Talking It Up With Jill Ch. 04 Pt. 01


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She mouthed the same thing and smiled back and took another look at my phone. After a moment she glanced up.

"Is it just me or do the women in your images seem to be wearing a lot of jewelry for porn?"

Jill held the phone up for me to see. I leaned forward and saw she was looking at one of the images showing anklets, with the Q and spade charms on them.

"Oh, um...I guess I didn't spell it out earlier. Well, there's a genre within every genre, right?" I said with a nervous laugh. "Well, there's this particular genre... and I guess I should add how it relates to my fantasy, now that we're talking about it..."

"Particular interracial genre," she said.


"And how it relates to your fantasy...with me?" she asked, looking genuinely concerned about trying to understand what I was talking about.

"Christ..." I moaned, rolling my eyes at Jill's words and felt my cock harden.

"What? What'd I say?"

"Mm..nothing. But yeah, that." She was still looking at me funny. "Look," I said, taking Jill's face in both my hands. "It's your technical, almost nonchalant seriousness in the way you ask about things sometimes, the way you always do... if a person can be such a way about something. But especially so when we're discussing this sorta stuff. The way you asked me what you just did... I mean, again we're going through this by the numbers, real technical like, especially you, just like we did at the beginning, remember?

"I do," she nodded.

"And,... jeez, each time that happens I remind myself of what the nitty gritty of all this is about..."

I felt lightheaded as I stared at Jill. She must have thought I was waiting for her to finish my sentence, because her eyes suddenly widened as if it hit her for the first time.

"Me, right? It's about me." Jill was being completely serious, and sounding like she was answering a quiz. "Being available to men...who need to mate with me. Men I've turned on. Even black men. Filling my womb?" she asked, oozing with innocent sincerity.

That was it. I shoved Jill back on the chair and got up on my knees and pushed down my suit, somehow yanking her bikini bottoms up and over her knees and off one foot in the process, never letting her get more than a breath or two for kissing her so hard, and ravaged her right there on the lounge chair outside in broad daylight.

Afterward I hovered over her, shaking from the ultra intense and energetic orgasm I had. Jill was clawing at my back and shoulders even after I was done, kissing my neck and mumbling "Oh baby," quietly to herself, over and over. It was only then I realized I was literally holding her entire body up off the chair, her legs tight around me like the night before. I slowly eased her down, laying her gently back against the lounge chair.

Jill, looking radiant, a hand against my face the whole time, was gazing into my eyes like I was the only thing she ever wanted to see for the rest of her life. And that's how she looked at me over the next several moments as I held her, wiping her brow, brushing the hair from her face and caressing her cheek. It's how she looked at me as I pulled her bikini bottoms back on while still cradling her with one arm, and it was how she looked at me as I handed her a glass of nearly melted ice water to drink from.

Then I turned her and set her down in my chair with the back up, and sat down with her legs over my lap. We kinda just stared at each other for a bit, catching our breath. It was Jill who spoke first.

"Did I do it again? The way I said all that?"

Even after just having fucked her, hearing Jill ask me that made my cock twitch.

"Yes... Jill. Yes. For Christ's sake."

She reached for my face.



"Remember what I whispered to you before? About the best sex ever?"


She leaned forward, holding my cheek as she pressed her lips up against the other and held it there a long moment, then sat back and stared at me with a look of disbelief.

"I can live with that," I said, beaming.

"So," she said with a loud exhale, shaking her head as if to regain her focus. "You were telling me about... um... H'uh," she chuckled to herself. "What the hell were we talking about again?" she laughed.

"He'h! You were asking me about pictures showing anklets," I said, twisting to my left looking for my phone.

"It's down there," Jill said, pointing underneath the chair she'd been laying on. "I think it got knocked off somehow."

"Somehow," I said, with a 'who me?' expression. I pulled up the images she'd been looking at and handed her the phone. "These?" I asked. She nodded. "Well, like I was saying, apparently, there's a genre, or, name of one, for lack of better way of putting it, that's within the interracial genre, that, where you're concerned and for the sake of my penis' current state of health, I'm a little hesitant to described in further detail at the moment."

Jill had been drinking water as I said this and burst out laughing, so hard some of it came out of her nose.

"HaSchnngh!..." she snorted, laughing and coughing. "I...I can't believe that just happened!...Oh my God that was funny!...Egh hm!...Oh!..."

