The Decoy Princesses Pt. 02


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Dnesut was now shaking so bad that he barely noticed the trail of yellow now trickling up his body to drip off of his chest and down to the ground. He blabbered out everything that Darian wanted to know and then some. Now having the information that they needed, Darian handed his knife over to Rhys, who immediately took his revenge by plunging it through the goblin's skull. Then they left the body hanging there to rot with the dagger still in it.


At the Citadel Pub, Darian and Rhys kicked open the double doors. "GARCON!" Darian called out in a jovial voice with his greatsword at the ready. "YOUR FINEST TABLE, PLEASE!"

Every orc in the joint stopped what they were doing, either eating, drinking, or fucking one of the women, to gape in disbelief at the two elven Paladins in black armor who were standing there with smug looks on their faces.

One could've heard a pin drop as they smiled before turning to close and lock the doors behind them.


Outside the Citadel Pub, a crowd was growing as the ruckus from inside was growing in intensity and fervor. There were screams of agony, the sounds of battle, the shouts of arguments and the clanging of metal on metal, and the sounds of abject horror and death. Concerned and frightened orc citizens inched ever so closer until finally the doors burst open and some of the orc warriors tried to run out of the cloud of smoke and dust that had accumulated inside, having been kicked up during the brawl. Two figures in black armor, a human and an elf, came out, grabbed the orcs, and threw them back inside. "I haven't dismissed the mess yet!" the human yelled as he charged back into the din.

"Please, you must stay for dessert!" The elf said, dragging another orc warrior back in by his ankles who'd tried clawing his way out.

The doors slammed back shut and there were even louder sounds of intense fighting. Moments later the doors flew back open, startling the growing crowd outside, as four more orc warriors tried to make a break for it. One was cut down by a yellow slash across his back from what one would assume was a visible sword. Another flew forward as a magic missile hit him from behind. A third was lifted into the air by an invisible hand and he was pulled kicking and screaming back in while the fourth was being pulled back as he was on his knees, looking to the heavens with clasped hands as he rapidly prayed to whatever deity would hear him.

This time, the pub doors stayed closed until the sounds of fighting were completely over. When they opened up, the elf and the human were leading the pub's women out in a line. They were now all clothed with whatever rags and blankets they could find.

The human stopped by one of the dumbfounded citadel guards and handed him a white card. "Tell your boss that I send my regards," he said before getting his newly liberated women out of there while orcs just stupidly gaped at them as they filed on by.

The orc looked down at the tiny card that said 'Darian the Black - Paladin with a Mouth - Orc Slayer - Kicker of Assguard'


Vanya and Nyna could not believe their luck as the two paladins led not only them, but every woman that was a slave in the pub out of the Citadel. They were now on the long walk to Eshhandell but they practically felt like dancing the entire way there.

Rhys, who was the Elf Paladin kept moving up and down the line of women to check on their well-being. The human, Darian, was consulting a tome floating next to his head while jotting down notes on a parchment in his hand. "So let's see..." he was muttering, "there were a hundred orcs in that tavern multiplied by a hundred and fifty experience points per kill... so that's fifteen thousand... multiply that by challenge rating of ten for raiding the citadel... again... add in standard experience per session... so that means the Gee-Em owes me another two levels of experience..."

Vanya and Nyna were puzzled by the human's strange words and even asked Rhys about it when he came back their way. Rhys shrugged. "He's been like that ever since I've met him," he admitted. "Darian is a bit... eccentric... at times but I can't argue with his results."

"Hey Rhys!" Darian called back over his shoulder. "Did you know that if you multiclass as a spellcaster you can throw magic missiles like I did back at the pub?"

"What on the Goddess' Green Earth are you going on about now?" Rhys asked, baffled, as he walked back up to where Darian was leading the procession, leaving the girls behind to be just as confused as he was.

After the strange, heated conversation between the two paladins calmed down, Vanya and Nyna approached them; Vanya walking up to Darian's left while Nyna approached Rhys from the right. "We would like to properly thank you two for saving us," Vanya said with a hint of suggestion.

"Oh the curse of having nubile young elven women throwing themselves at me," Darian sighed dramatically.

Rhys took a less sarcastic approach. "That is really not necessary, ladies," he said with a charming smile.

