kids at some point. The idea used to be a touchy subject only because for so long our personal aspirations had been a highlight of our every day lives.

We'd decided early on to wait and enjoy our youth and firmly establish our lives and especially our careers before tackling the sacrifices that come along with raising children. While I had steady work coming in and Jill had long since made senior partner, these successes gave us options we didn't have until we'd achieved them. Options like starting a family. I would tease and pretend I wanted to wait, but it made sense to start giving more consideration to things like baby-safing the house.

It was true that Jill was a young and very healthy 41 and certainly no cause for alarm bells in my mind, but she knew the clock was running and recently made a trip to the doctor. The result was we needed to start planning soon if we wanted a family.

With the arrival of summer we made a point to spend as much time with each other as possible before parenthood. She somehow worked it out so she could spend a few days of the week working out of her home office. We'd managed a couple weekend getaways out of town, but planned to do things together around the house.

For Jill, it was her garden and the interior of our new pool house. For me, the usual landscaping and a little painting. One thing I'd been putting off and Jill had been nagging about was the fence out back. Since we'd moved in, the trees on either side had gotten tall enough to provide total privacy on their own. Now that it needed upkeep and the trees being taller, Jill really wanted something shorter and with a gate at the far end so she could move her compost pile out of the yard. The gate's handle had to match the one where the fence connected to the house of course. She liked the antique look and suggested a new replacement for both.

The pool house was something I built myself the previous fall and Jill was crazy about it. She like the convenience of it for pool toys, a changing room for guests, and space for towels and bathing suits and such. I could have done without it, but the brownie points were worth it. What I didn't give to hoots about, something I didn't share with Jill, was how it was decorated inside. Even better, it thrilled her to do it herself. She loved the idea of a sea going theme, and a few of her friends had been helping.

The summer was looking good, plus with a little painting left to do, I planned on making a lumber run soon to get the fence started. The idea of a discount was appealing. I was hoping it might sway Jill to go along with Cedric's help.

That evening I texted Cedric, who replied that he'd be available the next day after lunch to take measurements of the fence for lumber. He also told me he'd spoken to his uncle and was able to secure a 40% contractor's discount on the lumber. Needless to say I was on board with Cedric's help and so was Jill.

I was out front painting door trim the next day when he arrived. We went into the garage and got him a tape measure, pad and pencil. Then we headed through the laundry room to the kitchen and took at seat at the breakfast bar with my laptop to go over the fence design. Jill walked in with an armful of towels headed for the pool house. Her hair was up in a ponytail and she had on yoga pants, a tank top with an opened button-down shirt over it and was wearing flip flops on.

"Hello, Cedric!" she said with a friendly smile. "Thanks for helping Louis."

"Yeah," he replied, looking up. "Sorry about what happened, Mrs. Holden," he added.

"Thank you, Cedric," she said with a wink as she nudged the patio door open with one hip. She smiled at me and turned to head outside.

"Mr. Holden," he said, surveying the plans, "I know this set up 'cause I did one just like this last year. This is gonna turn out great, I promise," he said.

When we were through I showed him out back through the patio door and told him I was gonna go back out front to finish painting. About twenty minutes later I walked in through the opened garage door, grabbed a beer from the fridge and headed out the back entrance which led to the backyard. I looked around but Cedric was nowhere in sight. Jill was out sunbathing in a white bikini on one of the reclining pool chairs. She lay on her stomach, propped up on her elbows reading a book in the shade provided by her large floppy garden hat. It was tempting to go climb right on top of her. If not for Cedric I might have done just that, or at least gone and knelt beside her, giving thanks to the gods for her body.

Looking away from Jill, I was surprised to find Cedric was nowhere in sight still. I figured he'd probably gone back inside for some reason. Thinking maybe I'd offer Jill a beer, I went back into the garage to get one. This time I noticed the door to the laundry room was partially opened, enough for me to see the washer and dryer below a window that looked out back. I was about to go in when I noticed Cedric was in there. The light wasn't on, but enough shown through the window to see he was facing the open dryer below it, sort of hunched over looking outside. What in the heck is he doing? I wondered.

