The Antisocial One


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"We have someone here that isn't really a camper," Jack said pointing over his shoulder at Tate. "We kind of got stuck with him at the last moment," he said ignoring Becky's burning glare.

"Oh! No worries! All are welcomed here," the woman said flashing Jack a smile. She had been waiting for him to arrive. She wanted another ride on that pole like he fucked her last summer. "I'm sure we can..."

"Tate can bunk with us," Becky said, "I'm sure my girls wouldn't mind having a guy staying so close to us," she said as she stood getting support from Cindy.

"Oh yes! Who else is going to kill all those spiders," Cindy said using her influence on her friends and in turn the other girls.

"I fear that wouldn't be appropriate. We simply can't have boys bunking in the same cabin as the girls."

"Trust me I don't want to be here as much as you want me here," Tate said from behind Jack before pushing him back into his seat. "If anyone is going to demean my character I rather do it myself and trust me I have more important things to do then chase after girls," he said looking at the woman daring her to say anything.

"I'll take responsibility for him," Becky said placing her hand his shoulder, "plus we don't have that many girls with us this year as we do boys."

"Very well, I'll inform the director of this. But you will be responsible for everything he does," the woman said sternly. "Well, those of us here as campers we have lovely actives for you all, which you will find sign-up sheets in the mess hall. Please, feel free to choose one or all that you all want to join. Now if you follow me," she said flicking her hair over her shoulder giving Tate a look of disgust. This, Tate didn't care what the woman thought of him, he never did when it came to people. To him people weren't that important to worry about. He wasn't in charge of what they felt or thought about him. He was hoping he could just get through this week without interacting with these people as much as he could.

"Wait for us outside Tate," Becky ordered as she and all the others gathered their bags.

"You know you might get laid once in a while if you weren't such an ass," the woman said checking her nails as she leaned against the bus.

"And isn't there like a rule that you shouldn't have pre-marital sex?" Tate shot back as he waited for his sisters. "But what do I know, I'm not even Christian," he said smirking when her face redden, and her tongue grew still.

"Whatever. You aren't even that cute," she said her frustration running high when Tate burst out laughing.

"Like that snob attitude of yours is any turn on," Tate said, he had read the woman as such the moment she came onto the bus. "Then again, I guess you're into guys that don't have an ounce of wit in their heads. Must be the only way they don't see through that façade of yours," he said his eyes glittering in glee as he moved off when his sister waved at him as the woman fumed in frustration.

"We have a long walk ahead of us Tate, will you be able to carry all that?" Becky asked once she got the number of the cabin they would be using for the week.

"Of course, I do have muscles sis," Tate said rolling his eyes behind his glasses.

"Don't you ever take those off?" asked one of the girls in the group as he moved towards the back of their group,

"Not really, only when I'm alone."

"Why?" asked another.

"I fear you may try to steal my soul," Tate said. That wasn't the real reason he just got tired of people constantly coming up to him gushing about how they love how stunning his eyes were.

"Tate why not just show them. You have beautiful eyes," Cindy said mouthing the word "please." Flashing him a smile when his shoulders slumped.

"Fine," Tate sighed reaching up slowly pulling his glasses off. Blinking once, twice so his pupils could adjust to the sunlight. Tate took a step back then another before he was surrounded.

"Are they real?!"

"They can't be it must be contacts!"

"No they are real," Tate said nervously as he tried to find a way out of the surrounding throng of women. Becky and Cindy smirked when they caught Dianna staring at Tate.

"They're so gorgeous!" one girl said dreamily.

"Come girls, we best get going, we wouldn't want to miss lunch," Becky said settling into her role as counselor.

"Told you," Cindy whispered to Tate as he quickly put his glasses back on. "Why don't you just put those away?" she asked coming up to his side.

"Yes please do," one girl said peering back, "plus it makes you cuter."

"Yeah that's...," Tate huffed as Cindy elbowed him.

"I think I'll hold onto these," Cindy said yanking his glasses off giggling as she ran into the throng of bodies knowing Tate wouldn't follow.

"Tate, you will be on that side," Becky said pointing to the door to the right once they got to cabin twenty-two, "you will be in charge of keeping that side clean, and helping to keep the bathroom clean too," she said pointing to the middle door. Moving closer to him, "If you ever need something I'm the bed to the left once you enter the room," she said hinting at his episodes that sometimes plagued him at night.

