Talking It Up With Jill Ch. 04 Pt. 01


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"The wife mating... and watching? Like you first told me?"

"Jesus," I gulped. "Yeah." My eyes fluttered upon hearing her say what she just did.

Jill caught that and cleared her throat.

"Good heavens," she said, removing her shades. "You should see yourself. You look flush. What kind of spin does that to you?"

"An interracial one?" I said, holding my breath.

There was a pause. "Interracial?" she said, staring up at me. " did...?" she asked, her tone more serious.

"As in contrast in skin color. I mean, that's what I sort of became fixated on. That's what I've thought of."

"Where it concerns me," she confirmed. I nodded. Jill was looking up but sort of past me, trying to figure things out. " mean the difference between my skin and someone else's?" she asked, focusing back up at me with an inquisitive look.


"In your fantasy," she said to herself, looking off.

"Just..hold on a sec," I said, reaching for my phone. She turned to look at me again.

"Louis I thought you said, if I remember correctly, that race and economic status or whatever - that for the fantasy those things don't matter."

"Good memory. I did say that."

"And I agreed," she said.

"And I still mean those things," I told her.

"Then I doubt, Louis..." Jill sighed, then took a deep breath. "I don't know if I can imagine something like this, this specific, on purpose, or fantasize something like this happening, which we've yet to define by the way. I mean, the cabin was a fluke..." I nodded. It was just that. "And, I mean c'mon... I know what we first talked about, men looking at me and I know they do, and I know it's what makes up a large part of your fantasy, but-"

"Not just makes up a large part of it. It's the 'how' it happens. How you end up being taken," I said, stroking Jill's cheek, "how you end up giving yourself to the men you've turned on."

"Yeah, but this seems awfully focused. Like, I get the taboo aspect of it, but it almost makes the fantasy, of men using me for relief, seem too focused on something other than that."

"Men using you for relief..." I said, staring at her.

Jill stared up at me for a second. "Uh!... Good grief you're incouragable," she said, shaking her head with a reluctant smile.

"Yeah...sorry. So you were saying, it makes the fantasy seem too focused on something other than that. You mean a certain group of men?"

"Well...yeah, I guess that's what I mean. I mean, obviously, right?" she asked.

"And you don't think that's what, possible? Realistic?"

"Likely," she replied.

"Christ, any man, any man with needs, who sees you, ...wants you...needs to hav-... needs to use... your body. Okay now I'm getting jealous here."

Jill laughed, looking up at me and trying not to smile.

"Honestly there's just something about the contrast that turns me on, nothing more. And you know you're body is sexy and why it is..."

Jill laughed. "You can be so silly sometimes."

"So you're not telling me you've suddenly forgotten what you do to men, and Christ, what I know they want to do to you. You can't be sitting here telling me that."

"Mm...noooo, I-"

"Ah bah bah!" I interrupted. "Okay, good. Because it was exhausting explaining all this the very first time, much as I loved doing it and was turned on like nobody's business, and all the why's of it and everything, so that you'd understand and get into my fantasy about you. So I was kinda hoping...expecting you'd be able to just sort of pick up where we left off in a way, without wondering about your alluring effect on men...and understand what you do to men who see you and why they need you...even the raw sexual lusting of any black man that lays eyes on you. And not just because you're white, but..." I swallowed.

"But what?" Jill asked with a look of curiosity.

I didn't answer and Jill just stared at me.

"But because you are built to be sexed up, Jill" I said. "It's like your body was specially designed by the heavens with one purpose in mind. Any man sees it.... And, being white...your perfect skin, tan...the blonde hair..."

"Oh really now," she said, feigning a tizzy.

"No does something to a man. And...a black man? Any..." I didn't have the words, and just closed my eyes and lowered and shook my head really fast.

Jill reached up and pulled me by the neck, meeting her half way for a kiss.

"I like listening to you," she whispered. "You make me feel so sexy, Louis. More than anything or anyone else in this world."

I couldn't believe I had to go through that whole thing with Jill. It really made me wonder if she had any idea that males in general, not just grown men, but young men like Cedric lusted after her, unable to deny such wants and desires. I was almost glad in a way, that she was reminding me of her naivety, because the whole thing made it that much more of a turn on to me, whether discussing my fantasy with her or simply having her all to myself.