"But we must!" Nyna protested.

"You don't understand," Rhys said. "We are both already mated."

Vanya blinked. "To each other?"

Darian let out a sharp bark of laughter. "Oh yeah, baby," he said in a really weird, high-pitched voice, leaning in close to Rhys, who pushed him back in disgust. He laughed again. "No, our wives are waiting for us back as Eshhandell," he clarified for them, back in his normal voice. "However, we do have more brave paladins going out to rescue others just like you. In fact, Paladin Zahn has been dispatched on a mission to save one of your married maidens. When he comes back you can thank him in our place."

"How will we be able to find him?" Nyna asked.

"Just follow the shadows until you smell ale in the air," Rhys commented, rolling his eyes. "Honestly, I do not know out of what pub that Darian dragged him out of but he's hardly befitting he title of Paladin."

"Hm, unlike some elves who wanted to cut an unborn child out of a mother's womb a couple of months ago?" Darian shot him a scathing look that Rhys dropped his head in shame from. "He might come from a really shady background but at least he never contemplated harming an innocent before due to some skewed logic." He turned his attention back to Vanya and Nyna. "He's a good man. A bit short and scraggly, maybe. Even a bit of a wild look to him. But he's good people. He will more than likely hit the tavern the moment he gets back so look for him there."

"We will," Nyna nodded.

"And we will thank him for his service to saving others." Vanya agreed.



After the women were taken care of, Darian and Rhys retreated to their respective quarters in the Shield of Selune keep. Rhys smiled to his wife, Celeste, as he entered their quarters in the towered fortification just outside of Eshhandell. They fell into each other's arms and kissed passionately before he kicked the door closed and carried her over to their bed. They had yet to get pregnant which was why they made every opportunity to make the attempt.


"You are looking a bit beat up there, husband," Sharia said with a teasing smile as she elegantly waddled his way to help Darian with his cloak and armor.

"And you're looking a bit knocked up there, dear wife," Darian responded in kind, giving her a loving kiss on the lips before allowing her to help him undress. Once he was as naked as she was he took her into his arms and gave her a more passionate kiss before kneeling before her and kissing her rounded belly. "And how's my little guy doing in there?"

"You know it's going to be a girl, right?" Sharia laughed at his silliness. Still, she loved him all the same for it even though the child wasn't his. Six months ago, she'd been cruelly raped by the orc warlord Kerug the Unstoppable, forced to bear his child. Then Darian swooped in and rescued her from a fate that would've been worse than death itself. When captive, she'd been dreading it but now, she couldn't wait to give birth. Not that she wanted her child out but because she so desperately wanted to give Darian a child of his own on top of the one that he was essentially adopting.

"One can hope, can't he?" Darian grinned up at her. To him, she looked more and more beautiful by the day. Then he slid his hand down along the underside of her belly to cup her sex. She closed her eyes and sighed at his touch. His finger found its way up inside of her, dragging down her frontal wall while his thumb swirled around her clit. Sharia let out a squeak and a cry of pleasure as her whole body suddenly shuddered from the instant orgasm. She had to put her hands on her husband's shoulders for support as she came. "Someone's primed and ready, I see," Darian grinned up at her.

"Take me to bed and do it again," Sharia gasped. She'd been more sensitive and horny as she started approaching her third trimester.

Darian obliged her, picking her up easily and carrying her to their bedchambers where he laid her down gently on the fur covered bed. His mouth found her left breast while his right hand went back down between her legs to finger her some more. When she was whimpering and crying out for his cock, he mounted her, slowly sliding into her tight pussy. He still marveled to this day how elves could remain tight as virgins despite having had a whole army of orcs inside of them at one point in time.

Sharia moaned and mewed as Darian moved inside of her. Her hands found his and pulled them up to her round, full breasts. Darian obliged her of her needs as he started gently playing with them, taking care in making sure her sensitive nipples got a lot of attention. When she climaxed a second time, her pussy clamped down onto his cock so hard that he swore that she was going to break it off. He joined her in the orgasm a moment later before collapsing onto the bed alongside of her.

"So," Sharia asked later as they were cuddling under the fur blankets. "Will you be able to do it?"

"Hrmm?" Darian asked, having been half asleep when she spoke. "Do what, dear?"

"Rescue the others."

