The Erotic Book Illustrator


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"Man, what got you so fired up?" I asked.

"I think it was all the sex talk tonight. We have never done that before. Talked with other people about sex."

"Yeah, that was new all right. I have to say, I was gobsmacked that they were into swinging."

She tittered girlishly. "Were you thinking what it would be like? I mean I've seen you ogling Claire. Not that I blame you, she is really pretty."

"What made you say that? Yes, Claire is attractive, but no. I definitely wasn't thinking of that." It was a lie of course, I learned long ago you do not tell your wife how sexy another woman was. Claire, was one of those rare creatures that exude a confident sexuality. The way her body moved, it wasn't practised, or forced. She moved like a feline, her body flowed sensuously.

To look at, she was beautiful. She could easily have been a model. Zoe on the other hand was not a beauty, not in that sense. She did however have a naturally cherubic face. An angel, from a Raphael painting. Her beauty emanated from within.

"Liar." She giggled. "You don't have to fib, I would prefer honesty."

Okay, I thought to myself. In for a penny. "Yes, all right. She is attractive, and I guess I have stolen the odd look."

"Would you like to have sex with her?"

"Jesus, Zoe, where is this coming from?"

She peered up into my eyes, with a nervous enquiring look. "I don't know really. I wondered for a moment whether they were going to ask us to. You know like swap with them?"

Shocked, I asked. "Is that something you would like? I guess Stu, is a good looking bloke."

"Oh god no, Stu has never done it for me in that way. He is nice, but in a brotherly way, we're mates. I suppose, if you wanted to do it, we could. I mean he's not ugly. I simply can't imagine it."

"Then why did you ask?"

"Because, Claire is sort of every man's dream isn't she? I know all the blokes ogle her when we go out. She is by far the prettiest of our friends. Some of the girls are quite jealous of her."

"Piss off. You're just fishing for compliments. You are way sexier than her. You my love are the sexiest most beautiful woman I know."

"Flatterer." She purred. "But don't stop, I like it."


"So you guys really did the wife swap thing?" I asked Stu. I couldn't clear my head of the thought. He never seemed that sort of guy... I couldn't imagine it.

Nervously, he replied. "Yep."

"Are you still doing it?"

He stopped, staring at me, as we walked towards the fourth tee. "Sean, we're mates, I got the impression last night you weren't into it."

"I'm not. I know it's none of my business, I was curious. I never thought you'd be into it either. How did you get involved?"

"It's a long story. The crux of it is. Claire and I had a crisis moment in our marriage, and it required us to be completely honest with each other. We started talking and, I dunno really why. But we decided to give it a shot."

"Wow, must have been a hell of a crisis."

"Yeah, pretty big. Hey, it happens right?"

"I guess, I assume you both enjoyed it. Otherwise you wouldn't have gone back to the well?"

"Mate, do you really want to talk about this?" I couldn't figure out if he was pissed off with me prying, or he really wanted to talk.

"I'm trying to get my head around how, or why you chose that path that's all."

"It was when we started talking about fantasy stuff in bed. Claire can be quite forceful, a force of nature once she gets an idea in her head."

"Yeah, I saw that last night... It was her idea then?"

"No, she merely prised it out of me. I was interested, and she kept asking questions, and eventually I answered."

We played on for a few holes before I dredged up the courage to ask. "Were you guys hinting last night for us to swap?"

"No, hell no. Claire and I tried once before with friends and it was way to weird. I guess it came out last night because of that thing we were watching on TV. Claire and Zoe are pretty tight, I think that's why she opened up."

"Yeah, some of that shit. Jesus, as if a guy would let his wife lock him up in one of those cages. Surely that was just made for TV crap... Surely?"

He shrugged casually, but I noticed he looked uncomfortable. "No, I think there are guys who enjoy it."

"Really, what about the ones that encourage their wives to fuck other guys. I mean... That's just fucked up. Those guys must be fucking morons."

Stu snarled. "Knock it off Sean. People have different ideas about sexuality. What excites you might not excite me, and vice versa. Lets drop it okay."

"Yeah, sorry mate. I didn't mean to offend you." We carried on playing, although now there was tension in the air. Try as I might I couldn't find a way to restart any conversation. We ended up in the nineteenth having a couple of beers. Thankfully a couple of Stu's mates were there and came over.

