Talking It Up With Jill Ch. 04 Pt. 01


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It reminded me of how hard we'd both been working, Jill especially, and how little of the year we took time to say no to work obligations. I knew for Jill, being senior partner came with a slew of more responsibilities and commitments, so I was thankful she was making the most of summer as I was, working at home even, in order to simply spend more time together. If we were to make serious effort at starting a family soon, then this could be the last summer we'd have alone for some time.

This point was brought home when a bunch of young girls and a boy came bounding up the hill for a better look, with their mother, I'd guessed, chasing after them. Jill reeled in the kite and they all sat about listening as she explained how it worked. Then she helped them fly it. It was cute. It reminded me of how much I was in love and wanted to have kids with her.

At one point both she and my buddy's wife came trotting down the hill holding the remnants of a smashed kite, laughing and out of breath. The whole scene felt like something right out of a 60's drama or something. I don't know why. Maybe because my friend and his wife wore pastel colored turtlenecks that day, even though it was near 80 degrees out. Or the thing with the kite, the wind, the running and laughing... I shared this with Jill on the way home, and she thought it was hilarious.

"You are too funny. I had a good time, but I'd never have thought that in a million years until you said something. Ha!" Then she burst out laughing. "Wait wait! I got it!" she said, staring at me all bright eyed.


"The Sound of Music!"

"When you two were running around on that hill?" I said.


I turned to Jill and we both lost it.

"Oh, shit! That's so fuckin' funny!"

"I know isn't it?!" she laughed.

We both cracked up. My friends were good people but a bit square. Jill and I were happy to have them, squares, as friends, but were also comfortable laughing at them without feeling bad."

"The Sound of Music. Ha! Oh, man. The only thing missing was the guitar," I said.

Jill broke right into 'Do Re Mi.' She did a few more renditions, sometimes stopping midway to adjust for pitch, before sounding off with the whole thing, turning to look at me with wide eyes as she clamored on, periodically losing out to laughter. Then, in a softer voice to herself as she watched scenery go by, her hand dangling out the window, "Doe, a deer, a female deer..."

I kept stealing glances of her, admiring how beautiful she looked and sounded.

"You sound pretty," I told her.

Jill gave me a poke in the shoulder and a friendly smile but never stopped singing.

As we drove along I thought of the afternoon, our nice friends and how funny they were to us.

"I couldn't believe he had that picnic basket strapped onto his bike," I said.

"Ha, yeah, me neither... Say, how'd you know about The Sound Of Music? We never watched that," Jill said.

"One of my babysitters growing up. She would bring the album with her to our house. It was awful."

A moment or two passed.

"I loved that movie when I saw it as a kid," she said, brushing hair from her eyes.


"Mm hm. The songs? Well...obviously. But just the whole thing in general. It was happy, you know? A happy thing to see as a kid."


"M'eh!" she repeated, sticking out her tongue. Then a moment later... "Speaking of kids..." she said rather carefree as she glanced out her window.

I perked up.

"Who's speaking of kids?" I asked, sounding serious. I sensed Jill was looking at me.

"Ohhh..." she grumbled, punching my leg and looking back out her window.

I smiled and waited a moment, then spoke up.

"You'd like to watch it again, Sound Of Music, wouldn't you?" I asked.

"Oh I'd love to watch it again," she gushed. "I just don't have time."

"Hmm. You'd...make time if you had someone to watch it with I bet."

"Huh," she huffed. "I couldn't get you to watch that with me in a million years. I bet." she said, making a face.

" probably not, probably not. But, I'd imagine...a couple little girls or...yeesh, a little boy...would like to see it with you, right? I could probably get into that," I said, squinting at the road ahead.

Now I knew Jill was looking at me. I couldn't hold my smile any longer as she leaned over and turned my face for a giant kiss. When we parted she was watery eyed, but smiling. I caressed her face as I glanced between her and the road.

"We're gonna do this. Okay?" I said smiling at her. She nodded against my hand and kissed it. "Hey, c'mere..." I pulled her to me. "I'm gonna give you quintuplets," I said just as we kissed.