"Already in progress," he said, twisting in the bed so that he could look into her lovely face that was currently laced with worry. He smiled and kissed her softly on the lips. "We got two of the five today along with a bunch of ladies that had been taken prisoner long before. When we found out the general whereabouts, we sent a scry back here so I could dispatch others to track down the leads to the other three. Right now I have one of my best infiltrators going out for one of them as we speak."

"Do you think he'll succeed?"

"If he doesn't then I'm going to demand a refund from the rogue's guild that I got him from..."


"Hi! How are ya?" Zahn asked in a cheerful voice as he punched Mahk right into the face the moment he opened the door to his chambers. Mahk stumbled back amid the spray of blood as his nose was immediately broken. Over on the bed, Fi jerked awake and pressed herself up against the corner of the stone wall in which the bed was in. She drew the covers up over her naked body as the Zahn pressed his attack. As Mahk tried to get up, Zahn kicked him in the gut. "Oh, you don't think that I'm going to let you do that, do you?" he asked rhetorically as he drew his sword.

He brought it up and then down between Mahk's shoulder blades, killing him instantly. "There we go, stay down!" the wild-red haired man said with a triumphant smile as he extracted his blade. He cleaned it off using the orc's huge shirt that was nearby before sheathing it. Zahn then turned his attention to Fi. "Fionya, right?" he asked. She nodded in mute shock from where she was cowering in the corner. Zahn held out his hand. "Come, I'm taking you home to the elves."

It took a moment for it to sink in for him and then she started bawling her eyes out. "I can't return!" she wailed, dropping the fur blanket to show him her swollen belly from where Mahk had gotten her pregnant.

"Ah, that. Don't worry about that," Zahn waved a dismissive hand her way. "They don't care anymore and if they do, they'll have the Shield of Selune to answer to."

"B-but... it's an abomination..." Fi sniffled.

"You'll find that the King and Queen of Eshhandell has had a change of heart about that. Come on."

"What? Impossible!" Fi blinked. "Princess Gwyndolyn had been captured by Kerug the Unstoppable. She's in his keep now and is Kerug's slave! There is no way she and the prince married!"

"Oi... are you behind the times..." Zahn rolled his eyes as he got a cloak for her. "That was Sharia, one of Gwyn's handmaidens. She was rescued already." He then proceeded to fill her in on everything she'd missed. "Now, will you take my hand so that we can get out of here?" he asked, holding out a hand while smiling to her.

"Where are we going?"

"To somewhere... not here."


Tierist, or simply 'Tier' to his friends and family, paced anxiously as he waited. Months of agonizing pain of not knowing what had happened to Fi were coming to an end. He spent many a night lying awake wondering what had become of her on their wedding day when the orcs attacked. Then he joined with Darian the Black to go and get the decoy princesses where he'd hoped to pick up Fi's trail. He started to lose hope until Darian came back with information as to where she was at.

Darian had selected the odd little rouge-cum-paladin human named Zahn for the extraction, not trusting Tier's judgement to be rational at the reunion. Sadly, Tier couldn't fault him in that judgement as not a few months before he'd been the one ready to cut the unborn half breed out of Sharia's belly. Over the course of that little adventure, Tier slowly came to realize Darian's point of view and was one of the first to defend him and Sharia upon their return to Eshhandell.

But Darian, rightfully so, worried what might happen if left alone. He'd been witness to people reneging on their oaths before. So, what was one more elf? Truth be told, Tier didn't know what he would do if Fi came back pregnant with an orc child growing inside of her. Would he do what Darian did with Sharia or would he revert back to the old ways? Oh Selune, give me strength... he silently prayed to the goddess.

The moment of truth was now upon him as he heard a horse approaching the campsite. Then he saw Zahn and his beloved Fi riding up on the stolen steed as Tier had been keeping vigil over the mounts they'd brought with them. "Hi! How are ya?" Zahn called out in his usual goofy greeting.

"Tierist!" Fi cried out in joy from behind Zahn as she gave her love an energetic wave.

"My Goddess... Fi..." Tier's legs gave way beneath him as he collapsed to his knees and gave a silent prayer of thanks to Selune. Fi slid off of the horse with Zahn's help and rushed over into his open arms, nearly tackling him. They embraced hard and long, laughed, cried, and kissed each other passionately. Zahn held back with a smile on his face as he watched the reunion.