At home, Zoe was just starting to prepare dinner. I walked up behind her as she sliced some beans. With my hands massaging her cute ass through her leggings. I leaned closer planting a wet sloppy kiss on her neck. "Hey babe. How did the shopping trip go?"

She turned in my arms, hers circling my neck and pulled us closer together. Her lips glided sexily over mine. The liquid texture of her velvety lips made my undies swell. Damn she was hot.

"The shopping was fun, but lunch was better." She said with a mischievous giggle."

"How so?"

"We talked about the swinging."

"Oh right. Had she calmed down? Last night she was pretty worked up."

"That was your fault." She said, letting her lips again mash against mine, the kiss growing intensely. "You goaded her, maybe not intentionally but the way you kept slinging insults at the people in that documentary. Those were real people Sean."

"I didn't say that stuff to insult her. I just found it disturbing. I think most people might not have said it, but certainly would have felt the same as me."

She winced a little, but wiggled her hips rubbing those gorgeous tits up against me. "I'm not sure you're right about that. Times have changed Sean. Those views you expressed last night were from the dark ages. Society is a lot more forgiving these days."

"If that were true. Why do they feel they have to hide their swinging lifestyle?"

"Yes, that's a good point." She said thoughtfully.

"What did she say about the swinging? Are they still into it?"

"Yes." She said falteringly. "Sort of anyway."

"Sort of? Not sure it's the sort of thing you can partially do."

"I'm sorry Sean, but she asked me not to tell you what we discussed."

"What... Why?"

"Because she's afraid of the way you would react. She made me promise before she'd talk to me."

"Jesus, am I that big an ogre."

"No, not an ogre, it was more about your views on the world. You were pretty over the top. She's nervous that you'll treat Stu differently. She knows you guys are tight and she doesn't want to mess that up."

Confused, I thought for a minute and blurted out. "Does Stu, have the hots for you, is that what it's about?"

"No, please don't ask me any questions. I promised. Now you go and have a shower. To put it bluntly, you stink."

I laughed at her remark knowing it was a subterfuge. She always said she loved the manly smell when I played sports. Sending me off to the shower was her way of shutting me up.

In bed that night, Zoe instigated sex, and like the previous night. She was already aroused. My fingers toying with her pussy proved that, her pussy already swollen and slick with her aromatic juices. Tonight though, there was a new Zoe, an in charge woman.

For the first time in our relationship, she asked me to lick her pussy. Not that I minded, I loved the taste of her pussy, and I enjoyed immensely giving her pleasure. Tonight, she was demanding, her hands in my hair guiding my tongue. Mashing her pussy against my face. She rubbed it all over me, using me like a sex toy. Often when we do this, it's as a prelude to sex, but tonight she kept me at it until my face was covered in her sticky gooey secretions. Jesus, there was so much there was a huge wet spot in the bed.

It didn't end with her orgasm either, she kept rubbing my face over her pussy until she was ready for sex. The moment I sank into her creamy depths, she elevated, her breathing coming in short ragged panting breaths. Her body moving sinuously. Her hips thrusting and bucking. We didn't kiss so much as she feasted on my lips, my mouth, my tongue.

She was a woman possessed. "Fuck me baby, do it."

This was also new, she didn't usually say fuck a lot. Tonight it oozed out of her, especially as her orgasm approached. "Fuck me, fuck me, go on do it, fuck me harder." She growled more than purred.

As we recovered, she let out a long sigh. "Wow, that was intense."

"That's one way to describe it. That got you so hot and horny?"

She rolled away from me, and whispered. "Snuggle up behind me."

I moved, one arm sliding under her neck to support her head. The other moving to her stomach to pull her back against me. My wet slippery cock sliding between her arse cheeks.

"I think it's just all the sex talk. Claire told me all about their relationship and some of their adventures and bloody hell, they have had a few."

Her arse wriggled, and although I had lost most of my erection, it was still partially firm.

"Sean, I got really aroused listening to Claire. There we were sitting in the little cafe in the mall, and she started to tell me all about her and Stu' relationship." Her arse wriggled a little more. My cock sliding up and down the crack of her arse.

I was getting hard really quickly, she reached around, grabbed my dick and massaged her swollen pussy lips until she squirmed a little more and I popped into her foaming slippery oven like pussy.

I couldn't help but play with her boobs as I slid in and out. It felt wonderful, the sensations of her wetness, her pulsating wet sleeve contracting and releasing as I slid into her.