"Well I'm glad we got that straightened out," I said, shaking my head in disbelief.

"Okaaaaay," she said with a sheepish grin. "I...forgot.... And now I remember: my husband thinks I'm hot." She turned her head and mashed her lips against my stomach, pulling away with a loud smooching sound, then looked back up at me with the same grin. "So, is there some incident in particular that started this? Sounds a little...out of the blue. Sort of unnecessary where your original fantasy of me is concerned."

Jill just stared at up me. I was hesitant to tell her it was seeing Cedric with her white panties. Even with the uncharacteristic display of temporary self unawareness from her just a moment ago, it felt too sketchy at this point because I knew she'd freak out about his age. It might spoil the mood and detract from the other things like Jill making herself available not only to men in general, but a black man too, if the situation arose. At least, that's what I was starting to think of and really seemed to be a fresh take on things.

It turned me on how we hadn't ever made a big deal of race to begin with; meaning if it happened, at least in fantasy, then so what? The irony was now I was thinking of race specifically. It was confusing even to myself. And recalling how curious Jill was about every aspect of my fantasy in the beginning, I realized she would certainly want to know more about what started all this. I'd been thinking of what to say over the past few days in case she asked. Nothing untrue, but not exactly a true answer if she asked me.

I remembered this 60's western I'd seen once or twice on television over the years starring Raquel Welch back in her prime. It also starred Burt Reynolds and former NFL star turned actor Jim Brown. The movie was a bomb for the most part, but had its good parts. I'd looked it up and found some still shots from the movie. Some of them were promotional images with the actors posing. One such image featured a shirtless Brown enveloping what looked like a fully naked Welch in his arms, with her back to the camera.

I told Jill I'd recently seen that particular image while browsing a movie site in my spare time, which Jill knows I do and really get into, the trivia and connecting different actors to movies they've made together and such. She likes quizzing me on that stuff, so this would all sound legit. I explained that after seeing that one promotional image I was struck by the juxtaposition of the two actors.

"What are you doing?" Jill asked as I fumbled about with my phone.

"Can I just show you?"

"Show me?!" she asked, looking incredulous. "Lord! Show me what?"

I laughed. "No, it's... it's not like that. It's pretty innocent. But, it's that promotional image I'm talking about, the one for the movie.

I pulled up the image and was struggling to find a good angle to show it because of the sunlight.

"Here," Jill said. She scooted up and straddled the end my reclining chair to face me. She put her hat back on and the brim down and pulled the phone between us.

I planted a kiss on her cheek and before pulling away she suddenly reached around my neck with both arms and pulled me in for a much longer one, causing her hat to push back up. She adjusted down again as we parted, a cute little grin on her face.

"So show me," she said.

I gave Jill the phone.

"Wow, she was pretty back then. She kinda looks like Eve Mendes."

"H'eh, I was thinking the same thing," I said. I sat and watched Jill's expression. "See?"

"Well, it's kind of obvious..."

"You know what I mean. I mean, in the sense that..."

"That what?" she said, looking up. "That it excites you?"

I hadn't expected Jill to flat out say that.

"I mean, can you... you can see what I mean, what I'm talking about?"

"The contrast of skin color."

"Yeah. And, yeah I guess it...affected me and...well, here I am."

"Here we are," she said, handing the phone back to me. "Wasn't your original fantasy about me inspired by a movie you saw as a teenager?"

"I was ten," I said, looking back down at my phone.

"Ten?! Jesus, Louis."

"What?" I asked, looking up again.

"Maybe you should stop watching movies," she laughed. "It's probably a good thing I didn't know you when we were kids. All you would have wanted to do is play doctor."

Again I stopped what I was doing and looked up, with as serious a look as I could muster.

"Oh, Jill, I said, shaking my head. "I'd have been your gynecologist and proctologist every day after school.

"Ha!" Jill burst out. She leaned back on one arm, tilting her head up and laughed. "You...are just too much," she said, straightening her head. "I'm so glad I found you eventually, though," she said, leaning in for another kiss.

"Like that?" I said, my voice muffled by her lips.

"Yeah. That was funny." Jill let out a few more laughs while I queued up the scene. "Oh, boy..." she sighed, looking around. "I don't know about proctologist, though."