"Okay," Tate said looking around the screened in porch liking how it was nestled in the woods and yards away from everyone else.

"Okay everyone!" Becky said clapping her hands to get their attention. "I don't know if this cabin was in use before we got here, so let's do a spider check," she said taking charge. "If there are any Tate will take care of it for us, won't you?" Becky asked smiling at his back as he entered the right side of the cabin.

"Snake!" Tate snapped his head towards the door as he was nearly done with his spider check. He so wasn't about to be bitten by a black widow.

"Tate please come out here!" Becky called out for him.

"What?" Tate asked sticking his head out the door seeing how his sister and the others were clustered in the corner.

"Could you please take care of it?" Becky asked pointing towards the bathroom door.

"Alright," Tate sighed, "but you might want to leave while I get it out," he said closing his door making sure there was no way it could escape into his room should he drop it. Sliding the stop down the spring piston to keep the door open. Searching the woods for two long sticks to handle whatever kind of snake it was. He wasn't about to get bit, he wasn't that heroic. Slowly opening up the bathroom door noting how the girls had left the light on. Doing a quick scan of the room should the snake be in a place he least expected. "Well, aren't you a big fella?" Tate said looking down at the coiled black snake on the floor of the middle shower stall. "Sorry about this but the ladies say you gots to go," he said picking up the snake with the two ends of the sticks. "Now see that wasn't so bad was it?" Tate asked a few yards into the woods. "Plus, I doubt you be wanting to hear all that screeching," he said watching the snake move off only to have it look back at him as to say, "You got that right. Carry on my wayward son."

"Okay it's gone!" Tate said calling down the trail they had used to get to the cabin.

"Thank you, Tate," Becky said trying not let her skin crawl. She hated snakes.

"Our hero," a few of the girls teased playfully.

"Mmmhmm. Such a brave man, and we have him all to ourselves," Cindy said batting her eyelashes at him.

"Whatever," Tate sighed as a round of giggles ensued only to have the bell rang out through the trees.

"Okay everyone, that's the bell for lunch, who's hungry?" Becky asked looking around at the raised hands all except for Tate. "Tate you aren't hungry?"


"Tate, either you eat now, or you have to wait for dinner the snack bar doesn't open until three and they only have chips and sodas, and candy bars. Even you can't live on that for a week. Now go fix the door and come join us," Becky said hoping to get him out of that bubble even if it's an inch or so.

"Come walk beside us," one of the younger girls said looping her arm around Tate's left once he had moved the stopper back to its original position.

"Yes, you must," nodded another as she did the same. Unaware that he didn't like that kind of close contact with people he didn't know. Becky sent him a pleading look to bear with it for now. "So, what did you do with the snake?"

"Released it back into the woods," Tate said keeping the strain from his voice.

"Beautiful eyes, and an animal lover, I think I'm in heaven," gushed one teenager about his age.

Becky and Cindy didn't enjoy how Darlene was looking at their brother. Yet they couldn't say anything about it. That would cause to many questions they weren't ready to answer.

"Cabin 22 you are at the fair end," the counselor said as Becky announced them. Arching an eyebrow at the sight of Tate in the mitts of an all-girls cabin. He wasn't the only one taking note of this strange sight.

"Look at him, guess we know who wears the sissy pants here," said a male voice from within the large group.

"Heavens no," Darlene said waving off the statement, "don't you know we're his harem?" she asked stilling the wagging tongues in the room.

"Prove it! Kiss him!"

"Kiss him! Kiss him! Kiss him!" the crowd chanted.

"Gladly," Catherine said beating Darlene to the punch. Tate's eyes flew wide as the girl that held onto his left arm plunged her tongue into his mouth. "There see, satisfied?"

"Alright, alright settle down everyone," ordered the head counselor as she walked into the mess hall. "Becky seat your cabin."

"Of course, Susan," Becky said shooing her group to their table.

"Can I have my glasses back now?" Tate pleaded.

"No," Cindy said shaking her head.

"Why would you want to wear them inside?" asked Janus who sat a few chairs down from him.

"Tate is antisocial he doesn't like people all that much," Cindy said placing his glasses in-between her breasts.

"Why are you telling them my business?" Tate asked heatedly.