"Stop." She whispered. "Let me control it. You just lie there..." After a breathless pause, she said. "Please."

I did as she asked, and stopped moving. She was in control, her hips moving slowly, like a gentle caress. It was torture. She moved so slowly, I felt like grabbing her hips and just fucking her, but she was insistent.

"Do you ever think about other girls when we're doing it?" She asked...

"No, Jesus, that's ridiculous. How in gods name could I think about somebody else, while I'm with you."

She answered with a long drawn out sigh, a moan of pure pleasure.

"Do you like it like this?" She asked.

"No, it's killing me."

She giggled evilly, as she continued to move, sometimes it was just her pussy convulsing around me, squeezing, compressing and releasing.

"Do you think about other men?" I asked.


She stopped moving, and whispered. "Would you mind if we went to sleep now?"


"Please babe, I want to go to sleep with you inside me."

If I was writing a method of torture on how to extract information... That would be it. You hear all those stories about men who just roll over and go to sleep after sex... Yep, I was starting to wonder if Zoe was actually a man. She was soon snoring lightly, her breathing light. She was sound asleep, and I was in hell, a gorgeous sweet sexy hell, but none the less painful.

I imagined she was dreaming as her hot little pussy squeezed involuntarily, her arse squirming. It took a long time before I managed to go to sleep, and it was only after my dick slipped out of her.

It took a couple of days, and I could see Zoe was irritated and uncomfortable. She definitely had something on her mind. Wednesday night, I got home from work, only to see Claire's car reversing out our driveway. She gave me a feeble off hand wave as she away, no smile, or any sign of recognition.

Inside, Zoe looked more uncomfortable than ever. We greeted as we always did, with a kiss, and cuddle. "Hard day?" She asked.

"No worse than usual. We're getting near the end, so the paperworks piling up."

She kissed me warmly again, adding. "I'm sorry babe." I needed a shower, and she said she was going to do some work on a new illustration.

Why was the house so tense, I kept asking myself. What had I done wrong? I checked the calendar on my phone for any important dates I may have missed. Nope, not that. It annoyed me, if she had a problem, why couldn't she just spit it out?

With my shower done, and a couple of beers under my belt, I wandered into her studio. "Want me to cook tonight?"

She glanced up, giving me a feeble smile. "Yes please, that'd be great."

Walking out, I heard her call. "Thanks bub, love you."

Dinner was nothing fancy, I can cook, but I'm no chef. We sat across from each other, and there was something burning her up. I'd had enough, I had been watching her push her food around her plate long enough, and the silence was as they say, deafening.

"Okay, spit it out. What the hell is going on?"

She looked up nervously, before she said. "I'm sorry. I know I've been a bit distant. It's not your fault. Not directly anyway."

"You've been pushing your food around that bloody plate like it was a toy bulldozer, and I know the foods not that bad. Can you just tell me what's going on?"

"I could, but I need a promise from you before I do. Can you do that?"

"What sort of promise?"

"I need you to promise me that after I tell you something important. You won't let it get in the way of your relationship with Stu."

"What the hell does he have to do with anything?"

"He's the reason, Claire made me promise not to tell you about their relationship." Her expression hardened as she added. "I hated keeping secrets from you, and it's been eating away at me. Today I told Claire I had to tell you. Thankfully, she understood."

Confused I said stupidly. "What is he, an FBI hit man or something?"

"No, don't be glib. I said it's important. Will you promise?"

"Yeah, of course. Why would what you have to say get in the way of me and Stu's friendship?"

"Because of all that dumb shit you said the other night while they were here. Claire's scared you'll flip and say or do something."

"You're driving me crazy here Zoe. Just tell me." The frustration was building so quickly I thought I was going to blow a fuse."

"Okay, okay." She sighed. "The thing is, Claire and Stu's relationship changed after they started the swinging."

"Yeah, I can imagine that." I said cutting her off.

"Will you shut up, and let me get this out." She snapped.

"Sorry." I mumbled under her steady gaze.

"They started off going to a local swingers club, but hated the sleazy guys. Then they started seeing some private couples. But things changed, it got a bit twisted. The swapping slowly changed into just Claire dating guys. At first, she saw them away from the house, then with Stu's approval. She brought them home, and that's where it gets twisted. Stu, started coming into the bedroom and watching."

