Taming the Duchess de Montfort Ch. 05


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The Duchess was carried down the ladder and along a narrow corridor to a small cabin with light from a single porthole, where she was finally allowed to stand on her own feet. The sailor took the cloak off her and left without a word, locking her in by sliding a bolt on the outside of the door.

Six: Master Wu

Therese listened to the sounds of the ship being readied, men shouting commands in a language she did not understand, the anchor being pulled up and sails being unfurled. The wind filled the sails and she could feel the movement of the ship as it slipped through the blue Caribbean waters. Dressed only in the short cotton shift and slippers, Therese lay down on the narrow cot, her mind racing with thoughts and questions, and closed her eyes. When she opened them she thought she might have dozed off, but wasn't sure for how long. It was still daylight, but from the small window she could not determine the position of the sun.

Therese heard the bar being lifted, and then the door swung open to reveal another large foreign sailor standing in the doorway.

"Allez, allez," he said, gesturing with his hand for her to follow him.

"Parlez-vous Francais?" she asked hopefully.

"Allez, allez," he repeated, waving more urgently, providing no clue as to the range of his French vocabulary.

Resigned, the Duchess squeezed past him into the corridor and headed where he pointed. The sailor directed her through a maze of hallways, finally arriving at a closed door. He opened it without knocking and gently but firmly pushed her inside, leaving her alone as he closed the door.

Therese found herself in a room that was large by shipboard standards, without windows and poorly lit by a single hanging lamp. The light was too weak to reach into the corners of the room, producing deep shadows into which she was unable to peer. Under the lamp in the center of the room was a waist-high table covered in leather, the sight of which did nothing to ease her fears, especially when she noticed that the ceiling above the table had several iron rings and hooks, some with heavy chains attached. There was a strong but not unpleasant aroma in the room, and on a side table she saw that the source was a small brass urn in which incense was burning.

Suddenly Therese heard a sound and turned as a man stepped from the shadows. She almost screamed, but caught herself in time to utter only a stifled gasp.

"Mon Dieu," she exclaimed, her hand coming up to her mouth. She was breathing hard now from the fright, and her knees felt weak.

The man approached her, and as he entered the circle of light she saw that he was Chinese, of middle age and with a long mustache and a small beard on his chin. He was dressed in a long coat with black trousers, and a small black hat. When he spoke it was in perfect French without a trace of an accent, Chinese or otherwise.

"Madame, would you please raise your hands."

Too startled to think, Therese raised her arms straight above her head, and he took both her hands in one of his and produced a leather strap in the other. This he fastened around both her wrists, attaching it to a hook that hung from one of the ceiling chains.

"What are you going to do?" she asked breathlessly as he pulled on a rope that raised the chain until it was taught and Therese was standing on her toes. "Are you my new master?"

"No, I am Master Wu, but I am not your new master," he replied as he took a small, very sharp knife from a pocket in his coat and began to cut through her cotton shift.

Deftly and quite calmly he parted the thin fabric to reveal her nakedness, which he regarded intently as if studying her. He lifted her breasts one at a time, examining them carefully and paying close attention to the ring in her right nipple. While supporting the firm globe with one hand he held the gold ornament between two fingers and tugged gently on it, pulling on her puffy nipple and causing her to whimper softly.

He then turned his attention to her other breast, lifting it and pinching the unpierced nipple, stretching it away from her body as if testing it, too. The manipulation of Therese's breasts was beginning to cause her some discomfort, stimulating her against her will. She bit her lip to suppress a moan, and shifted her weight on her toes, which caused the chains that held her arms above her to rattle slightly.

The Chinese man used his knife to cut away the rest of her garment, and soon she was standing completely naked with her arms chained above her. In the past weeks Therese had repeatedly found herself in helpless situations, at the mercy of countless villains. Although they all had frightened her, some more than others, she was now genuinely alarmed. She had no idea who her new master was or where she was headed. And now she was on board a strange ship, bound and naked, with this sinister stranger whose intentions were a complete mystery to her.