"Relax," Bethany - the slightly chubby teenager beside him - said, "I know what's like. Not a whole lot of guys wanting to talk with a girl like me."

"Why not?" Tate asked curious since he couldn't see anything wrong with her.

"You never been belittled by a group of guys before have you?" asked another girl across from him.

"All the time," Tate said looking around wondering where he could get something to drink, "I just stopped caring what people think of me. Life is too short to worry about such things."

"You know sometimes you do have a kernel of wisdom in that head of yours," Becky said smiling sweetly at him.

"I'm full of wisdom, thank you very much," Tate said turning his nose up at his sister, "it so happens there isn't a lot of people around to hear it."

"Becky," Susan said stilling their conversation, "I need to speak privately to that boy there," she said pointing at Tate.

"Okay," Becky said quickly looking over at her brother, "play nice, okay?" she whispered.

"Follow me, please," Susan said beckoning Tate to follow.

"Something wrong?" Tate asked once they were outside the Mess Hall.

"A little further," Susan said over her shoulder her hips swaying alluringly, "now I hear you are staying in an all-girls cabin. As you know that is highly inappropriate," she finally said once they were out of ear shot.

"Hey, it wasn't like I wanted to be here," Tate said backing up as Susan stepped closer. Feeling his ass hit the wood shingling façade of the wall.

"Is that so? Now why is that?" Susan asked arching an eyebrow, placing her left hand beside his head as she leaned in.

"Don't have to tell you," Tate said feeling his anxiety rising.

"I see you need a lesson in manors. Every morning you and I will have private gospel lessons. Maybe then you'll learn to still that tongue," Susan said she always had a thing for trouble makers. The moment she laid eyes on Tate she knew he was the "white whale" she had been waiting for. With this being her last year she was determined to get her 'Moby Dick' per say.

"I don't think that be very pleasant, so I'm going to pass on the offer. So how about you just continue to sleep in and I'll go about my merry way."

"You would pass up the chance to learn the word of God" Susan asked in stun disbelief.

"That's right, what did you think I'd just melt into a puddle of goo by - I'll admit attractiveness - then you are sadly mistake. Now if you excuse me I rather eat," Tate said contorting his body, so he wouldn't touch her.

"Who said you could leave?" Susan asked shoving him back. She had seen how he didn't like to be touched. She wondered how far she could push that button of his.

"Tate?!" Becky gasped seeing that look in his eye. She knew he was an inch from snapping. Even with his medication it still could happen, and it appeared to her that Susan was testing that very thin ice.

"Counselor Becky you will return to your table," Susan ordered.

"I will not!" Becky said standing her ground. Giving Tate the opening he needed. "Are you okay?" she asked wrapping her arm around him. She was the only one that could ever talk him down when he was in such a state. Whatever head way she and her girls had made on the way down had been completely ruined by Susan. She had hoped they could get him out of that bubble. Yet it only made him crawl back inside of it. Shooting Susan an anger filled glance before leading Tate back into the Mess Hall. "Get you something to eat, all right? It's actually pretty good," Becky said sweetly Tate only nodded.

"What is he a functioning mute," Jack chuckled. "Oh look the mute is angry," he and his friend laughed as Jack piled food onto his plate. Yet his mirth was short lived as he saw the cruelest smile spread across Tate's face.

"Tate, don't," Becky hissed a warning.


"Tate please don't, not here, not at camp," Becky pleaded placing her hand over his as his thumb rubbed along the prongs of his fork. She knew it was another reason why he was in the ward for impaling a student's hand to the table with a fork.

"A word of warning if I can put down three guys larger than I am. It makes me wonder how fast I can put you in the ground, and be glad she," Tate said nodding to Becky, "stopped me from stabbing this," he said rocking his fork in-between his fingers, "into what appears to be your masturbating hand. I do wonder how you would miss Rosy and her five sisters?"

"Your psycho," Jack said unnerved by Tate's insane laughter.

"That's what the doctors say, so one has to ask themselves how wise it is to piss a psycho off, hmm?" Tate asked placing a roll on his plate quite pleased with their stunned silence.

"Did you have to do that?" Becky whispered as they walked back to their table.

"Probably not," Tate admitted, "plus this way he won't be chasing after you. No one wants to deal with the crazy in the family," he said shrugging his shoulders.