"What?" I gasped in complete shock. "No fucking way, not Stu."

"Yeah, Stu. Eventually he confessed that he'd always had those fantasies. They had a big fight, and he opened up to her. Eventually, he became her more than willing cuckold."

"Fuck me..." I spluttered.

"There's more." She whispered. "You know on that show they showed men in Chastity cages?"

"Oh fuck no. No, no, no. You can't be serious. He wears a cage?"

She nodded. "It goes a bit further than that. They have what is called a 'Female Led Relationship.' He is pretty much, Claire's slave. Not just in a sexual sense. She is his mistress."

"Fucking hell."

She nodded, and started eating. "Thank god that's out." She said between mouthfuls. "It was killing me not being able to tell you."

I didn't know what to say, it was my turn to play bulldozers with my food. Zoe on the other hand hoed into hers like a starving animal.

Whilst we were doing the dishes she said. "Remember, you promised."

"Zoe, I'm still in shock. He's never shown any signs of being like that."

"Yeah, Claire hates the way people treat him after they find out. She's finding ways to deal with it, but whenever their friends find out, they change the way they are around Stu. She hates it that they disrespect him, she really loves him."

"How the hell could she love him if she locks his dick in a cage and doesn't let him have sex?"

"Babe, they have sex, and Claire says it's incredible. The only difference is, it's when she decides. He has to wait. Apparently he gets so wound up the sex is amazing when she lets him out. It's not that he doesn't have sex. He gets to lick her pussy all the time. He loves focusing all his attention on her. She said he is the best little pussy licker in the world now."

"Please don't tell me it's after she's been with somebody else?" I said feeling my stomach knot in disgust.

She sniggered. "Sometimes, and sometimes it's during. She loves to sit on his face while some guy is doing her."

"Fuck me dead... Jesus. Is he gay?"

"No, for gods sake Sean. He and Claire have been married longer than we have."

"Bi then?"

"Maybe, I don't know about that. Claire did say that having him totally involved is her biggest pleasure."

"The poor misguided bastard. I can't believe it."

"Sean, you promised. You can't let this knowledge change your relationship."

"How the hell is that going to work? What am I supposed to do now. Sit around and listen to him tell me how he watched some bloke fuck his wife. Jesus Zoe, how can it not change?"

"Come on Sean. If I hadn't told you, you'd never know. Has he ever said anything in the past?"


"Then why do think he would now?"

"I don't know. What I do know is, I'm going to struggle to look at him without seeing those images."

"Well, I think it's hot. He loves her, and she loves him. Okay, he's got a kinky side, but personally. It makes me horny as hell thinking about it. I was thinking we should give it a try."

She said it with a smile, and I knew she was joking. But it didn't stop me from snarling loudly. "Like fuck."

"I was joking." She said laughingly. "God, chill out. See, this is why Claire was nervous about telling you. Now I'm starting to worry myself."

That night as we lay in bed, Zoe said. "Shit, this whole thing is so kinky." She sniggered. "I always thought Stu was the staid one. I thought he was the sort of wet buzz kill. All that time he was the dirty little kinkster."

"Yeah, hard to imagine really."

"Does it excite you?" She asked as her hands began to roam lasciviously over my body.

"No, it actually works the other way. Revolting might be a bit strong, bit it certainly doesn't excite me."

"I have a confession." Her eyes fixed on mine in the dark. "It makes me bloody horny as." She grabbed my hand placing it on her pussy as she opened her legs. "Feel that baby. Bloody hell, I'm all sticky."

My fingers easily slid into her already open juicy core. "Hhhhmmm, You're not kidding are you."

"No, all I can think about is Stu licking Claire's pussy full of another blokes spunk. For some reason that arouses me."

her body responded quickly to my delving fingers. "Lick me babe, please?" She pleaded breathlessly.

I felt the pressure of her hands on my head, pushing me lower. I took the hint, and it was in no time flat her body was in the throes of a powerful orgasm.

As I slid my erection into her welcoming pussy. She sighed loudly the pleasure on her face so obvious. "God, do you know what I was picturing while you licked my pussy?"

"No, what?"

"That it was full of another man's cum, and you were licking it out. God babe, imagine it now. Your cock is getting coated in his hot creamy goo."

"Really. You are a dirty little minx aren't you." I rasped, her words shocking me.

"Yeah, filthy. How does it feel to have your cock covered in his cum?"