"You okay?"

"Yeah don't...don't stop on my account.. Please...ech!!,...ech um!... please, continue."

"You're sure."

"Yeah. Really," she said, wiping under her nose with her forearm. "Go ahead."

"Anyway, I don't much-...ha, okay, your reaction to that was hilarious." Jill coughed a giggle and wiped her eye. "Okay...but as I was saying, anyway, the name of this genre within the interracial one, I don't much care for."

"The name?"

"Yeah. Queen of Spades."

Jill stared straight ahead for a moment, coughing once more, then looked at me.

"Spade? Isn't that a little borderline...?"

"A little," I said. "But, it's not the 1920's anymore. Now its a sex thing, honey."

"Yeah, I guess," Jill said. "And so, a "Q" and black spade charms. I guess queen, meaning queen of getting black guys?"

"Queen of letting black guys...."

"Huh, right," Jill said, looking off again. "Well, I have to admit, I like the look of the jewelry."


"Mm hm. I think anklets...regular anklets," she said, glancing up at me, "look sexy, in a classy way I guess. These too. But, I don't know..." she added, looking sideways at me. "Sorry to burst your bubble, fella." Then, facing me, "I'll say this though, I'd probably take off the "Q" charm, I'm nobody's queen but yours," she said, pulling me to her for a kiss.

"Mmm," I moaned. "I like the sound of that."

"Me too," she said with a grin.

"The anklets?" I said, checking out the image on my phone, "I agree. They look classy, and I would have said dirty also, or naughty, at the same time.

"Or that," Jill said.

"I think they look hot," I said. "How come you never wear one?"

"I have, just not in a long while. I mean years, with work and all. But I've never owned a really nice one, or one with any kind of meaning to it like these."

"I bet one of these would look good on you," I said, running the back of my hand up Jill's calve.

"Thought about it, have you?" she asked. I nodded. She exhaled with a smirk. "Me wearing these?"

"Mm hm."

"I bet," she said, sliding her lower jaw to one side as she squint her eyes at me. I reached for the pitcher and poured us both more water.

After sitting there a while, with Jill's legs across my lap...

"Which leg?" she asked.


"Which leg?"

"Oh, um...your left."

"That the way you picture it on me?"

"Mm hm."

"If I wore an anklet with a spade charm..." she said, looking down her legs, twisting the left one in and out as she examined it, "if, I wore would be on the left."

"Hmph," I chuckled.

Jill raised that leg in front of me, flexing the muscles in her thigh and calve as she pointed her toes. "She's got legs," I said, turning to face her as I held her leg before me, tilt my head forward and kissed her knee. "And she knows how to use 'em."

"Corny," she giggled, shaking her head and looking elsewhere.

"And she knows how to use them!" I sternly repeated.

"Ugh! She never begs," Jill relented, sounding depressed, yet trying to stifle laughter.

"She doesn't have to," I said flatly.

"That's not in the song!" Jill chided, curling her leg up and trying to wrestle it from me.

"It is in my version."

"Well in my version she doesn't need a charm. She just flirts."

"Flirts?!" I said.

"Ha!" She reached forward and grabbed my chin, shaking it. "Gotcha!"

"Hmmm," I grumbled, getting a grin from both of us. "But I still think it would look sexy on you, one of those anklets," I said.

Jill rolled her eyes and quickly leaned forward and began kissing me.

"Take me me out for a car ride, after dinner?" she asked, between smooches.

"Ice cream too?" I asked.

She nodded.

"You're cute," I said, scooping her up in my arms and standing.

"Where should we go?" she asked, running her fingers through my hair and kicking a foot out.

"How about Dairy Queen?" I said, staring at her.

"Ha! Good one and very clever. I get it. Yep." I grinned as she went on. "So," she said, "is that what I am? So far?"

"So far?!"

"You brought it up, champ. Flirtation time!" she announced, eyes wide open, arms straight out above her head.

"You're going in," I said flatly, carrying her toward the pool.

"Okay," she said, staring me in the eye.

"I'm serious. You're not looking down but you're about to get wet."

"So you said."

I pretended to go to throw Jill in pool and she balked. I pretended to turn away, then quickly jumped in with her. I stayed under and grabbed her legs before coming up behind her.

"You!" she said, wiping her nose and splashing me. She hung her arms around me and we turned in slow circles and kissed as we slowly made our way to the shallow end. I scooped her up again, walking up the stairs.