"I do. So anyway, there was a good scene in the movie between those two," I told her, getting a jab for my 'I do' quip.

"Oh?" Jill said. "I bet it was pretty racy, for back then."

"Hm, yeah, I bet it was. But even by today's standards it's still hot."

"Why? Or do I not wanna hear this?"

"Nooo, it's nothing like that," I said. "But it did remind me of you."

"Really? This ought to be good."

"Well, at one point in the movie the guy forces himself on Welch's character."

"The black guy."

"Yeah. But, not in a dastardly way," I said. "It's-"

"Dastardly?!" Jill laughed out loud. "I don't- Ha!...I think I've ever heard you use that word before. Dastardly?" I shot her a bored look. "You mean he doesn't rape her," she said, still laughing.

"Right. He starts kissing her and she eventually gives in."

"Oh, when we do that."


There was a moment Jill and I looked at each other.

"Do you think of me in that scene?" she asked.

"Mm, not so much the way the scene plays out. I mean, as far as an interracial thing, it's a hot scene. But, as far as my fantasy of you..." I stared at Jill, suddenly feeling the need to swallow.

"Your fantasy of me..." she repeated.

"Uh huh. You know, in that scene, it sort of indicates he takes her. But...there was kind of a romantic bend to it. Like it was gonna be tender or gentle."

"But not with me," she said, lowering her gaze.

"Jill you know the way I told you I saw it in my original fantasy."

She nodded again. "In your fantasy of me, like you first talked about it..." she said, staring at me.

"Yeah... Just men who need you, ...males, who need mate with...'cause of a sexual tension, caused by you."

"Caused by me," Jill said slow and solemnly.

"Yeah," I inhaled, my eyes rolling up at the thought.

"And nothing else," she added, still staring me in the eye. "Right?"I gulped. "Um hm."

I suddenly realized we'd been twirling our fingers together between us. Jill pulled my hand up and kissed it as she looked at me.

"So," she said softly, "it was seeing that picture."

I nodded.

"And that made you..."

"Think of my fantasy."

"The two together."

I drew a deep breath.


"And...anything else I should know?"

I got the feeling Jill was panning for further information about the origins of all this. I decided to also tell her about some of the online porn I'd discovered which sort of fit in with my fantasy, hoping that might distract her if that was the case.

I scrolled through multiple pictures, making sure not to bring up anything outright crude or too hardcore.

"Porn? Really?" she said as she watched me swipe at my phone screen.

"Well, that's some of it, but not all. It's more the images."

"Of porn."

"Not always," I told her. "At least not always hardcore. But some, yeah. Here, look at these," I said, having pulled up the gallery I'd seen the other afternoon, the one with the lady's diamond wedding ring and engagement band.

"Those are her rings," Jill said as she stared down at the phone.

"Yeah...I kind of, I kinda like...the way they're emphasized," I said.

Jill looked up at me.

"Why?" she asked softly. "Because it's kinky?"

I pulled Jill to me for a long hard kiss, then leaned back and answered her question.

"Mm, yes. The way it takes something that's already taboo in nature: these white women letting black men use their bodies. It's another step above that. They're not just average women, but wives."

"Is that why the comment about my rings when I touched you the other night," Jill asked, looking more confused than anything else.

"No... Jill," I said, speaking slowly and staring her in the eye. "I like these pictures. The other night I said that because I liked how it look on me," I said, grabbing her shoulders and pulling her to me. She was stiff as I held her, but she softened up and beginning kissing me back, even adding a nibble to my lip before we parted. I kept my hold on her shoulders, making sure to keep eye contact.

"Okay," she said softly.

I pulled up some of the images I'd downloaded from the Queen of Spades galleries. Jill scrolled through them one at a time.

"These are people's wives?"

"Not all," I said. "Some girlfriends. Some just women, not necessarily attached. But, explicit as some are, there are others less so that, you know..."

"Make you think of me?" she asked, looking up briefly before looking back at the phone.

"Keep going," I told her.

Jill scrolled through some more.

"Okay,, you're right, that's not all they are. I see some others here," she added, still scrolling. "I never got much from porn," she mumbled and looked up, making a smooching kiss sound with her lips at me. "I can see the appeal of Playboy or Penthouse, but..."

