The Coxville Curse Ch. 01


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Nancy watched him walk over to a landscaping pickup truck nearby. A couple of Latino gardeners were taking lunch sitting in the shade of some bushes. Nancy could understand a little Spanish and caught some of their animated discussion about the Cocks/Beaver game from last night. Meanwhile, Despre was going through some of the oak tree's branches that they had thrown in the back of the truck. He broke off a couple sticks. One was maybe half a foot long and the other a little shorter. She assumed he was just keeping a relic of his holy tree.

"Is there a thrift store nearby?" he asked.

"Yes, several. One within walking distance. It's a Catholic charity and we help raise donations for it."

"Excellent," said Despre with a smile. He seemed to have perked up. She watched as he removed one of his leather armbands from around his big bicep while they walked to the store. Strangely, he ripped it apart into several thongs. Nancy waited outside eager to get back to the convent. The longer she was gone, the harder it would be to explain her absence. Despre came out of the store close to a half hour later. "What do you think?" he asked.

"Very handsome and distinguished," she said approvingly. He was wearing a dark suit and shirt with no tie. She missed seeing his biceps though.

"Lets get you home." They returned to his car and headed back the way they had come. Nancy got more nervous the closer they got to the convent. She was shaking a little when they got to the produce stand at the bottom of the long driveway. "Where's this house for visiting priests?" he asked.

"Oh, over there," she told him. He turned down that lane and drove up to the house. "You can't stay here, Despre. I was joking."

"This will suit my purposes nicely," he replied, ignoring her. He tried the door, found it unlocked, and slipped inside.

"Despre! Despre! Come out," yelled Nancy standing at the front door. "You can't stay here," she hissed.


Nancy jumped startled. She turned and saw the mother superior making her way down the hill off the road. "Ah..uh, Mother Superior," she acknowledged, bowing to her superior as the woman approached.

"Just where have you been? We've been worried sick. We scoured the convent and when the van was reported missing, I called the sheriff and state police. Just what do you have to say for yourself?"

"I'm afraid that's my fault, Mother Superior," said Despre, coming from the house. "My car got stuck in the mud last night and I called the convent for assistance. Sister Nancy answered the phone and offered to come get me."

"I see," said the older nun staring at the black man. Nancy turned and glanced at Despre. Her eyes widened when she saw he'd found and attached a priest's collar to the dark suit. A primitive wooden cross hung from his neck. He'd fashioned it from the oak's branches and bound it with the leather straps he'd had around his arms. Apparently this was a cross he was willing to wear. "Then where is our van?" asked the Mother Superior turning to Nancy.

"I-I'm afraid it broke down near Des.. Father Despre's car," she answered. "He thinks it's the water pump."

"It's given us trouble before. I'll have someone from the garage tow it. We're just grateful you're in good health. You must have had quite the night, Sister?"

"Uh.. Yes, quite."

"Well it looks like Father... Despre is it?" She bowed her head towards the visiting priest. "It looks like Father Despre took very good care of you Sister."

"H-he d-did, Mother Superior." Nancy felt the blush returning to her cheeks.

"By god's grace we broke down near the motel on the county line," said Despre. "It was closed, but the owner left keys to the rooms outside for travelers. Praise the lord."

"Thank god as well as the good folk of Coxville," replied the Mother Superior. "Will you be staying with us, Father Despre?"

"If it's not an imposition. I'd like to do some historical research on the plantation and the convent."

The older nun raised an eyebrow. "Interesting coincidence, a local reporter, Mrs. Kindle is interested in our history too. She contacted me just yesterday."

"I'll be sure to look her up," said Despre.

"And I'm sure you can stay here as long as you'd like. Father Robinson oversees the convent and is due for a visit, but I'm sure he won't mind the company. If there's anything you require, let me know." Mother Superior turned back towards the convent. "Come along Sister Nancy."

"Wait, Reverend Mother," interjected Despre. "I might need some assistance with my research from time to time. I'd like Sister O'Malley if that's possible."

"Provided it doesn't interfere with her duties and her teaching, Father Despre," said the Mother Superior with a gracious nod. "You may use her as often as you'd like." She turned and headed towards the convent.

"Actually, Sister Nancy, I could use your help now dealing with a hard problem I'm having."

A disbelieving Nancy followed Despre inside the house and soon found herself riding his hard cock in the priest's bed. They'd stripped quickly. She'd pulled the habit off, but had had kept the wimple and veil covering her head. She rode Despre's cock to several orgasms as he toyed with her enormous breasts. Nancy might just have to put off retaking her vow of chastity until Despre moved on. Then she remembered Linus and his promise of introducing her to some of her other student's black cocks. Yes, I'll need to delay retaking my vows for awhile, she thought imagining the pleasure two black cocks could provide. I'm going to really pay for this later, she thought as she came, her Catholic guilt asserting itself. She crossed herself even as she slammed her pussy down hard onto Despre's hard cock. And I'm going to pay for that one, she thought cumming and crossing herself again. And that one...