"I like when you pick me up and hold me."

"Me too," I smiled at her.

"Especially walking out of the water. I don't know why," she added. I stood holding Jill as the water dripped from our bodies. "I really am your queen," she said, blinking up at me with a little shiver. I curled her up tighter and swayed with her in my arms.

After showering, Jill surprised me by saying she was going to make dinner. Because, she explained as she led me to the recliner in the living room and poured me a beer in an ice cold mug, I make her feel so sexy. She made it equally clear this was all, in her words, completely and totally irrespective of any and absolutely everything to do with the fantasy, whether that be that afternoon's discussion or ever.

I thought about that as she clicked on the television and handed me the remote.

"You don't believe me, do you," she said flatly.

"I believe you. Of course I believe you," I said, taking her hand as I looked up at her. "Really, I can separate the two. You did, right? But, I hope you don't feel it's only when I open up about any fantasy in order to make you feel that way. So sexy and alluring?"

Jill shook her head as she stared down at me, looking somewhat troubled.

"Hey...hey, c'mere," I said, setting the beer down and pulling her into my lap. "Why the long face?"

"No," she said quickly. "It's not that."

"You sure?"

"Yes," she said, sounding less bummed than she looked. "In fact, Louis, I'm great. I really mean it, how I said you make me feel. Sometimes I guess I feel like I'm too much of a busy body to be that way. Sexy and alluring. When I was younger, I used to feel like, and I don't mean to sound conceited, but that I was too smart and that it made me less appealing. I dunno."

"Less appealing to idiots maybe," I said under my breath. "Smart is sexy, Jill"

"Well, I kinda get that now... I just...wanted to do something right now that makes you feel special like you make me feel. So...dinner tonight. Not much, I know."

"Well it's 'much' to me. For one it means I get a break...ha... And, are you kidding me? You hate cooking, and for good reason: you're awful at it." We both laughed. "So, for you to go in there and spend all that time, hard at work,... trying to kill me?"

"Stop!" she laughed, scooting herself up.

"Really, Jill," I said, taking her hand and holding it to my lips. "Mmm. You make me feel good...and special. Like a man. Your man."

Jill squeezed my hand and with a grin let out a deep sigh. "Well, I'm making dinner for my man, so if you'll excuse me...""Get in there and make dinner for your man," I said, giving her ass a swat.

When she was ready Jill came out to the living room and took my empty mug. I followed her into the dining room where she'd set up the card table so we could eat right next to each other, with a candle in the middle of the table and dinner, a chicken pasta dish, and plates, silverware, wine glasses and white wine at the opposite corner. It was cute; she insisted setting my place after I sat, pouring my wine, cutting up the first few pieces on my plate, and even feeding my first bite. It actually looked and smelled really good. I was impressed.

"When...when did you learn this?" I said. "Oh, cheers." We tapped glasses and she winked.

"Wouldn't you like to know."

Jill took my fork and fed me that first bite.

"Mmm...thank you. Yeah. I would. But...damn this is pretty good!" I said, chewing. "But...okay. I like a little mystery."

"Do you?"

"Mm hm."

We passed some of the vegetable sides to each other, the pepper and lime wedge, and talked about the ingredients of the sauce she made. At one point Jill swiped a finger under her hair, hooking it behind her ear.

"So what do you think?" she asked.

"It's good. Really good," I replied, seeing she was wearing little diamond earrings, but playing the safe bet and responding about the food.

"Thanks, but..."

"Oh..., those look nice," I said.

A smile crept over her face as she took a bite of her meal and sipped wine without looking at me.

"Mm, thank you."

I kept staring.

"I don't think I've seen you wear them in a while. Those the ones I got you when I was in Italy?"

"Mm hm. I wear them for work every now and then."

Jill didn't lose the grin, and so I asked.

"Did you put those in while you were making dinner?"

"I did."

"Oh. For me?"

She took the fork from my hand and stabbed another piece of chicken, holding it near my mouth. I opened, and she put it in, keeping it there until I bit down, at which point she pulled the fork out and set it on my plate.

"Maybe," she said.


"Mm hm," she mumbled, chewing her food and briefly turning to look at me. "I like that you noticed them."

"Of course I did."

"They're my favorite," Jill said. "I like how they're inconspicuous, especially if my hair is down, but even when it's up."

"Yeah I know what you mean. They're real."