I knew what Jill meant. In spite of our brief experiences we were kinky enough for each other and had always been with each other. I understood the popularity of porn, at least the popularity of the online kind. Maybe I'd feel differently if I were single. Some of my buddies talk about it a lot and like looking at it, but it just wasn't much a part of our sex lives.

"See anything that strikes you?" I asked.

She shook her head, still looking. I sat there running my hands back and forth along the top of her thighs as she looked through.

Then a moment or two later, "This one," she said, handing me the phone. "I like this one."

The picture Jill chose was one of the well produced, digital studio images I'd seen before. It showed a couple standing against a grey backdrop. The girl was a young blonde, shorter in stature, with a tan and toned athletic body, her arms stretched up behind her and around the neck of an equally young looking black male standing right behind her. His arms wrapped around her front, one crossing over both breasts, the other covering her lower abdomen. As with similar images I'd seen, both were completely naked, their bodies gleaning with sweat (or oil), holding fixed, expressionless gazes at the camera.

"Wow, really?" I asked.

I stared at the image, my heart racing at the fact that Jill not only picked out one of the images at all, but that she expressed liking it. I was glad it was one of the ones I liked. I took a deep breath and exhaled deeply.

"Yeah, why?" she said, blinking at me. "That's what you said it was about, right? The contrast?"

"Yeah," I said shakily, staring down at my phone.

"Well, that one really emphasizes it," she said matter of factly.

" like it."

I looked up to find her glaring at me.

"You can't decide if you want me to like this stuff or not, can you?" she said, a slightly humorous tone to her accusation. "It's like that thing with the birth control," she added with a grin.I rolled my eyes and she slid her hands along the top of my thighs and leaned in for a kiss. I exhaled through my nose and she dug her nails into my skin. I reached for one of her breasts. "Mmph...okay...okay..." she said, pulling away. "Maybe I'm not being fair, saying that, that you don't know if you want me to like it or not."

"Mm, no. There's a ring of truth to what you say, but...the honest truth is I do...want you to. If I truthfully, honestly didn't think you would, or didn't want you to...I wouldn't show you. It wouldn't do anything for me to begin with if that were the case. And yeah, the whole question of birth control was a tease I sorta asked for."

She stared at me, slowly shaking her head, a crooked little grin on her face.

"Sorta? You know it's fun to call you out sometimes, Louis. Sometimes it's even a turn on hearing you explain yourself. You overthink everything, and that can be fun for me, teasing you about it."

Now it was I staring at Jill, biting my bottom lip with a skeptical grin.

"You're gonna pay for that," I mumbled.

She burst out with a laugh. "I am? You promise?" We grinned at each other and she picked up the phone again. "I mean it though," she said. "Why I like this one picture. It's so bold and blunt, and...simple, in a way, about how it emphasizes skin color. I think I see what you mean. What does it mean to you?"

"Mm, I'm not sure. I mean, I can talk about it, or think about it rather. And obviously it has an affect on me, all be it unexpectedly."

"Obviously," she said.

"I don't guess it has to mean anything. I just know it turned me on when I thought of you and your hot little body."

Jill stared at me a long moment, biting her lip.

"Can we talk about it again? This stuff?" she asked. "If I want to?"

"Are you kidding me, woman?!"

Jill laughed. "I didn't quite mean it like that, you perv. I meant if I have a question or a concern. Same as before. I mean, I know we might talk about it for fun,... at least I understand you'll want to. But if we did, or I...tried to..."

"That would be hot," I interrupted. Jill shrugged. "Sorry," I said. "You were saying?"

"But... but... I meant, talk about it just so we're on the same page? I wanna be on the same page," she said, caressing my cheek. "I always like that we're of one mind...with stuff like this. Husband..."

"You don't even have to be asking. Wife," I said, covering Jill's hand with mine. "Of course we can. I don't want you to ever feel you should hold back from me."

"Okay, then," she said, a twinkle in her eye. "Whatever you brought this up for, then...okay. Just for us."

"Just for us," I said, nodding in agreement. "If it fades, it fades. It did before and we turned out pretty good. Look Jill, I don't even mean to imply this needs to go anywhere beyond me just telling you what I was thinking right now. Like you said, I want to be on the same page, and that includes telling you about what I'm thinking. About whatever."

"Okay, okay," she said softly.

'I love you,' I mouthed, and smiled at Jill.