"You did that for me?!" Becky asked feeling her cheeks heat.

"Yeah, sis I'm not blind, it wasn't hard to see what he was after," Tate whispered as they neared their table. "Plus I like being crazy you get to do so many interesting things," he said with a lopsided grin.

"Just promise me you won't do anything," Beck said with a pleading look.

"That's up to him sis," Tate said setting his tray down on the far end of the table away from everyone.

"Come join us, if you feel up to it. I do like your company when we eat together," Becky said brushing her hair behind her ear knowing how her rosy cheeks were far to visible.

"Becky what's wrong with Tate?" Cindy asked in a hushed whisper.

"Susan pushed Tate a tad too far, far enough to you know what," Becky whispered.

"Oh! I'll see that he gets back to the cabin safely. I know you have that counselor meeting after lunch," Cindy said patting Becky's hand.

"Thanks. Keep an eye on Darlene and the rest I don't want them testing Tate yet," Becky said glancing over at Tate.

"Come on Tate," Cindy said nodding towards the trail that led back to their cabin once their noon time meal was over.

"You know I can find my own way back, right?" Tate asked arching an eyebrow.

"I know, but this is your first time here, and I want to point out the neat things this place has," Cindy said smiling sweetly at her brother.

"Cindy?" Susan said the screen door slapped against the door frame as she stood on the porch. "Why don't you go sign up for some events while there is still room, and I'll see that your brother gets back to your cabin safely," she said sternly. She just couldn't believe Tate had so blatantly blew off her offer. "The Director wants me to speak to him in private about what he will be doing here, since he isn't actually a camper here. I understand he was pushed onto the bus at the last moment, but we can't allow someone to roam the grounds without purpose."


"This isn't up for debate Cindy," Susan said narrowing her eyes nodding for her to get to the afternoon activities.

"Go, I'll be fine," Tate said when Cindy gave him a look he knew all too well. "Go have fun that is why you come to this thing?"

"Okay," Cindy said moving off eyeing Susan skeptically.

"Now shall...," Susan began to say only to watch as Tate abruptly waked off. "Hey!" Taking Tate by the arm spinning him around once she caught up to him. She was taken back by the forcefulness of his grip on her wrist as Tate pulled her hand away.

"Don't. Ever. Touch. Me," Tate said with deathly undertones.

"Alright," Susan said a little taken back, "listen we still have to talk about what you will be doing here," she said rubbing her wrist. Wondering how she was going to conquer her white whale.

"Fine, get to the point then," Tate said crossing his arms.

"Well, you see," Susan said gesturing for them to continue on, yet Tate stayed rooted to his spot. "Listen I can't show you around and tell you about the duties you will be doing for the camp if you keep standing here. This is your first time, right? I hardly think you would know where everything is here," she said in a loud huff. Pondering to herself if all this effort was worth it.

"Alright and just what shall I be doing then?" Tate asked only wishing to be alone in that cabin.

"The Director wants you to be the new dishwasher and assistant groundskeeper, since the meals we prepare are for a set number an unexpected guest puts a strain on our limited resources," Susan said thinking a calmer tone would work on him than the one she had used before. "At least this way we can actually say the cost of keeping you fed and boarded is covered. Now don't you think this is a better outcome then tossing you off of camp grounds. That is unless you have five hundred dollars to cover the cost," Susan said with a warm smile.

Yet Tate knew no warmth laid underneath it. He knew she was up to something. Whatever it was he wanted no part of it, however, it would appear he wouldn't have much of a choice in the matter. The money wasn't a problem he could cover it quite easily, although he needed every penny he could save for when he was in LA next week and for when he moved out upon his return. So he just couldn't go spending his coin willy-nilly. He had to be smart, he had to be penny pinching every cent he had. He so wasn't going to allow his mother to even get a whiff of what he has, and these people, however good their attentions were, would undoubtedly call his mother wherever she may be. Then she would wonder how a teenage boy could survive alone when she had practically thrown him on that bus without any money to call his own. Tate knew that would get his mother's greedy mind spinning. He was doing his best to keep his activates from garnering her attention. That only left him one option to go along with whatever Susan had plan at least for now. It was only six more days. Six days he could survive. Then he would never have to deal with this woman ever again.