Officer Anderson didn't know how she wound up on her knees sucking the biggest blackest cock she'd ever seen. She'd pulled the African American male over for speeding through Coxburg. She pulled him out of the car when she smelled marijuana. Officer Anderson patted the man down and felt she'd detected a weapon hidden in his pants. She'd yanked his sweats down and got the shock of her young life as his hard massive cock smacked her in the face. She stared at it in awe, the black weapon dwarfed her husband's poor little penis and she didn't resist as the black man guided it past her lips. Soon the black man had her glasses off, her hair down, and her big breasts out as she willingly blew his massive black cock until he blew his load down her throat. Soon she was hooked and nightly began pulling cars over for the crime of "driving while black". After a few weeks, sucking black cock wasn't enough. She needed them in her pussy and ass.

Felicia's heels clicked as she strolled down a dark alley in Coxburg, angry that her boyfriend Frank had stood her up. The buxom blonde in the short pink dress ignored the calls of various blacks in the neighborhood as she walked past the graffiti covered walls. Soon, she was grabbed and accosted by a big shirtless black man in green pants. Felicia was so scared she showed him her ass, hoping that would be enough. Jamarcus kneeled and began licking her pussy before grabbing the stunning blonde and flipping her over, putting his tongue in her pussy, then ass as he held her upside down. Felicia found herself loving it, cumming, and grabbing his pants for balance, but pushing them down until his gigantic 14" cock sprang up, entering her mouth. Soon Jamarcus was joined by the two other members of his gang known as the Big 3. Clyde revealed an 18" cock that looked like it belonged on a horse. She sucked them all before they took her. When Jamarcus slowly pushed his cock into her formerly racist pussy, Felicia knew what her purpose in life was from then on. A week later, Felicia was wearing white shorts that almost exposed her ass cheeks and a white top that barely covered her breasts. Between her breasts was a queen of spades symbol. She walked the streets looking for Johns so she could make some money for her three pimps.

Susanna Clark found herself tipping her black garbage man with a blowjob. The married mother of two didn't know what else to do when the older black man came looking for a delinquent payment. Still gagging from the amount of sperm his huge cock had pumped down her throat, she didn't resist him when he opened her robe and began guiding his still hard cock towards her married white pussy.

Georgina Flynn had dozed off while sunbathing topless. She awoke to see her black meter reader standing over her jerking off a foot long cock while staring at her tits. When she didn't say anything, he straddled her cot and pushed his huge cock between her EE breasts. She bent down to suck his cock head while he began titty fucking her.

Sylvia Howard couldn't take her eyes off the bulge in the plumber's jeans. He was under her kitchen sink, banging away at it with his lower half sticking out. There was no way penises got that big, her husband barely made five inches on a good day. With trembling hands, she reached out for his zipper. The plumber jumped when he felt her touch, but relaxed and let her take him out. She wasn't disappointed and leaned down to take his cock in her mouth, trying to unclog his thick black pipe. Soon afterwards he was banging away at her and not at her pipes.

Dick Harper watched in horror as his wife was taken by a massively hung black man. Worse, the slut seemed to be loving every inch of that thick slab of uncut dark meet pounding away at her whore pussy. She was lying across the pool table in the back of a bar getting a fucking so hard from the black guy that Dick could never have given her. How had he let the black dude goad him into betting over a pool game? It was so out of character for him to accept a bet and even more so when the black had asked Dick to bet his wife. It was so out of character for his wife to accept such a bet too. Yet here they were?

Stories such as these happened all over Coxville that weekend, nor did they stop after that. Kitty Summers would introduce her cheerleader friends to black cock at a pool party a few weeks later. Jenny Summer's sister would be introduced to black cock at her barbecue as was Bobbie Sue's sister, as was Nurse Swallows, as were many many others.

From here on out, Coxville County would be a very different place.


So was there a Coxville Curse?

The question was debated for years afterwards. Bobbie Sue never believed in it and a year after first reading about it she found herself divorced and the single mother of a black baby boy. She assumed the boy was Melvin's as the timing was right, but Melvin had quickly lost exclusive control over her pussy. Bobbie Sue found herself meeting Melvin biweekly for sex, mostly they fucked at the library after closing, but sometimes they did it in her car in various makeout spots around the county. On one such time, they were spotted by Anthony, one of the black football players who forced Bobbie Sue to put out for him. He even made her suck him off in her classroom which was captured by Principal Long's hidden cameras. Bobbie Sue quickly joined Long's growing harem and once Long's cock got in a woman, they lost all inhibitions. Bobbie Sue had no regrets, especially since her small local book, "The Coxville Curse" came out. It became very popular in the county and to a certain extent the state and it even garnered some national attention.