I began pushing the door open only to be met with the sight of the young teenager masturbating into a wash cloth. I froze. In the brief moment it took my eyes to adjust, I realized it wasn't a wash cloth at all but a pair of Jill's white cotton panties.

Suddenly it was no longer about the awkward situation of walking in on somebody masturbating. Cedric was using my wife's underwear to help jerk off with. I swallowed, staring down at them. There was moment of stark contrast, between the black of his skin and the white cotton material.

In fact Jill's small but modest panties appeared as nothing than a dainty washcloth compared to Cedric's black steel cock. I followed his gaze out the window to Jill, lying perpendicular to us no more than thirty feet away, still engrossed in reading. I stood frozen there as this teen beat off, looking at my wife sunbathing.

His hand became a blur as he began muttering low under his breath.

"Oh shit... That ass damn... lil' white girl got some booty..." Cedric's upper body wavered as he stared at her.

Suddenly he hunched forward, grunting as he came into Jill's panties, which did little to hold his release that landed onto the throw rug beneath him.

Just then he turned and saw me. Mortified, he quickly tried to hide the panties behind his back with one hand while hurriedly struggling to pull up his pants with the other. I went to speak but was taken aback by the sight of this teen's persistent erection resisting his attempts to stuff it into his pants regardless of having just soaked my wife's most personal article of clothing in relief.

"Sorry! I-...I'm sorry!" Cedric said, dancing around to keep his pants up and fasten his buckle.Still not sure of the words, I awkwardly waved my hand as if to say, "ha, don't worry," and quickly excused myself back into the garage. I stood there, thinking something should have been said, but what? What can you say? The door to the laundry room suddenly opened and Cedric nearly stumbled out, dropping the note pad. Without making eye contact he flew past me and out the front of the garage. I watched as he got on his bike and took off. Unsure of what to do next, I picked up the note pad and pocketed it as I headed out back through the rear entrance of the garage. Jill heard me come out, watching as I slowly approached and lowered her head to look over her sunglasses as I sat down next to her.

"Hey there," she said.

"Hey," I said, handing her the beer.

"Oh, thanks!"

I nodded, cracked mine open and took a large gulp, staring at her.

"What?" she asked.

"Nothing," I replied.

"Hmph," she mumbled, going back to her book. "Where's Cedric?"

"He left," I said.

"Didn't stay long," she said dryly. "Did he get those measurements?"

"Yeah," I replied, pausing to consider Jill's choice of words and shifted uncomfortably.

"Well when's he coming back?" she asked.

"I don't know," I answered.

"Well when you do would you let me know? Just so I know when there's someone else here?" she asked, turning to look at me, her eyes hidden behind those oversized sunglasses I love so much.

"Yeah, sure babe. If I don't hear from him by tomorrow I'll shoot him a text." I thought things over some more, and what I couldn't reconcile is when Jill and Cedric might have been outside at the same time, and what she was wearing if and when they were. "Say, did you see him out here at all?"

"Mm, briefly," Jill said, looking over at me again. "After stocking the pool house I came out here. Not long after I saw him go back inside through the patio. I figured he was with you."

"Hmm," I said, staring off into the distance. If that's the case, I figured, Cedric must have gotten a good look strolling by Jill lying in her bikini, ass up, before he came back inside and snuck into the laundry room.

"Wasn't he?" she asked.


"Wasn't he? In there with you?"

"Yeah," I said, "It's just that I'd gone back into the garage to mix some paint and didn't see him leave. No biggie," I said dismissively, realizing I might be taking this conversation in a direction I wasn't prepared to. Then, knowing Jill was no fool and her job consisted of reading people, I added some detail to the facade. "I thought he might have left the pad I'd given him for measurements so I could pick up the lumber. That's all."

Shit! I thought, remembering the note pad in my back pocket. I reached back and crammed it in further to keep it out of sight.

"Get my back?" Jill asked, handing me a bottle of sunscreen.

I scoot closer and worked the lotion into her shoulders and lower back. Pleased I'd escaped tripping over my own story, I relaxed a little.