The man walked around the chained Duchess, studying her body intently. Several times he touched her lightly with two fingers, gently pressing her smooth skin in various spots as if testing for something. After he had examined her for perhaps fifteen minutes, he touched the fingers very precisely to the front of her bare, shaved pubic mound, holding them there for a few seconds. At the same time he placed two fingers of his other hand on a spot on her lower back, just at the top of the deep crevice between her round bottom cheeks. When he pressed his fingers more firmly into both places, Therese gasped with the sudden sensation. Her whole body was bathed in an indescribable feeling of warmth, and all her fear and tension seemed to drain away in an instant.

As the man held his fingers in place the warmth slowly changed to a mild tingle, and Therese was taken quite by surprise as it progressed to a pronounced feeling of sexual stimulation. She was confused by the arousal, which seemed to come from nowhere, and then startled as it became so intense she was moaning uncontrollably.

Suddenly she threw her head back, tossing her long auburn curls wildly about as she gulped for air and convulsed in a mind-numbing orgasm. The powerful spasms of pleasure seemed to reach deep into the center of her loins, almost as if some force was passing between his hands through her lower abdomen. Her green eyes rolled back in her head and she nearly lost consciousness.

When Therese came back to her senses she was hanging from the leather wrist strap with only the chains holding her up. Her hair was disheveled and her eyes were slits as she tried to focus on the man, watching him walk over to a table in the shadows. He returned with a long coil of red rope, its sheen suggesting that it was made of silk.

The Duchess tried to question him.

"Wha...what...what was that? What did you do?" she asked in a hoarse whisper, but he did not answer her.

He lifted her left breast and looped the red cord around it at the base, then proceeded to wind it around the firm globe several times before crossing over to the right breast and wrapping it, too, in red silk rope. He worked deftly, methodically criss-crossing her upper body with red lines, passing it around her back and over her shoulders. When he finished Therese's upper body was bound in a web of red silk, her large breasts constricted tightly where they met her chest. The flesh was taut, the lovely globes engorged with blood and turning a shade of red to match the rope. Her puffy aureoles were swollen, with her fat nipples protruding and the gold ring dangling from the pierced nubbin on the right. What was he going to do, and why had he bound her breasts this way? She silently prayed that he would not hurt her.

While the French aristocrat hung in her bonds, the Chinese man went about the room lighting more lanterns. Some were plain oil lamps such as would be found on any ship, but some were colored paper lanterns, adding to the foreign aura of the space. As the room brightened Therese could see a table along one wall with instruments and strange objects on it, and when she looked up she saw that there was a screened opening in the ceiling through which the smoke from the lamps and the incense passed.

Master Wu walked to another side of the room where a gold and black gong hung from a frame. He lifted the padded hammer from a hook on the side and struck the gong. Therese could feel the pure tone deep in her chest, and before the sound had faded the door to the room opened. Several dark-skinned men entered the room, dressed in the same colorful outfits as the sailors she had seen before. They were not Asian, perhaps Moors from North Africa. They were all very large, and all had curved daggers in their waist sashes.

The chained Duchess counted six men staring at her naked body, looking at her bound breasts and her shaved sex. Although she was terribly frightened, she could feel the familiar tingle between her legs and knew she was becoming wet. Surprisingly, the massive climax she had experienced so recently at the hands of the Chinese man had actually left her aroused rather than satiated. Therese found herself excited at the prospect of what lay in store for her, and this realization mortified her.

"What a shameless slut I have become," she thought. "I deserve whatever happens to me for my disgraceful lust!" She still wished she would have a chance to confess, but she realized that might never happen where she was going.

As she dangled from the chains, her toes just touching the ground, the sailors walked around her, appreciating her naked beauty from all sides. Therese kept her gaze lowered, afraid to look them in the eyes. They spoke to each other in a strange language, and even though Therese could not understand the words, from the tone of the exchange and the smiles on their faces she knew they were making lewd comments about her, pointing at her breasts and shaved pussy. After several minutes of the humiliating inspection, Master Wu gestured to one of the sailors, who wrapped his arm around Therese's waist and lifted her, taking the tension off the chains. Her arms were unhooked, and she was carried over to the table she had noticed earlier. The sailor placed her on her back on the leather surface, and her shackled wrists were fastened to a ring at the top edge of the table. Her tightly bound breasts stuck straight up from her chest, the erect nipples pointing at the ceiling.