The number of believers in the curse was actually pretty small. Most were white husbands, boyfriends, or fathers who had lost their loved ones to the hung black men of Coxville County. They were incapable of believing their loved ones would leave them for black men so they blamed a curse. Many a woman used the curse as an excuse to explain their behavior. At the Mayoral debate in 2010, one cuckolded husband asked the candidates what they intended to do about the Coxville curse. He was laughed at, but there was also a small spattering of applause and nodding heads from recently divorced white males.

Critics were more numerous. It was pointed out that there were no witnesses to any of the lightning strikes. It was just a coincidence that there were storms on the same day every fifty years and that a heavy fog developed afterwards. Storms and fog were not uncommon that time of year. Skeptics suggested that other then the bolt that destroyed the old oak tree, lightning didn't actually strike it every fifty years, but that branches were knocked over by the wind gusts. Another account of the hanging by a witness claimed the branch broke from Prospero's weight and not from lightning.

A biology teacher traced the large increase in the penis size of African American residents of Coxville County to circa 1909, fifty years after the hanging. It was discovered that when they were in their late forties, the Long twins and the Black twins, sons of the Cox sisters, left the seminary to serve the black community of Coxville County. They were apparently unable to resist the advances of the black women of their community and fathered many children on different women. The biologist cited another study about African American penis size in the United States and was surprised to find that 10% of above average males could be traced to former slaves of Coxville County. The remaining 90% seemed to originate out of the New Orleans area around 1849-1859. It seems Prospero Black had spread his seed far and wide.

Others pointed out that actually only several dozen women out of thousands went black that first year and that more women were led to cheat or experiment with black men after Mrs. Kindle's book came out citing the erotically written sex scenes with Betty, Samantha, and the slaves as putting ideas into their heads. Scenes which had been greatly exaggerated by Mrs. Kindle. A year after her first book, Bobbie Sue released "The Coxville Curse II" featuring true stories by the women of Coxville and their first black experience. The first book was sold in the local interest section. The second book was sold in the erotica section of bookstores. Many women allowed Bobbie Sue to use their real names among them Jenny and Kitty Summers, Ivana Swallows the school nurse, and even Bobbie Sue told her own story. There were so many stories, that Bobbie Sue released books yearly after that.

Sociologists explained it away as interracial relationships having reached a tipping point where more and more women kept getting into interracial relationships because of a domino effect. When the most popular girl in high school does something the other girls soon follow. Kitty Summers soon had her fellow cheerleaders following her lead thanks to the "Pool Party" incident described in "The Coxville Curse II" and soon other girls were following their lead. A darker reason was given when Principal Long passed away and blackmail videos were discovered featuring nearly every female teacher in the school and dozens of female students. No complaints against him had ever been filed and the blackmailed women all were seen at his funeral deep in mourning.

Things seemed to go better for African American residents of Coxville after the lightening strike. Samson replaced Todd as quarterback and the team went on to many victories. Samson also got a football scholarship to college and went on to the pro teams. Melvin went to college and became an astrophysicist. Despite being geeky and awkward, word of his genital size got out among the mostly white students and Melvin became quite popular with the female students and the favorite boy toy of a certain sorority. Samson's teammate LD, left Coxville for Los Angeles to meet his dad and they ended up making interracial porn together, bringing in some more Coxville black talent and started their own production company. Their second movie was called The Coxville Curse, but had little to do with Bobbie Sue's book or real events. As The Coxville Curse book series was published, a strange phenomena began occurring in Coxburg. Women started visiting there to pick up black men for sex. The Big Three gang found that prostituting themselves was more profitable then prostituting white women. College girls driving down I-69 for the gulf coast and Florida beaches stopped over hoping to meet black men. Some took the black studs they met on vacation with them. Others opted to vacation in Coxburg, skipping the beaches and renting cabins on lake Cox for them and their black studs. Grades and attendance among blacks at Coxville High went up, as Principal Long had Kitty and her friends parade around in skimpy BBC Princess outfits, servicing whichever black student needed motivating. Jenny, Bobbie Sue, and other teachers helped motivate the black students as well.

True or false, real or imaginary, curse or blessing, whether or not there was a Coxville Curse didn't really matter. What did matter was that as time went by, the words of Prospero Black came true. The white men of Coxville County left their wives wanting and the buxom and fertile daughters of Eve, turned to the superior black snakes of Damballah, their bellies ripening with the fertile seed of the descendants of the Cox Plantation's slaves, creating new life.

Oh Damballah, creator of life...


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AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

19 pages of bullshit to support a total myth and urban legend, nonexistent BBC. Comically bad and racist to boot.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Great read loved it

mark_8675309mark_8675309almost 5 years ago
Way too long

Long, repetitive, and you definitely skimped on the sex scenes...still got the job done many times, so I gave it a solid 5.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
One more chapter

I was really looking forward to principal Long with Jenny and Kitty also coach Black teaching Kitty a lesson.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

Such a good read from start to the way everything tied together at the end

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