"Mmm, that feels good," she said quietly. "This book is awesome, by the way. Chloe recommended it."

"Is it?" I asked, looking around as if to make sure we were alone.

"Yeah, I think it's the best of the series. You know, Chloe was telling me about..."

Jill's voice faded.

I ran my hand in circles around her back, thinking of what just happened. When Cedric was around, Jill had shown no inkling or obvious consideration of the fact that a constantly horny teenager was nearby. I'd left that kid alone maybe 15 minutes, at most? In a strange house.

Yet he knew I was nearby and still he couldn't resist his primal urges. He was so turned on from the sight of Jill in a bikini, he had to jerk off. Into my wife's panties no less. Those soft little white cotton panties that cover my wife's bottom. God and I think he still had them! Man, I thought to myself. He'd really been affected by her.

I looked down at Jill, at her tan and unblemished skin; her taut back and shoulders muscles; the arch in her lower back created by the way she was propped up on her shoulders, to the rise of her firm round ass all just lying out here in nothing more than a bikini for Cedric. Eye candy on display to help him furiously unloaded into her panties.

I took a deep breath and let it out slowly, instantly overwhelmed by a familiar, intoxicating sensation I hadn't felt in a while.

Jill was still telling me about her book. I promised I'd give it a look, but what I was really doing was hoping she didn't notice me shifting to adjust myself before standing up.

"Wow, you finished that already," she said upon hearing me crunch up my empty beer can. "Thirsty?

"Lotta overhead work, straining to get above the door," I replied. "I think I'm gonna go finish up. Need anything?"

"No," she said, her face back in the book. "Oh," she said, looking up, "wanted to tell you that I have to head into town in a little bit. I thought I'd drop off copies of that deposition I've been working on. Thanks for proof reading it for me, by the way," she said, touching my leg. "I'll just be an hour or so, but don't wait on me for dinner. I got you some of that seafood lasagna from the co-op the other day. It's in the freezer."

"Really? Thanks, babe. I love that shit!"

"I know you love that shit," she laughed. "You'll need to preheat the oven though, so maybe I'll do that for you before I leave?"

"Sounds good!"

I figured I'd catch up on some work of my own while Jill was out. She and I had our own home offices. I kicked back in my chair and put my feet up on the desk, listening to her get ready to leave.

Jill popped her head in. "I'm leaving now."


"The oven is on and I put the lasagna on the counter. I'd give it a good twenty minutes and then put it in. Say, forty-five minutes or so?"

"Okay. Thanks, babe."

"See you in a couple hours," she smiled, blowing me a kiss.

I got some work done, but my mind kept wandering over the day's events. Not so much the issue of catching a teenager masturbating, but the sight of him beating off into my wife's panties with her in view.

Later on I was caught by surprise when Jill returned.

"Hey," she said, walking into my office. "You okay?"

"Yeah, why? You get everything done you needed to?" I asked.

"I did, thanks. I only ask because the oven's still on and you didn't touch the lasagna."

"Oh, shit!" I said, straightening up, instantaneously imagining a whirlwind of excuses... lies, in other words, that would get me no where. I looked at the files on my computer screen. "Uh, jeez, honey, I'm sorry. I got caught up in my own stuff here. I'm sorry."

"Mm'okay. You still hungry?" she asked, walking around my desk and taking a seat on my lap.

"I am, I am."

"Well good. The office fridge was empty. Want me to crack open a bottle of white wine and I'll see what I can salvage of that lasagne for you?"

"Sure, sweety, but what about you?"

"There's still some bruschetta from the other night."

"No there's not," I said, clenching my teeth with a frown.

"You ate that? You dope. When?"

"This afternoon. Sorry. It goes well with beer."


"Mm, it was just sitting there, so ready to be eaten."

"Lasagne for two, then."

"You like lobster, right?" I asked, knowing better.

"Not with hot, slimy cheese," she said, making a face.

"Ugh," I grumbled, rolling my eyes. "Pick it out and I'll eat it...young lady. But no desert for you!"