After the initial wave of joy and relief had passed, Tier paused. He pulled back, holding her at arm's length, as he got a good look at her belly. "Oh Goddess..." he croaked. "You're with child..."

Fi's lower lip quivered and she looked up at him in fear. "I am sorry, my love..." she burst into tears. "I had no choice! Mahk bought me at auction! He forced himself onto me and stole my maidenhead! Please... Please... don't be mad at me! Please... please..." she hung her head and silently added. "Please don't kill me."

Tier's guts twisted in a knot. It was a hard, bitter pill to swallow. All of his fears had come to pass. Hot tears of shame and failure splashed his burning cheeks as he processed this new turn of events. Darian's words from when he'd pinned Tier to the door when he had tried to cut the child from Sharia's womb came hauntingly back to him...

"WOAH! WAIT!" Darian intercepted him and pinned him up against the side of the door frame, grabbing his sword hand at the wrist and holding it in place. "What the hell are you doing, man?"

Tier nodded in Sharia's direction. "She has been tainted by the orcs. She carries their young within her."

"So she's pregnant; who cares?" Darian looked around at them. "Really? What the hell did you expect was going to happen after three months?"

The argument ensued until Darian drew down all of them. Tier pressed his case. "You do not understand! It is a monster!"

"It is a child and it is innocent!" Darian countered.

Tier found that he couldn't do it. Now, here, with his love on the line, he truly understood Darian's words of wisdom. "It is a child..." he said softly, repeating the words now. "It is innocent." He looked up into her equally tear-stained eyes. "And, if you will still have me, my love, it will be our child."

"Yes..." Fi was nodding empathetically, overjoyed, throwing her arms around him. "Yes, my love, I still want you and my child. And I will bear you other children as long as we are together."

"Well," Zahn's voice cut through the tender moment so sharp that it made Tier and Fi jump. "Glad that ended well," he said, sheathing his knife and stepping out from behind Tier.

"How?" Tier's eyes went from Zahn, over to the horse where he'd rode up on with Fi, and back again. "How in the nine hells did you do that?"

Zahn grinned at him in that silly sideways smile of his. "Trade secret."


By the time Zahn got Tier and Fi back to Eshhandell, he was ready to gag from their sickly sweetness. They kept making googly-eyes at each other, whispering sweet nothings into each other's ears, and fucking like bunnies the entire trip back. Zahn let Tier do the report-in to the boss while he went and found a drink. He went straight to the pub where he'd heard that a couple of the girls that had been liberated from the citadel went to work at while all the other girls scattered back to their respective homes as fast as they could go.

Vanya and Nyna, the two elf girls who had been rescued from the citadel pub by Darian and Rhys, from what he heard, brought him a shank of mutton and a tall ale right as he'd sat down. He'd never received service this fast before. They then sat across the table from him, their ample cleavage in the barmaid corset and skirts very visible. "Uhhhh... hi?" he said, blinking at them in surprise and in awe of their beauty. If he didn't know better, he'd swear that they were twins. "How are ya?"

"You are the paladin that just brought back Fionya to her husband, yes?" Vanya asked point blank.

"Uh... yeah?" Zahn asked, suddenly nervous.

"You are helping Darian and Rhys bring back captured women?" Nyna then asked.

"Uh... yeah?" Zahn didn't know what else to say as he sat there blinking at them.

"We haven't had a chance to properly thank anyone for rescuing us." Vanya told him.

"We would've slept with Darian or Rhys, but they are mated to others and had no interest in us," Nyna supplied.

"So Darian suggested that we repay you when you came back," Vanya continued the sentence.

"Because he said that you were bringing Fi home to her fiancé. And so, you would probably be alone tonight." Nyna said. Then she and Vanya scooted next to each other, draping an arm over the other's shoulder. "And we share..." Nyna said suggestively.

"We share... everything." Vanya corrected, her voice dropping to a husky octave.

Zahn had been watching them, head swiveling back and forth between the two of them until he got it. Then he spread his hands and looked up to the heavens in beseechment. "Thank you, Goddess." he breathed, praising Selune in his mind. Then he smiled. "So, ladies, your room or mine?"