"I know that, silly."


We smiled at each other and ate in silence for a little bit. I had a hunch about something, and decided to call Jill's bluff.

"Is there something you wanna tell me?" I asked, acutely intrigued.

"I think there's something you wanna tell me," she said, pouring more wine in my glass.

" wanna get me all liquored up first?" I asked.

"Oh I'm sure I don't have to do that. But I bet it'd be more fun."

"H'oh! It would, eh?"

"Mm hm," she grinned mischievously.

"Well, we better spread the goodness around a little then," I said, filling her glass nearly up to the top.

Jill watched as she chewed her food, her eyes growing wider as I continued pouring.

"O-...okay, jeez!" she said, coughing as she put her fork down to cover her glass.

"So, now that were all good and ready... Just what is it that I want to tell you? Might it have anything to do with your earrings?"

Jill's smile started to disappear. She bent her head down to sip from her glass, giving it a wide eyed stare at how full I'd poured it. Then she sat back up, using her tongue to clear her mouth as she prepared to speak, smacking her lips.

"Hmph. You're the one into jewelry all of a sudden," she said, her grin reappearing.

I was sipping my wine when Jill said that. I could tell she was up to something, some kind of play, but I was still taken aback by what she said.

"True," I admitted.

"Ugh..." Jill looked at me, shaking her head. "I think... I would like to know... just how you imagined me wearing one of those anklets I saw in those pictures you showed me." My cock began to harden at her words. "You said you'd thought about it," she said.

"Yeah," I said as I sat back in my chair, wiping my hands on the clothe napkin she laid on my lap earlier. "It sounds like you have too."

Jill turned her head to one side, holding me in her gaze.

"Am I wrong?" I asked.

She crossed her arms.

"All right. I'll tell you," I said, adjusting my seat. "You're-"

Jill leaned over and grabbed me by the back of my neck and pulled me to her for a long passionate kiss. When she let me go I just stared at her, blinking.

"I like when you do that," I said, feeling a bit woozy at the sudden affection.

"Yeah?" she said, "You like that?" I nodded and Jill leaned over for a another.

When she let me go I gulped hard. "Wow..."

She giggled. "I love you you know," she said, grinning at me.

"Yeah...I...kinda figured. I love you to. like that."

"So you said."

"Yeah, so... go ahead and tell you now?"

"Mm hm," she grinned, leaning forward and resting her chin on her palm as she listened.

"Okay., you're on site, at a work site on the outskirts of town, and you have to bring papers up to the top floor of an unfinished building, to post legal safety notices or something."

"What am I wearing?"

"Your work clothes."

"No. What am I wearing?"

"Oh. Mm...Your wearing a business suit, one with a skirt. High heels. Your hair is wrapped up tight, and you're wearing narrow framed reading glasses and holding your papers. You walk into one those large, clanky freight elevators with one big door. Alone. You turn to face the door and press a button. Up it goes, slowly. It finally reaches the top floor."

Jill was rubbing my leg with her foot as I spoke. Her expression hadn't changed, but I'm sure mine did. I sipped more wine and continued.

"The elevator door, it slides open to a very large and open unfinished office space, with exposed drywall and wires coming out of the floor and such. The the next as if from a camera shot taken from the floor, just behind you and off to the left. Your shapely high heeled lower leg is in the foreground, a shiny anklet with spade charm hanging from it is draped just above your heel strap."

"Hmm," Jill mumbled as she heard this. "I like that camera shot."

" too."

Jill listened intently, exhaling through her nose loud enough I could hear it.

"Describe it, the you did my leg," she said softly but directly.

"It's silver...and it's like, a double chain. Not just one, but two thin ones, that go around. And they're connected about every inch or so."

"I saw that picture, on your phone."

"You did?" Jill didn't answer. "Anyway it's, it's got just the smallest know, black charm on it, on the side."

"A spade charm."

"Uh huh. It's very small, dangling there."

"And in the background of this camera shot?" she asked softly.

I took a deep breath. "In the background... there's several construction workers throughout the room. All of whom are black. They've all stopped what they're doing and they're staring in your direction..."

Jill looked at me. There was a look of concentration on her face, as if she were trying to hold her composure.

"Wow," she said flatly. "That's not just the thought of me wearing it, that's a whole scenario. Did you just come up with that?" she asked, her breath now noticeably obvious from the rise and fall of her shoulders.