We went up to bed not long after dinner with Jill crashing early with a magazine, and although I'd shrugged off what I'd seen earlier, it occurred to me Cedric still had Jill's panties. My mind raced on that detail, including our past discussions of my fantasy involving her...and of things she already done. I must have been dwelling on it more than I realized, because I woke up in the middle of the night after a dream with a full erection. I wasn't just physically aroused, I was mentally turned on.

The visions from my dream were choppy but fresh in mind; of Jill wearing her those cum soaked panties, curled up on her side servicing a jet black cock. Her little white hand wrapped around its girth; and the last image I had before waking up... one of her turning to look at me as she disengages from her sensual blow job, strands of saliva or cum stretching from her mouth to the shiny black cock she held.

I was fully awake now, the images from my dream and my erection going nowhere, and Jill being so close, smelling her, listening to her soft breath, wasn't helping. We've woken each other up in the middle of the night for loving on a mutual basis, such as when we're wrapped around each other, or spooning. I looked over and Jill was out cold. I couldn't do it. I slowly rolled out of bed, tugging on the end of my cock as I made my way downstairs to my office.

I hadn't looked at porn in a while. A long while. I couldn't believe the type of stuff I was soon discovering. Like everybody, I've seen the occasional porn popup and random website, but never payed attention to them. I was getting sidetracked viewing links to what was termed vintage porn, mostly from when I was growing up in the 70's and 80's. Some I remember seeing either at friend's house on cable or when someone stole a rental video from their older brother. Once I tried to narrow my search down to what I thought I was looking for, it wasn't so easy not knowing what that was yet.

I typed in the word "interracial" and was hit with a tsunami of choices among pictures and videos. I found it curious, in a sense, looking specifically for interracial porn.

When initially discussing my fantasy with Jill, she understood and agreed with my feeling that race has nothing to do with what turns me on about the fantasy, which centers primarily on the raw idea of her providing her body to men in need of sexual relief, a need she either caused or intensified. I even went so far as to indicate the men using her in my fantasy are pretty much faceless. Of course there would be necessary adjustments to my fantasy if it became a reality like at the cabin. Now, reeling from a dream of Jill playing with a black cock and images of a teenager's black skin against her white panties fueled this search.

Most images and video clips I found were just what one might expect, well produced movies with beautiful porn stars and muscular hung black men. I get it, the whole black men with big dicks thing. The famous myth. But what had initially sparked all this was the contrast in skin color. Some image galleries mimicked the key visual aspects from my dream, but most focused on the explicit side of the genre.

Eventually the brightness of the computer and my tiring eyes won out. Knowing I was just too dog tired to molest Jill once I hit the bed, I headed back upstairs. Fortunately all she did was whimper in her sleep and turn toward me, and soon I too was lost to unconsciousness.

We spent all day that Sunday doing yard work, and after a swim each put in a couple hours of work in our respective offices. I was interested in getting online again, but too busy. Jill was having issues with her fax machine and I'd arranged to visit a friendly neighbor about borrowing some tools and equipment I'd need for the fence. Jill went out shopping while I was gone, and by the time we'd both gotten home we were famished. We spent the evening the way we usually did on Sunday, with dinner in front of the television, binge watching some of our favorite shows before making our way up to bed.

Over the course of the next several days Cedric remained absent. Jill was in the office most of the time and too busy to inquire about him. Just as well, I thought. I imagined he was still pretty embarrassed and so I didn't push the matter. Towards the end of the week she did ask about him eventually, and I said I'd shoot him a text. But nothing. The following day we finished our work before ten and decided to pack up the bikes and ride some trails. It was a good time. We met up with a college friend of mine and his wife and had a late picnic lunch. His wife brought a kite and Jill was thrilled. The two of them were at it for an hour or so.

It was good to see her like this. She was so strict and gung-ho at work. So much of her work day and often more than that, when she took it home, was spent keeping her thoughts and emotions in check because of her job. I'd pay money for more of such an opportunity, to see her like she was, carefree and running around like a kid. And she fell into it so easily, a field on a hill, all afternoon, like a kid.