Jill laughed against my mouth, and then sat back in her seat, staring ahead into the distance and smiling as the wind blew her hair around. She started singing again, softer this time. She caught me looking and leaned over and rest her head on my shoulder, wrapping her arm up over my chest to twirl my hair in her fingers as I drove, occasionally turning up to kiss my cheek.

As we drove on I thought of her that afternoon, running around and laughing, staring up at the sky as she maneuvered the kite, periodically looking my way to see if I was watching, a huge grin on her face. I considered how my mind had recently delved back into thoughts of my all but forgotten fantasy. I almost felt guilty. She looked so happy, innocent like the free spirit she was when I first met her. Happy and content and a mother-like idol for those kids.

It made me think of our old fantasy talk and when it became more than a fantasy. I suddenly had my doubts, wondering whether I was being selfish for wanting to share this latest rebirth of it with her. I knew Jill would tell me no, I wasn't being selfish. That once I brought it up again, expressing my feelings, she would be supportive and curious and genuinely interested. But I wasn't sure that made it right or appropriate for the soon to be mother to our children. But even then, during such an introspective moment, the righteousness of such things gave way to a stirring in my crotch.

It was still late afternoon when we got home. Jill said her friend Marie was coming over and they would be out in the pool house going over paint schemes for the floor and dressing room doorway trims. They ended up having salad outside for dinner, while I polished off a can of soup watching the evening news at the breakfast bar. I could see them walk out to the pool house from the kitchen. My eyes wondered to the section of the fence missing and I thought of Cedric. Of the last time I'd seen him. With Jill's panties.

I felt a craving, and with a little time to myself a desire to get online. I took a deep breath, thinking of the last time I did this, knowing I was going to look for more online porn. Porn to fuel my fantasy of an aroused black man standing next to my unsuspecting and then accommodating wife.

Seeing no one come out of the pool house, I headed for my office and this time made the effort to narrow my search terms to something more specific. Using words like 'nude' and 'black,' 'white woman.' A lot of the same came up, but so did some new discoveries.

The images that struck me most weren't what I would technically classify as pornography. While I wouldn't describe them as mainstream, these photos were obviously taken by professionals, studio shots using little to no props. They showed fully naked, clean looking black men and white women, some appeared engaged in sexual acts. Others with them standing next to each other, hugging or with the girl's arm on the guy's shoulder, almost always with both staring at the camera, expressions that, to me at least, seemed to say "We fucked" or, in the case of the female, "I do this." "This" meaning whatever you want it to mean, and thus more smoldering to consider. They were less raunchy and more of a statement or declaration of indulgence in taboo, and happily so. I soon thought of Jill.

These images affected me more than the traditional mainstream interracial pictures I'd seen the other day. They seemed more personal somehow, in some way directed at me, or rather, my situation. I found myself aware of of the fact that I was gulping as I pondered all this, clicking from image to image. Looking at them made me want to fuck Jill and I couldn't wait for Marie to leave. As if it would help I shut down the computer and went back into the kitchen, staring through window out back, rubbing my crotch. I had work I could have been doing, but I was more than willing to forget it now.

I had to play off not giving a shit when Jill and Marie eventually came back inside because it was raining and practically set up camp at the breakfast bar. Jill asked me to show Marie the fence design on my laptop, and Marie in turn shared her ideas for decorating the inside of the pool house as Jill got us something to drink.

As it was, the girls stayed up late talking and I went to bed early. The lights were off. I was still awake but dozing when Jill finally came up and climbed into bed.

"Hey," she said, rubbing her nose in my ear.

I turned and could see her smiling at me in the dark.

"Marie was okay to drive?" I asked.

"She called a cab. We finished off the same bottle I opened last night. I might be a little drunk," Jill giggled.

"Oh really?" I smiled, reaching around Jill's waist and pulling her to me.

"Mmm," she moaned against my ear. "I've been waiting all day for thi- are you yawning?"

"Hmm? no," I lied, pushing my hips into her.

"Well part of you isn't tired," she cooed, grinning by the sound of her voice. "I'm tired too...but..."

"Mmm. K," I said quietly. "Strip."

"Hmmm," she grinned. I know she did, even though I couldn't see it.

Jill pushed down her undies and rolled on top of me, laying flat against me. It was all slow kisses and hot, effortless breathing.