Wu stepped over to a nearby post and took hold of a rope that was attached to an iron hook. The rope passed through a ring in the ceiling, and the other end was fastened to a chain that was supporting a horizontal wooden bar about two and a half feet wide. He freed the rope from its hook and lowered the wooden bar, which Therese saw had a looped leather strap hanging from each end. When it rested on the table by her feet, he secured the rope to the hook again and walked over to the bound Duchess. Lifting her foot he placed her ankle in the loop at one end, then placed her other ankle in the strap on the other end. He then pulled the rope, raising the bar until Therese's spread legs were in the air, supported by the leather loops, and reattached the rope.

The Duchess de Montfort looked down between her protruding breasts at her spread legs held high in the air. Her shaved sex was completely exposed to the sailors' stares, and they smirked and pointed, obviously discussing her bare pussy and tied rosy breasts. She knew she was wet and open, revealing to all of them her arousal and her disgrace. A steady trickle of glistening cream leaked from her simmering slit and ran down over her puckered bottom hole to form a little puddle on the leather table.

Master Wu walked among the sailors with a tray, and Therese saw that he was distributing long green and blue peacock feathers to the men. She wondered what they intended, somewhat relieved by the thought that peacock feathers were unlikely to cause her much pain.

When they began stroking the ends over her silken skin she could barely feel it at first. They walked around the table, caressing her everywhere with the iridescent plumes. But after a while she became more aware of the tingling, prickling feeling on her breasts and across her belly. Two of them were concentrating their attentions on the insides of her spread thighs, the fleeting sensations dancing near her bare pussy, then over the wet lips and along the open slit. Two more were tormenting her bound breasts, scraping over the swollen aureoles and flicking repeatedly across her erect nipples. Another man was caressing her face, stroking her cheeks and forehead. Her lips were slightly parted as her breathing become heavier, and he played the featheredge over her mouth and the tip of her tongue.

The last sailor added the final note of torment when he stroked the peacock plume along the soles of her feet, causing her to cry out and struggle in her bonds. She tried to pull her feet away, and her arms jerked on the ring at the top of the table. When he suddenly stopped she became even more aware of the other feathers, especially the ones on her pussy, and her squirming turned into an attempt to bring her twitching clit into contact with the delicate quills.

The beautiful French Duchess was whimpering and moaning now, teased beyond reason and desperate for more substantial stimulation. Her bottom cheeks were sliding on the leather surface, made slippery by her constant stream of warm pussy cream. Unable to stand it any longer, she spoke in a breathless gasp.

"Please, please stop! I cannot stand it any more. Touch me there, touch me harder! Use your hands, your cocks," she babbled on, begging to be used by them, wanting to be used roughly and repeatedly.

Several of the men were loosening the openings in the front of their breeches, and when Therese saw their formidable cocks spring free she moaned louder.

"Yes…yes, cocks! Please put a cock in me, in my pussy, in my mouth…let me suck you…all of you…now…now!"

They ignored her pleas, but as they continued moving around the quivering beauty with the feathers they seemed to be allowing their hard dicks to brush against her naked skin, teasing her. She could feel the heat where the stiff pricks touched her and it made her even more desperate to have one inside her. Now the men were taking turns flogging her twitching clit with the feathers, driving her to greater heights of frustrated arousal. The poor girl was panting, a small trickle of saliva dripping from the corner of her parted lips.

Finally, with a gesture from the Chinese man they backed away from the table, leaving her squirming and writhing with unfulfilled need. As the Moorish sailors stood watching, some stroking their erect cocks, Master Wu approached the suffering Duchess, holding in one hand a small box made of carved ivory and in the other a small oil lamp, a tiny flame burning at the opening. He placed the oil lamp on the table beside her, resting the ivory box next to it.