"I had fun with you today," she whispered as she reached down between us and put me inside her. "Mmm...On...Oh...Ohhhh....On the way home? I'm glad you said what you did, about that movie, " she said with a breathy whisper.

"I hate that movie," I said, lightly gripping Jill's waist as she slowly ground against me

"I know, but we're gonna watch it someday. Mmm..."

"We'll...mmm...we'll watch it someday," I whispered. "Sooner than later. Do you believe me? It's not all up to me, you know."

"The way you said we would? Mmph..." she groaned, rolling her hips forward on me.

"For the reason I said we would. But...I'll watch it with you right now if you want me to."

"Hmmm, I don't think so," Jill moaned, kissing and grinding down on me as hard as she could. "I love you."

"I love you."

We ground slowly together in silence a few moments.

"Jill...I wa-mmph, Jesus...I wanna take more drives like that with, like we used to."

"Yeah?" she asked.

"Mm hm, made me miss taking you out on my old motorbike," I said.

"You miss that?" she asked softly.

"Yeah...on days like today...rides through the country...with your arms wrapped around me," I said, pressing my hips up and suddenly awake enough to grip Jill's hips tight.

"Mmph," she whimpered. "I miss that too."

We slowly ground sleepily into each other.

"Except?" she said, kissing my ear.


"Instead of getting another motorcycle, can we just lay here and do this?"

"Ha...yeah babe."

"Honey I feel good," she said drearily, kissing me and holding it so long I almost thought she'd fallen asleep. Then, "Warm. You're nice and warm."

"I'm gonna hold you like this forever," I told her, hugging her tight and feeling a shiver.

"Did you just get a tingle? From me?" she asked, her voice weary and soft.

"Mmm, I did."

" make you tingle?"

" make me..."

Jill lay almost completely still on top of me, exhaling a lazy grin. She knew she was being silly, silly with sleep and sexy at the same time. And I loved it. Because I was feeling the same. We continued fucking...making love...slow like that, grinning and kissing. Until at some, hazy point we simultaneously climaxed, without attempting at making things last. One of those times where it's every bit as sweet, but with less frantic energy. I couldn't remember it ending exactly. I think we fell asleep kissing.

As the weekend loomed, Jill asked if I'd heard from Cedric. I told her I had not. She surprised me by asking if I wanted her to give him a call.

"I'll do it to shake things up a bit. The big bad lawyer wondering what's taking so long," she said, thumbing through a magazine

"Then call his mother," I replied.

Jill looked at me. We both started shaking our heads at the same time.

"And tell her it's "the people" calling?" she said, giggling.

"Ha! Yeah, I might not open with that line," I laughed.

"No, I don't guess I want to speak with Ashanti if I don't have to. I get the feeling she'd talk my ear off anyway."

"All right," I agreed. "I'll text you Cedric's number. He did ask me to text instead of calling, so maybe try that first," I said, grabbing my phone.

In a way I was relieved Jill was gonna get hold of him. If he wasn't over the shock of me walking in on him the other day, then hearing from me likely wasn't gonna work. To be honest, I still wasn't sure what to say, either.

The weekend went by, again with no word. It wasn't until a few days later when I got home after running errands and noticed the garage door was open. I parked the car and no sooner than stepped into the garage to discover Cedric there. He still looked nervous so I decided the best approach was to act like nothing had happened.

"Hey Cedric, I didn't know you were gonna be here today? How's it going?"

"Mrs. Holden texted this morning and said I could come by. I got those measurements, so... I'll check in with my uncle, and probably start tomorrow if that's okay with you," he said with little to no eye contact.

"That's fine. I'm sure it's gonna look great when it's done so, see you tomorrow?"

"Okay, bye," he said turning to leave.

"Okey doke," I replied, and watched as he hopped on his bicycle and pedaled off almost as quickly as he had the last time.

I heard Jill calling me from inside the kitchen. Going in through the laundry room I noticed the small pink laundry basket she uses for her delicates, or as I like to call it, the panties basket. Normally I wouldn't have thought much of it except for one pair of panties looked to be rolled up and shoved between a few others.

Curious, I pulled them out and unraveled them, immediately noting their distinctive off white and deep stained appearance. I suddenly recalled Cedric with Jill's panties, how he literally soaked them through, and realized he must have brought them back.

He had clearly tried to wash them too, and with their stained off-white appearance, I could have easily mistaken them for a rag to polish my car.

Then again, he'd had them for days to use for his pleasure, no wonder they were so stained. I stood there staring, not sure if I should let Jill see them. She'd know something happened to them and questions would follow. As if on queue I heard her ask for me again.

"Yep!" I replied, and tucked the panties back into the basket with better care than Cedric.

"Hey," she said as I entered the kitchen, "did he leave?"

"Yeah, just now. He said he heard from you this morning?"

"Uh huh. I sent him a text, like you said. He sent one back asking when he should come by and I replied you'd be home by noon. But he showed up about forty-five minutes ago saying he just needed to get measurements, so I let him out back. Didn't you say said he'd done that already though?"

I looked at Jill. "Mm, I thought he did. Though, from talking to him it sounds like he knows more about what we need than I do."

"Well, anyway," Jill said, walking over to the fridge. "I've got lunch ready if you're hungry. I'm starving. Up for a walk after we eat?"


While Jill was getting lunch set up, I thought of what she'd said. She specifically told Cedric to come over after noon, but he showed up earlier. She hadn't mentioned anything unusual about their text exchange. If Jill indicated I wasn't home until noon then that was probably the reason he came over early, to return the panties. But, why return them?

Did he think I'd ask about them? Or worry Jill might notice them gone? But, they were obviously stained and not white like before. Even the texture felt different. Didn't he think either of us, especially Jill, would take notice? I considered that perhaps I might have been overthinking things. Teenagers are capable of anything and do dumb things without thinking, I reminded myself, and so I let the matter rest.

Jill had worked it out so that all week if she wasn't able to work from home, she'd at least be present in the mornings with me before heading off. My schedule was more flexible, so going nonstop with the fence wasn't a problem and Cedric showed up early the next morning along with a truck of lumber and supplies. That was nice, and unexpected, and saved us the whole morning. After unloading the truck, Cedric and I got started.

The next few days were spent tearing down the old fence, digging holes and pouring concrete. We might have been done with that stuff sooner, but the auger I borrowed from my neighbor broke, chewing up an entire afternoon. By the middle of the week, with the toughest part out of the way, Cedric and I took our time, feeling less pressure after having begun and comfortable with the pace we'd set.

I was fairly proficient with the type of work, having put up a fence or two before myself, helping neighbors and even building a small stage for a local fair the previous summer. I had to admit Cedric knew his stuff, requiring little to no direction from me. At the same time, we didn't talk much. I didn't bring it up of course, but I wondered if it was because of what had happened.

He didn't seem shy otherwise, humming away with his headphones on as he worked, and not hesitating to waltz into the house to use the bathroom or grab a drink from the fridge. I didn't think it necessary to completely ruin his summer though, so we generally called it quits by three, if not a little before.

Oddly enough, when we were working, though the thought of what'd happened with Cedric may have briefly popped into my mind, the work was just go go go. But once I was alone I couldn't check my thoughts, and by the end of each day, another day with Jill completely unaware as before, I was hornier than ever.

One morning as Cedric and I were getting ready to start on the fence Jill came out dressed for work, saying she had to go into the office to attend a meeting. She had on her usual office attire: hair up in a tight bun, black/thin framed reading glasses, short business pants and jacket, a tan silk blouse, heels. She was also wearing her watch and a thin gold necklace. Cedric ask her if that's how lawyers always dressed for work.

"Well of course, silly," she said, briefly looking up from her phone.

"Wow. Never seen you in fancy clothes."

"Thanks. I think," she said, chuckling to herself.

"Oh jeez, I almost forgot Jill," I said, feeling a work receipt from the jewelers in my pocket. "They called and said the ring is ready, if you want to stop by and get it. Or I could."

"Wow, that was fast. I hope they did a better job cleaning it this time."

"Who's getting married?" Cedric asked.

"It's my engagement band, Cedric, women wear two rings: one engagement and the other wedding," Jill explained, twiddling her ringed finger at him.

"What's the difference?"

Jill smiled and looked at me. "Honey I gotta go. I'll pick this up," she said, taking the receipt from me. "If there's any problem I can address it right there. Bye guys. Sandwiches in the fridge!"