The slave/Duchess craned her neck to see what he was doing, completely puzzled. Her curiosity turned to dread, however, when she saw him open the box and withdraw several very thin silver needles. Each was about three inches long, with a small ivory bead at the top.

"No..what is that? What are you going to do?" she gasped.

He did not answer her, but spoke to the sailors in French, thereby allowing her to understand his words.

"This is a powerful art, practiced in China since ancient times. It is called ‘piercing with needles' or acupuncture. It can be used to change and enhance the flow of ‘qi', the energy in the body. This slave is naturally inclined toward sexual pleasure, but through the use of acupuncture we will focus this raw energy and use it to create a completely sexual being. Henceforth she will exist to give pleasure, desiring only to have her body used by her masters."

The Duchess de Montfort began to protest, begging to be spared the needles, but her pleas were cut short when Master Wu applied a gag to her mouth. It was a thin strap of leather attached to a small polished wooden ball, which he inserted into her mouth before securing the leather behind her head. He arranged her long auburn hair outside the strap, so that it framed her beautiful, alarmed face.

Her large breasts, tightly bound with the red silk rope, were engorged and dark with trapped blood. The stiff nipples were longer than they had ever been in her life, and the aureoles were deeply puckered. He produced the small knife again, and so skillfully that the observers could barely see what he was doing, he cut away the silk ropes and let the fragments fall to the floor. As the circulation returned to the abused flesh of her beasts the prickling sensation was maddening to the poor girl, causing her to toss her head from side to side.

Master Wu caressed her quivering globes, massaging them to help restore the circulation. She had never experienced such exquisite sensitivity in her breasts, and as he rolled the hard nipples between his skilled fingers she could feel additional wetness flowing between her spread legs.

While holding the left nipple, the unpierced one, between his fingers he briefly passed one of the delicate acupuncture needles through the flame of the oil lamp. Therese stared with wide eyes, watching helplessly as he brought the sharp tip up to the dark circle of her aureole, a half-inch from her nipple, and slowly touched it to the wrinkled skin. The point easily entered her flesh, and Master Wu rotated the little ivory pinhead between his fingers, spinning the needle and drilling it down half an inch into the French girl's breast.

Therese was holding her breath, waiting for the pain, but it never came. The needle was so fine, and his skill so advanced that she only felt a tiny tickle in the end of her breast, a tickle that quickly was replaced by a strange feeling of warmth. She breathed again, still staring at his hands as he flamed another needle and inserted it into the other side of the same aureole. He repeated this twice more, until four pins were sticking out of the dark corona that surrounded her fat nipple.

Master Wu then began on her right breast, adding four pins to the aureole around the pierced nipple. Her breasts were tingling now, causing all her attention to center on her nipples. She thought she could actually see them swelling, elongating even more, protruding like two little fingers.

The acupuncturist stroked his hands down over her soft belly, circling her navel and pressing gently around it. He then passed several needles through the flame and inserted them in rapid succession in a pattern around her quivering abdomen. Moving down her body he placed three needles in the shaved mound above her drenched sex, with the result that the maddening tingling now extended from her chest to her crotch.

The Duchess de Montfort was helpless, unable to move, her arms bound over her head as she watched Master Wu move around to the bottom of the table. She stared over her swollen breasts, past her pin-studded belly to see him framed by her raised legs. When he stroked his expert fingers over her slippery slit she moaned around the gag, praying he would give her some relief. Instead he pinched one of the beautiful aristocrat's hairless pussy lips between his fingers and slowly drilled one of the long fine needles through the delicate pink petal. She gasped, almost able to achieve a climax from the intense sensation that vibrated through her skewered sex flesh. Therese was nearly insane now, cream pouring from her pulsating vagina as the Chinese master pierced her labia with half a dozen acupuncture needles.

While the French beauty received the ancient procedure, the Moors watched with pleasure, stroking their long dark erections. Therese was only dimly aware of their presence now, her consciousness so totally focused on her buzzing nerves that a hundred sailors could have been watching and she would not have noticed. She was so close to a magnificent, transcendent climax that it occupied all of her reality.